John Gager on Anti-Semitism
In his book, The Origins of Anti-Semitism, John Gager (Princeton University) provides evidence that has important implications for our understanding of the early years of Christianity. Let me offer some citations and then summarize them.
On historical methodology:
“The status of the New Testament as Christian scripture creates a tendency to read it as if it were directed not to the specific issues of a particular time and place but rather to every time, every problem, and every human situation. Krister Stendahl has shown that such a ‘timeless’ reading can have a radical effect on interpretation. For as Stendahl contends, ‘[i]n the common interpretation of Western Christianity . . . Paul’s argument has been reversed into saying the opposite of his original conclusion.'” (p. 7) [Paul on Torah is a critical issue for our understanding of the early assemblies and we must not read him as if he speaks our language.]
Gager cites Hare in the identification of “Jewish Christian anti-Judaism, which reflects the belief that the decisive act of God’s involvement with Israel is the death and resurrection of Jesus. In this view, these events not only fulfill the promises of the old covenant but actually negate the primary characteristics of that covenant, namely, Temple, Torah, and ritual commandments. Faithful gentiles now stand alongside faithful Jews as the new Israel. The path to repentance and redemption is still open for the ‘old’ Israel, but only through faith in Jesus Christ.” (p. 8) [This is still taught in every major Christian institution today.]
“Christianity seeks to define its originality and to defend its legitimacy against the claim of Judaism” (p. 16)
“From that time forward [the fourth century], within the context of a Christian Empire, anti-Semitism ceased to be merely a matter of popular resentment and theological-exegetical debate. It became the ideological justification for anti-Jewish legislation and for the destruction of synagogues.” (p. 16)
” . . . pagan anti-Semitism makes a significant impact on Christian attitudes only toward the end of the fourth century CE. . .” (p. 17)
Marcel Simon argues that the “anti-Jewish apologetic . . . is part and parcel of Christianity’s effort to define itself vis-à-vis Judaism.” (p. 17)
Gager demonstrates that Christianity entered into a battle for conceptual annihilation of Judaism because Judaism claimed the same sacred texts, had a longer history of such a claim, and continued to command a robust practicing community. Under these circumstances, Christianity had to take extreme measures to assert the priority of its claims and those measures included violence. Ruther, cited in Gager, notes that “for Christianity, anti-Judaism was not merely a defense against attack, but an intrinsic need of Christian self-affirmation.” (p. 25)
Gager notes the Messianic claims and following Jesus are not sufficient to distinguish Christianity from Judaism. Something more essential is needed to justify Christian identity. That additional piece is the denial of Torah, the heart of Judaism (pp. 26-27). Gager then comments on the supposed historical scholarship of the typical Christian academy that claims Paul denied Torah. “This tradition of scholarship is incomprehensible unless we presuppose that it has been shaped by a systematic anti-Judaism: first, by taking the image of Judaism in early Christian writings at face value and failing to recognize the anti-Judaism behind the image; and second, by perpetuating the anti-Judaism for its own theological legitimacy.” (p. 32). In other words, Gager shows that:
1. the biblical texts do not presuppose a break between Judaism and Christianity
2. the practice of the believing community does not demonstrate a break from Judaism to Christianity
3. the symbols, rituals and practices of the early believers from the New Testament period until the 4th century show continuity with ordinary Jewish customs and practices
4. Christian theologians from the 2nd to the 4th centuries are responsible for anti-Judaism and eventually anti-Semitism as a means of self-justification in their desire to establish a new religion.
It is commonly believed that the Roman/pagan culture was anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish during the time when Christianity formulated its own self-conception and that this cultural antipathy was the real reason for anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism. But Gager shows from the historical documents that there was no widespread anti-Jewish sentiment among Romans or pagans, and in fact, Judaism was successful in proselytizing many pagans, so successful that Christian intellectuals considered this a threat to their new-founded faith. While there were anti-Jewish periods, they seem not to have been related to theological grounds at all. In fact, Christian apologists are responsible for fomenting anti-Judaism in order to quell the success of proselytizing.
Gager’s research shows that Roman attitudes toward the Jews were by and large positive or at least neutral until the rise of the Church. From that point on, Christian influence over the government effectively brought about what was to become a millennium of Jewish hatred, based on theological doctrines invented to force the separation of Judaism and Christianity for the promotion of Christianity, leading straight to the Holocaust.
Gager quotes Lloyd Gaston in a damning declaration:
“It may be that the Church will survive if we fail to deal adequately with that question [the anti-Semitic character of the apostolic writings], but more serious is the question whether the Church ought to survive. A Christian Church with an antisemitic New Testament is abominable, but a Christian Church without a New Testament is inconceivable.” (p. 33)
Enough for now, don’t you think? The historical record cannot be doubted. It can only be ignored. Christianity began and continues on the basis of a deliberate and institutionalized anti-Judaism. Christian doctrines concerning the Law, baptism, the Temple and even atonement are built on this anti-Jewish platform, not because either Scripture or history supports the claims but simply because they were theologically necessary in order to justify the new religion. Where does this leave us? Is it possible to continue to practice Christianity as it is usually taught in ignorance of this history? Is it possible to believe a lie simply because it has been repeated thousands of times. Apparently so. But, as Gaston says, “should we”? Is there no one who will stand up and say, “I want the truth?” without hearing the theologians echo Jack Nicholson, “You can’t handle the truth!”
(Please remember that I am now in the middle of the Med somewhere lecturing about these things, so I can’t respond immediately to your comments. I am sure you will have plenty.
Topical Index: Gager, anti-Semitism, anti-Judaism
Lets let “the word of Christ dwell in [us] richly” (Col. 3:16).
Each of us is responsible to know what the Scripture says and to live by it.
If anyone forgets what the Bible teaches and ignores what Jesus taught, chaos reigns.
There is only one Gospel. It is “the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 3).
It is for every man, woman, and child on the planet.
There are not various ‘ways’ of being saved. “YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN” John 3: 7
Go with me on a trip down Scripture’s “Roman road”.
“As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: (3:10)
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (3:23)
But God commends His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (5:8)
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (5:12)
For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (6:23)
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in your heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture says, Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (10:9-13)
Then lets visit our brother, John:
“He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made Him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of His Son.
And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath life; [and] he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. (1 John 5:10-13)
There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that You do, except God be with him.
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus said unto Him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and [of] the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. (John 3:1-7)
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that hears My Word, and believes on Him that sent me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. (John 5:24)
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand. (John 10:27-28)
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Believe thou this? (John 11:25-26)
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: NO MAN comes unto the Father, but by Me. (John 14:6)
But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26)
And trek over to Acts:
Be it known unto you all, AND TO ALL THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL, that by the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, [even] by Him doth this man stand here before you whole.
This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4)
Wow, how refreshing is the pure Word of God!
Seeing via the glasses of King Jimmy. What a tint. Nice color. Great tone. Excellent contrast. Strong depth. Immersed in his baptism. Only one way to understand it all. King Jimmy?
Sorry, but I am at a total loss to fathom your meaning (?)
Paradigms are chosen by all. King Jimmy’s paradigm corrals one, and only one, way of interpreting Scripture. It is evidenced in one instance by the Greek word for the Hebrew concept mikvah as βαπτιζο (baptize) by simply transliterating it rather than properly translating it as meaning immersion in a collection of living water.
I’m implying that the ‘pure Word of God’ is not and can not be an English or Old English translation. The source of understanding any words from God MUST originate from and with an understanding of Hebrew and Hebrew thought, even the Greek as it was the vehicle of communicating Hebrew thought, not Greek thoughts or worldview. Otherwise, all you have to stand on is an aberrant foundation of slanted and skewed translated paradigms unlinked from their original and ‘pure’ meaning and thought.
It’s a noble effort to simply quote from King Jimmy’s translation verse after verse, however, if they are clothed and hidden behind a myriad of presuppositions reflecting a preferred presentation of Scriptures, then purity has been grossly contaminated and may or may not reflect a refreshing rendition of haShem’s thoughts.
The necessity and requirement of בין ובון (lit. between and between) or the power of differentiation and deduction must prevail when reading and contemplating Scripture. These are intellectual traits that give birth to הונה (binah) or understanding. Understanding does not come from mere surface readings, it demands a focused scrutiny of the original everything, that is, from us who are linguistically, temporally, culturally, socially and most every other way removed from the ‘pure Word of God’ that was recorded thousands of years prior our existence.
Yes, we can understand Scripture in a plain way in the same manner as “Don’t touch electricity” or you will get burned. However, understanding that does not give understanding how electricity works or how it is formed or made or sustained. One must enter the language of electricity first before true understanding is obtained. Electricity doesn’t speak English. We need to enter the language of electricity before we can understand it purely.
That’s all I was saying.
This is a very helpful ‘mini-exposition’, thank you. If you have the time, I’d appreciate any comments you may have on a related issue I raised (at some length!) on the blog for ‘Paul’s Education’ (with a response from Skip).
King Jimmy had HIS translation done in response to the Geneva’s Bible’s footnote that challenged his hierarchal leadership stance and his ‘divine right’ to the throne. READ: the KJ WILL ALWAYS support stair stepped leadership and, by default, a political church (because people will groom, support and promote from within based on favor).
The puritans left England for the New World to escape governmental tyranny and religious persecution in the LAND THAT KING JIMMY RULED OVER!!
think about it!
My goodness! I never heard King James called ‘King Jimmy’, (I just call my Bible “my Bible”)
I know different folks like different versions, so that is why usually I simply give the Scripture reference, so that should anyone care to look up what was powering my thoughts, they can indeed read it in their favorite copy.
So put away the gloves, they aren’t needed here today! Lol.
About this morning, I had just finished reading and decided to write what I did for the edification of some, — what had just edified me personally.
When I said “pure” word of God, I was not declaring a point in the way you received it.
I was simply joyful, happy in the Lord, and refreshed in His Word.
Still am. Nothing has changed.
Enjoy your journey with Him. I sure enjoy mine.
Replying to bp here as well.
(I am admittedly ever dumb on where to put posts, so I hope you will see this)
I see what you are saying. Don’t agree, but do see.
The puritans probably brought their Bibles along for the cruise, but have not investigated much or anything in that direction.
So I may “think about it later” if led that direction.
I’m in the army of the LORD, and for no man. My country is not here.
My King is King Jesus, and I feel sure He is yours, too.
Sincerely, D
Beautiful verses! And in case there are multiple ways to interpret them:
“Do we then nullify the Law through faith ? May it never be! On the contrary, we establish the Law.”
(Romans 3:31)
Not all, but many Christians/denominations have interpreted away the details of faith, love, and truth.
“And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. ”
“The Word” – was the Torah. Jesus was/is the Torah embodied.
I think the main excitement for most of us is in rediscovering the unity of scripture — whereas for so many years we were taught there was a giant rift.
For several years I’ve been watching Dr. Heiser’s YouTubes about beliefs of the ancient world and ancient Israel and studying other scholars on that subject. In a nutshell, it appears that the Southern Kingdom was very corrupt and according to Josephus became more so in Babylon. I am quite familiar with Jewish customs and I find the religion just as skewed as Christianity. I read that the Jewish leaders were threatened by the Way and slanted their interpretation of the Scriptures in such a way as to lead the Jewish people away from Yeshua. Then the Christians did the same thing with authentic Israelite customs and Jewish traditions. Organized religion is a disaster. There are wolves in sheepskin everywhere. Beware!!!
Let us then even further “nail down” the Covenant made by Christ Himself – on and for our behalf. It is a Covenant unlike any other for this Covenant (which took place upon a cross of wood) was foreshadowed by the blood (yes peoples, real red blood) of thousands(?) of animals “B.C.”
Yes, there is (shall we deny it?) a B.C. and an A.D. There is a time-line for all these things and a progressive revelation. (There are events yet to come to pass!”) We do not live “then” we live our lives in the “here and now.” Now let us consider the “aorist” tense of some events of the past, especially the events surrounding the final days of our Messiah while He was here among us. There is such a thing a past-present and future. We may (hopefully) learn from the past. Remember? The way we know our future is what? By looking at the past and through remembering our own history.
The O.T. ( a covenant God made with His people), shall we say.. “took place.” History happened. These were real people, real places- just like you and me. Human beings, each of them and all of them precious to their Creator and Sustainer. God led His people through the wilderness and His faithful provision was physically evident. The story of this miraculous deliverance may be found in written in a Book. It is a book of recorded history. From Adam (the first Adam) to Christ (the second Adam). All these stories have been written and recorded..- why? For the edification of the body of Christ- us.
~ For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope ~ (Romans 15.4)
Well, -doesn’t this cover a lot of ground? .. that we through patience and comfort of the (commentaries or commentators) might have hope? Nope.
~ that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope..~
Again (and again) – the way we know our future is by remembering our past. We have (apparently) forgotten.. “God is (always) faithful.” And God is (always) good. And God is (always) merciful. How does any man (any man) know this? Read the Book. Read His Book. Friends, there is no greater comfort than “it is written!” Read it and weep! (this time for joy!)
What do the (commentaries) say? ~ Nope.
~What do the scriptures say? ~ …. much “more gooder!”
~ The words of our own Master still ring true down through the ages- even unto these perilous times in which we now live (when have we human creatures ever not lived in perilous times?), but I will now bring this to our remembrance:
~ You (Mr.), You (m’am) do err- not knowing the scriptures- nor the power of God ~ (Matthew 22.29)
There is today- this very day- a famine for the word of God.
~ I would not have you ignorant brethren ~ Ignorant? Ignorant of what? Ignorant of the scriptures. Ignorant of our own history. Ignorant (maybe a more gooder word- a more “polite” word might be “unaware” of the scriptures. Oh? I didn’t know God said that! Look in the Book. Look in His Book, “it’s in there!” What is? (Only) ~ all things that pertain unto life and godliness! ~
And again (and again..) I know we distracted, disheveled and disheartened sheep have forgotten.. – What terrible memories these sheep have- (so in need of a Shepherd!) – Yo, sheeple… y’all listening?
Memorize this. And then meditate and marinate and marvel at this:
~ But you have fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long-suffering, charity, patience, persecutions, afflictions, which came to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: *but out of them all the LORD delivered me.* (amen!) Yes, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue you in the things which you have learned and have been assured of, knowing of whom you have learned them; that from a child you have known the holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus ~
~ All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished to all good works~
In the next seven seconds, (while this is still “fresh”- “get it while it’s hot!) **ALL** scripture is given by inspiration of God.. All scripture is God-breathed. “All”- y’all. Both the Tanakh, and The B’rit Chadashah, the O.T. (do!) and the N.T. (done!) – “all” scripture. Could we but only remember these three words: “it is written!”
All commentaries are given by inspiration of God..(?) No. I never have read this anywhere, neither is it true, for every man- everywhere.. (“saved” or not), has an opinion. Say.. what’s yours? How do “you” feel about this? No. Not at all. (What do the scriptures say?)
Isaiah 55.8:
~ My thoughts are NOT your thoughts! Oh?
~ My ways are NOT your ways!.. ~ Oh?
Houston.. we have a problem.
Whose thoughts matter? Whose thoughts have weight? Whose words are (always) true and faithful?
Uhh.. the Common Taters? Not hardly.
~ I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope ~ (Psalm 130.5)
Yes. Please. May it be so! Amen and amen.
One more word concerning the Word.. (lol!-just one?)
~ And He wore a garment soaked with blood, and His Name is called The Word of God ~
(Revelation 19.13
Who might this be? Have you seen this Man? Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Can anything good come out of Nazareth?
God’s intention was always “relationship” never religion.
That relationship is and must be “in Spirit and in Truth”.
It is to be experiential, practical and real. Uncomplicated
and simple. And it is freely offered to ALL.
When we move from the spirit to the flesh, we hit a wall.
When we walk away from obedience to God’s spiritual laws,
we’re in the desert.
When we “follow Jesus”, His Spirit gently quides us out of the
walled in desert called our “intellectual self”.
It’s THE WAY . . . the way out of this world of deception,
error and fear.
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.”
From Genesis to Revelation, the message of God’s invitation remains the same.
Do you think the prayers of a modern-day Jew are answered?
“Do you think the prayers of a modern-day Jew are answered?”
Years ago, there was a popular slogan that was meant to be an introduction to a conversation; a short but pithy slogan- “I found it.” Found what? “I found the LORD.” Just this past Sunday, someone spoke about this and how “incorrect” it was and how true!.. It is not “I found it,” – but rather – “He found me!”
I was the one who was lost- He was the One who found me. He was (and is) the One who initiates- I am the one who responds! God speaks and we respond to His voice.
May I quickly add before someone runs off with this and say- He speaks to all of us through His written word- our Bible. And I may as well throw in with the KJV crowd (to KJV or not to KJV- that is the question)- get yourself a good readable Bible, pray and simply say- “God, I don’t have a clue as to what is contained in this book, but if you show me clearly- I will gladly obey and do what you say to do,”- then wait and see what happens next! God will “show up” and in a very big (life-changing) way! Believe and you will see- not the other way around! Belief precedes blessing! If we believe the Bible to be true, then we will live accordingly- and vice versa. If we ignore His Book and His words (instructions for daily life) which are contained in His book- it is to our own peril and disappointment. Stop and think for just a moment.. where would any of us be without the word of God? No Bible at all- not KJV or NIV or any other version, where would we learn about the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Savior? Word of mouth?- handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years? – Let me know how that works out for you! Ever play “telephone?” The results would be disastrous.
So God is powerful (we say). He is able (we say)- but (don’t you just love the “buts?”) certainly God is not able to preserve His own words, (or is He?) and His own thoughts- even though our own Savior said to satan three times – “it is written!”
I am in the process (right here-right now) of a demonstration of this- My thoughts are being expressed in written words. And this logos (word-thought-idea) is recorded here for whosoever might read (and hopefully understand) these things.
What is written? How many times did this very Jewish (have we Christians forgotten?)- this very Jewish carpenter’s son, the one who was born in Bethlehem to a Jewish family (Christians are anti-semitic?- we would be anti-Christ then..- for He is King of the Jews and He is the promised Messiah- the Jews are (and always will be) God’s chosen people. Salvation is (and always will be) to the Jew first AND also to the Greek ~ Does this mean all Israel are saved? No, not at all. Not all Jews, and not all Gentiles either. In addition to the “whosoever wills”- there are also the “whosoever will nots!” Christ (amazingly) may still be refused and rejected – even in this “enlightened?” age we live in. How people (any people) can reject our Redeemer is above my pay grade. I’ll never be able to understand how anyone can refuse – “so great salvation!” but on a daily basis- millions are still saying “no!” Then there are those who are “willingly ignorant”- What can we say concerning this? (Oy?)
Every one of us whether Jew or Gentile (by our first birth) must be born from above. For those wishing a more “in depth” review of regeneration – here is a website I would recommend:
God hears the prayer of a penitent sinner. A penitent sinner is a potential son- and it doesn’t matter if a sinner is a religious sinner or a rotten one- “all” must be saved. There is none too good to be saved and none who are too bad. “Whosoever will may come” includes exactly that: ‘whosoever will..” None are excluded, this is God’s open invitation to the world. To His entire creation. To every man, woman and child who draws breath. ~ All those the Father gives Me will come to Me, and whoever comes to Me I will never drive away ~ (John 6.37) Does this include the Jew? This includes my own children! (Yes). Whosoever will includes whosoever will! None are excluded and all are invited. ~ And the Master (Him) said to the slave (me), ‘Go out into the highways and along the hedges, and compel them to come in, so that My house may be filled ~
Do we remember the mission of the Messiah? ~ For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost ~ (Luke 19.10) If we are followers of the Way, should this not be our mission as well? He said, if you follow Me- “I will make you fishers of men.” But before we fish, we must follow. “Do what I do..” ~ and He went about doing good ~ (Acts 10.38)
Hi Carl
You have a link to Wooster Baptist Temple in your post…have you ever been to a service there or have you just been reading their material?
I don’t live to far away from WBT and was wondering if that may be the case for you too?
On the same Topic in The Jerusalem Post
Antisemitism and Jewish Survival
Friday Jun 14, 2013
Chapter 5: Christian Insecurity and the Jewish Problem: An Overview
“…the very presence of the Jewish people in the world … puts a great question against Christian belief in a new covenant made through Christ. The presence of this question, often buried deep in the Christian mind, could not fail to cause profound and gnawing anxiety [leading] to hostility.”
“[Jewish] rejection of [Jesus] threatened the Christian idea far more than any pagan rejection… Jewish rejection of that claim remains a mortal threat.”
Robin: AMEN!!! You said it perfectly.
Skip quoted: “A Christian Church with an antisemitic New Testament is abominable, but a Christian Church without a New Testament is inconceivable.”
Exactly, which leaves us westerners in a huge mess since we don’t know ancient, Biblical Hebrew nor understand their thought patterns and ways. HOWEVER, our YHVH is much much bigger than the battles we face in (very often purposeful) translation errors.
I pray to my LORD that He will direct my paths. I desire to serve only Him in a pure way with a clean heart. I do not desire to follow man.
Right now, I’d like to pray for Skip as he travels and touches lives:
My Yahovah and Yeshuah HaMashiach, I love You and am so blessed to be in Your presence. I am amazed and so very thankful beyond words that I can pray to You and that You hear me. Thank You for never forsaking me.
I come before You now, so excited to know that Skip is taking truth to the Mediterranean. I again and again thank You for turning him around from his worldly desires and ways in order to seek You. I’m so blessed that he teaches what You are teaching him, and he does it online so that I, in my disabled body, can be given opportunity to seek out what it truly means to be “grafted in.” Humble him in his zeal to teach the world, Father. Don’t let his flesh get in the way and don’t let him miss Your “interruptions” in his busy schedule. May he see the opportunities You will set in his path to really love others and may we have those same opportunities and Your wisdom to know how to love.
Actually i agree with this whole heartedly! Emphatically. Totally. Completely!
To John Adam regarding “Paul’s Education” inquiry:
I read your original inquiry, Skip’s response and made a brief look at the issue you brought up.
First, I do think what Skip said holds much water and has great validity.
For a long time in my growth I was around the crowd that hovered only around the NASB because of it’s ‘most literal’ label. But I’ve moved toward a more inclusive approach regarding the English translations. Which one is the most accurate? Yes. Most all English translations, as far as I can tell, get at least a hand full of accurate word or phrase translations. I think! The challenge is to be aware of them all over against the Greek texts and in line with the Hebrew thought patterns, idioms, and Hebrew everything underneath the Greek of the N.T. (B’riyt HaHhadashah).
An exact, word for word, one or two English words for each Greek word, is ludicrous as far as I am able to ascertain. Translation is a dynamic and fluid issue. Languages, in general, are living and create a wealth of meaning through varied usage and application and context. For me, the challenge is to look at and attempt to establish the meaning of Hebrew words as anchored in their O.T. usage. That is where meaning is established and solidified in my estimation. The Torah is the anchor of everything scripture. The Torah as understood by its original audiences is primary in our attempt to comprehend the value and meaning of what haShem has to say to us. It isn’t magical and ghosty in a holy religious way. It is practical, tangible and real. It isn’t pray and wish for desired characteristics to appear, it’s Hebrew – read, listen and learn Torah, then DO IT! Active participation in performing and acting out Torah, Elohim’s instructions for life, by actively yielding to our yetzer tov (good inclination) over our yetzer hara (evil inclination) in order to obey, follow and reflect what Torah says to do.
The Hebrew mindset is a rich one and we are often left with a poverty stricken English rendition, void of the depth, volume and texture of the true intent. As I’ve moved toward attempting to understand the Hebrew world in which Yeshua lived, I’ve discovered a whole new world of meaning and understanding than the surface and flat English world I’ve lived in for most of my life.
I had a year and a half of formal Greek training in a Southern Baptist Seminary and have continued to study it on my own over the years. (Each year, it seems, my memory makes it harder and more difficult to retain new knowledge!) But, I continue along, picking up meaning and concepts as I go regarding what the Greek language has to offer. It is certainly different than Hebrew.
I’ve also started studying Hebrew within the last few years and am in the middle of an online Hebrew class taught from Israel. I can tell you that these last 2-3 years of beginning to delve in to just the mechanics of Hebrew has provided ample insight to all the Scriptures for me. Just studying the Hebrew aleph-beit alone has probably been more valuable to my understanding of the things of Yeshua than all the previous heard sermons combined! Astonishing, but, I think a very valid statement.
I just told our weekly bible study group that I think they’d get as much helpful information out of simply investing some of their time studying and learning the Hebrew language as they do listening to many of the weekly sermons they go to hear. I have discovered and learned more, I’m convinced, that has led to actually doing Torah than the majority of meager sermons I’ve heard over the years. Traveling down one path of understanding inevitably leads to more and more paths to venture down in the journey to decipher Scriptures. Over time one hones the skills necessary to build a firmer foundation than just quoting Scriptures . Not in any way that quoting Scriptures is valueless. On the contrary, I have a greater and more in depth understanding of the many Scriptures I hear quoted. An English translated verse, verses, chapters, etc. is/are merely doors to walk through in order to glean their original meaning and intent. I just can’t be satisfied anymore with a simple English translation without knowing what is behind it Hebraically. It’s like kissing my wife through a veil rather than flesh to flesh lips! Not desirable.
Just some thoughts. Not sure if that was what you were looking for. But there they are.
Michael, thank you so much for these valuable insights. They are very helpful as I seek to understand these complex issues ‘precept by precept’, and I appreciate your willingness to take the time to respond. I am also challenged to start studying Hebrew, though at my age it will probably be an incredibly slow process!
Thank you again,
Thanks for your thoughts Michael! I had the same experience.
Michael, We enjoyed both of your comments regarding Hebrew vrs KJV (and all other contenders and pretenders). Some of your word pictures were succinct and succulent and we would like to use them in our initial Power Point presentations of “Why Study Hebrew” in the Hebrew courses we offer here in Jamaica. (I am blessed to be married to the instructor so there is never a question in any class who is the teacher’s pet! I may never be the sharpest student in the classes we offer, but the private tutoring helps me from staying the proverbial “King James Only” student I once was. We actually had someone in one of our intro courses to Hebrew ask if we were going to teach the King James version of Hebrew! Not sure what that is, but if we can ever figure it out it would no doubt be a popular course offering, given the myriad of devout devotees to that brand).
Hi Michael and Arnella,
Well, feel free to use anything I said, but know that there is hardly anything truly original with me. Everything I say has come from somewhere, either something I read, something I heard or picked up from somewhere. If it resonates with me, I pick it up, chew on it, spit out any fluff and digest the rest. Then somehow it becomes mine for sustenance. My memory is a challenge to me in my 58 years, so I struggle every day to remember things. It’s hard work. So I can’t say where I got anything that I’ve acquired in that little writing your reference other than I picked it up somewhere, rearranged it and made it ‘mine’ somehow. So, again, feel free to use whatever. Glad to be of some assistance ever how slight.
God leads His dear children along. I too, have “discovered” (and much to my delight!) our Bible (and it is our Bible-belonging to the Jew AND the Greek) is a gold-mine when we learn to dig with a Hebrew shovel. The Greek adds flesh to the bone, but neither are complete without the other; -even our brain has two halves and as far as the perceived “war” between Greek and Hebrew- there is none. It is not “either/or”- it is “both”- Both Greek AND Hebrew. Both Jew AND Gentile. All are sinners and ALL need a Savior!
We must agree, the facts are in- the O.T. was written in Hebrew and the N.T. in Greek- this was God’s plan and purpose- from the beginning- and until now- and lo, and behold! People!- how blessed we are to have a copy of the word of God and in our own language- English! But what about the Spaniard or the Russian or the Japanese? May these people groups be saved also? Are these to be excluded because they never were taught how to speak or write Hebrew or Greek? Is the gospel (the good news) of Christ only available to the educated or elite among us? Hello?
Why did Yeshua say to Nicodemus (whose very name means “Superior”) – “you (also) must be born from Above?” If he had kept the Torah from his youth and I’m sure he was a religious man and a respectable man and a reputable man- why the need to “enter again into his mother’s womb and to be made new or regenerated once more?”
And while we are near.. What about the tslav- the execution stake? Do the keepers or doers of the Torah have any need at all to kneel before the cross of the Chosen One? Yes, what do the scriptures say?~ For whoever keeps the whole Law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it ~ (James 2.10) Rather harsh isn’t it? After all.. I’m not near “as bad” as some of the rest of “those” people! (Is this how we think?)
Do I need a Savior? Why should God let me into His Heaven? and ~ what must “I” do to be saved? ~ (Acts 16.30)
Thank you for both of your comments! For me they were both insightful and enlightening and resonated with me! I am so thankful that Abba interrupted the path I was on 5 or so years ago and revealed to me a hunger for knowing Truth, His Truth. He has perfectly orchestrated my journey which has led me to wanting to know more and more of the Jewish foundation of my faith. I have been so challenged along the way and grateful for the challenge as through people like Skip and this community’s sharing, I am learning that my answers are in my questions. You said so much in your comments that helped me!
Thank you!
This is so much information! Your insights are so helpful….ALL of you!
Today I am more confuse than ever eventhough for a long time I knew something was not adding up, now with this insight though confuse I begin to understand and I thank my G-d that I don’t follow men just Him and He will continue taking down the vails in my mind and in front of my eyes.
It is truly a thing of beauty to me to read the various comments and questions from those who have a heart after YWHW. Most here are far more versed than I in research, language, and study, however, we all bring a variety of perspective to the “table” here. I especially love when my once die-hard view is changed by a loving Shepard, Who bids me to come and learn of Him…wish I had learned of HIM earlier rather than a denominational dogma! I never want to become so “stiff-necked” that He cannot teach me. I am so thankful for this community. Most of you are not afraid to follow the Master and un-learn the teachings that divide YWHW’s Kingdom. He is soon to return and when He does, will He find His Faith being lived out on the earth?
Shabbat Shalom
Here are some Bible versions I like to read that are away from the beaten trail. They provide new insights to me. 1. THE COMPLETE JEWISH BIBLE, translated by David H. Stern. This includes both the OT and the NT and both are divided into parshas. Mr. Stern is a Messianic Jew who spent 30 years translating the Bible. His introduction is fascinating and full of enlightenment. 2. HOLY BIBLE From the Ancient Eastern Text, George M. Lamsa’s Translations from the Aramaic of the Peshitta. This also includes both the OT and the NT. 3. THE CHUMASH, The Stone Edition. This is the Torah divided by parshas and haftorahs. This includes both the Hebrew and the English translation. And what is particularly helpful is the commentary which is full of wisdom since the authors have understanding of the written Torah and the oral Torah. I think we are at a disadvantage from not knowing the oral Torah. The oral Torah can shed light upon the written Torah. I purchased all three versions through
Hi Darlene,
I also use the CJB (Complete Jewish Bible) and I have the Aramaic English New Testament (AENT) from Netzari Press. The compiler of the AENT has used some of Lamsa’s translations but apparently Lamsa is a bit of a heretic in some of his beliefs so he uses other translations when Lamsa’s are a problem. He has really insightful footnotes and appendices about the original faith of the NT believers as well. My father has the Stone Edition of the Tanakh but he finds it spiritually dead, as someone earlier on this blog wrote, there was such an anti-Christian/messianic sentiment amongst the unbelieving Jews that they re-translated some of the clearly messianic passages to provide an alternative reading that wouldn’t point to Messiah Yeshua. I wish I could read Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek myself but thankfully there are versions out there that are hopefully closer to the original than our more popular translations
Karmel, Thanks for the heads-up. I just ordered AENT. Thanks for the link.
I use a CJB and it has been helpful to me. I agree that the forward written by Mr. Stern is fascinating! I have never heard of the next two you list but I am going to check them both out. I wish that I could just read Hebrew and Greek myself but Y-H will teach me regardless of these deficits. This has been a marvelous post and full of teaching both from Skip and all the other contributors on this blog. I feel so at home when I make time to come here and sink into it.
You might enjoy reading this book, THE WISDOM OF THE HEBREW ALPHABET, by Rabbi Michael L. Munk. It’s beautifully written explaining much about each letter. According to the tradition presented in the book G-d’s first creation was the Aleph Beit which he used to speak forth each day of creation. The letters in the aleph beit represent much more than sounds. I personally don’t know Hebrew, but like you I wish I did and I do enjoy studying and learning about them.
Hi Darlene,
I used am using that very book, plus two others on the same subject, for our weekly Sunday night study group. I did aleph last week and will be doing beit tonight. Of course, I let them know this isn’t scripture but there IS a ton of very, very interesting things surrounding the Hebrew aleph-beit. I’ve prefaced the series about the 22 letters as, you may think it mystical and mysterious and coincidental, but THERE IT IS! I let them come to their own conclusions and just put the stuff out there. It really has a fascinating base surrounding the whole subject. Very interesting. It’s very interesting about the “et” (את) equating to the alpha/omega (ΑΩ) in Greek, Yeshua from Revelation. The “et” is said to be used almost 9600 times in the Tanakh inferring Yeshua is EVERYTWHERE throughout the Tanakh! The first, the last and everything in between (truth = אמת = emet – 1st letter, last letter, middle letter.
Very interesting stuff.
Hi Michael.
That’s great what you’re doing. Similarly I’m watching a teaching series on Roku through the Emmunah channel. Sam Peak is teaching from Rabbi Munk’s book. This a series for Christians that is taught by a Jew — he knows and understands Hebrew. He spends about 4 lessons per letter. Before reading this book I never knew anything about the Hebrew Aleph Beit and was totally surprised at it’s importance. I know you’re learning so much through teaching and I hope your class grows and grows.
This sounds really interesting. I will check it out. Thanks!
Hi Michael!
Your comment regarding this book is encouraging too. Thanks for the input.
I love the picture that is part of the Hebrew language. Makes our English seem so dry and lacking color if that makes sense. It opens up many previously unnoticed things about scripture to me personally. Like giving a picture full color instead of only black and white!
“Gager’s research shows that Roman attitudes toward the Jews were by and large positive or at least neutral until the rise of the Church. From that point on, Christian influence over the government effectively brought about what was to become a millennium of Jewish hatred, based on theological doctrines invented to force the separation of Judaism and Christianity for the promotion of Christianity, leading straight to the Holocaust.”
Yikes. That’s a bit much. Please note I don’t say completely disconnected…but a bit much. You might as well say “leadership of a country” lead straight to the Holocaust. And then you’re not very far from saying, “People sometimes do bad stuff and abuse power,”
To be an enemy of the Jew is to be an enemy of God as the Jews are (always have been and always will be) God’s chosen people.
But (maybe) this, in itself is dangerous. If the Jews ‘believe’ (and rightly so) and have been told for centuries, “we are (after all) the ‘chosen ones,’ is there – along with this – is there any need (at all) for the new birth? for the regenerative power of the Ruach? and even for One who gaves His very life’s blood and breath upon a cross of wood?
There are those among us (both Jew and non) who believe Jesus is the Chosen One, the Sent One, and the Savior of ALL nations. He was (and always will remain) a Jew. There is.. no..- there cannot be any Christian, anyone claiming the Name of Christ or who is a follower of the Way- or who has engaged in any serious study of the scriptures (all of them- each and every word, verse, chapter and book) who may say God has not been intricately and intimately involved in the lives of His own people,- the Jews.
Where am I headed with this? Stop and say it..- please. Be brief. This is NOT about a superior race. This is a people who are weak and yet they have a God, the only God who is strong. His strength – His provision (in all areas of life- the breathing kind), His might are all displayed and made manifest in our need and in our weakness. God has a history -it is His Story- with the Jew.
He came unto His own, and His own received Him not..
Who came? The Messiah. Was He received or rejected? Yes. Received by some- rejected by others. Yes.
The promised Messiah has come and He has fulfilled all the scriptures and all the prophecies concerning His birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension,intercession and future (full) rule and reign.
What Christian- What follower of the Way does not know, God has used the Jew mightily in the blessing of all mankind? History proves this to be true. The Messiah Himself came from and through the bloodline of the Jewish people and lived among them as the son of a Jewish carpenter and was for thirty years walking, living, eating, drinking and breathing the very same air as you and I, – the air of planet earth.
~ Search the scriptures..~ The word of God invites all to do so. Wise men came from the East to worship Him.. Why? Because they (too) had engaged in searching the scriptures and recognized and realized the One who they sought was a King. And they brought unto Him – gifts- worthy of a royal King. Yes, He IS worthy. Worthy of each of our gifts and more.. worthy of so much more.
First to bp.
Your inputs are pure, straight forward and assured… Reminds me of a dear friend years ago, who by her very example inspired my soul to dig deeper and to continue on in my faith journey to know the Living GOD intimately in love and truth… thank you. SKIP, Thank you for your insights and careful review of John Gager’s book ” The Origins of Anti-Semitism”. I have not read his book as yet, but seriously considering it to be my next purchase and read. Now Skip, May the GOD of Israel Himself confirm your steps and establish the work of your hands… May He strengthen your heart in the faith. May humility be your mantle as you walk before Him and enables you to continue to unearth insights and truths of His Word and council. May we all continue on, to cry out and hunger for insight and wisdom… to love TRUTH, and to listen to the voice of the LORD our GOD. So that we may be obedient children by faith in His TRUTH, with courage that it may go well with us … as we abide in Him. Amen.