Irene Revisited
Several days ago I posted the news that Irene, the 15 year old South African who lives in a homeless camp, was pregnant. This situation effectively stopped our efforts to provide a way for Irene to leave the poverty of the camp. I also wrote that her choice probably ended her running career since she has neither the money nor the opportunity to continue after the child is born.
Then I read The Garden of Emuna.
The book was recommended to me by my friend Keith who has sponsored several of my teaching trips to Central America. While there are statements in the book that I find difficult to accept, the central theme of the book is the idea that YHWH alone is sovereign over all life and all of life’s choices and circumstances. The implication is the nothing happens without divine purpose and that once we realize and accept this conclusion, everything in life becomes the pathway YHWH orchestrates to bring us into deeper fellowship and conformity with His will.
I actually teach that the fundamental difference between the Greek and Hebrew worldviews rests on this idea. I call it the difference between believing that the world is filled with risk and fear which we must manage versus believing that the world is the expression of God who loves what He creates and can be trusted to bring about His purposes for the good.
Now I realize that my statements about Irene’s situation were not based in the very fundamental that I teach. I saw Irene’s situation as tragic, limiting and dysfunctional. But if all that happens is stamped with God’s purposes, then I was wrong. Irene’s pregnancy may disrupt the plans that I thought would best serve her, but who am I to know such things? God has something else in mind. And He hasn’t explained it to me. I am asked only to believe that His purposes always prevail and His plans are always for the good and that He loves Irene and is going to do everything necessary to show her that love and bring her closer to Him. All the rest is human fiction.
“Emuna is the original biblical Hebrew term for the firm belief in a single, supreme, omniscient, benevolent, spiritual, supernatural, and all-powerful Creator of the universe, . . . He alone cares for each of us in a unique, tailor-made fashion according to our own individual needs. . . . everything that happens to us in life is the product of Hashem’s will and personal intervention in our lives”[1]
I stand in need of correction, which is the equivalent of repentance. I don’t know what God will do with Irene, but I know I need to trust Him no matter what. I lacked emuna in this situation. Now I need to recover it.
[1] Rabbi Shalom Arush, The Garden of Emuna: A practical guide to life, pp. 22-23.
Thank you Skip for repenting.
My first child, conceived under the same circumstances has been the single most life changing event of my entire walk on this earth. I would not be where I am today without him even though our path together has not been an easy one.
Irene needs help more now than ever before.
Skip, I guess you were shaken by what happened, and expressed that to us here.
In times when I am overwhelmed by situations beyond me, I do the same, simply vent my emotions and disappointment, instead of calming down and, I am paying for the guilt even to this day, though I have repented and sought forgiveness.
May you receive your forgiveness and not be guilty anymore. Amein!
Thank you for being so open. We appreciate that.
Shalom shalom v’brachot
I don’t know what God will do with Irene, but I know I need to trust Him no matter what. I lacked emuna in this situation. Now I need to recover it.
I saw Irene’s situation as tragic, limiting and dysfunctional. But if all that happens is stamped with God’s purposes, then I was wrong.
Hi Skip,
I don’t think you were wrong
I know we need to trust Him no matter what
And think Irene’s situation is tragic, limiting, and dysfunctional
But it all happens stamped with God’s purposes
So I don’t think twice about it
Skip, I heard your heart in the situation with Irene it was a hurt and concern that was real. Some of the hardest prayers I have ever prayed are the ones that no matter what it takes for my children to be brought into right relationship with Abba for it to be done. I am the mother of 6 children and have shared a partial story of a son who was sent to prison. To see the wonder of Yaweh in his life how amazing it is! It is still scary but I still continue to pray for whatever has to take place to be done. Look up and rejoice!
You never know why. My oldest granddaughter is very special gift from God, who came t a very specific time, making me a grandmother at 40. God keeps using her as a balm to me that helps mitigate the pain inflicted on me by my child, her mother. It may be that my granddaughter is the source that heals wound in a relationship that happened at before her birth. Even though her birth as not at an expected time or in a traditional situation. I thank God for his work in the world despite our lack of vision. After all, we ‘re rowing. Why can one see from behind? Only HE steers the boat.
Life has purpose from it’s very beginning to our last breath. We are so large in our own sight but even the most astute stumble through life from His perspective. Yet Adonai knows His creation — every piece of it — and I trust that His plans will bear fruit, even without my understanding … or approval.
I’ve read many commentaries that claim Emuna is “more than just faith”. I disagree. It doesn’t dumb-down emuna to define it as faith — it dumbs-down faith when we fail to define it as emuna.
Thanks Skip. My emuna is strengthened today.
Hi Skip,
I hear your pain in this and that you care about Irene is evident. It is a difficult situation in many ways. Our emotions get the better of us at times and that is part of life.
You looked for understanding and Y-H put that book in your hands to help you and you in turn share with us. Y-H is using this for good already!
I have learned that seldom are lessons for one person alone. They always seem to touch multiple lives.
Love keeps no count of wrongs. I like this word–emuna and what it conveys.
Shalom and may Y-H continue to bless you and strengthen your emuna.
Amen Skip,
I’d just like to share with you that my prayers (and probably the prayers of many others) concerning you have been answered. It’s good to see the work of God manifest in His people. Enjoy your “rest”, perhaps we’ll have a bit of a reprieve before the next big wave.
May we all take advantage of it and draw closer to our redeemer in sincerity and truth.
YHWH bless you.
Any updates on how Irene is doing? My children and I at school continue to pray for her.
I may have a chance to see Irene in a few days. A full update will be posted soon.