Neon Desert
When I was in Namibia, a man showed me a small gecko that lives in the great wastelands. As you can see, this 3 inch wonder is delightfully colored in ways that make no practical sense in a world of sand where camouflage is essential for survival. This little animal hides under the sand during the day and only comes out at night. So I ask you, “Who sees these spectacular colors?” God loves wonder and here He made a little creature that defies all the usual practical considerations. I think He did it just because it would be fun.
Thank you, Lord. I enjoyed it too.
They are amazing!
I love that!
Amazing! I love that God leaves these little things for us to discover. Thanks for sharing Skip!
Pretty cool looking critters. They do a pretty good commercial, too!
One of my college buddies, from the old days, has become somewhat of a bird expert in
his later years. He goes out and just bird watches with his brother-in-law a couple of times a year.
(Actually, it is quite fitting for him. I love him dearly, but he’s always been a touch ‘flighty’)
He is a good hearted fellow who loves to laugh, so he can take my kidding with him, I think.
Anyway, he said he and his bird watching partner identified 89 different species of birds IN ONE DAY!
(One short of their goal for the day.)
I was amazed. God’s handiwork is incredibly amazing! I could hardly believe there were THAT many birds in the
area of Florida they were looking!
I’m a handy type person at home. I build things, fix things, and always have a desire to create something
out of something else. I would just love to sit and watch our Master creator sit in his shop and whip out some
new species of whatever. I would love to hear and know, for instance, just what was he thinking when he
sculpted this little gecko and his buddy! Wouldn’t that be fun?
Amazing!!! So cute…so intricately beautiful.
And He did something else that would be fun…He caused them to come out during the day, at just the right time, so Skip could take a picture and send it to all his readers.
Yes…Thank you Lord that we too could catch a glimpse of this “fun” little creature…and be reminded of your awe and wonder.
They are quite eye catching and remarkable. More treasure finding, God’s greatness!
Delightful little creatures. They do not look like they were shy for you or your camera. It does make one marvel at the handiwork of our Creator!
Thanks for sharing.