Sinners Classified
May 24 The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. 1 Timothy 1:15 ESV
Foremost – Where are you in the rank order of sinners? Paul says that he is at the top of the list (so that place is taken). But I wonder if we who endorse the “grace” mentality of the Christian message aren’t a bit too quick to dismiss Paul’s ranking as so much hyperbole used to impress Timothy with the bigger message. We are so convinced that God forgives everything that we have the tendency to ignore our own failures. If Paul, who is so cognizant of his own mistakes, ranks himself as the foremost of sinners because he is acutely aware of the magnitude of forgiveness, perhaps we, who pretend that under grace our rebellion no longer matters, need to open up a super-category of sinners. If Paul puts himself at the top of the “aware and repentant” list, maybe I need to be at the very top of the “pretend it doesn’t matter but know better” list. The daily injections of “grace” anesthetic aren’t really helping to ease the pain in my soul. Maybe that’s why I have so much trouble looking into those eyes in the mirror.
Paul uses that great Greek word protos. It means “first,” of course, but perhaps this is one time when the English derivatives help us drive the point home. This Greek word reminds me that when I disobey I become like a proto-human. I am not yet what God intended. I am less than the full image. My choices make me something else.
It also helps me understand the protocol that governs my life. What system of rules governs my behavior? If it isn’t God’s original and official procedures, then what makes me think He will overlook my arrogant denial of His Lordship?
I think of proton, the stable sub-atomic particle that occurs in all atoms. The core of the atomic nucleus. The center of being. I wonder if God is at the core of my existence when I act in ways that ignore His directions. I wonder if the “God particle” makes any difference to me when I convince myself that His grace overrides my selfishness.
And finally I think of prototype. Who is my prototype? Is it Yeshua whose flawless obedience came through suffering? Am I fashioning my life around His form? Or have I convinced myself that an occasional moral vacation is the reward for spiritual discipline?
Perhaps Paul needs to make room for another at the top of the pile: one equally deserving of anything but grace.
Topical Index: protos, first, foremost, sinner, 1 Timothy 1:15
How about I am the “chieftest”, is that place taken?
Protocol reminds me of Esther, who was already a chosen queen, well trained in royal matters,
being fully aware of the consequences of entering the king’s inner court without being called,
fasted for three days, seeking first for YHWH’s favour.
Unlike in Christiandom, folks presumably, are to “come BOLDLY into the Throne Room of grace”, not ensuring if they are clean, if there is/are transgressions, trespasses committed against YHWH that needed to be repented and cleansed first, but are encouraged to simply invite Meshiach into their lives, just as ‘you are’-HE loves you!
That is a shaky foundation indeed.
Thankfully many of us survived that storm and are on firm ground today away from the shifting sand.
“Perhaps Paul needs to make room for another at the top of the pile: one equally deserving of anything but grace.”
Hopefully NOT, yet, ABBA has permitted some as vessels to dishonour to open our eyes to what darkness can be and do.
Hoshiana, ABBA YHWH!
~ What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? ~ (Romans 6.1)
Is it necessary that we “continue in sin?” Is it nice? Is it needful? Nope.
And our “ready” answer is? (Hello?-anybody home?) What do the scriptures say? Are we ready to say the same thing as God would say? Do we agree with Him? Are we ready, willing and able to align ourselves with what the word of God says?
Listen again, (perhaps, for the first time) to the words of Paul. There are only two, so these should be easy to remember and recall: (Ready?) “God forbid!”
Now, let’s practice together.. Ready? Let this word proceed from our thoughts, go forth across the teeth and tongue and here it is heard aloud…. “NO!!” May God forbid!!
The answer is an ever ready and ever steady- NO!! “We shall not.” (and if I may personalize, “I shall not.”
Resist the Tempter and he will flee from you. Practice saying.. “no!” But this “no” is only the half of it. Say “no” to this, AND say “yes” to something far greater and far more wonderful! Say “Yes” to Him! Say -“Yes, LORD.” I delight to do Your will! (Is our obedience to The Messiah and our Master -drudgery, duty or delight?) At Your right hand are pleasures- forevermore! Oh what a “foretaste” of glory Divine!
To take away a bone from a dog- offer him a steak instead. (most of us dogs have never seen the steak!)
Obedience (issuing forth from a heart full of love) is a choice. We (may) choose to obey God. (Would our obedience be pleasing to Him?)
What is sin in it’s simplest and purest form? Sin is (simply put) disobedience.
Back, – (way on back!) to the Garden. Hello Adam. Hello Eve. How are you all today? May I ask a question? One that I’m sure you have heard before and one that, no doubt – you will remember. My question today to my “not-so-great” great grandparents is this: Did God really say, “Don’t eat the fruit?”
Surely not!! Adam? Eve? Do either one of you “remember” what God DID say? What were the instructions of YHWH? What DID He say?
Oh.. “if only.”
If only Adam (or Eve or “both”) had remembered. And “if only” Adam had answered The Tempter, The (ever so subtle) Serpent “back in the day..”- “Yes.” “It is so,” (amen) God did say, don’t eat the fruit.” But you know how it is with “forbidden fruit!”- It’s just so (shall we say..) – tempting?
Adam(s) avad ADONAI- always! Amein!!
It is “always” the right thing to do for “any man” to obey the LORD of lords and the King of all kings.
Obedience is the straight and narrow path, the path (not “a” path) that leads to life. Have we so conveniently forgotten? ~ The Law of the LORD (what He says) is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple ~ Is this all? NO!! There is SO much more.. but we “all” do err- All we like sheep have gone astray- we have turned every one to his own way, (not the Way of our Savior- submission and obedience) and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity (twistedness) of us all.
What is the “straight and narrow path that leads unto life?” Submission and obedience. Trust and obey! ~ whatever He says unto you- “do it!” (Do it now!)
Christ our Savior. Christ our Redeemer. Christ our atonement. Christ our Example and Exemplar. ~ For me to live is “what?” and to die is “what?” To live: Christ. To die: gain.
~ He must increase. – “I” must decrease. ~ Why?
It is simply because “I” am not the center of the known (or unknown) universe. Friends of every stripe and persuasion,- it is all about Him. Christ is the center. Christ is the circumference. Christ is the compass- for He has said, (we all do pay attention to His words- right?) “If you love Me, you will obey my commandments.” Obedience out of a heart of love. What Father (or Mother) does not delight in obedient children?
Love God and love people. What’s not to love? (-nothing). Nothing except for one thing, the very thing God hates. (God hates?) Yes. God hates sin. (and so sshould we!) Why?
Shall we start the (long, long list?) No. Just look around. And we don’t have to look very far either to see.
The scars. The sorrow. The suffering. The separation. This, and much, much more.
~ Greater love has no man than this, that a Man (the Second Adam did) lay down His life for his friends ~ (John 15.13)
Now, consider again, (perhaps for the first time), the crucifixion, the cross, and Calvary. His words? “Remember Me..”
Stricken, smitten, and afflicted,
See Him dying on the tree!
’Tis the Christ by man rejected;
Yes, my soul, ’tis He, ’tis He!
’Tis the long expected Prophet,
David’s Son, yet David’s LORD;
Proofs I see sufficient of it:
’Tis The True and Faithful Word.
Tell me, ye who hear Him groaning,
Was there ever grief like His?
Friends through fear His cause disowning,
Foes insulting His distress:
Many hands were raised to wound Him,
None would interpose to save;
But the deepest stroke that pierced Him
Was the stroke that Justice gave.
Ye who think of sin but lightly,
Nor suppose the evil great,
Here may view its nature rightly,
Here – its guilt may estimate.
Mark the Sacrifice appointed!
See Who bears the awful load!
’Tis the Word, the LORD’s Anointed,
Son of Man, and Son of God.
Here we have a firm foundation,
Here the refuge of the lost
Christ the Rock of our salvation,
Christ the Name on which we boast.
Lamb of God for sinners wounded!
Sacrifice to cancel guilt!
None shall ever be confounded
Who on Him their hope have built.
Skip, I came to your site on the recommendation of a stranger who engaged me in a discussion of an article in The Jerusalem Post” I’m glad I followed the recommendation. It is interesting and instructional dissecting the words of the Word made Flesh. I admire what you do in your unique function in the Body of Christ.
Obviously you’re fluent in Hebrew, and I am assuming you are just as fluent in Greek?
Long ago I read somewhere the ancient Greek word for meek was a double entrendre, that is having a double meaning?
The 1st sense of the word was how it is usually interpreted by most people Today;
Meek 1. : enduring injury with patience and without resentment : mild
The 2nd and perhaps the True sense of Ancient Greek for meek was that of a horse charged up, ready to do battle?
Truly, I just now looked up the online definition of meek, and the modern English interpretation just might have answered the question I asked you?
2: deficient in spirit and courage : submissive
3: not violent or strong : moderate
Logically, seeing how the world is Today, People like that will never inherit the earth, but be trampled under foot!
“the protocol that governs my life.”
Before February 1, 1975, when God resurrected me from the Spiritually dead, I already had firmly established protocols that governed my Life.
One came from the Rolling Stones;
You can’t always get what you want!
You can’t always get what you want!
But if you try sometimes,
you find, you get what you need.
I wrote about the other protocol in my Blog;
I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I think wrong, and free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and ALL MANKIND.
It was in the days of my youth in 1960, when Kennedy was President, the Prime Minister of Canada, John Diefenbaker, introduced this preamble to the Canadian Bill of Rights.
I am not always conscious of this ideal, but in retrospect, as I just turned 65, I now realize it has been my internal auto pilot governing how I conduct myself, and how I deal with others.
February 26, 2011
Let all those that seek You Rejoice and be Glad in You: let such as Love Your Salvation say continually, The LORD be Magnified.
Psalm 40
Ray, Skip is in Israel without any Internet for the next few days. So I figured I would reply and recommend his book, The Lucky Life: The Backwards Beatittudes. I believe the answer to your question is in there.
Thanks, Patrick.
Did a quick search for the book and like the intro, “These zen-like sayings are examples of the upside-down perspective of Hebraic ethics.”
I see the design of the Star of David as symbolizing the end of the Babylonian Order of things and the upside-down perspective of Hebraic ethics.
The Star is made up of two pyramids inverse to each other.
I see the upright pyramid on a secure foundation as symbolizing the Nation built by God Christ prophesied about so long ago;
Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
Matthew 21:43
I can’t see that Nation in practice and effect in this world yet, but I think CanaDa, with it’s struggle on the aptly named ‘Plains of Abraham’ as symbolic of that Nation bringing forth the fruits of it.
The inverse pyramid, to me, symbolizes the system men have built for themselves and us, based on the love and service to money to the denial and neglect of God.
The whole world, believer, atheist and the Faithful, can see that pyramid is on the verge of toppling over.
I think it actually crashed in September 2008. That was the Writing on The Wall the whole world saw for the 1st Time at the same Time since Daniel recorded it some 2600 years ago in the Captivity of Babylon. We are still in the Captivity of Babylon in my view. Unfortunately for the world, it is still considered a money problem instead of the Spiritual problem it fundamentally is.
It was only because of the $1 Trillion TARP splurge and deficit spending by all the Global developed economies, was the Illusion of Business as Usual maintained.
That Illusion is quickly unraveling as it dawns on everybody the world cannot continue along the same way. Mankind has abdicated it’s role and responsibility as Stewards of this Earth for the love of money.
And the nations were angry, and your wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that you should give reward to your servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear your name, small and great; and should destroy them which destroy the earth Revelation 11:18
The Revelation is when we can see it happening in this real, material, money driven, secular world TODAY, by removing the rose tinted glasses, and seeing things for what they are, which are not always as we want them to be. That has to be worked on!
Yes in the Lucky Life there is a whole chapter on meek : domesticated power ( the horse), a reference to David not being a wallflower – judgement,sovereignty, pupose , power and hope and people that does not go down with a fight. Great!!
Here is God’s description of a “meek” horse:
“Hast thou given the horse strength? hast thou clothed his neck with thunder?
Canst thou make him afraid as a grasshopper? the glory of his nostrils is terrible.
He paws in the valley, and rejoices in his strength: he goes on to meet the armed men.
He mocks at fear, and is not frightened; neither turns he back from the sword.
The quiver rattles against him, the glittering spear and the shield.
He swallows the ground with fierceness and rage: neither believeth he that it is the sound of the trumpet.
He says among the trumpets, Ha, ha; and he smells the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains, and the shouting.” Job 39: 19-25
He lives listening for the call of the trumpet, it is his life to go charging into battle, submitted to the master on his back. This is what Jesus is talking about when He says “meek”, servants waiting for orders to go into battle, wherever the battle be, without fear for they are submitted to their Lord. Perfect love casts out fear.
We are not operating in a meek attitude until we submit completely to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ray, I thought you might find this interesting:
Jesus’ public teaching ministry began with the proclamation of the Beatitudes, and ended with the proclamation of the 7 woes of the religious leaders of His day as they confirmed their rejection of Jesus’ message and ministry.
After several parables by the Lord, the men whose cash flow He interrupted right at Passover, (Matt. 21) tried to trap Jesus by asking difficult questions. They failed miserably, of course, ( read Matt. 22: 46; 23: 12), then Jesus proclaimed the 7 woes which correlate perfectly with the Beatitudes, and show that the religious leaders not only reject Him but chose to do exactly the opposite of what is promised to bring happiness and blessing.
there is more.
From: The Beatitudes, God’s Plan for the Battle by Russell Stendal
to order:
ISBN 0-931221-41-2
(you might enjoy it as well as Skips book)
Those wrong headed thinkers you describe as the “it doesn’t matter” crowd need to read Romans Ch 6 carefully and realize just how silly it sounds when you expose it to the whole truth. The Gnostics are still among us!
If we accept the Revelation of Jesus Christ as the Revelation of Jesus Christ, he is brutally frank by these literal words. And the Spirit of the letter?
These things say the Amen, the Faithful and True witness, the Beginning of the Creation of God;
I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot: I would you were cold or hot.
So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue you out of my mouth.
I read that to mean there is no more sitting on the fence. We have to take the talents God has given us and use them and learn to refine and use them better.
Multitudes! Multitudes in the Valley of Decision. The Day of the LORD is near in the Valley of Decision.
Joel 3:14
Skip is always saying the Scriptures had to mean something to the people they were written to.
I love this teaching of the hot and cold.
The people at Laodicea knew exactly what Jesus was saying to their church. Laodicea was a city situated at the crossroads of the aquaduct system of Rome. Fifteen miles north of Laodacia was the Roman city of Hierapolis where people from all over came for the healing found in the HOT water springs of that city.
Ten miles east of Laodacia was the Roman city of Colossae where the incredibly COLD springs brought refreshment to weary travelers on their way to other regions of the world.
Both Hierapolis and Colossae sent their water to Laodacia via aquaduct, but the cold water of Colassae and the hot water of Hierapolis became lukewarm water–good for nothing–upon arrival at Laodicea. With this knowledge, “cold” in the context of 1st Century Rome and Jesus’ letter to Laodicea represents something “good,” not “evil.”
So what Jesus was saying to the people of Laodecia was simple, yet profound:
“I want you to be like the “hot” water that comes from the springs at Hierapolis.
I want you to be a people who bring healing to those hurting, wounded people that come your way.
I also want you to be like the “cold” water that comes from Colossae.
Be a people who bring refreshment to those who are tired, weary and full of despair.
As it is, you are now neither “hot” nor “cold.” Those who come into your midst find NEITHER healing nor refreshment. I know your works. They are “lukewarm” and good for nothing. As it is, I spit you out of my mouth.
You will find more at Ray Vander Laan Faith Teaching, check out one sample video. (The Very Words of God) 9.25 minutes
Thank you Dorothy, for these insights on the hot and cold springs in Laodicea. Also for causing me to revisit Job and God’s description of the horse.
Started living my 70th year Tuesday, and I have seen a lot of changes in this world. Just this Internet is an amazing development in only the last 20 years of human history.
I am amazed that I can make a comment from my home in Ottawa, CanaDa, and share my views and understandings which appear instantly in The Jerusalem Post, The Washington Post, The National Post and other online media.
What has really changed a lot is the meaning of words in the language of the Youth from what I knew and understood so long ago.
Good has been substituted for bad in the language Today. Anything that is good is called sick or dope or bad which means good in the minds of youth Today.
When friends discussed a Future activity, we would say, “I’m UP for that!” Today it’s “I’m DOWN for that” I don’t think this is the 1st generation that changed the meaning or perceptions behind words.
This is why I’m amazed, with all the 100 or so generations since the Scriptures were recorded 2000 years ago, anyone can be so certain of the exact meaning of words as understood by the people so long ago?
Maybe this is why John ends his Gospel with these words, idea and perception?
And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.
John 21:25
This suggests to me John is saying while the Bible is a Tutor or Schoolmaster bringing us to Faith in the Living Spirit of Christ, is not the complete story of God?
It is one thing dealing with the converted. It is totally different going out into the world and introducing the unconverted to the Living Spirit of Christ. That last word of John tells me we have to go out with a non Judgmental, open mind showing in word and deed, the Love Christ displayed for us on the Cross of Calvary.
To me, this is confirmed in the last chapter of the Revelation.
He that is unjust, let him be unjust STILL: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy STILL: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous STILL: and he that is holy, let him be holy STILL.
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.