David’s Benediction
Be exalted above the heavens, O God; Let Your glory be above the earth. Psalm 57:5 NASB
Glory – We need to know all that we can about God’s glory. Of course, that implies a stern warning. Get too close and you will be burned. The purity of His glory extinguishes life. That itself is a great paradox. The God who is life is life so intensely that any life less holy is destroyed in His proximity. No wonder it was necessary for Yeshua to “empty himself.” Those who think God should have simply revealed Himself in some more obvious way don’t understand the peril of such a request. Moses nearly made such a mistake and were it not for God’s protective grace, he would never have come back from the mountain.
But before we investigate “glory,” we need to notice the reconstruction of this verse in our English translation. The Hebrew text doesn’t say, “Let your glory be above the earth.” It says kol ha-arêtes kevodeha (“all the earth your glory”). “Let,” “be” and “above” are added to the text. We see why these additions were made. They try to repeat the opening phrase with a parallel thought about the earth. But maybe David has something else in mind with the terse Hebrew. Maybe what David is saying is that all the earth is God’s glory. The required preposition (‘al – “above”) in the first phrase isn’t in this second phrase. We might assume that David’s construction implies this preposition, but technically it isn’t there. So why add it? Furthermore, ‘al also means “on, over, in front of, more than, on the side of,” and a host of spatial relation ideas. So we might translate the first phrase, “Be exalted more than the heavens,” in which case the idea of God’s glory is exhibited in relation to the heavens, and then in relation to the earth. His glory is seen in it all, as David is apt to say in other psalms.
Why is this small technical point important? Because we don’t like fuzzy math. Neither do Hebrews. Their ideas about God are quite concrete, anchoring in the experience of everyday life and the land. For example, all the parables depend on ordinary life experiences, but they project slivers of God’s character. How would your idea of God’s glory change if you read this verse as an expression that His glory is manifest in all His creation? It isn’t some ethereal concept of the wholly other mysterium tremendum, the God beyond all our imaginings. It is revealed in everything we touch and see. God’s glory overwhelms our real experience, not our cognitive incapacity.
In that regard, have you ever just sat on a rock and allowed yourself to feel the immensity of it all? Have you looked into the night sky away from all artificial sources of light and been overwhelmed by the vastness of space? Have you really looked at the universe in the microcosm beneath your feet? Have you studied a single blade of grass and discovered the almost unimaginable complexity of such common existence? Have you stood on the shore of the sea and let yourself feel the power of creation? Or are you too busy, too frenzied, too self-absorbed to notice that “all the earth Your glory?”
Today, be overwhelmed. Be haunted by the vastness of eternity. Find His glory right where you are.
Topical Index: glory, earth, ‘arêtes, kavod, Psalm 57:5
“Have you really looked at the universe in the microcosm beneath your feet? Have you studied a single blade of grass and discovered the almost unimaginable complexity of such common existence?’
Yes! I do this on a daily basis and it fills me with overwhealming joy and admiration, awe for our Creator, who happens to be our … Father!!!
Isaiah 6 says: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD God Almighty! The whole earth is full of His glory!”
רוּמָה עַל־הַשָּׁמַיִם אֱלֹהִים עַל כָּל־הָאָרֶץ כְּבֹודֶֽךָ׃ –
Raise up above the heaven Elohim above all the land Your splendour.
“First we must recognize that the “glory” is something that will be seen.
Secondly, the word “glory” is an abstract word. If we look at how this word is paralleled with other words in poetical passages of the Bible, we can discover the original concrete meaning of this word.
In Psalm 3:3 the kavod of God is paralleled with his shield and in Job 29:20 Job’s kavod is paralleled with his bow.
In Psalm 24:8 we read “who is this king of the kavod, YHWH is strong and mighty, YHWH is mighty in battle.”
The original concrete meaning of kavod is battle armaments. This meaning of “armament” fits with the literal meaning of the root of kavod which is “heavy” as armaments are the heavy weapons and defenses of battle.
In the Exodus 16:7, Israel will “see” the “armament” of YHWH, who is the one who has done battle for them with the Egyptians.”-Jeff Benner, ancient-hebrew.org
Yes, whenever I look up at the sky, I am ‘lost in outer space”!
And ABBA has given me a vision of it too, I was ‘literally’ out in vastness of space and looking at the earth go turning real fast. HE is revealing how fast time will go by, and events will take place. That was a few years ago.
I am also fascinated with waves, and love to capture them splashing over the rocks!
Raise up above the heaven Elohim OVER all the land Your splendour. Amein!
Meant it (grinning) – to be “over”!
Definitely a better version, Skip!
Fat and Flourishing
Yes, (and amen!) – the wonder of it all. But the wonder of wonders, that thrills my soul, is the wonder that God loves me (!), for the very same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the very same God who names every star in space, is the very same God who numbers the grains of sand on every beach- (everywhere), and who numbers every hair on every head and also attends sparrow funerals! (thank you Dorothy!).
He is LORD of the macro, but far more “weighty” (?) to me,- He is LORD of the micro. He is the God of small things, and He is (Hallelujah) intricately and intimately involved in the life of each and every creature that breathes. ~ Let everything that has breath (that breathes) praise the LORD!! !
Are YOU are breathing creature? And if so, (I hope so!)- praise Him. Do it- Now. We certainly don’t want the rocks to cry out instead of us, do we? Who wants to be replaced by a rock!
How can this, how may this be conveyed- other than “are you experienced?” (thank you Mr. Jimmy)- Listen attentively, once again and for the first time!- to these words from God’s Book- (these are NOT my words!)
** IT IS A GOOD THING to give thanks unto the LORD and to sing praises unto His Name !!!!!!! **
(from Psalm/Song #92)
(Emphasis mine). Now, – what if..?
What if Martha would have said this, (Oh, MARTHA!!) – Martha who? Why, Martha you-know-who!!- that’s who.
Or what if? What if my BFF- B.F.- Mr Ben Franklin, (ooohh- his words carry “weight”- don’t they? He is, after all, – a famous celebrity!- and well known and widely published. Even “quotable!” oooohh Ben!
But… IF GOD’s own WoRD tells us and His own Book of Instruction states, (was David “inspired” to write these words?)- Friend, – “IT IS A GOOD THING”- (help yourself to happiness!!!)- (try it,- YOU”LL LIKE IT), to ~ give thanks to the LORD and to sing praises unto His Name!!! ~
How does anyone (ever) get the “point” across? (hmmm…I’m rather dense, but I see your point!)
Are you (today) humbly grateful, or grumbly hateful?
So much “hate” in the world today!- Why? – Because these dear ones are ignorant of this one thing:
~ it IS a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD and to sing praises unto His Name ~
Shall we say then, (may we say then?) It (reeally-realy- rely-reeeeely-really) IS a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD? Does this better communicate the message?
Or maybe we would be better to inquire- Just how hard IS a hard-hearted heart? There those “individuals”- out there, who have such a difficult time (yes, it amazes me) in saying a simple “thank You.”
Appreciation adds value.
Thank You, Father,- for our daily bread. Thank You, Father, for every good and perfect gift. Thank You, Father, for the gift of life! Amen.
O magnify the Lord with me,
Ye people of His choice.
Let all to whom He lendeth breath
Now in tHis Name rejoice.
For love’s blest revelation,
For rest from condemnation,
For uttermost salvation,
To Him give thanks.
Let all the people praise Thee.
Let ALL the people praise Thee,
Let all the people praise Thy Name
Forever – and forevermore.
O praise Him for His holiness,
His wisdom, and His grace;
Sing praises for His precious blood
Which ransomed all our race.
In tenderness He sought us;
From depths of sin He brought us;
The way of life then taught us.
– To Him give thanks.
Had I a thousand tongues to sing,
The half could ne’er be told
– Of love so rich, so full and free,
Of blessings manifold;
Of grace that faileth never(!),
Peace flowing as a river
From God, our glorious Giver.
To Him give thanks.
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,- tune MY heart to sing Thy praise!!
Streams of mercy- never ceasing!!
Call for songs of loudest praise!!
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues Above!
Praise tHis Name!- I’m fixed upon it!- the Name of God’s Redeeming Love.
And what IS tHis Name of God’s Redeeming LOve?- tHis Name which is Above every name- (both) in Heaven and on the Earth?
This is a theme that resonates deeply within me, truly, the whole earth is full of His glory!
What a blessing this TW is to me today.
Thank you Lord for using Skip to bring us a greater depth of understanding of who you are, what you expect of us and how we can better comprehend and experience your Glory.
May you continue to bless others through Skip’s teachings and continue to “fill him with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.” Col. 1:9, (TW 6/27/13)
On today’s theme. (Still needs work – I’m just not computer-savvy!)
O I like this subject! It covers so much! Ten thousand studies could be obtained from this one subject.
The adversary strikes continually at God’s glory, — as if he possess a sword that can cut down a rainbow!
Since God is the Wellspring from whom all smaller glories flow (beauty of the earth and stars), He will not/cannot let stand the false assumptions that glory comes from man or from the idols of man or from nature. He delivered His people after making a show of Egypt’s idols.
God is jealous over His glory. Isa. 42:8. Paul points to it in Rom 1:21-25 when he speaks of the ways people worship the creature rather than the Creator. Through blind eyes, people beheld the object through which God’s glory was coming, and, instead of giving God all due credit for it, they worshiped that spectacular animal or tree or man (pharaohs and kings), as if the beauty it possessed originated from some glory within itself.
Idolatry is common and not unusual emanating from hearts dead to God. So glad to know the truth now, but all have missed the mark and all have committed this error at one time or another. We have all “exchanged” the glory of God in favor of the “glory of man.”
Many people continue to make this mistake: trusting in earthly things, earthly relationships, their own powers or talents or beauty, or the goodness they see in others. When these things fade, fail, and disappoint, as they inevitably will –being only temporary carriers of the greater glory– these people despair and grieve as one who has no hope.
God’s glory is constant and will never disappoint. God’s glory is manifest everywhere, in this person or that forest, or in a story of love or heroism, fiction or non-fiction, or our own personal lives. But it all goes back to God in the end. It is HIM we long for and desperately need to make us complete.
And the only way to God is through His Son, Jesus Christ, wherein we will find the very source of all beauty, now and forever. If we are in Christ, nothing will be lost to us. All those things that faded in life we will surely find again in Him, for everything came from Him who opens His hands freely to all, food, rain, and sunshine to the just and unjust. Ps. 145:16
Nor will He allow the glory of the justification, salvation, and rebirth of men, to be given to works, will, and power, for all works and such is entirely due to His own glorious grace, — to the blood and righteousness and glory of His Son, and to the energy of the Divine Spirit. It is a free gift that none may boast.
There is simply no end to what is to be found out (of course)
God is loaded with glory and grace — heavy with superabundance — like we might say wealthy people are ‘loaded’
As I must stop writing as some point I will stop with this: I have a better handle now on what it means to seek to glorify God in all we do. And may we remember that the chief purpose of our lives is “to glorify God and enjoy him forever.” That we shall!
“And may we remember that the chief purpose of our lives is “to glorify God and enjoy him forever.”
Dorothy, may I begin to do this, today?
O Yes!
I didn’t mean to make it only future, thank you for pointing that out.
EEeks, what a waste would be a life lived on this sparkling ball if we should spend it seeking to receive honor from men, or escape trials and live a life of flowery ease, or be excused temptation and affliction.
Rather, let us leave it to Christ, in which way He will make us serviceable to His glory, even as Mary consented to the consequences of the Divine offer, or as with Paul, not ashamed to bear in his body the scars that showed he belonged to Jesus.
Where does our story fit with God’s redeeming story? By His grace, we have a place in the Great Love Story, even if it is only re-telling the great story!
Give unto the LORD the glory due unto His Name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.
My wife, who is hearing impaired, finds the sign language sign for the word “glory” helpful in better understanding the vastness of this word.
I love to watch the signers at our church,
I am double-blessed to hear and see the words together.
Also, with edit programs, I get to see the markings the voice makes when
converted to lines. It is loveliest in duos.
Is this what you meant us to see?
Yes, the very same. Hands as voices. Whether of God’s, or our own. That’s a lot to think about, isn’t it? Thank you for sharing your enjoyment.
“In that regard, have you ever just sat on a rock and allowed yourself to feel the immensity of it all?”
Watched a great movie with my daughter last night that captured the immensity of it all quite well
With the lovely Naomi Watts, and her family of two young sons and husband on vacation in Thailand
Having been there a number of time before I had children, my memories were of a virtual paradise
The movie starts out on a tropical atoll in an exclusive resort with a young British family (2 sons)
And then the tidal wave hits and the family is torn apart (the mother is literally torn apart)
As the two young children and their father try to “keep things together”
By the end of the movie the love of the family is deeper, but the Hand of God has taken away
A lot of the beauty and some of the body parts
Awesome piece, Skip!
What is truly mindboggling to me is God’s intent to share His Glory with humanity as He has with Yahshua!!!! Here are a few Scriptures that support this notion:
“When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory”. (Col. 3:4)RSV
“Now in putting everything in subjection to Him, He left nothing outside His control. As it is, we do not yet see everything in subjection to Him. But we see Jesus, who for a little while was made lower than the angels crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for every one.
For it was fitting that He, for whom and by whom all things exist, in BRINGING MANY SONS TO GLORY, should make the pioneer of their salvation perfect through suffering.” (Heb. 1:9-10) RSV Emphasis mine
For those who are “faithful and true”, there is an awesome life up ahead!
One other Scripture that reveals this destiny of glory for the saints is found in Daniel:
“And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” (Dan.12:3)
Kinda makes me want to stop the foolishness and “be wise”!
~ and The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of The Only Begotten of The Father, – full of grace and truth ~ (John 1.14)
And these words Yeshua prayed before His immersion by his cousin John, ~ Now is My soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I to this hour. ABBA-Father, glorify your Name. Then came there a Voice from Heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spoke to Him. … (John chapter 12)
Love Divine, – all loves excelling,
Joy of Heaven to earth come down;
Fix in us thy humble dwelling;
All thy faithful mercies crown!
Jesus, Thou art all compassion,
Pure unbounded love Thou art;
Visit us with Thy salvation;
– Enter every trembling heart.
Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit,
Into every troubled breast!
Let us all in Thee inherit;
Let us find that “second rest.”
Take away our bent to sinning;
Alpha and Omega be;
End of faith, as its Beginning,
Set our hearts at liberty.
Come, Almighty to deliver,
Let us all – Thy life receive;
Suddenly return and never,
Never more Thy temples leave.
Thee we would be always blessing,
Serve Thee as Thy hosts Above,
Pray and praise Thee without ceasing,
Glory in Thy perfect love.
Finish, then, Thy new creation;
Pure and spotless let us be.
Let us see Thy great salvation
Perfectly restored in Thee;
Changed from glory into glory,
Till in Heaven we take our place,
Till we cast our crowns before Thee,
Lost in wonder, love, and praise.
A question for you – Is this prolific “poetry” all your own production?
Very “telling,” brother John, and a sad state of affairs- (perhaps indicative of the state of the union!). I must ask, (if I may) have you never heard, (or do you not recognize), this particular hymn? I will (I promise) include the author on any future posts, – this “poetry” was written by Charles Wesley. Here is a little history behind the hymn: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_Divine,_All_Loves_Excelling). It is always a good thing to acknowledge the “source!”
P.S. – everyone is taught or mentored by someone!- everyone “gets it” from someone! Who inspired Charles to write these wonderful words?- and who inspired me to remember them ~ for such a time as this? ~. Praise His Holy Name!! – “Come Thou Fount of every blessing!- tune my heart to sing Thy praise!” (Robert Robinson 1757!)
The entire book of Psalms are Hebrew “songs!” A Hebrew hymn book right in the middle of our Him-Book!