The At God’s Table version of

Not wanting to fall behind the government example of smooth web site operations, as some of you know, when you tried to order my new book, Cross Word Puzzles, from the link provided yesterday, it didn’t work correctly.  The PDF download worked like a charm, but the paperback book orders got diverted into PayPal nightmares.

I believe we have fixed this problem now.  So if you were waiting to order the book, please go to

or click here

and press on.

Thanks for your patience.

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Love the humor in this post — perhaps one of the biggest differences is that you were CAPABLE of making a repair. 🙂
Worked like a charm for me this morning — got the pdf yesterday. Wonderful book. Fits right in with Eyes Wide Shut.

Michael C

Another difference is that this website has truth, love, and value AND something really good for one’s health!
The other one . . . well, not so much.

Michael C

. . . AND I’m very sure it didn’t take millions and millions of OUR dollars to produce a fix!

Uh, oh! I got started on something I shouldn’t have.

I will stop. It’s just SO easy to see fallacy when it is so blatant with this administration’s
eyes wide OPEN knowing exactly what they are destroying piece by piece.

As the A Team dude used to say, “I pity da fool!” or something like that!
‘Course with my own eyes wide shut, I should focus on getting my house in order.

Long way to go, me thinks.


“Long way to go, me thinks.”
Oh boy, do I ever have MORE than a huge long learning challenge ahead of me… and it’s so exciting! Remember that life is a journey, a training ground, a place to learn how to serve YHVH, not a destination, my Friend.
Resting in the Arms of my LORD is my destination… all the time.
Prayers continue for you and your family.

Amanda Youngblood

Hahahahaha! That’s fabulous! However, you’re still miles and miles ahead of that site! I think the new design is beautiful, by the way.

Do you think you might be able to put a link to At God’s Table on the main navigation bar since that’s probably one of the most visited pages, and it would be nice to be able to get to it easily from any place on your site? Just a thought.

Kay Harvey

Just wanted you to know you will never even slightly be compared to the Obama website. Yours brings understanding, health, and Truth. May He continue to open Himself up to you in Spirit and Truth.
