Now More Than Ever
Do not hide your face from me in the day of my distress! Incline your ear to me; Answer me speedily in the day when I call! Psalm 102:2 ESV
My distress – How often have you cried out to YHWH in this way? You and I speak the same words that David spoke. Life takes a terrible turn and we plead for God’s intervention. I imagine that we have all been to the edge of this cliff.
But I would like us to consider another kind of cliff; one with just as much distress, where we rarely call upon the Lord at the moment of peril because we do not perceive it as a fateful end. David also walked this precipice and he was just a blind as we are. In the moment when he should have cried out to God, he forgot his voice because the cliff actually appealed to him. Perhaps now you guessed where I am going – to the edge of the roof where the view allows me to see something I should have turned away from. This distress is just as real, perhaps more so, than those moments when my enemy is breathing down my neck or when I find myself without strength or resources. But this kind of distress seduces me (literally) into believing that one small indiscretion won’t really make that much difference. After all, this cliff is beautiful.
The Hebrew word for “distress” is tsarar. It means being wrapped up, bound, constricted to a tight place, tied or restrained. The Hebrew idea of peace carries the imagery of a wide space, a lush and open grazing land, while distress means being cramped, constrained on all sides. Ah, but how subtle the yetzer ha’ra is. Here is David, walking openly in the freedom of his roof on the palace. Here is David, free to look in every direction. Here is David, eyes wide open. Everything appears to be unconstrained, unrestricted. And what does he see in his freedom? He should have seen great threat, great constraint, great binding. But because he thought he was free, he thought what he saw was also free. Perhaps David should have remembered that he cried out to God when Saul was chasing him and realized that his enemy was still in hot pursuit. Only this time the enemy didn’t need a sword or a shield. All it needed was David’s own sense of freedom.
Most of us quickly turn to the Lord when we perceive things that we consider threats, but it seems to me that few of us cry out to God when we face what He perceives as threats. Oh, He warns us, no doubt. But we hear the voice of our Mother as she contemplated the suggestion of the serpent. “It looks perfectly good to me. Why would God ask me to avoid what is pleasant to the eyes, good for knowledge and nourishing for my well-being?” Instead of red flashing lights, we see green permissions.
What’s the lesson? Maybe it’s this. Measure distress according to biblical standards, not yours or mine. Threat assessment will change.
Topical Index: threat, distress, tsarar, Psalm 102:2, yetzer ha’ra
This distress is just as real, perhaps more so, than those moments when my enemy is breathing down my neck or when I find myself without strength or resources.
Hi Skip,
I’m going to play devil’s advocate here and argue that in my view we are designed to feel less distress
If we are referring to David’s desire for Bathsheba, there is no stronger desire than “romantic love” IMO
On the other hand, God’s commands must be learned and then implemented whenever necessary
But I don’t feel distress because I feel attracted to the object of desire (maybe there is no reason)
I feel distress if I feel attracted to the object of desire and it is prohibited
In these situations, I tend to believe in open and honest communication
God also believes in “open and honest communication.” This is why He gave us His Word. “It is written,” is the plumb line of Amos. We do not see how the Bible “fits in” to our lives, -we bring our lives, our minds, our hearts into conformity with the scriptures. ~ What do the scriptures say? ~ should be written, (maybe a tattoo would help?)- These five words should be engraven forever upon our hearts, ~ What does God say about that?
What was David “thinking” that fateful night when he fixed and feasted his eyes upon “forbidden fruit?”
David made a series of “wrong choices.” Wrong choices lead to wrong behavior,- every time. It all starts with a choice, doesn’t it? David, (Joe, Jimmy, Sally or Sue) – ~ choose YOU this day who YOU will serve! ~
But as for me and my house- we WILL serve (abad) the LORD ~
When did David fall? He fell when he “looked.” “The birds may fly over my head, but I refuse to “let” (permission refused!!-just say NO!) to let them build a nest in my hair.” Now we might see (might) the critical nature (God don’t play!) of ~ bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ ~
Just how “damaging” is sin? Again.. ask Adam. Brothers, sisters.. when we sin – it is “paradise lost!” for all of us. Sin is a choice. We (willingly) choose to disobey what God has said (you would think by now we would have learned to “pay attention..”) but perhaps we “claim” ignorance? -or is it (shudder..) “stupidity?”
Did David regret his decision(s) ? This is satan’s LSD. Lust, Sin, Death. Every time. We are NOT ignorant of his devices. Remember this.. ~ we walk by faith (our right-response to what God says) and NOT (big NOT!) by sight. ~ Blessed (how happy!) are those who have “not seen” and yet believe.~
Do you “believe” sin is destructive? Have you (personally and up close) seen the debilitating-damning-defeat-disease-despair etc.. – the “wages of sin?” Again..- ask Adam. Ask Moses, even Moses- the leader of all Israel and yet, because of his disobedience to the voice of YHWH- “Speak to the rock”.. but what did Moses do? He did not “speak” to the rock- He smote the rock! Or what about the ones who reached out to steady the ark of the covenant when it appeared ready to fall upon the ground? God said “You can’t touch this!”- but what did these (seemingly) innocent ones do? They “appeared” to do a “good thing” by saving the ark, BUT what did God say? – “You can’t touch this!”
We had better lay hold of the damage (including collateral damage!) sin will cause. Every choice (every choice) is followed by a consequence! Good choices (obey God) and good consequences will follow. Who might be our “example” – our “exhibit A” is this matter of obedience? It is Christ Himself!
Born into our humanity. Drinking,eating, working, playing, breathing- He lived among us (as a man) YET, He was “without” sin. – How did He “do it?”
Not once, not even twice but three times, He said something to someone.. (Get that “tat!”) He said,(and we most assuredly “do” pay attention to His words- right?) He said to someone- “IT IS WRITTEN.”
If we do not know, -if we are “willingly ignorant” of- the word(s) of God, we will absolutely fail and fall.
Our mission? Our goal? Our instructions? To “shema” (to hear and to do) the word(s) of the LORD. Then we may say (also) ~ I delight to DO your will, my Father ~ For He has said.. “do these things- and you will live!
The ways of God, the wisdom of God and the will of God are all clearly revealed (for “whosoever will”) within the Word of God. It is so! – Amen.
How firm a foundation!- The wise man built his house upon a rock.. (remember!)
How firm a foundation!- The wise man built his house upon a rock.. (remember!)
How shaky is the ground today, when we think we can read and understand what is the word of God. I have read and do read my English Bible (I have several translations). The problem I find is that I can make them out to mean what ever I want (pretty much). So that begs the question, what is the perfect will of God? And how trust worthy is what we perceive as holy?
We have but to look at Dorothy, do you not think that she loves us and the Lord? She reads the same words yet has come to different conclusions.
If Yeshua is the the word made flesh, shouldn’t we simply be looking at His life and model ours after him, rather than arguing about what others through the centuries have said about Him and what He wants? (not that I believe there are arguments here as I see this platform as a place of inspection, give and take, and examination of the evidence. While some might hold entrenched positions, the majority seem to advance and fall back, then advance again, sharing their discoveries along the way)
When the Lord asked if He would find faith when He returned, I have to wonder too. We all define faith differently, we all keep His commands differently, we all struggle to understand to gain that firm foundation upon which we wish to build our house.
“what is the perfect will of God? And how trust worthy is what we perceive as holy?”
Hi Jill,
I think Jesus taught us to know and trust the will of God
Mark 12:30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
Mark 12:31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Luke 6:31
Do to others as you would have them do to you
Perhaps I should have included scriptures to the sentence..and how trust worthy is that we perceive as holy scripture.
Mark 12:30 I think, based on what I have studied that Skip has written, the base meaning of this is to love God with your whole being, rather than separated in to these little subsections that we divide ourselves into. That who ever you are, needs to reflect God’s character.
Mark 12:31 Could be taken to not inflict on others things that you yourself would find painful.
Both of these verses sum up the 10 commandments – so in essence wasn’t Yeshua saying at the bare minimum follow the 10 commandments? How many of those that claim to be saved do you know that actually know the 10 commandments? Let alone practice them.
More often than not, I’ve seen believers make stuff up, based on a few verses, mostly taken out of context and always foisted on others because of their own paradigm, as though everyone sees the world the same way they do – they do not.
Skip left a response to another comment the other day, the gist that I took away was that one should understand why they hold things to be holy or right. If one is to say something dogmatically, then they should know, without doubt, what framed the logic behind what they are clinging to. Not that it was right or wrong to believe something, simply that you should recognize how you got there.
For many years I have accepted a paradigm view of Biblical Christianity that I now find to be in grave conflict with other information that has come into my periphery. I have seen, first hand, the damage done to others that love the Lord, but have been abused by verses taken out of context, or interpreted how ever the person doing the interpreting wishes. Spousal abuse based on the submission passage. Congregational abuse is rampant, just turn on the TV to see that (or visit your local church) Try to follow the logic of sermons from pastors that actually try to teach doctrines, categorically and exegetically, they get so tangled up that it is almost impossible to understand what they are talking about. How much damage is done by the believe and receive crowd? Faith alone, in Christ alone…confess your sins and move on. Sins defined by whoever the leader is not based on the criteria set by God. What is sin, but the transgression of the law, and what is the law if it isn’t Torah? Without the Torah, how many do you know that abuse what they perceive as grace? I know people who claim to be saved by grace that knowingly enter into sin with the admission that they will confess it later and all will be fine. There is no burning desire to do what is right, no shame when they fail.
I do put my faith in Yeshua that YHWH will save me. I like to have rules to follow, do I follow them all? Not as well as I would like. I do fear the Lord’s review of how I have conducted my life, I have fallen (and still fall) so often. All the while scrambling to understand, fearing that I what I have known and do know is wrong, yet doesn’t the Bible say, Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom? (does it really say that? or is it what I have been led to believe?) See that is my conundrum – I can read in English, but God doesn’t speak to us in English, He has chosen to speak to us in Hebrew.
“and how trust worthy is that we perceive as holy scripture.”
Hi Jill,
I agree and tend to think that most of us probably know holy scripture
About as well as we know mathematics
We probably all studied math for years but compared to people who really know math
We don’t know imath very well at all
Jesus seems to speak in his own little language as a Master of the Text
Sometimes I think Jesus is simplifying scripture so disciples can more easily act on his words
Simplification of complicated concepts, as you know, can easily lead to confusion of meaning
Just part of the process
Michael, I so relate to your analogy with the math – I’m totally in the category of someone who sucked at math when I was younger, figured out how to figure out what I need to know to do stuff where math was needed (and also that if you know your multiplication tables backwards and forwards and can add in your head, most practical math becomes simple), yet I still get hives when I think about performing higher math functions LOL
I’m joining this conversation with a personal example.
Shortly after I had given myself wholly into God’s hands, I quit my job and began a drive across America. Before I left, my co-workers held a going-away party for me–mostly a few guys, playing cards, drinks–you know the routine. There were a few women there, too, also my co-workers. One woman was going through a rough patch. Her husband was unfaithful, and she was looking for revenge. (Or, at least, the other woman was encouraging her toward that end.)
The evening got late. We had all had a good time. I stood up to leave, and realized I’d had too much to drink. I held onto the table to stay standing…and suddenly realized that the lonely woman and myself were the only ones left in the house.
There was no doubt what she wanted. And there was no doubt I was being sorely tested. The temptation was enormous. Now, if I had reasoned that “Love God” and “Love neighbor” were the criteria for my behavior, I could have decided that giving this woman a few moments of sweet revenge would have been comforting for her. After all, her husband being adulterous, he had already broken their marriage contract. And I wasn’t married and so was not obliged to any contract of my own. It would have been very easy for “love” to be the basis of a wrong decision on my part to accommodate her and myself.
I did not know a lot of scripture. But I did know some. And in answer to my silent, “Father, help me!” I understood this: “Thou shalt not commit adultery!” Never mind the King’s English. I knew what the Law had to say about this situation.
The next day, this same woman came to me and thanked me for resisting her advances and her person. She said that because of the way the party ended, she was able to hold her head high.
“a personal example”
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for sharing your personal example, I think you raise some interesting issues
The following description is very well written, but does not paint a very attractive picture
“my co-workers … One woman was going through a rough patch… Her husband was unfaithful, and she was looking for revenge.”
What if she were the best looking gal in the office, a rising star in your profession
And she had asked you if you’d like to take a ride over to the beach in her porsche
For a midnight swim
Hi Jill,
Appreciate your comments. Such a difference and a joy when we see one who has been delivered (often translated as ‘saved’) from wrong beliefs from wrong interpretations, wrong translations, resulting in a wrong paradigm.
Reminds me of a story well told-
This man sitting on top of his roof in a heavy flood, asked Elohim for help. A boat came by, he replied he is waiting for Father to deliver him. A helicopter came by, he refused, saying he is waiting for Father to ‘save’ him. The flood rose higher and higher, he drowned. When he stood before Father, he asked why He didn’t ‘save’ him? Father replied, I sent you a boat, then I sent you a helicopter, you refused.
Is this a case of how we in our pride, or is that foolishness, perceive things?
Shalom to you!
Jill, you offered me a dilemma today!
Thank you! for recognizing that I do love you, and do not post for the reason or desire to rile anyone, even tho I see, and you see, things differently. Amen.
The dilemma being which (of several things) do I wish to speak to….and I choose this:
“How shaky is the ground today, when we think we can read and understand what is the word of God.”
God gave us His written Word for the purpose of revealing His will.
Then He promised that men could understand it.
Ps. 119:98,99 – You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies … I have more understanding than all my teachers, For Your testimonies are my meditation.
Ps. 119:104,105 – Your precepts give understanding. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Ps. 119:130 – The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.
How could this be if people could not understand His Word?
People have been capable of understanding the Word from *the beginning and were expected to do so.
Acts 17:2,3 – Paul reasoned from the Scriptures, explaining and demonstrating that Jesus is the Christ.
Q. — How could this prove anything if people could not understand the Scriptures?
Acts 17:11 – The Scriptures give the average man a way to know whether or not they are being told the truth. People are not expected to take someone else’s word for what the Bible says. Folks should use the Word itself to check out teachers of the Word.
Q. — How could the Bible accomplish this if people cannot understand it?
Jesus told the Sadducees, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.” Matt. 22:29
He expected them to know the Scriptures. When they did not, they became mistaken, and He held them accountable for that.
For each argument anyone can come up with for why we are unable to understand the Bible, the same argument would mean that people in the first century could not have understood the O.T.
I will supply you some ‘proof’ from someone I know you respect and love.
Skip continually says we must understand what it meant to those it was spoken to, doesn’t he?
The first people the Word was written to were capable of understanding it and were expected to do so. Likewise, we today can understand God’s Word, whereby we can be saved. By now some mysteries have been revealed to us that wasn’t known to the earlier people. It has not been revealed by later day teachers, but now revealed thru the N.T. writers who were guided by the Holy Spirit.
So now its time to examine what could be the reasons why people do not understand –or believe that understanding is impossible– for them?
Minds can be blinded by false teaching. These false teachings can come from a multitude of places– teachers, preachers, family, friends, or creeds. No matter the avenue, the same deliveryman brings the blinding:
The god of this age (Satan) blinds the minds of some folks so the light of the gospel does not shine on them. 2 Cor. 4:2-4
Following human doctrines makes worship vain. These doctrines are often taught by blind leaders. If we follow blindly, we will be lost like they are. Matt. 15:9,14
Note that we could and should check teachers out in God’s word (Acts 17:11).
That is why God is justified in condemning those who allow themselves to be deceived by false teachers.
*God had made His will and His Word completely understandable to Adam and Eve, that’s why blaming the snake didn’t get them declared innocent! It took the blood to do that.
It is simply not true that we need to take any teacher’s word for which way is truth.
God speaks in every man’s language. Many around the world come to faith without understanding Hebrew. I am not against Hebrew, and what we can learn from it–not at all– I am against anything, any teaching whatsoever that claims ABC/NBC/CBS, etc. can deliver a message that can be understood, but GOD CANNOT!
The Galatians were turning away from Christ because of the influence of people who were perverting the gospel of Christ. Gal. 1: 6-9
They were not excused on the grounds they could “not understand”
They should have compared what they were being taught to the Gospel that was delivered to them by the men inspired by the Holy Spirit. Your copy of the Holy Scriptures has been put into your hands thru the blood of martyrs, they died for your copy in your language.
Your/our adversary is so delighted when anyone swallows any cleverly presented lie. I think he rolls around in unquelled laughter when people fall for a lie that isn’t even presented cleverly! The way to do that is just say it often enough and there will be those who will shortly swear it is true.
What are some of the oft repeated stuff?
You must go and hear Dr. Duck Jones, his teaching will open your eyes!
First, the KJB is just too antiquated and impossible to understand!
And now, the entire Bible — in all versions — is too difficult and scary to attempt to understand!?
What? even with the Spirit of God beside you teaching?
I respectfully beg to differ, because it is written:
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14.26
Dorothy, the scriptures you wrote were words spoken by people who understood Hebrew and the Hebrew meaning of those words. Do you think that, since that time, translators have understood Hebrew the way those first speakers did? And if so, and IF the Holy Spirit has made all translations accurate, WHY are there such differences in the translations? That translations are not necessarily accurate in all cases–THAT is what Skip is pointing us toward.
I have no doubt, concerning the adulterous situation I wrote about above, that it was God’s Spirit that pointed me to the LAW.
Exactly Thomas, you had some rules, frame work, that you could live by. As morality and good manners continue to decline in our societies, the more we need a set standard that we can revert back to – a baseline if you will.
The “law” provides that for us all.
Yes, Thomas, certainly it was God’s Spirit that pointed you to the LAW, it is the law that is the schoolmaster that shows you how much you/we need Christ.
The law is the mirror, it is only able to show you how unacceptable you/we are, it can’t cleanse you/us. Jesus, The Christ is the soap. He cleanses whiter than snow!
Rejoicing with you that you saw your need of Him for salvation.
There are some people that think they haven’t committed adultery if they did not do the deed in the flesh, — but Jesus said if even in your heart!
And plenty think they have never committed murder when the freeways are littered with the people they’ve killed mercilessly for some infraction while driving to work!
Dorothy, you wrote: “For each argument anyone can come up with for why we are unable to understand the Bible, the same argument would mean that people in the first century could not have understood the O.T.” It hurts my brain to try to figure out the convoluted logic that enables one to come to that absurd conclusion. While elementary logic may not be your strong suit, it appears that consistency is no friend either as just 2 short sentences later you admitted that: “The first people the Word was written to were capable of understanding it and were expected to do so”. While I am not a moderator here, for the sake of those of us who sometimes still read your posts in spite of your history and our good sense, PLEASE at least try to make your posts logical, sensible and enlightening. While it may boost your ego to be a Christian apologist and daily write such great defenses of Protestantism that even Luther and Calvin rise to applaud your efforts on their behalf, we are not so inclined, moved or inspired.
To your credit you correctly noted that: “Minds can be blinded by false teaching. These false teachings can come from a multitude of places– teachers, preachers, family, friends, or creeds”. H E L L O . This is exactly the point that Skip drives home over and over again. We all have paradigms which blind us to truth. It is not just others that are deceived, it is US. We have believed the lies of our church fathers. Jeremiah 16:19 warns: “… the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit”. One of the requirements of a mature spirituality is to realize that I (and not just others) can be deceived. The next question that logically must follow is: “Am I deceived?” If you cannot even ask the question (and answer it honestly) then there is a problem. CS Lewis rightly observed : ‘If you think you are not conceited, it means you are very conceited indeed”. Replace ‘conceited’ with ‘deceived’ and it still holds true. Finally, you stated (again rightly) : “Following human doctrines makes worship vain. These doctrines are often taught by blind leaders. If we follow blindly, we will be lost like they are”. Dorothy, if you would only see that these words that came out of your own mouth apply to you and not others (us in particular)…well, ” if only”… In hope, Michael
No doubt all wisdom shall die with you.
Just a brief comment.
Michael, I realize how frustrating it can be to work through the comments, but please try not to attack the person here. This is a place where anyone is free to begin with any idea, and then we examine the idea. We all fall short and those who see the errors of others are no less guilty of some other mistake.
Dorothy, I too often find your reasoning difficult, but I understand the power of a paradigm and I also know that none of us move away from our own sacred cows by logic alone. Please stay around. I am praying that the Lord will lead you into an open place, not that you have to agree, but only that you will be able to see that there might be another way of seeing.
Thank you both. You are so important to me.
I agree. I repent. I apologize to all those I offended by my critical spirit, starting with Dorothy. I ask your forgiveness. I will not to respond in that manner again-here or elsewhere, as it does not edify others, honor our Master or fulfill the commandments. This habit of criticizing those whom I judge as being X (fill in the blank with today’s flavor) must stop. Today would be a good day to do so. YHWH be merciful to me and send deliverance. I will not turn away from your salvation … again. Michael
Dear Michael,
I expected no less of you for I know your heart is in the right direction. Thank you
Then your prayers have been answered, Skip, for I surely DO see there exists many ways of ‘seeing’.
The place we don’t agree on is what God is demonstrating on a minute by minute involvement in our lives with us about how to live, how to worship, how to be holy as He is holy. Each of us seems willing to invest the only life we have upon this Great Adventure.
I know my beliefs reach that deep.
What I read convinces me I was created to know God in a personal way—to have a relationship with Him, not thru the Old Covenant, but through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Why He wants to …. well, of course, love on such a grand scale as HIS is the only thing that provides the answer. THAT is my song here.
I will ever seek to keep the main thing: the Scriptures are the testimony of a Person, the Living God.
Its one thing to miss a point, but if study of the the Holy Scriptures is to merely to acquire knowledge, (which puffs up) then the whole point of the life He granted to each of us is missed. The whole point of reading Scripture is to know the Blessed Author.
I completely agree we are to be at peace, where ever peace is possible.
I am willing to be at peace with everyone here.
And glad for the opportunity to speak as I am led.
Thank you, Mr. Moen for an open blog where we have freedom of expression.
True freedom always begins with The Prince of Peace.
Granting it to our neighbor is an excellent thing.
Peace with God is the only way for the Heavenly Dove will come and light upon us, —
(the bird, a dove, will not stay where there is racket and violent moves)
The most beautiful thing in the universe is the deep, abiding peace between our hearts and our Creator that cannot be taken away (John 10:27-28) and the ultimate fulfillment of Christ’s work as “Prince of Peace” being accomplished in each of us that will not reject it.
We all define faith differently. Yes, we do. And therein lies the rub! What is faith? (What do the scriptures say concerning faith? It’s amazing what some will believe- with no scriptural basis for belief!
“I dunno..- I just believe what I believe..” (How may I be nice here?- Mr., M’am..- that is not “faith” at all!- that is just plain “dumb!” (is “dumb” a more gooder word than “stupid?”)
Where does “faith” come from? ~ So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God ~
(Romans 10.17) May I proffer a bridge (or olive leaf!) between Gentile and Jew here?
~ Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen ~ (Hebrews 11.1)
Substance? (how firm a foundation!) Evidence? (will changed lives be enough?) From a mess to a message- I’d call that a miracle!! From lost to saved? From darkness to light? From shades of night to plains of Light? (Shall we continue?) From a hell-bound sinner to a Heaven-bought son? (I’m about to put on the garments of praise!!)- and go to shoutin,’- GLORY!!
“Shema” the scriptures, y’all! No man, no, not one, will have an ounce of faith (or less) unless God speaks.
Yep. Here it is.. – right under our noses! One word, -perhaps my favorite word (behind Jesus and grace!) is “shema!” (whoodathunkit?)
Shema, is found in (of all things!) the “shema” of Israel.. “Hear, (shema) O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is One!” (Deuteronomy 6.4)
What a magnificent word, this “shema!” It is a dual-purpose word (as many Hebrews words are) meaning “both” – hear AND obey! May we quickly build a bridge between this and James 1.22? ~ Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says ~ And even further still, hear the words of the mother of our Savior as she says to the servants ~ Whatever He (the Incarnate Word) tells you to do- “do it!”
~ Your word is a Lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path ~ If this is true (and it is!)- then why are so many of us walking in darkness- and stumbling/bumbling/mumbling/murmuring our way through life? Did He (or did He not) say ~ I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly? ~ (John 10.10)
Is ~ rejoice in the LORD always ~ (at all) possible? Is God telling us (anything) that is impossible for us to perform? That would be a very cruel joke indeed! No, sir.. no m’am..- where God guides,- God provides! Behind every single command of God is the power (yes, authority) to perform (or do) that command. His (amazing) grace will always be sufficient- no matter what “life” may throw at us!
Maybe our “faith” tank is running low and we could stand a refill.. Time for some “high octane” words!
Allow me to start by saying “it is written!”
~Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
I sure do hope we are capable of reading the King’s English to receive these blessed words.. All we can do is present them as faithfully as we know how..
~NO!!, – despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us (!!)
May I inquire? – When did He (ever) stop loving us?
I like the “No!”. It is our response to the any setbacks, (or leg gnawing’s with intent to trip us up) a strong, clear “No!”
. . . . despite these things, o v e r w h e a l m i n g VICTORY is ours in Christ Jesus.
Can you hear the distant echo of the serpent in Eden ” . . . and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Some today have chosen the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil rather than the Tree of Life– and they don’t even know it!
Give me the tree of Life, give me Jesus.
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What is more needed than a needs assessment? A threat assessment. Pallel: search my heart O LORD.
“God gave us His written Word for the purpose of revealing His will.
Then He promised that men could understand it.”
Is not Yeshua “the word” made flesh and dwelt among us? When He spoke of scriptures it was not the Bible or even the old testament those did not exist at that time. Was not His whole life an example of what it means to be a son (or daughter) of God?
The blood of martyrs – those martyrs were martyrs mainly because they disagreed with another sect of Christendom – Calvin burned his friend at the stake because his friend didn’t agree with him about what he said the Bible said…and that was his friend! I have a hard time believing anything that comes from the mind of such a person, yet many of the doctrines and principles accepted by Christians today can be traced right back to his feet. (or pen) A more recent version of this is David Koresh – was he crazy, maybe, Joseph Smith was pretty crazy too, yet there are a whole lot of people that think he is if not divine in and of himself, pretty close to it.
Man has from the beginning made stuff up to “help” God…even Eve, added to what God said, we aren’t to eat the fruit nor even touch it…what He said was don’t eat it.
It isn’t that I question whether God is good, or that His Word isn’t perfect, I question how much of what I read is what He intended. God chose His words carefully, He wrote them in Hebrew, in a picture form where the very letters tell the story. Every name has a meaning and is often germane to the point being made, yet when we read our English Bibles, we miss so much that we often come to the wrong conclusion, not understanding what was meant to begin with.
I do try not to go and listen to other men “teach” me stuff. I have listened to many that are pretty well educated, know the original languages and try to line stuff up to fit their paradigm – that was what I meant by teaching doctrines exegetically and yet, what one is left with is almost incomprehensible. It doesn’t mean anything. I don’t expect to find the answers to my questions here, though I do enjoy the fellowship on the journey.
My thoughts-perhaps David was not wearing his tzittzit! Nor reading his kingly Torah scroll!
Good excuses?
Is that ‘freedom’ known as ‘grace’? I wonder. He allowed the yetzer hara of his desire to take over.
Perhaps he thought he has that liberty to do just that, to do anything he PRESUMED he had a right, with total disregard what was right in YHWH’s eyes.
Perhaps he was down in the dumps that day, and threw all caution to the winds.
“Instead of red flashing lights, we see green permissions.” David was not desperate to seek YHWH then to help him out of that precarious situation. He was blinded by self.
He was stressed with too many wives and children.
One other similar Psalm David wrote that we love to sing-
Psa 4:1 Hear/answer me when I call, O Elohim of my righteousness: you have enlarged/gave relief to me in distress;show mercy/favour to me, and hear my prayer.
For those who may have trouble understanding the scriptures, -try obedience! Obey those parts you do understand and you will be given (by God Himself) a greater understanding of deeper truths. First thing you have to do is wade out in the waters a bit and “do” those (easy) things God says to do. Don’t steal. Don’t lie. Practice telling the truth. Do not look upon a woman to lust after her. Guard your heart.
We could go on a bit further, but all these (and more!) are already written for “whosoever will” in the Lamb’s Book of Life- our Bible. Be kind. Be caring. Be compassionate. Be courteous. – Is there “more?”
We certainly could take up some space writing about all the things we are supposed to be “doing!”
And here’s some good news for all..- If we practice doing the things we are supposed to be doing (the good things- the God things) we will not find the time (nor the inclination) to do the bad. In some ways, -holiness is a habit! Like brushing our teeth (a good thing), daily, frequent Bible reading or study or meditation or prayer (silent or audible) all, when practiced regularly- every day of the week and every hour of each day,- these become for us, “holy habits!”.
We love to do things that are good for us. (I know I do..) I go to the gym. Why? Because (over a period of time)- it is a “good thing!” I’ve been going now for sometime and (now) I very much enjoy going. Again,- why? Because I see results. This is mondo beneficial to the point where I have declared it to be not a “nicety,” but a “necessity!” I now “MUST” go!
But, may I say (honestly) with longsuffering and patient Job, ~ I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my daily bread? ~ Just how passionate am I concerning the Word of God? I eat daily (multiple times!- for those who know me! I enjoy eating, just as most folks do.. But do I have the same (or greater) hunger for the word(s) of God?
We have all seen these bumper stickers: “I’d rather be.. (sailing, hiking, biking, fishing- etc..), but what about one that says: “I’d rather be praying? or worshiping?- Or I’d rather be spending time with my Father! I’ve often wondered why (some) people can be worked up into a hot lather over a football game, but have such great difficulty staying awake on Sunday mornings? Is our passion “misdirected?”
How it must grieve God’s heart, to see this.. I’ve often wondered, – just how hard is it- even to say “thank you God?” When our son was a “little,” we taught him to say, “thank you God for good water!”I think of this “holy habit” and practice this very (small) thing, often. Small things also “add up” to big things.. ~ He that is faithful is that which is least, -is faithful also in that which is much! ~ We all gotta start somewhere..- start with “little things!” “Little things DO mean a lot!”- especially when God is in it! Be faithful in the “small stuff”- and soon after a “long obedience in the same direction”- a holy habit will be established and we will find ourselves (spiritually) in deeper waters, or better yet, beside the still waters where He will restore and renew and refresh our souls!