Sauna Sessions

Rosanne and I just got off the Celebrity Eclipse in Southampton, England.  For the last two weeks I have been lecturing about the end of the Roman Empire, the port city-states of Europe and the impact of Greek-Roman ideas and culture on the formation of the Western world.  Most of the people in my audiences were vacation travelers. The lectures encouraged them to think about the problems we face today as repetitions of the same issues that faced ancient civilizations.  My efforts were aimed at helping others see the futility of human solutions to human problems – and the necessity to look beyond what men can create.

However, I think God may have had another agenda in mind.  About halfway through the trip I met a British man, Peter, in the sauna.  We were the only ones in the hot room early in the morning, and although I cannot remember now how the conversation started, we were soon engaged in serious discussion about the Hebraic framework of the Bible, the differences it presents from the usual Christian/Greek view and the need for reading Scripture from the ancient perspective of the Jews.  Peter is attempting to start a community outreach effort in his home town.  He revealed that he and his wife had recently exited the organized church in search of something deeper.  That lead to a routine morning discussion in the sauna for the next eight days, to dinners together with wives and to wonderful conversations about Christian and Jewish interactions.  And that led me to connect Peter with the two groups that brought me to England to teach about all these things.  As I said to Peter on the last night of the cruise, “Now it’s up to you.  Now you know the direction and you will have to dig out the answers.”  He and Elayne were enthusiastic and ready.

So God arranged for us to meet some new people emerging from the grassroots of what the Lord is doing everywhere.  Say a prayer for Peter and Elayne as they step forward on a new path.



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Chris Leonard

Hi Skip,
As I was praying for Peter and Elayne, I was also thanking God for our chance meeting in a class at MISD on Greek and Hebrew perspectives. That class sent me in a whole new direction of study of lifestyle. It does require some digging, and I have been digging it out now for about 6 year now and it has not always been easy, but it has been greatly rewarding.


How cool is that?!!


Skip, I feel the same way as Peter. I’ve grown frustrated with shallow, Greek-styled teachings at Westernized local churches. I dont seem to fit in anymore but desire to be a part of a church community & realize the importance of studying, serving, learning & loving in community. I’ve searched for others in the Houston area who want to study the Bible in this way but have not found anyone but one person with whom I’m doing a weekly Bible study. I’ve been on Holy Land trips with RayVanderLaan & those he has mentored & for the past five years have read & studied diligently–including your stuff, Skip, which I am so, so thankful for–but I deeply desire a community with whom I can connect & who has the same desire to study deeply from the Hebraic perspective. Do you know of anyone in the Houston area–a church, a pastor, a small group, individuals, etc?

Anyone reading this: Do you know anyone in the Houston area interested in studying from the Hebrew perspective?

Blessings to you Skip & friends in Christ,
Mrs. Gaynor Lubojasky


this may or may not be what you are looking for


What a wonderful “find.” I hope he will join us on TW so we can follow each other’s progress on this journey.


Praise God — It’s happening everywhere! Sometimes we get so caught up in bringing along our family and friends — who don’t want to see the Hebrew perspective — that we fail to see how God is making this happen all over the world. Eyes will be opened because it is God’s plan. So cool!


PRAISE YHVH! Applaud, bow down, sing, shout! This is so wonderful!
As Suzanne said, “It’s happening everywhere.” While we’ve been “alone in the desert” without physical fellowship for a couple of years, Ric went to celebrate Sukkot with some former clients (now “neighbors” here in remote northcentral WA state) and we are starting a fellowship here in our home on Sabbath nights (Saturday nights.)
I CAN’T TELL YOU HOW EXCITED AND BLESSED WE ARE! With me being debilitated with ?? fibro or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or whatever this malady is, I can’t go ANYWHERE on a regular basis so them coming to me is SO FABULOUS!

Gaynor, I feel for you. Keep praying. Be ready to open your home as God brings you like-minded people (not that you will agree on EVERYTHING.) We have connections with different teachers online but we don’t know personally of anybody in Houston. Forget finding “the same desire to study deeply from the Hebraic perspective” in a CHURCH.
We will be praying for you.


Hallelu YAH!!!

Ifeoma Edoziem

Hey, Mrs Gaynor,
My name is Ifeoma Edoziem (Mrs), and presently live in Humble area. I have been following Skip for maybe 2+ years and have been searching for a Bible study class with Hebraic perspective. I am interested in participating in the Bible study, but would love to know what area of Houston you are in and what the distance might be to my location.
Ifeoma Edoziem


Indeed, HalleluYAH!!!
ABBA is well ahead of you, Skip! HE plans your paths! Such a wonderful fulfilling trip for you!
YHWH is a diligent “people mover’! HE moves us from one paradigm to another to the fullness of His ways and to further set His Followers apart from others. As long as folks are seeking HIM, He will not stop blessing them.
ABBA, You have Your way upon Peter and Elayne, You have set them apart for Your divine purposes! Your guidance and direction is upon them. HalleluYAH! They will continue to seek and dig into Your Word and ways, to be so blessed! Amein!
So appreciate your sharing this with us, Skip, thank you! Very encouraging.


Funny how that works…we are experiencing the same thing…we keep ‘bumping into’ people who are thinking like we are…who knows where this will go?