Accounting Principles

To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each according to his own ability; and he went on his journey.  Matthew 25:15 NASB

Gave – God might not be a policeman but He is an accountant.  Of course, He is also advocate, prosecutor, judge and jury (actually, there is no jury in Hebrew thought).  Yeshua’s parable about the talents (money, not skills) is a story of the accountant’s clients.  One of them makes a huge mistake and the result is worse than an IRS audit.

In this word picture about God, Yeshua begins with “he gave.”  The Greek verb is didomi, with the emphasis on the beneficial outcome to the recipient and the character of the giver, not on the gift itself.  The Master accountant gives.  Stewardship is expected!  The point of the parable is not “safe-keeping.”  In fact, the one who met the full cultural requirements for safe-keeping was punished!  The point of the parable is putting the assets to use.  Previously, we noted that the motivation of the punished servant was fear.  Because he knew the stringent requirements of the Master accountant, he was afraid to risk the asset.  That fear led him to his pitiable end.  The purpose of the gift is to be used regardless of the outcome.  Risk-taking is part of God’s economy.

We could extend this parable to other aspects of our lives.  We could ask questions about how much we are risking for God in our daily walk, in our diligent pursuit of His instructions, in our reckless abandonment to His restoration of the Garden.  The rabbis make such an extension with similar parables, calling on followers to treat the Scriptures as the sacred trust account God has given us.  We could make these applications to our relationships, our community commitments, our willingness toward changing God’s world for good.  We could, but we probably have enough to handle with just the financial part of the ledger.

When I taught a seminar about living the Hebraic worldview, I suggested that if we are going to use the financial assets God gave us, we need to be deliberate about turning coins into connections.  If you really believe that God has given you money in order to make a difference in things that matter, then convert your coins into His character.  Pick a business (a gas station, a small store, a dry cleaner) where your patronage is recognizable, where your purchases make a real difference.  Then go to the owner and tell him, “I want you to know that I will help you succeed.  I’ll be a regular customer of yours.  You’ll see me often.”  That’s all.  No hidden evangelism.  No left-behind tract.  Just the intention to prosper that person.  This is what God told His people to do in Babylon.  Put God’s assets to use to harvest relationships and you will reap the reward.  But bury those assets in the ground, hide them for safe-keeping or a rainy day, and expect to hear the Master accountant pass judgment when the books are opened.  Go find someone to prosper.  Do it now before the coins in your pocket get too heavy to pass along.

Topical Index:  give, didomi, asset, stewardship, relationship, Matthew 25:15


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Ray Joseph Cormier

God is God of the Gentiles too is a priority thought expressed in scripture. Anyone who believes in Almighty God has to believe God can operate through Gentiles as well as anyone in any of the 3 monotheistic religions claiming authority based on the worship and service to the God of Abraham in the Present tense.

If 1000 years to God is the same as a Day for a human, through the 6000 year or 6 Day human history between God and Man recorded in the Bible, by the same Time scale, we are at the 3rd Day when Christ will resurrect from the dead!

While this would be considered “secular” music, I can also see God uses it to plant subliminal seeds in the minds of secular society. Hope you enjoy the Spirit of it!

carl roberts

Sense and Sensibility of Stewardship..

Totally agreed. All “assets” are to be used, including the mammon we have been entrusted with. If I only had a million bucks I would..- Would you?- What are you doing with the one $ in your pocket or purse today? ~For he that is faithful with little is faithful also with that which is much ~ How are we (yes) investing in the kingdom of God?- and (yes) investing in building relationships.
Relationships matter, for every life (every life) is beautiful to God. This includes those who are not yet in “the family,”- those who are now our brothers and sisters *in Christ.*
Not near enuf may be said about stewardship. Money does matter (try paying the light bill without it) but money is only a medium of exchange. Once upon a time, we may have used turnips from our garden in exchange for goods or services, but today in this present time and in the very culture we now live in.. money, (both soft and hard) is the medium of exchange. Say, how many turnips do you want for that nice truck?
God knows our needs and He said “I will provide.” Yes, kids..- this include the light bill that is due. And taxes? (oy) We have already been instructed to ~ render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s- and unto God the things which are God’s. ~
I believe most of us are compliant tax-paying citizens, but where we fail miserably is in “part two” of this very verse..- “and unto God the things which are God’s”
Shall we? What (exactly) is due unto Him? (Fasten your pew belt..) and ~ give unto the LORD the glory due His Name.. ~ Do we? “The half has not been told..”- I wonder if we have even reached (in accounting terms) the 1% mark! – and why not? What prevents this? What hinders the praise that is due unto our Sovereign LORD? (he inquired).
I believe I’ve found the head of the nail. It is a thing (very effective) called “distraction.” We are distracted-divided-discouraged sheep. ~ “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our LORD Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.” ~(Romans 16:17-18) Mark and avoid.
Turn the T.V. to the “off” position. Stare at the (now) black screen for a while and then notice (if you will) the peace and quiet (two words that seem to be travelling companions) that now inhabits the very place where you are. Marvelous, isn’t it? Ahh..- the sounds of silence. So refreshing!
Now focus. But this time, we are able to give our (undivided) attention to something entirely different, something new, something refreshing and life-giving. We focus on Him. ~ Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith ~ Yes, to spend time (quality time) with the One we love- nothing exists on this planet to even begin to compare this with.. to worship the King in spirit and in truth.
Stewardship. Of time and money- which would you choose? O- if I only had a little more time.. – what are you doing with the time you have now? Time can only be spent. Spend it with the One (and the ones) you love! – and it will be time well spent. Treasure this time and guard it well- today, make good memories! Live-laugh-love! Love the LORD your God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. Redeem the time- “Do not squander time for it is the stuff life is made from.”

Donita Waldron

very powerful and mind opening!

Ian Hodge

“Go find someone to prosper.”

This has been a long held view within Christian teaching. An example from the 17th century, Westminster Larger Catechism, in its explanation of the Eighth Commandment. Note the last clause: “an endeavor, by all just and lawful means, to procure, preserve, and further the wealth and outward estate of others, as well as our own.”

Question 141: What are the duties required in the eighth commandment?

Answer: The duties required in the eighth commandment are, truth, faithfulness, and justice in contracts and commerce between man and man; rendering to everyone his due; restitution of goods unlawfully detained from the right owners thereof; giving and lending freely, according to our abilities, and the necessities of others; moderation of our judgments, wills, and affections concerning worldly goods; a provident care and study to get, keep, use, and dispose these things which are necessary and convenient for the sustentation of our nature, and suitable to our condition; a lawful calling, and diligence in it; frugality; avoiding unnecessary lawsuits and suretyship, or other like engagements; and an endeavor, by all just and lawful means, to procure, preserve, and further the wealth and outward estate of others, as well as our own.

When business owners realize that God has blessed them to the point that they are able to offer other people the chance to get wealthy working for them, the business world will be transformed. At the moment, we are not even close.


Excellent point. And even more incentive for Christians to start a business (or a side-business this summer?) – may God bless those endeavors which uphold His principles and work toward the establishment of His kingdom.


Our way ‘back into the garden’ is thru fellowship with Him.
In Christ, God has opened the garden again, thru faith in Jesus.
He has restored to us the same kind of special intimacy that He enjoyed with the first two humans.

It is not future, it is now. It never was about the beautiful plants and delicious fruits and petting the tame animals, and perfect weather– it was about walking and talking closely with and to Him, and listening/hearing Him when He talked to us. All the rest is enjoyable, but is an addition to the main thing.

He said to come boldly before the throne (Heb. 4:16). We can just run in there, just like meeting a friend we are accustomed to see daily strolling along beside us on the path.
He ripped open the veil (Luke 23:45). We can enter “the most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh…” (Heb. 10:19-20)

Our broken relationship with God, the slammed-shut gate to the garden, is fixed!!!
That’s what the good news is.
Jesus is both God and man. No one else is like Him. When we finally behold Him face-to-face, we will be looking at a man. No one else in the whole of the universe or eternity was able to put/join God and man together again. But He did it in The One God-man, Jesus!


O, yeah, I also wanted to say:
The giving approach epitomizes God’s love for others.
Theft is the epitome of selfishness.

It still comes down to individuals. Everything — person or not — controlled by God gives. The sun gives light, the cow gives milk, the earth gives food. Humans will give more, not only $, but time, and self. Those that are not even close to the way God wants us to live are simply not surrendered to God.

It is important to Him that generosity motivates our choices. Because generosity and selflessness are qualities of His own character, He asks that from our hearts, our deepest desire be to give and serve others ahead of lavishing possessions on ourselves.

If everyone did this, it wouldn’t be only the business world that would be transformed. God still transforms lives one heart a time.


Investing into the kingdom is top priority, be that funds or knowledge to impart to bless, strengthen and encourage others in their walk with ABBA.

Yet, one can only give what one has, so…
“to treat the Scriptures as the sacred trust account God has given us”,
we will have an account to give to YHWH should our accounting (of His Word) be in error!
Wrong crediting (adding to) or wrong debiting (taking away from) creates chaotic situations that will mess up folks’ lives.
That is a risk we ought not take, as eternal lives are at stake.

נתן natan- Give in Hebrew is reversible. What you give will return to you, be it ten-fold, hundred-fold, shaken, pressed down and overflowing!



I have a different take on all of this. I can see what you are speaking about but the first thing that came to my mind was gifts I receive. You know those gift cards and presents wrapped really nice? I can’t tell you how many times I have tucked them away; Saving them for just the right time. In my mind I know I just don’t want to spend it or waste it. I think I’m like a hoarder to some degree. I think sometimes it’s fear based. But, this is what happens nine 10ths of the time: I forget where I put it, I forget completely about it and maybe find it a few years later and it has expired!! This gift is absolutely useless to me by the time I rediscover it. Then I am sad and bummed out. I see how much someone has spent and it is a complete loss. No one got the benefit except the merchant. (Personally I don’t think gift cards should have an expiration on them.) Anyway, I wasted the gift given to me so many times. Even massages! What a waste. The ones that were food or lotions are also rancid from sitting in the closet waiting for the right time to be used. I have jewelry in boxes, shirts in packages waiting for the right time. That’s crazy. I bought rings for my sons in Israel to give them at the right time. That was 8 years ago. Wow, I must need therapy!

I am trying to retrain myself to use the gift. It’s really ok I tell myself. So, not too long ago I had a huge basket of products from Israel someone gave me. There is was all wrapped up for a few months. I made myself open every single one of them and start using them. I’m telling you it was very hard. I think somehow I learned this from my mom who was a child of the depression and she just hoarded money as if she was broke. She never was, but she lived with a paupers mentality. Before she passed away my dad had to use the thousands and thousands of dollars she saved for her assisted living and medical treatment. He often said she would go crazy if she knew we were spending thousands each month on her living expenses. Her rainy day never came. She squandered and then one day she didn’t have the ability to use it. But, honestly I’m not sure she ever would have. She was afraid.

I think when someone gives you a gift they in essence want you to prosper and be filled up in some way. They are doing their part and I’m sad to say I have let the seed they planted in my life die by covering it up and ignoring it.

carl roberts

How we take for granted what has been granted, namely-specifically, (count your many blessings) “everything!,” or all things.

~ According as His divine power has given unto us *all things* that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who has called us to His own glory and virtue ~ (2 Peter 1.3)

~ For who makes you to differ from another? and what have you that you did not receive? now if you did receive it, why do you glory, as if you had not received it? ~ (1 Corinthians 4.7)

Back in the day.. when I was a carpenter hammering nails and sawing lumber..(I wonder if I can still smack the nail on the head,-I’ve since become pretty good at sawin’ lumber!) I would often think of this verse during the course of my daily labor: ~ For every house is builded by some man; but He that built all things is God ~ (Hebrews 3.4)

Friends, if it were not for grace: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.

~ He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up (for us for the Jew only?- for the Gentile only? No.- *for us ALL- for ALL have sinned..), how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things? ~
(Romans 8.32)

What things? ~ ALL things that pertain unto life and godliness..~ Right here-right now, -on this green planet!, for He has said, ~ I have come that they (the sheep belonging to the always Good Shepherd) might have life, and have it abundantly! ~ Perisson: to the top and running over! (John 10.10)


Skip, this may not be the right thread to post this for your review but I wonder what you’d say to this analysis of covenants and the Sabbath?