Insights from Africa
Yes, I know someone will say, “But this is a religious web site. You shouldn’t be talking about politics.” Maybe, but when I recently went to Zimbabwe and saw the portrait of “His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Robert Gabriel Mugabe,” while holding the money pictured below, it reminded me of President Obama’s statement:
“We don’t have an urgent deficit crisis.”
That’s what Mugabe has been saying while he single-handedly destroyed one of Africa’s greatest economies. Today Zimbabwe has no currency of its own. Ask people who live there what they think of Mugabe’s economics now.
Thank you for posting this, Skip.
Many may argue that there’s no place for politics on this “religious” website, but I believe that it’s crucial for followers of The Way to be aware of ALL truth (hebrew context of scripture, politics, GMO food agenda, medical and pharmaceutical agenda, NWO agenda, etc.)
I believe that YHVH wants us to walk in the full truth and not to perish due to a lack of knowledge.
Yes, the kings of this world (Obama, Mogabe, the Pope, etc.) have their own dark plans and agendas, but YHVH laughs at them (psalm 2:2-4)
It’s our duty to know what’s going on, have trust and confidence in our King and do what He expects us to do by restorong His Kingdom, so that when things come crashing down (economic collapse, wars, natural distarers) we can stand on The Rock and know that He has everything under control and He will be glorified.
We have an awesome Abba, who really knows what He’s doing… Us “sheople” need to get alligned with His ways and plans.
Hi Lara,
Nice to see you on the blog. Your comment is especially relevant since you are in South Africa and many of the same issues that destroyed Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) are in your country too.
I think you should be able to talk about anything you want. It’s your blog.
I think Lara’s quote of Psalm 2 is very relevant. We know He is in control.
Thanks for sharing.
Thumbs up, Lara!
People of faith should NOT be ignorant of politics and what the government is currently doing.
The economic impact of a devaluation of the U S dollar WILL be felt by atheists and people of faith alike. The U S dollar is currently the world’s reserve currency. Actions are currently underway between 9 nations to use currency OTHER than the U S dollar.
Should the U S dollar be replaced as the world’s reserve currency, Americans will see an economic disaster that will make 2008 look like a picnic.
Check it out!
I agree completely, Ron. I strongly believe it is necessary for those who seek to employ justice and mercy in their communities, to find ways NOW (if possible) to prepare for the time that is coming our way. I also believe that the disaster will have a domino effect in more areas than just the economy.
Something to consider. Locally, we have been trying for a few years to ‘clean up’ the unkempt, junkier areas of our town. Many of the neglected looking places have people who live there who are not employed, and survive by barter and other means. I realized a couple of years ago that these are people who will thrive when the currency system shuts down. They are already masters of this game, and guess what – a neatly manicured yard will not matter then. I expect our own nation will fare worse than most others around the globe, because we typically believe it will never happen to us.
Adam’s failure is our failure as well. Adam failed in two ways. First, he (for whatever reason) did not remember the simple instructions of YHWH: “Don’t.” Secondly, and of equal weight was his failure to speak the words of God unto the Tempter: “Yes, God did say..” Yes..- if only he had and if only we would: Remember and speak.
We are (still) to render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar. We are (still) to be salt and light. All that is necessary to conquer the darkness is to remove the veil and to let the Light that is in us shine.
That Light is Christ. We have the answer, we know the Way. We, who are His, know His Name.
It is (still) just as new as it is old:
~ it is (still, today) of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His mercies (His lovingkindnesses) fail not. They are (still) new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness! ~
Our “right-response,” is to humble ourselves and pray. The answer (at all times and in all places and for all people everywhere) is for us to humble ourselves, and turn to God in repentance and faith. God is (still) our greatest “threat” and (still) our only hope!
~The LORD’s unfailing love and mercy still continue; fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise ~ (Lamentations 3:22-23)
~ As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their Master, as the eyes of a female slave look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes (still) look to the LORD our God, till He shows us His mercy ~ (Psalm 123:2)
I cant help but wonder if some people in Zimbabwe invested in gold or silver,ten or five years ago,how they are making out.
I still remember 2008!
Lost a ton.
But, thank God, I didn’t loose my faith.
(Although I was quaked quite a bit, I must admit.)
Today, things have rebounded nicely. Thank you, Lord!
I’m reminded of Jesus’ parable of the talents.
God rewarded those who were “faithful” in using what God
had given each of them. He rewarded them with more than
they started with.
Except one chap. He feared the principle of God’s sowing and
reaping wouldn’t work. And for him, and his lack of faithfulness, it didn’t.
A huge lesson!
I pray, in these uncertain times, we all remain steadfast. I pray we all
remain faithful with all God has given us. And I pray we all are consumed
by doing His will and abiding in Him, as His word abides in us.
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God
must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who dilgently
seek Him.” Heb 11:6
Ten trillion, indeed! LOL
Wonder what that could purchase for the folks there?
Thanks Skip!
about 3 fresh eggs
OH NO!!!!! So much for paper money!!
Thank ABBA, we are in His care!
May all these deception come to an end SOON!
Shalom, Skip!