Need I Say It
Every once in awhile I get an email that questions my commitment to the divinity of the Messiah, usually in the form of “if he believes such and such, then he must not believe that Jesus is God” or something like that. The last one was an accusation that I have adopted rabbinic Judaism and therefore no longer believe that Yeshua is the divine Messiah.
When I quote someone who expresses views contrary to accepted Christian beliefs or when I reference someone who has been determined by the course of history to be a heretic in some form or another, I am NOT endorsing everything the person says. I very often quote Heschel, whom I consider to be a genius when interpreting the text. But Heschel never accepted “Jesus” as the Messiah. So what? His insights into the Hebrew text are startling, amazing and extremely helpful. I have quoted Luzzatto, not because I think his final cabalistic claims are correct but because his insights into the demand to love your neighbor are penetrating. Flusser never accepted Jesus, but his book The Sage of Galilee is very important.
On the other side of the coin, I reject a great deal of Luther’s work, especially his polemic against the Jews and his manifesto for their extinction. Are we to accept all Luther that says because he was right about Romans (if he was right?)? Same for Calvin, Augustine, Constantine. Claiming to be Christian doesn’t make them infallible.
My approach to all of these is “take what is good, leave the rest.” I hope you take that approach with my work. I am often wrong, not intentionally, of course, but because I didn’t see something clearly enough. Your job is to set me straight.
But I must say that I find it amusing, and a little annoying, when someone takes one sentence from the thousands of pages I have written and determines that I don’t believe Yeshua is God or that I think all Christians are resistant fools or that every Christian doctrine is an attempt to deliberately manipulate us. Here’s my suggestion: Read a few hundred pages before you pontificate or before you get flustered because you think your most precious doctrines are under attack.
I have only one purpose – to find out what the text says, what it meant to the audience that heard it first, what it meant in that paradigm. So I search anywhere and everywhere that the text takes me. That’s all. That’s enough. I barely have time for even this.
So, need I say that I believe in most Christian theology in one form or another. The question is “what form” fits the Scripture. I am not trying to become a Jew. I am trying to find out how to live as a Gentile follower of Yeshua who serves YHWH. Along the way I am finding that a lot of the forms of Christian theology don’t fit the Scriptures I read, and that means I have to rethink things. But please don’t call me a heretic until I actually become one.
Skip, just keep going on your path; it’s a beautiful journey that blesses many. Ignore criticism so that you can be a servant of Christ. This verse inspires me: “For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet sought to please men, I should not be the servant of Christ” (Gal 1:10).
Well said Skip and I echo all of the comments above. I have found that throughout my walk with YHWH – and I came from a pentecostal background- whenever truth comes and enlightens one, it is usually resisted, questioned, analysed and even refuted! I shall always remember a psychologist telling me that with most of her patients she always had to suggest to them that they ‘open up their ‘truth’ drawer and remove the lies’ so that they could begin to face themselves/their situation and rebuild, based on truthful facts.
Keep it up Skip – I have only been reading TW for about 4 years but like many above I have learned so much, pondered many revelations and discarded a lot of lies in my truth drawer!
Skip, you are an inspiration to many of us to dig and research what the Word says; in context, why, when, where, and to whom it was directed.
This often leads us where we haven’t been before, which forces us to see with new eyes, evaluate, and ask new questions. In all of this we trust Holy Spirit to lead us to His truth. Truth may not come right away, but dialoging with like minded believers (seekers of truth) will stimulate light in areas that need further investigation, and bring to light hidden untruths that masquerade as tradition. Thank you for this awesome platform. Keep up the Good Work!
Thanks Skip. This is helpful and it got me thinking…have you considered posting this (or something like it ) on your website?
Those of us who have been reading Today’s Word for more than a few years understand where you’re coming from, but sometimes new readers are initially confused or thrown off by some of your comments. They haven’t read enough to know your position on many issues. If you had a prepared statement, you could just refer them to your website. It might also spare you some of the misunderstanding and false accusations that get flung your way.
Good idea. I will see what I can do.
Well done Skip. Don’t forget to count it all joy, being persecuted for his name. Sha’ul/Paul considered Believers like us to be those in “The Way, a sect of judaism”, so perhaps you are a jew, at least by that rabbi’s definition, and he had a lot of titles to commend him! Truly, well done, and I and my hubby look forward to continuing my education and fellowship with this community of literal heretics for many years and ages to come.
Heretic: 1: a dissenter from established religious dogma; especially : a baptized member of the Roman Catholic Church who disavows a revealed truth
2: one who dissents from an accepted belief or doctrine : nonconformist (
Heretic: Something that departs from normally held beliefs (especially religious, political, or social norms) is heretical (
Skip, I am truly blessed to be under the teaching of such a God loving, Yeshua believing hereitc….and if the above definitions are ones they are using, I too am proud to be called a heretic with you.
Love ya and many great blessings to you and your family this coming year.
In a recent conversation while discussing one of Skip’s recent TW’s that dealt with the word “iniquity”, I was challenged to defend his exegesis. The challenge to the article began with a reference to Webster’s dictionary and ended with a personal opinion; with a cliche quote sandwiched in between. That’s when I walked away from the conversation. It is pointless to discuss focal length, aperture stops, shutter settings, and ISO speeds with someone standing in line at the amusement park’s photo booth. How long would you remain seated if your doctor discussed your serious diagnosis while referencing “Cancer for Dummies”.
“Please (Moen)!” I cannot echo this sentiment enough.
People, how much longer will we be satisfied with neighborhood Bible groups who ask, “What does this verse mean to you.” How many more canned sermon series will cycle through before we realize that we have been rocked to sleep? What does it take to awaken our souls, minds, and all our resources to the reality that the Scriptures were conceived, spoken, lived out, and eventually written down in an Eastern culture – not a western one?
I recently encountered a 14 month old child who has only been fed a bottle and puréed baby food. Why? Because of parental abuse and neglect this child has yet to learn to chew food. When any solid food is placed in his mouth he chokes from trying to swallow without chewing. This is not the way the Creator designed this child. What is abnormal has become his normal. It is sad and heartbreaking. And, so it is when believers who rely on pastors, teachers, authors, and TV personalities to chew their spiritual food for them. I have great respect and deep admiration for Dr. Moen. He is an instrument the LORD has used to surgically cut many of us. This only serves to obligate me all the more to the responsibility of searching and grappling with the Truth; to work out my salvation with fear and trembling before God. It seems to me that less criticism and more digging would be mutually beneficial. Try asking questions before pointing fingers.
Hi Skip! This is in response to “Need I Say it”. I simply want to thank you so much for all the work you have done writing and teaching. The insights you share are changing the way I think and see things and ultimately is changing my life! Every chance I get I share your insights with others via email or facebook, with great responses. I very often quote YOU because I consider YOU a genius! My approach is just like yours and I like to say “eat the meat and spit out the bones”! :0) (maybe because I’m from the South) I also find it amusing that people think I’m trying to become a jew because of the results of my searching for truth. One wish I have is that you will produce more video than audio teachings in the future. I facilitate a “Video Class” sometimes and would LOVE to share your teachings!
Shalom and Blessings to you!
Thanks for the kind words. I am no genius. I have met a few (very few) in my days and I don’t qualify. But I do know how to work hard. That makes up for a lot.
As for video, I would gladly do more but for two reasons. First, I have no one to edit it (and I don’t have the time to do so) and secondly, the cost is much higher than audio. In fact, the next trip to Israel will not be video recording, just audio. I have the equipment but no helper.
It was knowing that I had to “rethink” everything I thought I knew about Christian doctrine that led me to your site. Thank you for being a faithful mentor to so many of us on this journey. Count me among the heretics.
” I am not trying to become a Jew. I am trying to find out how to live as a Gentile follower of Yeshua who serves YHWH.”
This is going on my next T- shirt, beach towel and may be also on the number plates of my car!
“The question is “what form (of Christianity) ” fits the Scripture.” – and a lot more bones still need to be picked out. Most of which we don’t even see on the plate. I am with everyone on this – so grateful for all your constant and continuous effort and search of the truth -running the race, enduring and overcoming for real!
I’m not one for sayings on my shirts, but, like you, I think I just might go for that Skip-ism on a shirt also!
I loved this post by Skip. As I read it I just grinned. Knowingly. Yada. Didn’t just intellectualize it. I related deeply with it as I have experienced it first hand on numerous occasions.
I used to lean in and open up both barrels to take on ‘resistance’ trying to engage some conversation with a little depth. I’ve grown a little since those times.
Now I casually throw things out and see if there are any bites, or even any nibbles. Sometimes I concoct a brief sentence that has some depth hidden in its simplicity to see if it hits a chord or sails past unnoticed. MOSTLY it sails cleanly by never to be noticed again.
I kind of chuckle, grin and laugh a lot more regarding those types of conversation beginnings. All it takes is a few pointed, but simple statements or questions and it becomes entertainingly amazing at what is revealed by the responses. From that one can ascertain exactly, pretty much, where someone is regarding their worldview. I rarely ever tell anyone that is interested what I believe directly. That is, until they show some real interest or curiosity, even the slightest, tiniest, remotest bit. I’ve found by experience that unless people show some kind of curious interest, I end up beating my head against a brick wall or talking to the chem-trails way, way up in the sky.
Most people can not, will not, won’t engage in a conversation beyond an eight grade level. I am being generous here. Those that do bite don’t really want to discuss options or possibilities, just indoctrinate me with their obviously correct conclusions! Again, I grin or chuckle and move on to some light and trivial common ground in hopes that one day one of the little ‘throw outs’ actually snags something and an acquaintance can turn in to a friendship and hopefully in to opportunities to dive a little deeper than the first half a millimeter of the lake.
Reading blogs like this give me relief, camaraderie and, again, a few giggles and grins or understanding similar situations.
Blessings in a ‘new’ year to all.
Michael C., thank you for these comments. Very helpful, the concept of “throwing out a little bit,” to see if you get a nibble.
The detractors use the same principle, only in awful reverse. They generally seize upon some small piece of information, a part of a sentence in isolation from its context, or some form of faulty reasoning, and use that, and that alone, to built their case. Like Skip said, this particular email sent to him addressed one tiny supposed thing he teaches.
My wife and I once attended a regional meeting which was to address the subject of cults. Instead, we found ourselves on the receiving end of accusations and labeling. Sort of a lonely feeling–all eyes on us, and none to defend us. Sort of a glorious feeling, too, however, maybe just not at that moment. But our accusers did the same thing–took some small bit of misinformation, choosing to nibble at that instead of the wholesome bit we offered.
Keep up the good work, Michael C., Skip, and all the rest of you!
Conformity in the name of building an empire will always be a challenge against anyone who operates under the Kingdom of Heaven.
Unfortunately, the church operates more on the basis of conformity to its doctrine than being molded to what God requires of us. (Micah 6:8) “To do justice, and to love chesed, and to walk humbly with your God.”
I certainly agree with what others wrote in appreciation and am glad I can start the new gregorian year off with a comment since I’d like to contribute more.
Applause to you, Skip.
My family, both natural and spiritual, and I, just LOVE your ministry! You have liberated us from many mistranslations, interpretations, and erroneous pulpit teachings (regarding especially the Pauline letters, creating stumbling blocks amongst believers).
Our appreciation of your TWs can not be expressed enough.
Your one-word-a-day on Greek or Hebrew is most provoking. It challenges us to dig ever so much deeper into the Word/Truth that reveals ABBA YHWH’s heart in directing our paths!
TODA raba!! YHWH’s richest blessings and anointing continuously upon you to guide you in this ministry. Amein!
Shalom, shalom!
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.”
1 Cor 3:19
Skip, we know where your wisdom resides.
Bless your heart!
First of all, thank you for speaking and writing the truth. I grew up in an evangelical, full gospel church. Our family attended church every Sunday where I received a heapin’ helping of condemnation and fear. I was so afraid that I would “miss” the rapture and go to hell, that I responded to the “alter call” about 20 times.
It wasn’t till I went to live with my Aunts my senior year in High School that I learned about the “real” Jesus. My Aunts had become involved in the “Latter Reign” movement that started in Canada, some 20 years earlier and concluded that the “Church” was corrupted from the head (Catholics) down. They stopped attending church in the late 1950’s.
However, they fellowshipped with other “Latter Reign” believers, hosting the “ministries” in their home when they visited Seattle. George Hawtin and his wife were close friends and frequent visitors.
I met the “real” Jesus in their home, in 1969. There have been ups and downs in my life over the years. But, today I say, ” I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Aunt Tillie.” Jesus is real and my Lord.
Skip, keep telling people about the “real” Jesus.
Bless you,
If after gleaning from the fruits of Skip’s labor you brand him a heretic because your pet doctrine/idol was smashed, then can we label you a heretake?
If we try to figure out what it is that makes Skip tic.
And we fail to do our homework and simply say “he is a heretic”!
Then we, not he, are the ones who errs and he, not we, will become the true heirs.
You are a very good useful teacher. Keep at it. Do like the cat. Kick a little sand on it and keep on looking for the mouse.
skip keep up the good work, most people talk when truth hits home,so we might have to ask how long did we here it before we could kill our golden calf shalom
Thank you all for making this site possible. Thank you Skip for hearing the Holy Spirit and encouraging the rest of us to keep up. We are all so far from the Kingdom. A popular Christian writer said once that paganism is the natural bent of the human mind. I think the natural human mind of Christianity has been left to its own devices, devisiveness, amusement and abusement far too long. We need to get up with fear and trembling and study to show ourselves approved unto G-d before He approves Himself in front of us, too late. Now is the acceptable day of salvation, for sure. Please keep being you, Skip, and I will try to catch up and keep up, too.
Get ’em….Get ’em!! Love you Skip…..standing with you brother!