Killing Me Softly
“As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever.” 1 Chronicles 28:9 NASB
Willing mind – “What shall we answer for ourselves on the Judgment Day, if we are too indolent to engage in this study, and so neglect one of the principal duties prescribed to us by God? Is it proper that we should exert our minds to the utmost upon subjects which we are under no obligation to pursue, or that we should engage in the study of dialectics which have no practical value, or of laws that have no relevance to our needs, while we leave to habit and blind custom that which constitutes our main duty to our Creator?”[1]
Habit and blind custom! Luzzatto has spoken the truth. How many of us are willing to pursue with great intensity those areas that provide apparent benefit to us now but we leave our understanding of God’s instructions to “habit and blind custom”? Do you really know why you believe what you believe, why you practice your religious faith as you do? Have you searched the Scriptures to find the mind of God on these things? Or are you blindly following what has come before, thinking that the illumination of the Spirit is a substitute for due diligence? David warns his son. If you do not seek God with a whole heart and a willing mind, you may discover that He will reject you forever. Oh, the terror in those words!
Most of us are quick to claim we seek God with our whole hearts (or at least the biggest percentage). In the Christian world, the physical/spiritual dualism implies that things of the Spirit must be understood by the spirit. Therefore, applying my whole heart to the matter is enough. After all, what does God have to do with the corrupt physical world? But the text, and Hebrew thought, demonstrates the fallacy of this approach. I must also come to YHWH with a “willing mind,” in Hebrew, hafetsah nefesh. Now we see that this is more than thinking. It is a whole-person willingness that includes my thoughts, actions and emotions. When I seek God, I must be willing to be broken of all my habits and customs. I must pursue Him no matter where it takes me, no matter what it challenges, no matter how discomforting. This affects all of me! How I think, how I act, how I feel – all must be put on the chopping block before Him. The expression hafetsah nefesh is literally “delightful person.” I must come to God with my whole heart as a delighted person, anxious to find Him, thrilled to be in the hunt.
And then He will find me.
Today is a time to reflect on the presuppositions of the pursuit of God. Am I delighted to be stretched, confronted, challenged to the core of my being? Or am I comfortable with what I believe, with habit and custom never to be shaken?
Topical Index: habit, custom, Luzzatto, 1 Chronicles 28:9, willing mind, hafetsah nefesh
[1] Moses Luzzatto, Mesillat Yesharim, p. 5.
CORRECTIONS! Yesterday’s TW had A LOT of typos. That’s what I get for trying to write on an airplane. Anyway, Cyndee fixed them all so if you are keeping TWs, please go back and reprint it. Sorry.
Seems like my pursuit of Yaweh comes and goes. When I really push and begin to speak so my ears can hear in prayer that I want to be hungry for His truth and righteousness then it seems to grow within my heart stirring and growing that very hunger. I remember a saying about seeking that has never left me. What you feed the most grows the most.
“When I seek God, I must be willing to be broken of all my habits and customs.”
A willingness to be broken is essential; but might suggest that my habits and customs could survive the cut. In truth, the pursuit of God requires all my habits and customs to be dismantled; especially the ones I believe are the most justifiable. What are “habits and customs”; but merely my obedience to God’s commandments. Why would they need to be broken? The better question would be, Why would I resist God dismantling my obedience? Might it be because I have elevated them? Perhaps the real issue is that I am more attached to my “acts of righteousness” than I am to the Righteous One. If that be true, then I pray all my habits and customs not only be broken; but ground into oblivion.
Something Borrowed
~ LORD, if YOU are willing, YOU can make me clean ~ (Luke 5.12)
Saturday, 07 July 2012 17:56 | Written by Bana Puru
One of the most touching stories I have come across in the gospel of Matthew is mentioned just after the Beatitudes. (attitudes that oughta be!) Jesus has just shared His message to hungry souls. He has filled their hearts with the Joy of new hope. He has given them living water which quenches the thirsting, and now He is about to continue His ministry to those in need of a Saviour. Jesus finishes His blessings upon the multitudes, with the comfort that if they build their house on the foundation of the Rock, – storm, tempest and floods would not be able to break that house.
As The LORD comes down from the mountain, a large gathering of people make haste and follow Him. There is seen nearing the Messiah a leper. Though it was customary for him to call out, the cry “Unclean, unclean, unclean”, – this leper does not echo these words. Instead the very first thing that comes forth from his mouth is “LORD…”.
Just for a moment, picture the scene. Here is the Saviour, He has taught the people to “love your enemies, to bless those that curse you.” He has taught them saying “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God, blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted, blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God…take no thought for your life…give to them which have nothing…pray for them that hate you and persecute you…” But Jesus is now faced with a man filled with leprosy.
Where are those that were with the LORD as He came down the mount of blessings? How many people would have been standing next to Jesus when this leper came unto Him? If we follow the storyline, and what people did when they saw a man filled with leprosy, we would conclude that none would be near Jesus or the man. In fact, I would imagine that those who followed Jesus would have stood at a distance, not wanting to be contaminated by this fellow who bore the evidence of the curse. Instead they became spectators of something marvelous and wonderful to behold.
Leprosy was considered as the “Stroke” or another words, the curse from God. If a man was found with leprosy, whether be rich or Poor, free or bond, they were examined and sentenced by the priest as “Unclean”. Leprosy was seen as a curse for a dreadful sin committed. The man who was pronounced as a leper was considered an outcast to society. They were not to have any association with their neighbours or even their families. As both an outcast and a leper affected by this disease, when people saw them, they were to pronounce those words “Unclean, Unclean, Unclean!”
When we see this story of the leper meeting Jesus, I could only imagine that as those words from the Saviour from the beatitudes echoed through that multitude, this leper picked up on the hope that the Redeemer was here. I could imagine that when Jesus words whistled through the air, this mans heart, filled with fresh hope and in desperation, was longing to see his Saviour. Not aware of the crowd that followed Jesus, this leper meets Jesus face to face, falls down, worships and in close contact cries out these words “…LORD, if YOU are willing, YOU can make me clean.” (Matthew 8.2)
Here are the words of a sinner, whom pronounced himself unworthy of any good gift. His cry is “LORD, You are able to do so if You choose, but Father, if You are willing, – I know that for a certainty, You can make me whole!” Had that request been of a boastful nature, there would have been no healing. But here was a man who was poor in spirit, who was mourning, who was alone, had found a meek and merciful Saviour! Jesus looks upon this man with pity and compassion, stoops down “…put forth His hand, and touched him, saying, “I AM willing; be whole.” And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.” (Matthew 8: 3)
Before Jesus spoke, He touched the man. Before the Saviour said anything to this repentant leper, He puts forth that gentle hand and touches the man. “This is not how I made you, it was never meant to be this way. I created you in My image, and I know that I came to take away your sorrow. When I made Adam, I formed him with My hand, and breathed into him life, and now my son, “I Am”
That touch from Jesus spoke more than the most poetic lyrics ever heard to man. That hand that would calm the sea, raise the dead and eventually be nailed to the cross, was put forth to that man. The Saviour’s hand spoke more to that man than he had ever experienced in his life. Following that touch was the spoken word, from the Word made flesh “…I AM willing; “be whole.”
What wonderful joy filled this leper. As the showers from heaven fell like soft rain in a dry and thirsty land, this man received the ultimate blessing. The odour became odourless, and limb become life. Every nerve, every impulse was restored to it’s normality “…And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.” (Matthew 8: 3)
The Word which created the world, which called all things into existence, which breathed life into the crowning work of Gods creation, gave life to this leper, and now the leprosy was gone. What a fantastic scene, -what an amazing sight to see. What a joy to behold the Saviour alone in the crowd with the leper.
“And Jesus said unto him, see you tell no man; but go your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them.” Matthew( 8:4). In order to have been pronounced free from leprosy, the man who had leprosy was to be examined by the priest, and be “officially” pronounced as clean. In doing this the priest would confirm that this man indeed was cured of the disease. Jesus commanded to tell no man, but first to show himself to the priest. This was done so that he would demonstrate the spirit of submission of God’s appointed agency, and that in testifying to this miracle, the announcement of the priest would confirm to the people, the miracle that Jesus had performed.
Here is an important lesson for us today. If we live in an independent spirit, not wanting to be under the umbrella of whom God has delegated over us, we display a spirit that is not of God’s Son, but a spirit of rebellion and hate. Unless we have a childlike spirit, not matter how many wonderful things we do or how many sermons we preach, the kingdom of Heaven will never be found in us. Only those who are submissive to the divine pattern in which the Spirit of the LORD is upon will inherit the blessings the LORD has promised them.
(Again,- when we are willing- He is able!)
This man’s testimony was to remind the leaders that there was someone greater than Moses, Who was in their midst. There was SomeOne, -One whom the prophet prophesied that would come in the Name of the LORD. If they had taken heed to the law and the testimony and were convicted by the spirit of prophecy, they would have seen in their Master, the Shekinah glory. But they didn’t, for their eyes were blinded and pride was set in their hearts. They envied Christ and wished Him to not exist. But that day the leper went away blessed, (leaping and dancing and praising God!) – for he was healed by the LORD.
Today leprosy is not as common as it was those times, but there is a leprosy that the human eye cannot see. It is the leprosy of the heart. The leprosy of the heart is sin. Sin is the transgression of the Law, desensitising those things which we would otherwise rebuke. There is a condition in the heart where all evil resides. (the yetser ha’ra?) Our hearts are full of worms, hole and residue, and there is nothing we can do of ourselves to rid this emptiness. But what we can do is place our choice on the side of the Master Redeemer, and He (alone) is willing and able to take away our sins. If would but come to the LORD, with all all warts, and all our faults, and present them before throne of Grace, the LORD our God will put forth His hand, He will also touch us and say those most beautiful words that He said to the Leper …~ I AM willing, be clean ~
~ Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool ~
If we would remember, our Bible is a picture book. Leprosy is a “picture” of sin and the horror and the stench of sin. And friends, Jesus did not just “touch” the leper! Jesus, the Holy One, the Sent One, (amazingly) “EMBRACED” the leper! Yes. This.., was far from “normal” behavior!
Should not our prayer be the same as the leper’s? LORD, if YOU are willing.. YOU (and You alone) can make me whole? If our Savior and our Redeemer embraced such an one as this, -would He also receive us in like manner?
This was not the last of the lepers either! There were ten who were healed, but only one returned to thank Him. Yes, “where are the nine?” ~ Let the redeemed of the LORD, say so!!~
They are not listening.. they’re not listening still…- perhaps they never will:
~ Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners–of whom I am the worst ~ (1 Timothy 1.15)
Until we are willing to take our place among the lepers of this sin infested world and say unto Him.. (ask) “LORD, – (if You are willing) save me.. ” we will remain lepers unto death.
How willing was the wandering son to go to his Father and say.. “I have sinned, and am no longer worthy to be called your son? – make me as one of your hired servants?” Was this an easy thing to do? No, – but it was necessary and it was welcomed and received by the Father, (“who ran to meet him!”)
Now, – Are we willing?
(John 5.2-5) ~ After these things there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is in Jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew Bethesda, having five porticoes. In these lay a multitude of those who were sick, blind, lame, and withered, waiting for the moving of the waters;…for an angel of the Lord went down at certain seasons into the pool and stirred up the water; whoever then first, after the stirring up of the water, stepped in was made well from whatever disease with which he was afflicted.…A man was there who had been ill for thirty-eight years.…When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition, He said to him, “Do you want to get well?”…~
Do you want to get well? He did not heal him from afar.. He, our Savior said directly to this man, one who had “been there” for thirty-eight years, “do you want? do you desire? do you wish to be well?
This is amazing! All this crippled man had to do was answer in the affirmative! YES, “I want to be made whole!!!” Christ was willing (and able!) to heal him, but first He waited for the consent of the cripple!- Yes! I want this! LORD, heal me! Savior, (hear my words- hear the plea and passion of my heart and HEAL me!
I WANT to be whole!! “Wholly human!” I want to be like You! Is this at all possible? YES!! “Ask, and YOU will receive! Seek.. (diligently, purposefully, intentionally, willingly) and YOU (also) will find.. Knock.. – patiently-persistently- and you (too) will find..
Here is some really good news! God is NOT out to hide Himself from anyone! No, -not at all. But He is waiting… waiting for that glorious day (will it be today? when He hears from us and we give unto Him, our complete and entire “Yes.” Absolute surrender to the LORDship of Jesus (who is the) Christ.
When He has our unreserved, fixed and focused “Yes…”- What will “happen to happen” (lol!) next! Love will bloom and blossom. ~ A “marriage” made in Heaven! Ruth and Boaz (our Kinsman-Redeemer) are married! and ~ The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose! ~
We provide the sinner and He is and becomes to us, the ones belonging to HIm, -our Savior and Sustainer and Source of every good gift and every perfect Gift. Yes, Abraham.. God has provided Himself the Lamb!
Hallelujah!- What a Savior!
But, is there more? Friends, the half has not yet been told..
Do you know Him? Have you met this Man? May we now be bold enough to agree with the words of Paul?
~ for I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day ~ (2 Timothy 1.12)
Carl, about 2/3 down to this paragraph, “Here is an important lesson for us today. If we live in an independent manner, not wanting to be under the umbrella of whom God has delegated over us, we display a spirit that is not of God’s but a spirit of rebellion.”
Almost all of the rest I understand, until the last sentence of the same paragraph. Please explain these sentences as I was put in a place yesterday to hear in a small group discuss the “authority of God” over us, and it simply was not correct at all in the Full Council of God’s Word that I have studied all these years.—bUT With all the teachings recently on trying to study long hard and be ready to learn NEW things according to the Scripture, I want to know what your comments ARE on these sentences. Thanks so much. LaVaye
“I must pursue Him no matter where it takes me, no matter what it challenges, no matter how discomforting.;”
Just this morning I was reflecting on these extremely discomforting challenges we are currently experiencing that have shaken my soul to the core and stretched me until I’ve broke – and the Spirit brought gratitude to my heart!! That I would be counted worthy of being prepared and moulded for the Kingdom of God! Praise Adonai!
“For a mere moment I have forsaken you, but with great mercies I will gather you. With a little wrath I hid my face from you for a moment; But with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on you,” says the Lord, your Redeemer.” Isaiah 54:7-8
“But let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord,
Exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says the Lord.
Jeremiah 9:24
With so merciful a God, how can we not come to Him with a willing mind and a delightful person?
“CORRECTIONS! Yesterday’s TW had A LOT of typos. That’s what I get for trying to write on an airplane.”
You would think that after all the travelling that you do, you would have discovered it’s a lot easier and more efficient to write on that Mac of yours rather than on the airplane!
Groan! Groan! Groan! I’m sorry Skip! I tend to drive my wife crazy being a literalist! But this is done all the time in Bible translation, especially in the Tanach. Of course, we are dealing with an idiom in your statement. But we forget that there were probably moe idioms in Hebrew than in English. Yet they get translated literally and we end up with all kinds of problems. This is something we hammer home in our small group. Obviously it is one relatively small part in understanding the Hebrew roots of our faith, but it is one that most people quickly understand. They likely won’t know what the idioms are, but conceptually it is very easy to understand and it really causes people to think. So instead of taking some strange wording in the Scriptures at face value, it gives them an alternative way of thinking and opens the door to the research and hard work that really is necessary to fully understand the Scriptures. And Skip, I think I will stay away from your strange cult who believe it is necessary to write on airplanes to fully know our Abba. Plus American Airlines won’t have to clean the writing off the interior walls of the fuselage each time you get off an airplane!
Carl asks,
“Do you know Him?”
If we do, our whole world changes.
Our whole life changes . . . like east is from west!
We no longer have to trust ourselves
to be good, trustworthy and obedient.
Something “new” would be there.
A new self. Brimming with His life.
With new propulsion, new motivation, new perspective.
And something would die.
“For if we have been united together in the likeness
of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness
of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was
crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done
away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin.”
Rm 6:5-6
Self sufficiency willing gets nailed to the cross.
Trusting in one’s self goes the way of all flesh.
“And we have such trust through Christ toward God.
Not that we are sufficient of ourselves, but our sufficiency
is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers
of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit;
for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”
2 Cor 3:4-6
TW’s title is right on. KILLING ME SOFTLY
Skip, hag sameach Ha Yom Teruah. We will be joining in a celebration and remembrance of this Moed today with a group of about 70 people. TW is the same message that we have been receiving in these days leading up to this day. May I share your post with the group as an encouragement? I am sharing this eternal time with you and all Israel in Spurit and Truth. If you allow me to share what you have written, it will as I’d you are there. Isn’t living in the Eternal amazing. Praise Yah, He makes us one! His mercy endures forever and His Kingdom is near and not far. I give YHVH praise for His Presence in this day and for willing vessels of His Spirit in the earth. Please read Isaiah 66, I send it as a gift. In thanksging, I am blessed. Be Blessed precious saint.
Of course you may share it.
“Ktivah v’Chatimah Tovah”–May You Be Written and Sealed (by G-d) for a Good Year. L’Shanah Tovah U’Metukah–To a Good and Sweet Year. Love to our cyber community, Michael and Arnella
Isn’t God funny! I was JUST having this conversation with a friend over lunch. We’ve been being stretched in our “theology” as we dig deeper into Hebrew meaning and culture behind the text. We actually have a little group we call our “hagah” group, because we want to DEVOUR the word! My husband is the lead pastor of our church, and I so want to encourage and lead the ladies of our church towards the pursuit of spiritual maturity. And part of that, I am finding, is having a Hebrew basis from which to work from, in regards to the Word. I already know of some that when I talk to them about this, they will reply with: the Holy Spirit shows me how to interpret Scripture. So I was chatting with a friend about how do I respond if that should happen. THANK YOU!!!! Sometimes God waits to give an answer, and then sometime, he gives it in like, 3 hours (literally) : )
L’shanah Tova to all here! Wishing you a Very Sweet Year ahead! v’hag Sameach on Yom Teruah!
Toda, Michael and Arnella, and to you both and yours!
Thank you, LaVaye Billings! May you and yours have a Sweet, Sweet Year too!
(This is the Civil Calendar, Biblical is after Pesah
“I must pursue Him no matter where it takes me, no matter what it challenges, no matter how discomforting.”
We will come to this stage of our sojourning through our relationship with ABBA, when our hearts are hungry and yearning for Him. It may take many lessons, both bitter and sweet, this is my own experience. The more we surrender, the easier it gets.
Love the title, Skip! YHWH does not kill us all at once, but little by little.
So, who says His burdens are too heavy to bear? HIS “laws” gets lighter and lighter, and a delight to walk in, I wouldn’t want anything else, especially not that which is falsified.
“How many of us are willing to pursue with great intensity those areas that provide apparent benefit to us now but we leave our understanding of God’s instructions to “habit and blind custom”?”
Thank you for stretching and challenging us, Skip; I enjoy it, though at times it is confronting
Shana Tova, Skip! have a Sweet and fulfilling year ahead!