Giving Myself a Black Eye
but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified. 1 Corinthians 9:27 NASB
Discipline – We live the lives of Jacob, so maybe we need the same faith as Jacob. What I mean is that we aren’t Job. We are not righteous men and women. We struggle with Torah. We make mistakes. We take “vacations” from the commandments. We are “foremost” among the sinners, just like Paul. I would imagine that most of us have at one time or another attempted to manipulate God’s grace in our favor. It’s difficult for us to say with complete confidence, “Even if you slay me, yet I will worship you.” We are much more like the schemer Jacob, trying to figure out how to stay out of trouble and still get what we want.
Jacobs’s faith is a fighting faith. He has to wrestle with God. He loses (so do we all) but he won’t quit even in defeat. That’s why his name becomes Israel – and for the rest of his life you will find that he vacillates between his old name and the new name God gave him. Sounds a lot like me.
What does Paul’s statement about discipline have to do with Jacob? Well, the word Paul uses is the Greek hypopaizo. Yes, it does mean discipline, but it is a word from the boxing world. It is used by Diogenes Laertius to describe a fight where one man gives the opponent a black eye. Hypopaizo is a punch in the face. It’s a graphic, powerful, confrontational word that belies the idea of mental asceticism. Paul literally says that in order to follow the leading of Yeshua he must pound himself into shape. He gives himself a black eye in order to stick with the Lord. He and Jacob go through the same “discipline,” that is, they have to use every ounce of energy to hold on to God in order to be worthy of His blessing.
Discipline is not for the weak. It’s not for those who aren’t willing to be beaten up a bit. It’s not for those who are out of shape, who think this life should be easy and God will “take care of things.” Discipline is for those who are willing to be knocked down and still get back up again. This is what I need, and for the same reasons Paul states. What is the point of providing all this elaboration of the Word if I myself fail to meet its standard? I have to be ready to be given a black eye for God’s sake. Most of the time that black eye doesn’t come from some other person. I’m the only one, other than the Lord, who knows how much I fail to keep the instructions that I teach others. I need to beat myself into shape. God will certainly assist, but until I take off the face guard, I am not really in the fight. In this battle, I have to be ready to give myself a black eye.
Far too often we opt for a comfortable spirituality. Of course, we are willing to take on difficult tasks “for the Lord,” but when it comes to beating myself, to wearing down all those offers from the yetzer ha’ra, we would rather play the church video game from the couch. No blood in that! If you get hit, it doesn’t hurt and you can just push the OFF button. God, unfortunately, is the God of life, not games, and life is in the blood. If you’re going to play in His world, you better bring bandages.
Topical Index: hypopaizo, discipline, wear down, 1 Corinthians 9:27
Ditto! Thanks, Skip – I needed to hear this right now!
LOVE IT!!! LOVE IT!!!! You are so right on and exactly what I am experiencing! Thank you! That was heart
felt and expressed so perfectly! Shabbat Shalom.
The Blessedness of Brokenness: A New Name
That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two female servants and his eleven sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. After he had sent them across the stream, he sent over all his possessions. So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.”
But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”
The man asked him, “What is your name?”
“Jacob,” he answered.
Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.”
Jacob said, “Please tell me your name.”
Poor Jacob! He didn’t know what we know now: – “your arms are to short to box with God!”
Brothers, sisters, Jacob was in a wrestling match for quite some time until the angel (got tired of it?), said enuf!- and touched Jacob so that his hip went out of joint or out of socket. Yes. Ouch!
Okay, then.. ready for round two? Wassamatter wit’ u Jacob? Just because u have no hipatall does this mean your gonna throw in the towel, and give up? How much pain, dear Jake, is enuf pain before you finally recognize, realize and (you are some kind of hard-headed, mule-headed dumb-as-dirt beast aren’t you?) O persistent and tenacious one, give in, give up and (let’s call it like it is) “surrender..”
Ol’ Jake (the snake) says, “I surrender all”- and the angel says “You just won for yourself a new name!” From Jacob (Mr. Twister, Mr. Manipulator, Mr. I-got-it-all-figured-out, Mr. What’s-in-this-for-me?, Mr. Supplanter, Mr. Schemer and Dreamer gets for himself (actually it was given to him) a new name and as every single solitary Hebrew name will testify, a new nature also. He is now “Israel” or Prince with God! I’d call that a promotion- wouldn’t you?
Jacob, (Israel after the flesh), quit trying to manipulate and quit trying to “be strong!” Haven’t you heard? ~ His strength is displayed in our WEAKNESS! ~ Jacob, quit your squirming and (for Heaven’s sake) be still. ~ Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him and He shall bring it into being. ~ Don’t be a fighter, Jake, be a Lover!- be more like your Father and tender and compassionate like your Elder Brother. Learn the fine art of surrender!
Yes, Jacob got his edumacation (just like most of the rest of us)- the hard way! He had to be broken, and “meeked” by the Master. But, don’t you just love happy endings? ( I sure do!) ~ By faith Jacob, as he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and worshiped, leaning on the top of his staff ~ (Hebrews 11.21)
Writer John Stallings
I’m learning to lean, learning to lean,
Learning to lean on Jesus.
Finding more power than I’d ever dreamed,
I’m learning to lean on Jesus.
The joy I can’t explain fills my heart,
Since the day I made Jesus my King;
His blessed Holy Spirit is leading my way,
He’s teaching and I’m learning to lean.
I’m learning to lean, learning to lean,
Learning to lean on Jesus.
Finding more power than I’d ever dreamed,
I’m learning to lean on Jesus.
There’s glorious vict’ry each day now for me,
Since I found His peace – so serene;
He helps me with each task, if only I’ll ask;
Ev’ry day now I’m learning to lean.
I’m learning to lean, learning to lean,
Learning to lean on Jesus.
Finding more power than I’d ever dreamed,
I’m learning to lean on Jesus.
~ And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather boast in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me ~ (2 Corinthians 12.9)
and I surrender “all..”
Shalom Carl,
Hope I am not entering the ring! LOL
Jacob/Yaaqov does not mean “supplanter, manipulator, twister”, it means ‘heel grapper’, as he grapped the heel of Esav Gen 25:26 ..and his hand took hold on Esav’s heel, and his name was called Yaaqov.
Verse 23 Rivqa had enquired of YHWH, Who said Two nations are in your womb…. the elder shall serve the younger. (A pattern of the flesh and the spirit-one who loves to hunt/kill, and the other stays in the tent, to study Torah)
26: 34 Rivqa remembered this when she saw Esav, not honouring his birthright of the firstborn, took two Hittite wives, which were a grief to his parents..
Remembering too that Esav SOLD his birthright, so he has given up his right of inheritance of the Firstborn.
Yaacqov on the other hand knew what the firstborn inheritance is, and desires it not to be lost to one who does not cherish it, like the parable of the The Prodigal Son (but he repented, he returned! halleluYAH!)
With the issue of the streaked, speckled and grizzled, Yaaqov was told in a dream what would be his. YHWH would have given him that wisdom what ‘herb’ to us to bring that about.
Folks in those days have a much better knowledge of herbs that we who claim to have “progressed” in knowledge.
But we are being restored and getting back to herbs for healing and better health.
This is also a prophectic picture given us right from the beginning-
Gen 3: 14/15 ..the seed of the adversary shall bruise your head (through our thoughts/desires) and the seed of the woman (Torah followers) all bruise the adversary’s heel.
Hope that helps to clear some misconceptions.
Hmmmm. Thanks. I had never connected the grabbing of the heel, to the “and you shall bruise his heel” earlier on in Genesis. I had always been taught that Christ crushed Satan’s head/power by accomplishing his mission on earth, but that Satan bruised his heel (in the crucifixion),… or something like that.
Hi Gabe,
So glad we are not ever-learning and never coming to the knowledge of truth.
ABBA YHWH is ever gracious to lead us into all truth by His Spirit in these exciting times of restoration.
I merely wanted to clear Yaaqov’s name, just as Skip and many others, are trying so hard to clear Paul’s name of false teachings! LOL
Blessings to you.
Thanks! My Christian walk WAS growing more and more stale, complacent, and powerless — but this paradigm shift – a clearer view of God – has given new life to my family and I.
It is the shallow and powerless versions of Christianity which make the whole bible seem like impossible fables. If it weren’t for this fresh breath, I might have thrown away the whole idea of religion/faith/God.
I thought you walked into a pole, or something when I read the title in my email, and like Roy, I said “Ouch”. LOL.
“Discipline is for those who are willing to be knocked down and still get back up again.” Amein!
Not counting though, how many times I have been knocked about, bruised, and wounded, but “still standing”, by the false accusations, insensitive folks lashing out with their tongues, careless remarks,
worst of all, the uncaring actions.
Regardless if you have your face guard on, or otherwise, those punches are meant to hurt!
Well, we are in the battle! Are we to be knocked down?
But, though we may stumble in those times, our loving ABBA picks us up again and again, in fact 7times.
I appreciate the invitation to ‘fight the Amalekites’. Every man needs a battle to fight, and in the absence of a worthy battle – he will grapple his own ‘internal demons’. How true this has been in my own life.
Hi Gabe,
(Hopefully this ends up in the right reply space.)
You are so encouraging, thank you for sharing that.
We have been called out of Babylonian mindset, to have the vital paradigm change to
return to Hebraic thinking which was the way it was written from the beginning,
to clear away all the misconceptions taught by so-called “shepherds” who had no understanding of the Hebrew language, context nor culture, nor taken the time to study under ABBA YHWH’s Spirit, instead of under men in seminaries.
Yet, those who seek, hunger and thirst will find, and many have come out of false teachings. HalleluYAH!
I was always in consternation when my good ole KJV study Bible says-in Hebrew it means this or that. Then ABBA led me to discover the many sound online teachers on Hebraic mindset.
What a blessing!
It is so refreshing, and the Bible comes to life, and is no longer boring with historical events.
Skip has many Today’s Word articles archived under Books and Audio.
Blessings to you and your family.
Ooooh, what a reminder and encouraging word. Being in this for the long haul, why stay down with the black eye I just pick myself up and keep moving. I am glad that I get to be invited to follow in the Way., that alone is more than enough for me.
Shalom Shalom to all ♡
Amein! True, but so much to learn on the way
Shalom to you!