They exchanged the glory of God for the image of an ox that eats grass. Psalm 106:20 ESV
Glory – Translators have added words of explanation to this verse. In Hebrew it reads: va-yamiroo et kevodam betavnit. The et identifies the direct object of the verb mur (to exchange). But notice that the direct object is not “the glory of God.” It is kavod (glory) plus the construct hem (they). Robert Alter translates this as “they exchanged their glory,” an idea that is strikingly different than the ESV rendition “the glory of God.”[1] Does the addition of God’s glory help us understand what David has in mind? I don’t think so. In fact, I think that this alteration to the plain meaning of the Hebrew text actually masks what David intends and it does so because what David says flies in the face of certain theological teaching.
What does David say? He says that when the children of Israel made the golden bull they altered (exchanged) their glory for the idolatrous image. What is “their glory?” It seems to me that David is acknowledging God’s handiwork in fashioning men in His image. The glory of God in the creation is seen in the one thing that bears His image, that is, Man. Man is God’s glory manifest in flesh and blood. Man is the living representative of God on earth, intended to be a co-participant in the Kingdom, a fellow-heir in God’s eternal plan. Man was created glorified! When Man chose to serve an idol, he exchanged the natural glory of his created being for that of a misrepresentation. He made himself into something God never intended. His glory was lost in his idolatry.
Just think of it. God made you to be the full representation of His glory. God made you the image of Himself. Wonderful! Radiant! Powerful! Capable! A ruler on earth! A messenger of the divine!
But Man opted to put himself under the banner and in the service of images, of representations of animals. Man abdicated his role and fell from glory. It isn’t God who is on trial here. It is Man. Man gave up the privilege and position he was given. He stepped away from glory by deliberate disobedience.
Why would the ESV and the NIV not want to communicate this amazing insight? Why change the verse so that it is about God rather than Man? Could it be that admitting men are glorified undermines the Augustinian-Lutheran theology of sinful nature? If men, even after the Fall, are viewed as glorified, then sinful nature goes out the window. So change the text. Make it about God, not us. Am I suggesting that we in our disobedient state are glorious? Of course not! That is David’s point. We exchanged what God gave us, what He intended, for something far inferior. But it was there once.
Topical Index: glory, kavod, exchange, Psalm 106:20
SO grievously true. We become what we worship, appears to relate more to idolatry than to our worshiping YHWH,
and the root of that are the erroneous doctrines received through controlling ‘leaderships’, whose words are god’s
to be obeyed if you are to remain in such assemblies, no individual perspectives/insights permitted! That is so Greek-minded!!
Such action is not found in ‘churches’ grounded in “NT” Greek mindsets, but in many Hebrew Roots assemblies.
In the ‘Christian churches’, at least you won’t feel comfortable in their congregations, they do not forbid your attendance,
whereas in one Hebrew Root assembly, you are told you are not welcome as you have a different viewpoint. No further discussions,
except with the option to comply, placing men’s authority above that of YHWH’s in your life. With that come the false witnessing and accusations.
Seems only these ‘leaderships’ can hear from YHWH!
How blessed are the ones who truly hear YHWH’s voice, and follow Him in a Hebraic mindset!
It seems like the KJV might have the right translation this time?
Psalm 106:20
King James Version (KJV)
“Thus they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass.”
Even though I like the idea [in light of the animal rights activists who have more value for an animal than nascent human life for example] I think I can excuse the translators. The translation of the ESV is expressed in Jer 2:11 where the “their Glory” refers to the true God.
The KJV, based on the Majority Masoretic Text renders it “Thus they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass.”
I have come to understand that my Creator did not make trash. In fact, it is safe for me to understand that anything in my life that does not look like Him IS NOT EVEN ME! This ability to separate myself from my sin in my identity is something I see that no other false religion can give. I may have a problem, but I am NOT MY PROBLEM! It can go, and I can stay. My sins can get thrown away, fear can take a hike, disease and other curses can fall off, and what is left? Precisely, me! The more like Him I get, the more ME I get. I am not trash, I am not my problems or diseases, I am not defective! Sin is the only defect in my life, but sin is precisely what is NOT me. Every one else may have to try to learn how to live with their psychological defects or their phobias, but I can call them sin and repent! The Good News of the Gospel is that there is a cosmic trash can, and that the crud in my life belongs in it, but I don’t. Halleluah!
They gave up their inherent glory to bow down to that which was in inferior – and of course, anything or anyone other than YHVH is inferior. What an incredible defamation of the one true God! And just think about the fellowship with Him that is lost in the process…..small wonder the church today struggles with understanding His Word and His Ways.
I’ve been struggling with why people are unwilling to examine what they believe in light of evidence to the contrary.
This morning I am reminded of the life cycle of the common head louse. There exists a huge body of misinformation about lice in common cultural knowledge. About 10 years ago I did extensive research on this nuisance for a large school district to help change their lice policy. I discovered that the louse is not easily transmissible to a new head just because the new head is close by but actually requires a prolonged hair-to-hair contact. The louse has 6 legs, 5 of which hold onto it’s current host hair most tenaciously until a new host hair actually rubs against the current host. At that moment, the louse will make a single swiping attempt to grab the new hair with just one leg — the other 5 hang onto the old hair. If the swipe misses the hair, the louse stays put. But when that single leg has a secure grasp, the louse will move to a new host.
What is worse (for the louse) is that a louse with one injured leg will not try to grasp a new hair at all and in fact will fall off the current host and die because it can’t get back on to a new host.
Perhaps as a metaphor this is too much of a stretch – though I’ve clearly been in fellowship with some who are louses.
But what is going on when people hold tenaciously to their old thinking even when in the midst of an opportunity for midrash discussion? God does not need us to “defend the faith” while hanging on with 5 legs. He expects us to study and question with a willingness to wake up and grasp for the truth when it sweeps next to us — and then move on to the new host and proliferate.
Right now God is giving an opening for the restoration of some of man’s lost glory for the sole purpose of bringing us closer to Him, yet those who should be His people (both Jew and Gentile) continue to cleave to the “comfortable” pagan idolatry (of traditional religion) that binds them.
What a lousy way to live.
What a fantastic analogy, Suzanne! I “see” the picture you painted, and I learned something about head louse.(: Thank you for sharing. This image is sure to come to mind again as we all deal with those that “cling” onto their precious paradigms.
Excellent post. So very many people who claim to know God live the “louse” life, hanging on to stuff they really know nothing about at all… it’s just what they’ve always done/believed/followed… or it’s something “new” and “exciting” and freeing” to them… whatever excuse to NOT dig deep into YHVH’s Word.
Praying (pleading with God to give us HIS EYES AND HEART) >reading>studying>praying takes too much time. We’ve got to get to that tv, computer game, church program, sports event, career, whatever. Stay busy busy busy “for the LORD.”
Definitely the lousy life!
Why Not Now?
— The glory of God in the creation is seen in the one thing that bears His image, that is, Man. Man is God’s glory manifest in flesh and blood. Man is the living representative of God on earth, intended to be a co-participant in the Kingdom, a fellow-heir in God’s eternal plan. Man was created glorified! When Man chose to serve an idol, he exchanged the natural glory of his created being for that of a misrepresentation. He made himself into something God never intended. His glory was lost in his idolatry.
Just think of it. God made you to be the full representation of His glory. God made you the image of Himself. Wonderful! Radiant! Powerful! Capable! A ruler on earth! A messenger of the divine! —
~ The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in Heaven ~ (Hebrews 1.3)
Perhaps “the glory of God” is in His humility. For the Creator has become the creature. This “Man” (the man Christ Jesus) is the second Adam. This “adamah” lived a totally (at all times and in all places) perfect Torah-obedient life. Not one sin, nor one thought of sin- This is “the” perfect Man. ~ What is His Name? Pick one of hundreds, but never use (O so Greek!- commas!)- be sure to use Hebrew “dashes!) For example: And the Child shall be called … “Pele-yoez-el-gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom” As we can quickly see, this is but a few of His Names- and all are connected with the (very Hebrew) “dash.” But wait!- there’s more!
“Always more.” For of Him and through Him and to Him are (what?)- “all things.” Yes, “Unto Jesus be all glory given.” Word of the Father, now in flesh, (human flesh) appearing.” O, the incarnation of (the) Christ! Such condescending Love- (Did He EVER humble Himself!!!) From Deity to Humanity. This alone would say to all- “worship Him..” But wait!- there’s more.. – always more.
So, who was it that walked among us? ~ The Word became flesh and made His dwelling (tabernacled) among us. We have seen His (what?) -His glory, the glory of the One and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth ~ (John 1.14)
But isn’t this “the carpenter’s son?” Or shall our confession agree with that of Peter: “You are the Christ, -the Son of the Living God?” And the answer (your answer) is? Yes, – He is.
Philip said to Him, “LORD, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Should we echo the words of Philip? Then perhaps ADONAI would say unto us, – How can you (Carl) say, “show us the Father?- “have I been with you so long, and you (Carl) still do not know Me?”
Perhaps this could be (should be) our confession: “May I be found *in Him,* not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.” Thus says the LORD, “Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I AM the LORD who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,” declares the LORD.…
~ according as it is written, He that glories, let him glory in the LORD ~
~ God forbid that I should (ever) glory, except in the cross of our LORD Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. ~
For the Glory of Your Name, thank You for the cross, LORD. Thank you for the price You paid. Amen.
~ For every knee shall bow.. and every tongue shall confess.. – Why not now?
Just yesterday I was reading a new book by one of favorite authors who said:
” If we think of “glory” as a
kind of possession, as a state of being that is
somehow attached to us in the way that we acquire
a gift when it becomes our property, then we will
misinterpret Yeshua’s declaration. We will think of
“glory” from a Greek paradigm, as though receiving
glory is an expression of a quality that is now ours.
“Glory” becomes an adjective in much the same
way that “saved” becomes an adjective.
But if we think in Hebrew, then we notice the kavod
is not something we possess. It is an act that we
participate in. We become the manifestation. We
become the honor and the revelation. We don’t
have it. We are what it is as it is displayed through
us. Glory is a description of Yeshua as He fulfills
the purposes of the Father because in that process
He manifests the truth of YHWH. It is the same for
us. Yeshua gives us the means and the opportunity
to become the process of God’s self-revelation. We
are glory, the glory of the Father, precisely as
Yeshua was the glory of the Father, when we
manifest the Father in our actions. ”
The book I’m quoting from is one called: “CROSS WORD PUZZLES” by a fellow named …Skip Moen. Oh wait. They one in the same! Imagine that. I was excited when I read and mediated on this topic last night and I’m doubly blessed to add to it today. GLORY!
Thanks so much, Skip.
“[Man] He made himself into something God never intended.
My mind went straight to biomedical engineering. Wow, what a mess we’ve made. Wow how ripe we are for the wrath of YHVH to come down on our heads!