The Greek navi

 If any one thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord’s commandment.  1 Corinthians 14:37 NASB

Prophet – Who thinks he is a prophet?  It seems like an odd question, doesn’t it?  Paul doesn’t ask, “Who is recognized as a prophet among you?”  The answer to that question would be easy.  How did the congregation recognize a prophet in the Tanakh?  A prophet comes with the authority of God Himself, with God’s own message, but, as Moses said, his words must be fulfilled exactly as spoken and he must neither add nor take away from anything revealed in Torah.  Oh, yes.  There are a few other characteristics of the ones called navim in the Tanakh.  In general (there are always exceptions, of course), these men did not want the job.  They recognized quite clearly that the path of the prophet was the path of rejection, agony and death.  God called men who squirmed in every way to get out of the assignment.  To be a prophet was not a status symbol or a title of power.  It was a terminal assignment of crushing responsibility.  To be a prophet (as Heschel so eloquently put it) was to bear the broken heart of God in human form, and that meant the eradication of human agendas.

So Paul does not ask, “Who among you is recognized as a prophet?”  People who carry the sorrow of God to the cross are easily identified.  Paul asks, “Who among you thinks he is a prophet?”  This is an ego-centered question.  “Who among you has the audacity to proclaim himself a prophet?”  Notice that Paul adds, “or spiritual.”  The Greek is pneumatikos.  Certainly you recognize the word from pneuma (wind, breath, spirit), but you might not appreciate the Greek connection between prophetes and pneumatikos in the Corinthian congregation.  In order to understand why Paul connects these two terms in this way, you must understand who Paul is writing to.

Corinth was the seat of a confluence of Greek pagan religions.  Temple worship practiced in Corinth included all kinds of idolatrous rituals, fertility cults and false gods.  So when Gentiles came into the Messianic congregation of the synagogue in Corinth, they brought a lot of these prior religious practices with them.  One of these practices was the connection between the mantic and the pneuma.  The mantic has direct contact with the deity and is possessed by the deity, exhibiting non-human speech, bodily contortions, ecstatic union, etc. as the pneuma occupies the mantic.  The prophet interprets this union in order to translate the experience of the mantic into understandable language.  If this sounds similar to Paul’s description of speaking in tongues, you should not be surprised.  This practice was widely accepted among Greek mystical religions.  What does this imply about the prophet?  He (or she) considers himself chosen by the god as a divine messenger, capable of intimate, intuitive knowledge of the divine will revealed through him.  This knowledge is unassailable.  It comes from the god.  The prophet is the god’s mouthpiece.

Notice the enormous difference between this view of the prophet and the Hebrew view of a prophet.  First, the Greek prophet’s words cannot be questioned.  There is no outside, public standard to determine their truthfulness.  The prophet is the only one who hears the god and reveals the god’s will.  Secondly, the Greek prophet is unique, an almost super-human figure selected by the god to be the god’s spokesperson.  Obviously, this sets the prophet high above all other adherents.  Finally, the Greek prophet usually delivers answers to personal inquiries.  The focus of the prophet’s interpretation is toward individuals rather than toward the community at large.  In fact, the Delphi Oracle was the source of personal answers, not declarations for the entire believing community.

Who thinks he is a prophet?  With a bit of Corinthian background, we might identify those who think they are prophets today.  Do they consider themselves above examination?  Do they claim direct and immediate, private understanding of God’s will?  Do they pronounce “a word from the Lord” over individuals and personal concerns?  Do they exhibit a life of exalted status?  Do they exempt themselves from the Torah standard?  These factors point toward a Greek navi, far removed from the one who carries God’s sorrow to the cross.  If you find such a “prophet,” run for your life!  Many perished following the self-proclaimed hubris of Greek mystic religions.  I am not so sure we don’t face the same issues today, dressed up in the disguise of Christian language.

Topical Index:  prophet, navi, mantic, pneuma, 1 Corinthians 14:37

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Dawn McL

You know, this is really interesting and very helpful. There are a few blogs out there that I read from time to time (okay maybe more than a few but you get the point) whose authors refer to themselves as “watchmen.” I wonder if this is just a more politically correct form of prophet? One of these does claim to hear directly from God in visions and such but he calls himself a watchmen. He says his heart is broken over the condition of America and prays for a 3rd great awakening.
His language is very evangelical Christian though and there are indicators that he does not follow Torah. He actually has a serious Greek mindset.
My conclusion is to be VERY weary of what he says in light of what I have just learned with this teaching.
Anyone else have a similar experience?


There’s a lady in France who is predicting the end of the world. Jeanine Sautron is prophesying the warmed up SDA end times hash with a few new twists. The scary thing is she is Torah observant as far as I can tell.

We also knew Art Katz who during the last days of his ministry warned the Jews throughout the US, Europe, Israel, and the mid-east that there was another Holocaust on the horizon and they needed to prepare for it. The odd thing was there was a second witness to this message. An unbelieving Jewish “prophet” who had nothing to do with Art was preaching the same warning in Israel at the same time.

Art’s message to the Church was that they needed to be prepared to step up and help Israel this time even though they would probably be in dire straights themselves.

He was not Torah observant but didn’t preach against it. Torah observance even among Messianic Jews was all but unheard of at that point in time. He also didn’t claim to hear a voice from God but rather found his messages in scripture through prayer.

He definitely had the gift of evangelism like I’ve never seen before or since. He was a different sort made up of a collision between charismatic culture and the bible.

What can we say about these people? Torah observance is just the beginning of obedience. If you can’t get your physical appetites under control how can you expect to mature into a spiritually discerning mouthpiece? Then again how can one know if no one tells you? How much ignorance is covered by grace?

The pot continues to simmer on the back burner for me. 🙂


Oh not likely!


As for Art, well you would have to see it to believe it.

He would know from across an airport or between the corridors of hospital rooms, etc….that there was someone that was open to receive the gospel and he would start walking in search of them. He would come right up to them like a guided missile and have the perfect words to say that melted them into a puddle. Often they would tell us that they had been praying for someone to come talk to them. If I hadn’t witnessed it with my own eyes I would not have believed it myself. Most but not all of these folks were Jews and they’ve actually continued in the faith through discipleship.

Arts books tell very little about Art’s ministry and character. They barely scratch the surface of the heart of the man. His heart was utterly broken over the condition of the church and the fate of his Jewish kinsmen. I think Avinu has his tears collected in a storehouse full of gallon jugs.

A perfect man? No!!! Just a broken and lonely one with unwanted messages for a defunked church and an apostate Jewish nation.

Michael and Arnella Stanley

I agree Pam. Having listened to many of Art’s teaching and read a number of his books, he was definitely one of a kind. One thing that allows me to be compassionate with regards to the plight of the church is the knowledge that Torah awareness, understanding and teaching seems to have began coming to the fore with the restoration of the state of Israel in 1948. This Torah restoration is something YHWH is doing in our time, in much the same way He is restoring Israel. In some sense, just as Israel was in exile, so was Torah. I believe we have to be careful that we do not expect former generations to have the same light we have today. You asked: ” How much ignorance is covered by grace?” I would say much ignorance (not willful ignorance however) is covered by grace. Shalom, Arnella


You know with Yeshua as Kohen Gadol in the Heavenly temple even willful sin is atoned for. All one need do is repent. The once for all sacrifice has been made for the entire nation.

Shabbat Shalom Arnella.


It couldn’t be any other way. It’s not what we say but what we do.

Often we can’t undo what we’ve done but we can stop doing wrong and begin doing good. It’s that whole put off, put on thing the reformed folks like to preach about. To bad they don’t put on Torah.

I believe whole heartedly that The minute we turn around and head in the direction of our Father in heaven, He see’s and runs to greet us with open arms and a joyful heart.

The interesting thing about our High Priest is that He makes atonement for the whole “NATION OF ISRAEL” I hear preachers talk about “spiritual Israel” but I don’t think I’ve ever heard them call the church the “Nation of Israel.” When Elohim scattered the nations by language He also set aside a nation for Himself. That’s what our covenant through Abraham is all about Right?


I have been asking God about this very subject and receive this TW as one to which I will give careful thought.

An assertion among many in the “prophetic movement” is the practice of something they call New Testament prophecy. This allows adherents and practioners to be inaccurate, sometimes highly inaccurate, and not be pointed out as false prophets with the accompanying condemnation.

No biblical proof is offered proving that there is such a thing as New Testament prophecy. It is simply assumed that Jesus and Paul created a new religion.

I believe I’ve read that Dr. Brad Young is researching what might broadly be called charismatic experience(s) in second temple judaism. Honi the circle drawer comes to mind. If anyone knows if he has published anything in this area I’d appreciate a heads up. I can’t find anything on Google. I already have Jesus/Paul the Jewish Theologian and Meet the Rabbis.

Thanks for this TW Skip.

Thomas Elsinger

This message for today makes sense. But then why did Paul say what he did two verses later: “Desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak with tongues”?


Shalom Thomas,
if I may reply to your query, prophesying and proclaiming to be recognised as a prophet are different issues:-
Receiving a word from the Ruach to say to an assembly to strengthen their walk;
Predicting what will happen in the coming days/months/years.
All predictions by prophets need to come to pass, whereas prophesying can be a word of encouragement or correction/rebuke- a gift, for the building up of the members of Messiah’s Body of Followers.
There is the gift of speaking in tongues and another the interpretation of tongues, also. 1Cor 12.
Hope this clarifies? Blessings to you.



How is it going?

I have been doing some research for you concerning Dr. Brad Young. He has a site that can be found at: He has a video there concerning “Jesus among the Rabbi’s . . .” it would not download from my computer. I am sure you could contact him from his website and ask him if he has any other sources.

Here is a link that might prove resourceful:

Here is another site:

There is a book by D. Aune, “Prophecy in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediterranean World” (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1983.

Hope you may find this helpful.

YHWH is King!


Brian, that is much appreciated. I’ll check it out.



I have some information for you that is waiting moderation. I believe the reason for this is because I used my wife’s computer instead of my own.

In His Care, Brian

carl roberts

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know you the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: and every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof you have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world hears them. We are of God: he that knows God hears us; he that is not of God hears not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.


I did my study time this morning on this subject, chasing the very verse you are using, Carl

SO needful to study the truth —the Bible— and not exchanging it for a lie (Rom. 1:25)
or depend on counterfeit righteousness (Rom. 10:1-10)

carl roberts

Yes, our “bottom line” (and our sure foundation) is our Bible, the “plumbline” of Amos. ~ To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, (the word of God) it is because there is no light in them ~ (Isaiah 8.20)

Back to the Bible. Amen. (Search the scriptures, folks!)

Not once, not twice, but three times our Savior said to the deceiver: “it is written..” and again, it was our Savior who said to the Pharisees, (a very educated and elite group!), ~ “You do err, not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God!” ~ (Matthew 22.29)

I hope I haven’t “erred” in doing so, but I take this rather personal, for I fear my exposure to the Light and the Truth found in the word of God has been far too limited.

~ Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar. ~ (Proverbs 30.5,6)

Are these my words? No! These words and many more are found in the Book God wrote. Friends, have you ever heard? ~ All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, (is God-breathed) and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man (or woman) of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work ~ (2 Timothy 3.16,17)

~ Therefore, encourage one another with these words ~ …. (Whose words?- mine?- NO!) Not my words- His! The word(s) of God! What did our Savior say? (and how soon we forget!) ~ the words I speak unto you- they are spirit and they are life! (John 10.10)


“They recognized quite clearly that the path of the prophet was the path of rejection, agony and death. God called men who squirmed in every way to get out of the assignment. To be a prophet was not a status symbol or a title of power. It was a terminal assignment of crushing responsibility.”

Yet, churches elevate such folks in their assemblies as prophets, simply for their saying “Thus saith the Lord”, and no one questions by what spirit, for fear of being called scornful.
Such folks did not proclaim themselves to be prophets, it is the church leaders who elevated them to such a status, but sadly, these “prophets” themselves did not protest that elevation, instead, they enjoy that position. Ignorance? Probably. Pride? Hope not!

Looking at the prophets, YeremiYah, for example, and many others, what extremes they have to experience and suffer.

“I would say much ignorance (not wilful ignorance however) is covered by grace. Arnella ” Truly so!

ABBA is so patient and longsuffering towards us.

Sherri Rogers

I find Deuteronomy 13 incredibly helpful in defining true and false prophets. If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or wonder, and the sign or wonder comes true concerning which he spoke to you and then says, “Let us go after other gods and let us serve them,” you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer of dreams, for YHVH is testing you to find out if you love YHVH your Elohim with all your heart and all your soul. But that prophet shall be put to death because he counseled rebellion against YHVH who brought you from the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery (to other gods) to seduce you from the way in which YHVH your Elohim commanded you to walk (out of Egypt and into TORAH).
We are told the in the last days the deception will be so good that even the very elect could be deceived if that were possible. Also that there will be lying signs and wonders. So what is the criteria that establishes a true prophet? It is not whether their words and/or dreams come true although that is important, it is whether their message is calling for a return to TORAH.

Ida Blom

Excellent word, Skip! Very timely.