Oswald Revisited
Go, ye therefore, and teach (disciple) all nations, . . .” Matthew 28:19 cited in Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest
Teach (disciple) – My Utmost For His Highest is the most popular daily devotional in the world. For good reason. Oswald Chambers lived a life of righteous devotion to his Savior and his words challenge us to do the same. But just like reading the Bible, familiarity often breeds heedlessness. Notice what Oswald says about the opening of the Great Commission. “Jesus Christ did not say – Go and save souls (the salvation of souls is the supernatural work of God), but – “Go and teach,” i.e., disciple, “all nations,” and you cannot make disciples unless you are a disciple yourself.”[1] Truer words were never penned! The problem is not that we disagree. The problem is that we aren’t disciples. We just don’t do what the Master did. We hear the words but we run our lives as if they didn’t really matter. We choose to live differently. If Oswald is correct, then we are not disciples and therefore we are incapable of teaching or discipling anyone else.
Just think about it. Ask yourself if you really live the same way that the Master, your Master, lived! He ate according to kosher regulations. He attended synagogue on the Sabbath. He participated in all the biblical feasts. He wore tzitzit. He prayed the Shema. He spoke of God as ehad (one). He did only what the Father asked of Him. He acted as a servant, even a slave. He spent Himself on behalf of others. He knew Torah and He taught Torah. He invited men to follow Him but He almost never pursued those who refused. He was circumcised. He bent His will to the Father’s. He domesticated the yetzer ha’ra.
Is this what you do?
How much easier it is to “save souls” than to live righteously! Our Western world perspective is preoccupied with the communication of spiritual information and the subsequent certification of qualified acceptance. Our doctrines require enforced normalcy. Our congregations are festering wounds in the side of unity.
Do you really think we are qualified to disciple anyone?
Oswald Chambers never embraced the Messianic movement. He knew nothing about Hebrew Roots fanaticism. He just knew what it meant to follow the Master. My guess is that until we learn to do this, all the rest of it will be nothing but more refuse on the ash heap of spiritual posturing.
Topical Index: teach, disciple, Oswald Chambers, Matthew 28:19
Great blog post, thx.
I listened to Bob Gorelik a few days ago and he made a statement that I found profound, and one I think fits nicely with TW:
“We need to live lives that facilitate salvation.”
I have to say, I’m a bit negative today. The more and more I come into contact with the broader Hebrew Roots/Messianic movement here is South Africa, the more I realize that many have discovered the Hebraic Roots of their faith and they’ve made a mental shift that Jesus was Jewish… but as Skip rightly points out, very few have become disciples of Yeshua. They’ve merely taken their baggage from one paradigm to the next, thinking that by dressing it in Star of David or coloring it with a few Hebrew words, it is somehow now more holy and better than before.
Anyway, if only we can truly understand what it means to be a disciple of Yeshua, to walk like He walked and act like He acted. But, guess that is why we receive a lifetime on earth… to learn just that and hopefully be instrumental in one or two others following the same path.
Dear Jaco,
I feel the same discouragement. But not just in South Africa. The influence of the Greek-Roman Western culture is POWERFUL and even when we make a mental shift, most of the time we carry the same paradigm with us into a new vocabulary. We become mimics of Hebrew words but we retain the Greek religion of our upbringing. This is never more evident to me than my discussion about the philosophical origins of the doctrine of omniscience. I have clearly shown that this doctrine can be traced directly to the work of Parmenides, not Moses. I have also shown that the conceptualization of time in Greek philosophy affects all of the implications that we drawn concerning God’s immutability, perfection, impassibility, eternity and creative actions. But this does not lead people to move to a Semitic point of view. It lonely leads them to argue all the more strongly for their entrenched Greek mindset even though they claim Hebraic orientation. The same might be said for our view of “freedom” and our assumptions about politics, economics and society.
It is a VERY LONG ROAD to recovery. Not being born into the culture of first century Israel is a major problem and recovering that culture requires some serious erasing.
The more I am exposed to Hebrew Roots movements, the more I realize how little real change we have made. We just substituted one “denomination” orientation for another.
Quote: “It LONELY leads them to argue all the more strongly for their entrenched Greek mindset even though they claim Hebraic orientation.” End quote, emphasis added.
a. Freudian slip
b. Profound connection in that stepping into and absorbing the concept that the life Y’shua lived is what he was expecting his followers to live to the point where one can actually step into it, can be lonely.
heh. i got a little wordy there. sorry. but it was profound.
Don’t be so discouraged men.
There are little flocks everywhere that nobody knows about who keep Torah because the Spirit has moved on them. There is a solid base of called out ones who have come out of Christianity, Judaism, AND the Hebrew Roots movement. We are part of a network that touches CA, WA, NV, AZ, and CO.
30 years ago there was no such movement, no one gave a rip about walking in Torah obedience, and these kinds of discussions didn’t openly exist. At least we are beginning to understand how weak we are.
I like Father Jacob’s attitude. Move forward walking in righteousness, go slow enough for the young ones to keep up, and stop and rest when it’s appropriate. Greek perfection is not the goal.
More info on these groups please
Hi Larry. They are all independent of each other and at different places in their understanding. The common denominator is that we all needed our faith to be real because we all have been beat up pretty good by the mainstream faith. To fit into these groups you must be willing to lay down what you think you already know and approach scripture like a newborn. We don’t have “leaders” we are all learners. Every persons input from the newest to the oldest is valued. The gifting of the Spirit is rich. Our ca Home fellowship Meets on Shabbat at 11:00ish am visits, sings, Begins Torah study, eats, Torah study, eats, and studies Torah until we are done. We usually break it up and the last one goes home between 9 & 10 pm
Our CO fellowship is more structured like a service. You can actually view the service not the Torah study) online if you like. We do have elders in this congregation but the Torah study is Open communication between everyone and very lively. We share a meal and stay until we are done fellowshipping and studying. sabbathfellowshiponline.org/
The others are mostly home fellowships and all function differently. We all go out to sight the new moon, and keep that calendar which makes it easy to get together for the feasts. Don”t know what else to share. Oh! No one started these groups. They were simply drawn together. I think that is significant.
Shabbat Shalom
Thanks Jaco. This is also a problem I find myself getting caught up in. That is, I’ve adopted some Hebrew vocabulary and changed my mind on some biblical interpretation, but not many lifestyle changes have followed. I’ve been an SDA Christian for over 15 years, and I still attend an SDA church. This means that the diet and Sabbath stuff isn’t an issue, but many other things are entirely ‘too Jewish’. I’ve learned a lot, but the actions and routines are slow to follow. Functionally, my worship and lifestyle are still mostly non-Hebraic.
On a positive note, there is a group that I study with – and although they would never self-identify as Hebrew Roots or Messianic – they are very very open to the idea of ‘harmony between the OT and NT’. Echad. When someone says, “The Pharisees who were trying to keep the law to be saved….”, I’ll point out that what Jesus really accused them of was keeping their own traditions. These kinds of comments have been well-received.
We have had some great discussions about Holiday keeping and other topics – but most people aren’t ready to make a drastic paradigm shift right away. It’s too scary. I get scared, too. It takes courage to become counter-cultural.
Jaco, I have a 1933 edition of Oswald’s devotional book. His wife has written the forward in it; in part it states that he died in 1915 in Zeitoun, Egypt where he had been giving his talks each night during the YMCA Devotional hour. Oswald was only 43 years old. He did not receive a lifetime of very many years. Through a great part of my long life, 80 years plus, I studied Oswald’s devotional book, using the Roman numerals used in my book for the chapters used in this edition, and pondering over the words that were outdated, using the 1932 Giant Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary.- to find a meaning that fit.
Since I also have lived in a Muslim country, I have some good glimpses of what life was like in Egypt. Our own 6 year old daughter had malaria and was given all the quinine a person could take by injections. We did not know if she would survive; but God was good and the Presbyterian/Methodist Physician, a lady from Scotland, took care of her, AND PRAYED over her as she did her work, she did survive, & is 57 years old now.–at that time we were very traditional nominal Christians, and really knew little of How to pray.
I will close with a few more important things from this same devotional Skip has touched on: Matthew xxviii, 19: ” There is a passion for souls that does not spring from God, but from the desire to make converts to our point of view.——The one great challenge is–Do I know my Risen Lord? Do I know the power of His indwelling Spirit?”
The entire teaching here, and on all of Oswald’s teachings are full of worthwhile lessons. I always rejoice to reread them, and give God thanks that this man did so much in his short life of only 43 years.
p.s. I always smile when I see your picture, it blesses me. L.B.
Thank you LaVaye for your words of encouragement. It is very much appreciated. Have a blessed week!
LaVaye Billings,
How are you doing?
Rejoicing with you in your life together with your husband, and grieving with you over his death.
I was praying for you last night and had a simple word, and then a moment or two later a picture flashed in my mind.
The word is simple, and I hope it meets you where you are. “YHWH holds you in the secret places of His heart.”
And the general sense of the picture that flashed in my mind was of you being held tightly in the arms of YHWH.
Praying you will continually know the empowering and comforting embrace of our Great King.
Standing with you in the great hope of the Resurrection.
Brian, I had started a very “sacred” reply, and was almost finished when my lap top was taken over by the need to update , it did so, I sat here and waited, it finished and on its on put all back as it was, but omitted what I had written but not sent. Now, I will try again, will trust I can write what I should.
Thank you for praying for me, I think it was you that once wrote of my simple child like faith; I pray that I never loose it. AND I want to tell you that I believe that YHWH revealed to you a very dear truth it is so awesome I honestly have not mentioned it to my dear and precious grown children, nor my sister, or beloved friends all in the Lord. But I felt when I read your simple Quote, that came to you through the Holy Spirit, that I would be wrong not to write that is exactly what HE has done. The Creator of the Universe allowed me a few days or weeks after my husband of almost 61 years left his physical body and enter his spiritual one, during my sleep to know LOVE in a measure I had never even imagined or heard was possible. It was actually only a brief time, but it awakened me in AWE. Words can not express how glorious it was. Yes, I suppose, in earthly words I was held tightly in the arms of YHWH!
None of us though can walk on earth constantly in that kind of Heavenly Peace, Joy, Hope: the forces of hell have moved against me to destroy me with medical bills that came through new infusions drugs-24 hour drip with powerful drugs pumped into the heart and we were to monitor, keep the computerized pouch going at home. This has been done in ICU, but to non medical old people in their home it was a nightmare. Part of the immediate death cause of Ed was a blood clot that formed under the PICC line that carried it in, and then the blood clot had to be diffused, it goes on & on. Now they want me to pay for it all. On, another note a group of recommend roofers that “called themselves Christians–even looked clean cut, kind, etc. after
paying them; I now have leaks that we had never experienced before, they will not budge to help correct the bad situation. I have sought help from the city inspectors, county DA, and called a legal council, that has yet to be of any help. I have learned so much about legal things as I had never experienced them before!
I am Not asking anyone for help, and I am Not angry at God; he had nothing to do with these wrong things; but to tell all who read and you Brian, that the evil people abound are seemingly more that I have experienced in this 80 plus year old lady. I also believe that as I truly recall all each day what the Lord has done for my family and me, and many others in my circle of human beings we are the most blessed of people that have ever walked the face of the earth.
I am so very thankful for YHWH speaking to you Brian through His Spirit in your prayer time! What a glorious time for ALL of US. It was certainly a blessing out of the cyber community for me. The best I remember half way around the world from TX– LaVaye Billings
Brian, This is my third time to write a reply, both of the others did not go, the last one said it went, but I can not find it, so will try again. I elaborated on the other two, so will make this very brief if that is possible for me.
I was so blessed to see that the Lord gave you such a very truthful insight into my unspoken up to now almost unspeakable gift that I was given in my sleep a few weeks after my husband fought that final battle and left his physical body here and entered into the spiritual one. I was so awaken with all the marvelous words the Bible speaks of that bless us: love, peace, joy, a true trust in Him, even when it does not seem possible. Yes, your prayers are powerful, being used to bless many I am sure. Do not fail to continue to realize the value of the intercessor prayer. God (YHWH, all the many numerous names we have reference to) still is on HIS Throne, and does answer his people’s prayers in the correct time). What a blessed people we are! LaVaye Billings
LaVaye Billings,
Blessed and encouraged to read you were ministrered to by what I shared.
I am so glad YHWH is King, and that He knows us so intimately.
I have a few things to share, but not the time at the moment to do so.
To All, I apologize, I truly think it is this lap top and not me that is NUTS!. L.B.
Reading Oswald Chamber’s daily devotional as I have for over
twenty years now, has been an excellent teaching/discipling tool.
In today’s Oswald reading, he talks about the changed life, being a
“new creation”(2 Cor 5:17) or being enabled to become a disciple.
He says:
“True salvation, worked out in me by the Holy Spirit, frees me completely.
And as long as I “walk in the light as He is in the light”, God sees
nothing to rebuke because His life is working itself into every detailed part
of my being, not on the conscious level, but even deeper than my consciousness.”
Being a “new creation” is not something we can do. It’s His doing. It’s what He
does in us as a result of our choice to follow Him. This even works today in this
Western world perspective we live in!
Can and do any of us follow Him perfectly? No. Only He is perfect and without sin.
But He does have high expectations for us as followers, as disciples.
How so? He said so.
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do
he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go
to My Father.” Jn 14:12
What works does He mean? Yes, following in obedience to God’s Word,
but much more so experiencing the consequences of following that new life
in Him and His Spirit, where blind eyes are opened to Him, dead lives are lifted
into newness, broken hearts, minds and bodies returned to wholeness. Powerful stuff.
Jesus also implied He was only one man. We are many, able to do the “greater works”
He said we would do by allowing His life to work through our lives.
There’s a difference between following His Words. . . and truly following Him in Spirit and
in truth. Our Western culture today doesn’t make it easy. But Jesus also said this:
“If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mk 9:23
And in my experience in following Him, believing takes a lot of DOING and a lot of FAITH!
i JUST had this conversation w/a young man at work who found ‘Jesus’ and totally moved out of the city and even state where he grew up to pursue him.
I asked him which ‘Jesus’ he was looking to emulate, the one he sees through present day culture eyes or the one who actually lived. He was fairly adamant that the way he believes is as it should be. It was later in conversation that he brought up a family member who was living a lifestyle that ALMOST reflects Y’shua, and it has put him off of the whole concept.
I don’t push the conversation, ever, and now that i understand what he is up against i will respond to these conversations in that light.
Long ago I came across a comment of someone in another community who said that Skip Moen was “Oswald Chambers on steroids”. Back then, his is being compared to my favorite devotional author was a good sign and it still is, but over the years I’ve seen Skip takes things WAY beyond the devotional and inspirational level and perhaps a new epithet is needed. Any suggestions?
I am just a man struggling with all this, a Gentile graphed into a way of life I never knew existed. All I do is write what I hear and feel. No praise is due. I’m just bleeding with all the rest.
I love you Skip, and I was tracking with you for part of this entry; but I couldn’t disagree more with your conclusion. Maybe i just don’t get it. You say that the problem is that we aren’t disciples. Now I’m no Hebrew or Greek scholar, but my understanding is that the word disciple means “student, devotee”, not “perfected one”. Jesus was and is perfect. His walk was perfect. His thoughts were perfect. And His doctrine was perfect. Us? There is no one righteous, no not one…never was, never will be. BUT there have been disciples. Jesus called the twelve His disciples. They weren’t perfect, by any stretch of the imagination. But they loved Him, imperfectly to be sure, but they ultimately loved Him with their very lives. And their testimonies were valid and POWERFUL despite their imperfections because the Holy Spirit inhabited their words. They too made disciples, not on the basis of who they were but on the basis of who HE is.
To be sure, salvation is a mighty work of the Holy Spirit. Also true, if we love The Lord we will love His Word, loving what He loves, hating what He hates and striving to live as He commands us to live. But it is only His blood and indwelling Spirit that qualify and equip us to be His disciples…and “disciple-makers”. We do not preach ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as lowly and adoring servants for Jesus’ sake. Yes, strive to obey Him. Yes, strive to honor Him by all we do, think and say. BUT “by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in His sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” Romans 3:20. Let’s get over our failings and step out of the way so that those we presume to disciple will see HIM and give glory to His Father in heaven. By this I do not mean that we excuse our failings, but rather that we don’t let them render us powerless to do what He commands and compels us to do.
You’re not far away. The problem is your definition of “disciple.” You could investigate the differences between the Greek idea of disciple (which you have above) and the Hebraic idea. I have written about this in the past. Basically, a HEbrew disciple is one who takes on the same life as the master, not one who is merely a student or devotee. Lots to learn here. Nice to see your comment.
Thanks Skip. Will trawl the archives to see if I can find the entry to which you refer on the Hebraic meaning of disciple. Appreciate you!!
Hi Whitney, a little side note that may help somewhat. As Skip said, there’s a difference in the definitions as understood in their respective cultures. The term “talmudim” comes from the root of lamed (to teach, learn, etc.) The truer (is that a word?) idea behind that term is to be “goaded” or driven , in some sense. One could say that to be a disciple is to be compelled to walk in a certain way, sometimes even against our own judgments. Even though it may be an “outward force” doing the driving, it’s still an “inward motivation” that we have become committed to. To put it somewhat shorter, a disciple is one who is compelled to walk in the way of righteousness, (from a biblical perspective
) not just one who “studies” or “walks” a certain way.
1 Cor. 13 (
YHWH bless you and keep you……
Compelled…Love that Robert LaFoy!! Don’t know much about Hebraic roots, but that is certainly what it feels like sometimes. Blessed be our God and Father, Our righteous Savior and His indwelling spirit for compelling us to walk in His ways!! Lord, make us willing and pliable in Your hands!!
Is there anyone out there who came to faith in Yeshua (having no previous church background) as a direct result of being attracted to the character and way of life of a Torah pursuant individual or community? Hearing your story would be very helpful.
Great post Skip! This spoke volumes to me and I’ll be sharing with the rest of the family.
Simply, simply super TW!!!!
“How much easier it is to “save souls” than to live righteously! ” We are not called to “save souls”, but to live right according to HIS commands, first priority.
Love the 2nd paragraph!!!
How could anyone not see that example in Yahshua, as a disciple, a true Son?
What is meant by “Our congregations are festering wounds in the side of unity”?
Do you suppose the Yeshua’s prayer for unity had 52,000 denominations as its objective?
Not at all. In fact, his prayer in John 17 is one I consistently point out to my “Christian” friends to illustrate that there should be unity, not deep divides, between us and our Jewish brothers.
Your statement just struck me as unusual and I wanted to know exactly what you meant.
The Disciple
The Hebrew model of “disciple,” (from our very “Jewish” Savior) was/is “follow me.” “Do as I do.”The apprentice models himself after the Master. Listen and do. ~ Be imitators/apprentices/followers/disciples of God as dear children, and walk in love ~ So simple, so “near” and yet, – so far away! This love, God’s love, never fails! If only.. if only we could (rather “would”) love as He loved!- but then again, why can’t we? What is stopping us but our own stubborn wills? The “command” has been given: “follow Me..,” but with every command He gives, shall He not provide us then with the power or authority to “do it?” The Christian life is Christ in the Christian. True Christianity (as opposed to false?) is not a religion, but a relationship. It is Christ in you (and you and you and you!)- the hope (a glad certainty) of glory! To whom was the Bible written? Is it for the Jew only? Or is it for the Greek as well? Is this amazing Book, (I won’t go into the details), but is this inspired (God-breathed) Book for “whosoever will?” – or is it only for a select few? Friends, the veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom.. – Have you ever asked, -“Why?” ~ After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands; and they cry out with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”…(Revelation 7.9,10) Every nation? Every tribe? Every tongue? Will their be Jewish people? Male? Female? Circumcised and non? Chinese? Polish? even Republicans? – And who is this Lamb of God who takes away the sins of Israel? Of Israel only? No. Who takes away the sins of the world! ~ and He died for all ~ (2 Corinthians 5.15) Seems rather inclusive to me. And as all have sinned, (there goes that little-big word again- “all!”- As a “sinner,” known unto others and to myself, most of all to YHWH who knows all!, -I am so grateful and glad to be included in the salvation He freely offers unto “whosoever will!”
Why? ~ so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf ~
Who is included? -or who is excluded from this: – “all people everywhere?”
~ Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent, because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead. ~ (Acts 17.30,31)
Pam, can you provide more information on the groups you mentioned? Thanks
Pam, I don’t know if the last comment posted. Can you provide more info on the groups you wrote about? Thanks Larry.
Thanks for your article, Skip, and to everyone for the discussion. Together, they have jogged my mind to consider how Mathew 5:17-19 is related to this. It seems to me that He was warning all who would be His disciples to always have Torah (Moses’ writings) in view. He knew that we would find ourselves in every imaginable situation and denomination in the years following until His return. He knew that if we would only remember what Moses wrote, we would find the breadcrumbs and to mix metaphors, connect the dots as He showed them to us and we would be able to be His disciples in ACTUALITY, not just imagine that we are because everyone around us claims to be. (Jn 5:46,47 “for he wrote of Me. But if you don’t believe his writings, how shall you believe My words?) For instance, Acts 24:14-16 would jump off of the page and SHOUT that Paul didn’t teach his disciples to live under grace in the ABSENCE of Torah, but rather IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RIVER UP TO OUR CHIN IN TORAH! We would realize that the Law is the revelation of His OWN character and nature and that this Torah is the WORD in Jn 1:1. We would see that this Torah is the very LIFE that He invites us into. His OWN LIFE!
I’m sorry, just working it all out in my head as I see how the dots fit together so perfectly from a slightly different vantage point.
Hi Skip,
First I want to thank you for your efforts to help us rethink our old thinking (usually Greek thinking). The only way to be transformed is by the renewing of our minds.
Your willingness to allow various streams of conversation provides many people the opportunity to explore, work through their own thoughts on “paper” (as I often do), even provide comfort and community as many of these posts do.
First of all, your efforts to bring people from a Greek mindset of being a disciple (a learner) to a Hebrew mindset (an imitator/doer) are appreciated. Now then, as iron sharpens iron, here are some thoughts for you to consider.
You begin by praising Mr. Oswald as someone who “lived a life of righteous devotion to his savior.” You then lay out the following arguments:
Oswald: You can’t disciple others unless you are a disciple yourself
Skip: Discipleship means living as the master lived
Skip: The master lived the literal Torah…list of several natural things like tzitzit and eating kosher
Skip: The master also lived the heart of Torah…list of several deeper things such as servant-hood, obedience to his Father, and dealing with his yetzer ha’ra
Skip (implied): You cannot be a disciple unless you keep both the letter and the spirit of the law of Moses. (I believe this is what you are saying.)
Conclusion: No one can be a true disciple unless they also keep Torah observance.
If this is true, then even men like Oswald would not be considered disciples.
Perhaps I have misunderstood you but it sure seems you are locking Torah observance to true discipleship. Here are a couple of thoughts along these lines.
If God had wanted to continue the kingdom of Israel (at Yeshua’s time the Jewish kingdom), He would certainly have intervened at 70 A.D. Instead, Yeshua came to reap a harvest and burn the rest with a fire no man could put out. He came to bring focus to “the kingdom of heaven” not preserve the former natural kingdom.
If Israel, as a nation, had sought after the deeper works of the law such as mercy (Math 23:23), they would have been God’s vehicle to show His character to the whole world. But they did not and despite His efforts to turn them, they continued abusing His law so that by Yeshua’s day, it was mainly used as a way to control people and to gain approval in the sight of other, etc.
So God ushers in a “new” kingdom…the kingdom of heaven. Every kingdom needs laws so Yeshua gave laws for the new kingdom…which were the same principles that people like David discovered hidden within the Torah.
God then intervened to make absolutely certain people got the message: I am done with the old. He tore the veil, He destroyed the temple, making sacrifice impossible, He destroyed even the name of the nation. No more sacrifices, no more going to Jerusalem, etc. He made this abundantly clear: a NEW covenant.
The issue (or one of them) is that the new kingdom quickly when down the same road that the prior kingdom did, only they tossed out God’s laws and created their own…but kept the same spirit of control, do this and be approved, do this and “get to heaven” (security), etc.
It is always the same, there is a high road but it has ditches on both sides. So we see two ditches: throw out the law; or keep only the letter of the law.
I believe the road is: use the law of God lawfully (and, since Yeshua, the proper use of the law must be redefined); use the law of God to discover the character of God and devote yourself to emulating that character. I believe that is discipleship.
By this shall all men know that you are my disciples (not that you keep the literal law but) if you have love one to another.
(I am NOT saying that there are not many valuable purposes in studying and meditating on God’s word…all of God’s word. There are. I am saying God is trying to get people to keep the laws of the kingdom of heaven, not the kingdom of Israel.)
Thank you for providing a provoking study.