Clarity or Confusion?

Otherwise, He would have needed to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now once at the consummation of the ages He has been manifested to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.  Hebrews 9:26  NASB

The consummation of the ages – Go back a few verses.  Get the context first.  Verse 24 reads, “For Christ did not enter a holy place made with hands . . . but into heaven itself.”  That seems pretty clear, doesn’t it?  The Messiah appears in the presence of YHWH in heaven, not on earth, to perform the heavenly sacrifice (v. 23).  If this is true, then why does the author suddenly write as if the Messiah has been manifested at the consummation of the ages?  That makes it seem as if the sacrifice occurs at the end, not the beginning.  Something seems confused.

Let’s start with the Greek word synteleia (translated “consummation”).  This word is made up of two Greek words, syn and teleoSyn means “in union with,” or “together with,”  but with emphasis on the unity of the relation rather than simply proximity (as indicated by meta).  Teleo is not simply the “end” of something but rather the completion, fulfillment, accomplishment or goal.  This seems clear from Paul’s use of teleo in his description of the “end of the Law,” a phrase which is much better translated as “the goal of the Law.”  The author of Hebrews combines these two ideas to produce synteleia.  This is not simply the “end.”  It is a special kind of end, an end of full completion and union.  In the author’s thought, this event fulfills an entire age, whatever that may be.  Furthermore, this event occurs only once (hapax), never to be repeated.

So which is it?  Does the sacrifice occur before the foundation of the world in the heavenly Temple not made with human hands, or does it occur once at the fulfillment of the age manifested to us?  Maybe our question is correct.  Maybe it’s both!  It seems quite clear from two other authors that the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world.  It also seems clear that atonement is accomplished in only one way and that forgiveness was available before the crucifixionThese facts support the statement in verse 23 that the crucial sacrifice takes place in the heavenlies.  But it is still possible that the manifestation of this event, that is, our understanding and appreciation of it, occurs once at the fulfillment of the age.  In other words, the reality of atonement was in place from the beginning, but our apprehension of that reality wasn’t clear until we saw its manifestation in the crucifixion.  The Messiah entered the tabernacle not made with human hands and accomplished what no earthly priest could (v. 11).

The author of Hebrews contrasts this manifestation with the repeated sacrifices of the earthly priests.  His emphasis is on the one time nature of the Messiah’s sacrifice.  But he makes note of the necessity of blood spilled for this new covenant, citing the Torah’s declaration “without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”  But the crucifixion does not meet this requirement, so the author must have something else in mind.  What he has in mind is the contrast between the repeated sacrifices of the priests and the “once for all” sacrifice of the Messiah.  The death on the cross is the visible manifestation of the reality of this one time sacrifice.

This requires a further note.  The Greek word translated “manifested” is pephanerotai.  It is the perfect passive indicative of the root phaneroo.  It means “to make visible,” but as a perfect passive it has the sense of someone else making something visible to us in such a way that we understand what has already happened has continuing importance in the present.  In other words, the crucial event has already occurred but we are now seeing it for its true and continuing meaning.  With regard to the timing of the crucial event, the verb is ambiguous.  All it suggests is that the event now manifest occurred sometime prior to the manifestation.  It does not imply that the event and the act of making the event visible are simultaneous.  With this clarity, it is quite possible that the author of the text means to say that the event that he has already temporally located in the heavenly tabernacle before the foundation of the world is subsequently revealed to us in its earthly manifestation.  It does not follow that the earthly manifestation is the heavenly tabernacle sacrifice.

Is this clarity or further confusion?  Actually, it might be a bit of both.  Hebrews is a challenging book but it cannot be read apart from a Jewish perspective of the whole New Testament.  For any part to make sense, it must all make sense.  And making sense of the whole is the function of a paradigm.  I guess we’re back at big picture issues again, aren’t we?

Topical Index:  tabernacle, sacrifice, manifested, phaneroo, once, hapax, Hebrews 9:26

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Dear Skip, would you please explain what is to be understood as a “heavenly sacrifice” please?
In heaven the Holy Elohim is spirit, not flesh and bones and hence there is no blood at all.
But in the Torah sacrifice is essentialy related to blood.
I guess by writing this there must be still a greater confusion than in your Today’s Word. For me it does not make much difference, since I believe based on the authority of all the other Scriptures that Yeshua HaMashiah is the Lord and the Redeemer of the World, and that YHWH fundamentally is the savior, as He showed Himself to the Israelites in Egypt and as He is showing the strenght of His arm still as powerfully in our days.
If not convinced, read the book “the Israel Omen” written by David Brennan.
The author explains, amongst many other facts, that immediately after Ariel Sharon gave a piece of the Holy Land (the Gaza strip), the eternal property of YHWH, away under the pressure of the USA, Katrina hit the USA as a never seen catastrophe. Ariel Sharon got two strokes and lives like a plant. It is litterally as in psalm 121,4 He who watches over Israel, will neither slumber nor sleep!

carl roberts

Too Simple (for some..)

Jesus (who is the) Christ is LORD.

This alone would be “sufficient,”- but wait..- there’s more! (so much more!)

The simplicity is staggering. We have a Textbook. It is our Bible. Our Bible (and it is our Bible) has two halves to it, as if it had been split into two parts. And yet.. our brain literally has two parts or lobes- right brain and left brain. The Bible, the word of God, the word of the LORD, God’s Word, God’s Holy Book, contains everything we need (now) for life and for godliness.
The Bible is both story book and picture book. It contains many stories and many (word) pictures.
We not only have a TextBook, but we have a Teacher. The disciples (students) referred to Him (our LORD) as “Teacher.” “Teacher, tell us..” He said, “ask, and you will receive..” May we ask according to our needs, since He has promised to supply? – Yes!! Need understanding? Ask. Need wisdom? Ask. He has promised to supply “ALL” our needs.
Best of all, every person mentioned in this Book of books is a real person. Adam and Eve were real people, just like you and me. So was Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Moses, David, Isaiah- all the prophets, and all “the saints” mentioned in the Hebraic hall of fame, – all of them had this in common- They lived “by faith.” ~ “The just shall by his faith- live.” and further still- ~ without faith it is impossible to please Him! ~
And what are we, but “modern day” (ha!) “saints.” “Saint Carl.”- whodathunkit? But before we go and light a candle or burn some incense (or whatever..)- What is a saint? A saint, my friends, is nothing but a saved sinner. There are only two types of people in this world and it is not Jew or Gentile, male or female..- (not even Republicrat or Democan)- no, the only two (in the end) are “saved” or “lost.” -Saints or aints. Sheep or goats. Wheat or (wannabee) tares. Is this too simple? – It most assuredly is for some.
There are those who believe and those who refuse to believe. It is as simple as “Yes or No.”
~ Abraham believed God and it was counted (or imputed) to him for righteousness ~ Abraham was justified (in the eyes of God) by faith! And friends, – this ‘happened to happen’ before he was circumcised!
Father Abraham, indeed! Who chose who? Did Abraham choose God or did God choose him?
Is there any difference between B.C. and A.C.? (Before Christ and After Christ?). I could run six miles (minimum) kicking and screaming right now.

The long-promised Messiah has come. (just the facts m’am). Yes? No? Is He the ONE? ~ or shall we look for another? ~

If He is who He says He is- then why do we not worship Him? Why do we not obey Him? Why do we not listen to Him and do what He says? Because it’s too simple?

Six more miles (kicking and screaming)

Why is this so “upsetting” to me? There are those among us (and they breed) who are blind in one eye and refuse to see out of the other. There are those who actually prefer confusion to clarity. Stay confused (please). – Is this the way to go through life? – “Dazed and confused?” – or “willingly ignorant?” – and we haven’t even “factored in” alcohol and drugs!- Are we ever “a royal mess!”

What were Paul’s words? ~ Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? (Paul, who is the One who conquered death? – and sin, – and the grave?) Have you forgotten tHis Name?

Who is our Redeemer? Who is the Lamb sent to earth from Above? ( a Very good Gift and a Very perfect Gift?- the Gift of all gifts!)

Who is the Savior?

Who is our (ever present) Friend and Brother?

~ Who is the LORD that I should obey Him? ~ (Pharaoh found out!- “the hard way!)

~ Casting all your care upon Him for He (exceedingly-abundantly) cares for you ~ (1 Peter 5.7)

Still confused? ~ The Light of the world IS Jesus!! (but wait!…- there’s more..- so “much more!”)

May I testify concerning my Savior? May this beggar share with another beggar where to find the Bread of Heaven? or the water of Life?

Who is this King of glory? What is tHis Name that is above ALL names?

~ and the Child shall be called … “Pele-Yoez-El-Gibbor-Abi-ad-Sar-Shalom..”

King of kings. LORD of all lords. Master. Savior. Shepherd. Sovereign. Redeemer. Rock. Friend.

Still confused? Try this. Bow the knee. – *Amen*


Carl wrote: Abraham believed God and it was counted (or imputed) to him for righteousness ~ Abraham was justified (in the eyes of God) by faith! And friends, – this ‘happened to happen’ before he was circumcised!
Yep, Abraham was not a Jew (neither were Adam and Eve; YHVH loved them, “walked” and talked with them and COMMANDED them to do or not do certain things. Once again, NOT Jewish.) And guess what else? Sabbath was created, blessed and sanctified by God in Genesis… not a “Jewish thing.”

If we can get passed who and what is “Jew” vs “gentile” and realize that YHVH desires loving obedience based on faith/trust in Him, the ONE TRUE GOD, we will have peace in our souls. YHVH happened to choose the people of Israel to teach how to do that. Let’s learn WHAT GOD TAUGHT THEM, one step, one minute at a time, and follow THAT… not what rabbis made up in their religion, nor what western culture seminaries have taught about this “Jesus” vs Yeshua HaMashiach (His name was/is YESHUA and He is Messiah! Praise Him!!!)

To do that, much prayer and supernatural discernment will be required.

Carl finished his post with: Still confused? Try this. Bow the knee.

Pam Riley

Thanks for your faithfulness and for sharing your insights – for making us s-t-r-e-t-c-h our brains and paradigms!! We appreciate you and continually thank YHWH for you! One question that keeps coming up to me as I try to wrap my mind around this is if Yeshua’s sacrifice for our sin was offered before the foundation of the world in the heavenly temple, then why was there a need in the earthly temple for the Day of Atonement and the yearly sin sacrifice(s) for atonement? Is there something I am missing about the sacrifice on the Day of Atonement? Was it for atonement or ritual/ceremonial cleansing? Maybe you have already addressed this in another TW and I just don’t recall it.


Jesus called Paul to stop killing the church and begin building the church, which is the body of Christ. There are many parts but one body. His body is on earth, the Head is in heaven.

Following the Messiah did not require Jewish believers to abandon all their worship traditions.
But neither did it require them to continue.
(Being born-again does not require one to stop smoking cigarettes either, but in time, most will.)

It must be understood that it is Jesus + nothing.
Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling . . .

Paul had the freedom to participate when he was among Jews; he also had the freedom to act as if he were not under the Torah (1 Cor. 9:21). He had the freedom to live like a gentile.
Peter had that freedom, too (Gal. 2:14).

Some people in the early Jerusalem church apparently did not understand this, –and do not understand it now either tho we have had long period of time — and Paul did not attempt to correct them at that particular time.
Later, the book of Hebrews does explain that the old covenant was obsolete and no longer binding — even for Jewish Christians. No one has to participate in temple rituals or observe other laws that God gave only under the old covenant system.

Jewish nor gentile Christians do not have to keep the law of Moses. You can certainly observe the customs if you want, but it is not required. We are not under the Torah (1 Cor. 9:20-21).
Rather, we live under the Law of Christ, both Jews and Gentiles together under the Law of Christ, which is LOVE. A more excellent way.

Imagine for a moment that if Torah observance were binding, and one is called to the mission field.
The same call that came to Abram, “Go” is indeed repeated TO ALL who, by faith, like Abraham’s faith, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. “Go…” Matt. 28.19

Then you get to your field position and you are juggling with a stove and must have certain foods, and so forth, refusing to eat what is at hand like the people God sent you to tell the Good News.
It is clear you are to eat what is set before you 1 Cor. 10:27.
For life is about more than food for the belly, the fact is, that if you eat kosher, which is very healthy, or you eat whatever is at hand, you are still going to live the exact number of days God has set for you.

God can give health in the worst of circumstances, and even without food for the body.
The thing we are commissioned to ‘GO’ and DO is share the Gospel so that those who have not heard can hear, — and if they believe, will have eternal life.

What do you think God — on the Throne today and forever — cares the most about, what you eat or what you feed the lost sheep?
Is He still thirsty, I wonder? — “I thirst” for millions to come home to Him?
I think yes.


Dorothy you confuse me! Jesus Himself said that if we LOVE Him, we will obey His commandments. Those commandments are found in what you call the law of Moses. It seems that you want others to live in confusion rather than true LOVE. Jesus loved the sheep and fed them accordingly by manifesting the Torah. When He asks us to feed the sheep, I for one refuse to feed them genetically modified ie;corrupted diet. I choose to live the truth of His love by obeying rather than modifying the “gospel diet” with confusing religious alterations to what the word LOVE means. I am grateful that Skip teaches truth and I am confused about your comments on this blog.


True, Renee! Good perception!

Michael C


Yes, confusing, indeed.

The format seems to be: choose paradigm, then MAKE everything fit, regardless.

It’s exhausting to me.


1Pet 1:18 Knowing that you were redeemed from your futile behaviour inherited from your fathers, not with what is corruptible, silver or gold;
1Pet 1:19 But with the precious blood of Meshiach, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless:
1 Peter 1:20 Foreknown, indeed, before the foundation of the world but manifested in these last times for your sakes.
“The death on the cross is the visible manifestation of the reality of this one time sacrifice.”

“.. that the event that he has already temporally located in the heavenly tabernacle before the foundation of the world is subsequently revealed to us in its earthly manifestation.
It does not follow that the earthly manifestation is the heavenly tabernacle sacrifice.”
In that Yahshua was the “once and for all” sacrifice prepared since the foundation of the world, is more pleasing then the sacrifices of bulls and animals.

My version says-
Rev 13:8 And all those dwelling on the earth, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the slain Lamb from the foundation of the world shall worship Him.

These such ‘confusion/s” come through translations. Suffice for now, we have to make do until restoration of the original texts be discovered. If not, I am content with guarding Torah and all the Word of YHWH.

Rich Pease

May I quote . . .

how good and how pleasant it is
for brethern to dwell together in
unity.” Ps 133:1

Oswald Chambers from today’s (Aug 26) reading:
“When a person confers with Jesus Christ, the confusion
stops, because there is no confusion in Him.”

One more.
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give you;
not as the world gives do I give to you.” Jn 14:27

Marcus Penberthy

I have been looking at this subject for some months since it has been raised through your daily emails.

what I believe is that, the Day of Atonement has not been fulfilled, because it has to be fulfilled on the exact day of the hebrew calendar as have the first 4 feasts. As with the lamb slain before the foundation of the earth, fulfilled at the cross, I believe the Messiah carried out the heavenly requirements for atonement and will return to fulfill them on a future day of Atomnement.

Why do I think it has not been fulfilled? Well the blood has to be sprinkled on the ark by the high priest to be a valid Torah requirement, and at the time of Yeshua’s death the ark of the covenant was not present in the temple, it was stolen under Solomons watch 500 odd years earlier and not returned. Also the veil torn at the temple was the outer veil!! In the second temple there were 2 veils, one to the holy place and one to the holy of holies. THe centurian saw the veil torn, and if we look at a model of the temple, there is no way he could have seen anything but a veil at the front of the temple from where he was, by the side of Yeshua who was on the cross. (The place known as Golgotha, not the church of the holy speluchre.)

The whole of the book of Hebrews is from my understanding is all about the day of atonement, written to torah observant Jews, so it is no wonder we don’t understand it.

This is a favourite subject of mine but it has also got me into trouble, its not a popular message, to say atonement has not yet been fulfilled, even with the caviate that it is available, I have been accused of abandoning the cross!! How could I?

See you on the 7th of September Skip!!




Hi Marcus,

Yes, I have read that too, and it makes sense-
“…. the veil torn at the temple was the outer veil!! In the second temple there were 2 veils, one to the holy place and one to the holy of holies. THe centurian saw the veil torn, and if we look at a model of the temple, there is no way he could have seen anything but a veil at the front of the temple from where he was, by the side of Yeshua who was on the cross.”

Please Skip, have your teachings videod or recorded from UK for us! Don’t want to miss out! Thanks! 🙂 meanwhile please REST and be refreshed! LOL

Michael C

Ditto on the videos. Please.