
The Rock!  His work is perfect, for all His ways are just;” Duet. 32:4  NASB

Rock – The Hebrew word sur is used 75 times in the Old Testament.  Many of those uses are metaphorical.  Here, God is likened to a rock.  He is absolutely reliable, completely trustworthy and an unfailing source of strength.  The character of God described by this term are compelling and comforting to every believer.  God is completely upright (Deut. 32:4), He is the source of salvation (Ps. 89:26), He is a strong refuge in times of trouble (Ps. 94:22), He is a help and a protector (II Sam. 22:32), He will either break us in repentance or crush us in judgment (Rom. 9:32f.).  When we consider how often in the Bible God’s followers sinned by worshipping an idol carved from rock, it is amazing that the same word is used to describe many of the most important characteristics of God.

Rocks are one of the most common objects of our world.  From pebbles to boulders, we are continually confronted by their beauty, majesty and strength.  They can be the foundation of our edifices or the biggest roadblocks to our efforts.  Moses exclaims that God is The Rock because everything that He does is perfect and just.  Yeshua reminded us that unless we build on a foundation of rock, our lives would fail us.  Peter tells us that God is building a house of living rock.  David proclaims that God is the rock of his salvation.  And Paul tells us that Christ is a rock of offense.  Clearly, rock is an important spiritual metaphor.

As you journey through this day, keep an eye out for rocks.  Every time you see one, take the freedom to say with Moses – God is The Rock.  His work is perfect.  You can stand on that!  Perhaps paying attention to the quantity of rocks we encounter will also remind us that God is everywhere around us if we will just look.

And best of all, the strength of a rock does not depend on me!  In fact, my weakness doesn’t diminish the reliability or consistency of the Rock at all.

Topical Index:  rock, sur, reliability, Deuteronomy 32:4


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People are so busy with the age of rocks that are being uncovered in the east. Many digging holes to find the history that is hidden in the past by digging out rocks of the ages.
I am thankful on this Canada Day of 146 years that the country I am seeking and looking and longing for has been established by the ROCK OF ALL AGES.
He is coming…and He is coming for those who are looking, seeking and longing for HIS return.
Titus 2:13

Gayle Johnson

Amen, Carol! Happy Canada Day to you!


HalleluYAH! The Rock of our salvation! Amein!
A sure foundation to build upon, not wood and stubble.
If we do not worship YHWH, even the rocks will cry out!

Incidentally, even rocks constantly washed by the water gets smoothed out!
May we, the living stones be smoothed out too by the constant washing of His Word! Amein!
A beautiful word, Skip, shalom!