Four-Part Harmony
“Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 18:19 NASB
Agree – What does it mean to agree? Does it mean to think precisely the same way, to mimic each other, to have exactly the same answers? Does agreement mean there can be no difference of opinion, no variance, no divergence? If you were brought up in the mathematical metaphysics of Greek thought, you will probably agree that it means not having any differences. The fact that Christian theology is really Greek religious theology lends credence to this way of thinking. There can be only one right answer, one right way, one right application. Anything else is wrong and probably heretical.
But look at the Greek word that Matthew’s translator uses to capture what Yeshua says. It is symphonesosin, from symphoneo. It means harmony, not conformity. To be of one mind does not require that we all say the same words with the same tone in the same chant. We are not followers of the Quran. We are followers of YHWH, the God of creativity, mystery, life and (yes) paradox. We sing together in harmony but we do not all sing the same notes. The children of the Most High God are musicians in the orchestra playing a symphony. Every instrument is used. None stands alone. The result is what matters, not the celebrity status of any one individual.
Yeshua says to his followers, “If even two of you sing in harmony on earth about anything, heavenly music comes.” Harmony occurs when two or more notes are played at the same time, not when one note is struck by two or more players. Harmony requires diversity. Blended, pleasing diversity. Ah, what music we can make when we stop fighting over who gets to sing the note and learn to sing our own notes together.
I have often said that Christian dogma and doctrine is essentially about conformity. That does not mean that Judaism doesn’t have its own conformity requirements. Of course it does. Torah is about conformity, but not to my view of the world. Torah is about singing God’s notes and God provides plenty of diversity in the tune. Some notes are for me, some are for you, some are for men, some for women, some for priests, some for residents, some for strangers. Symphoneo is the objective.
So breathe! Open your voice to the Lord and praise Him for writing the music of the creation on your lips. And let others sing the tune according to the part they are to play in the symphony. Then have a nice dialogue of difference afterward.
Topical Index: symphoneo, harmony, agree, Matthew 18:19
Lots of covenant precepts involved in a musical “band”. I think God’s purpose for us is more like a jazz band than a symphony. More free flowing, spontaneous, and creative. Again, the difference between love and the law. You need structure and discipline to become a proficient musician and to learn to play a part. But God does not want us to play Him a song off the written page. He wants a new song. A song from our hearts, a passionate expression for both Him and the others we are playing with.
Agreed, Brett; yet still within the confines of the music score, in beautiful harmony. YES!
“The written page” is not as it ought to be, sadly, as it has been adulterated
/corrupted not coming from the original Hebrew language; it has also to be from understanding the spiritual aspects that YHWH intended, that cannot be uttered nor put into words with our limited comprehension, without YHWH’s guidance. This is what challenges us to think outside the box.
This is what Skip’s ministry is causing us to do. Shalom.
Languages are so neat. The Dutch word for “symphonesosin” is “samenstemmen” [together-voicing].
Sometimes I wonder whether the Dutch translators coined their own words.
Mmmm “to sing our notes together so that the result matters”
Practise, Practise, Practise your part
Reliability of everyone is essential
Sensitivity to and awareness of what your co players are doing, is a necessity and it can be learned
By the way, Brett, one can play a part off the written page with a passionate heart, expression and creativity, especially if the symphony is written by the Master of the universe. Maybe that is for the dialogue of difference after the concert.
Skip and Rosanne,
I enjoyed your interview this morning on Hebrew Nation Radio. I only occasionally tune in there, but for “some reason” I did this morning. It was just the encouragement I needed to hear. Since I did not see it posted on this site, here is a link to the podcast. Skip and Rosanne join the show just after 42 minutes, for anyone who wants to hear the discussion about “Guardian Angel.”
Thank you so very much, Gayle!
Thanks Gayle. They are supposed to send me a recording so I can post it.
But wait – you’re skipping the rest of the verse which contains a promise, which from what you’ve written, now appears to be de-activated. Using your insight:
“Again I say to you, that if two of you on earth are in harmony about anything that they may ask [aiteo], it shall become for them by My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 18:19 NASB
G. Campbell Morgan, not any Charismatic, said that aiteo meant, “to demand as your due.” This is a very serious promise from the Master. Are we to do the intellectual approach by singing in harmony and ignoring the promise, or do we obey by doing the supernatural approach which is take Jesus at His word and DO what he said to do, thus stretching our faith through obedience in the process?
I’m a little confused by your “But wait.” Who is implying that singing in harmony does NOT mean activating the promise? Did you think that the fulfilling the conditions of the promise means everyone singing (doing) the same note? The verse says those who are in harmony, not uniformity. I don’t see the problem. Am I missing something?
“The fact that Christian theology is really Greek religious theology lends credence to this way of thinking. There can be only one right answer, one right way, one right application. Anything else is wrong and probably heretical.”
This theology is continuing in the many Torah congregations these days though most of the leaders claim to be out of Christian paradigm.
Agreeing-Can agreeing by 3, or more, mean that a matter in question is right before YHWH? Isn’t this presumptuous?!
“Torah is about conformity, but not to my view of the world. Torah is about singing God’s notes and God provides plenty of diversity in the tune. ”
Amein! YHWH LOVES diversity, not only in music, but obviously seen in His creation around us, by the various colours, designs and shapes; even in nutrition, we would be wise to consume as many colours, e.g. green, yellow and red capsicums, salmon for it’s pink flesh, purple sweet potatoes and aubergines, oranges tomatoes, etc.. just to name a few.
We are not to submit to conformity according to worldviews as we are Living Stones, not bricks!
We are NOT in Egypt, we have been delivered from making bricks! We are not clay, stubble nor straw which will not withstand the fiery furnace of purification.
oops I mean orange tomatoes, rarely seen.
Very helpful