
The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. Genesis 2:22 NASB

Had taken from – The purpose of marriage is unity.  Genesis 2:24 tells us that we are joined together in order to become one flesh.  But it isn’t just about sex.  Echad basar is about becoming the unity God intended from the beginning; a unity that proclaims His unity because it is a voluntary commitment to absolute harmony.  Marriage is about being one billboard for God.

The story of Genesis Chapter 2 demonstrates this recovered unity.  Adam is fashioned from the dust and God’s breath.  But Havvah is the result of God applying a specific blueprint design to human material, namely, the tsela of Adam (not “rib,” by the way).  Notice the implications.  God removes something from Adam and fashions it into the woman who is presented to the man as a vehicle by which Adam restores what was removed.  “Adam and Eve were created as one unit; only subsequently were they divided.  This teaches that husband and wife must blend with one another to recreate the unity that existed among their first ancestor and ancestress.  Since human beings have distinct personalities and free choice, such a degree of harmonious interaction is not developed automatically, but can only be brought about through understanding, generosity and unselfishness.”[1]

The Hebrew verb is laqah (to take, get, lay hold of, receive, acquire, marry).  It’s used more than 1000 times in the Tanakh.  The profane and sacred uses of the verb cover a wide range of meanings.  In this context, God takes something from Adam to construct the woman (she is not yet named).  Adam experiences divine separation.  He is undone.  But not permanently.  God offers restoration through voluntary commitment.  What Adam lost he can regain, but now only by covenant commitment with the woman.  Man without woman diminishes God’s unity and robs the world of the echad billboard.  In its simplest terms, man needs woman in order to regain himself.  God provides the means for a man to recapture his own unity by providing the woman, a living example of what man must have to be as he was created.  The cultural idea that a woman needs a man to be all that she can be is decidedly non-Hebraic.  The Hebrew world sees the relationship in exactly the opposite form.  Man is the one in need.  Woman is the one who fills that need.

This symbolic representation of unity is a reflection of our relationship with God.  Something is missing until we find our fullness in Him.  We find that only in voluntary covenant commitment to Him.  We become who He intended us to be when we recover what was taken from us.  Taken in order to be given back.  Only by choice.

Topical Index:  had taken from, laqah, marriage, woman, man, Genesis 2:22

[1] Rabbi Michael Munk, The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet, pp. 61-62.

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carl roberts

Life Together

One man, one woman- joined together in holy matrimony- for one life- “life together.” Let’s you and I “do life” – together! This is also “God’s invitation” to us! (Good News?) God initiates, – we respond, – Let’s “do life” – together!

We have been invited (more than once) to a celebration, and we have been invited (more than once) to a feast. Look. Find. Feast. What are we looking for? What will we find, – and where? And what are we to “feast” upon? There is a holy union between the human and the Divine, between man and God today. It is imperative that we know, this union is not a contract, much more than a promise- this is an irrevocable, “forever” blood-covenant union between God and man, “brought to you (and you and you) by our Sponsor, and our Savior, our blessed LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ.

And.. furthermore- (there’s more?) we have been “sealed” (God Himself has sealed the deal!) by His Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh-The Breath of God. (Ephesians 1.13,14) God has placed His seal (of approval?) on us. “This one” is mine!

We, the ones who are HIs, are today (this very day) the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3.26) Not only are we the children of God and yes, we may pray -and say “our Father,” -(Matthew 6.9 -what wondrous love is this?) but we also are the temple of the Holy One- for God (HImself) now lives “in us!” (1 Corinthians 6.19-20, Colossians 1.27)

But wait!- there’s more! (always more!). We (both individually and corporately) are the (present) Body and (future) Bride of our Beloved, – our heavenly Boaz! Yes, boys and girls, we are “Ruth!” (honestly!)

Ruth, (poor girl) was neither Jew nor Gentile, she had no hope, no future and a very meager “existence” at best. Until one day (was it a co-inky-dink?) or was it Providence? (we report,- you decide) a certain Near-Kinsman Redeemer “just happened(?)” to show up. Enter Boaz, and Ruth (true story!) has gone from rags to riches.

Did Ruth and her beloved Boaz have any children? What is “the rest of the story?” Lol. I will sing of my Redeemer, and His wondrous love for me!

God has a program and a plan. It is to build a Bride. Someone is going to the marriage supper of the Lamb!

John writes about this celestial celebration in the book of the Revelation (the Unveiling):

(Revelation 19.6-9) ~ Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out, “Hallelujah! For the LORD our God – the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give Him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His Bride has made herself ready;

it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

And the angel said to me, “Write this: ” Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.”

And He said to me, “These are the true words of God.”

Angel, – “every word of God is pure!” He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him!” And angel, – who spoke these words? “Whosoever will” may come?


Excellent article Skip, and a wonderful reply Carl.

Mary Boardman

Hi Skip.

After reading your word “Recovery” today I was encouraged. I wanted to share with you my thoughts. I believe that “yes” a man needs the woman to be complete and in Gods image but it depends on whether the woman’s heart is pure and chaste.

I would like to share a brief overview of what I see in 2 Corinthians 11. When a woman sees that her husband is not divine and that he falls short of helping her fulfil the purpose that God intended for them, then they produce physical children. The genuine woman will turn her heart fully to Jesus as he is the only Man we are espoused to and will receive the right spirit and produce spiritual seed. While a woman’s heart isn’t pure she will keep her husband and any other man around her carnal (focused on this realm).

God has betrothed us to one Husband and it isn’t our earthly spouses. The Word “Virgin” symbolizes a Woman who hasn’t violated that part of her heart and masked or covered it (by being deceived) with her sensuality/femininity. This purity brings the right spirit.

In verse 4 the two conjunctions “indeed” join what he is saying about the betrothal, to False Jesus’. Just as the Tablets of Testimony (Witnesses) and the Golden Calf are in direct opposition so are the two different types of women (Refer to the MP3 by Rabbi David Fohrman on “The story of the Golden Calf as a model for repairing relationships”). They both Testify but only one is from God and has the right spirit. The woman that is deceived will keep her man earthly and the other one with a pure heart will be seeking the new paradigm.

In the quote “the day of Jacobs Trouble” the word Trouble can mean a ‘woman adversary’. I do not know how God is going to go about all of this but I do know that he will put together the right Man with the right Woman, for his purposes and his Glory. I would love for you to look into this scripture (2 Corinthians 11) in more depth to know your view.

Kind Regards Mary.


Brothers And Sisters,

David is a cousin of mine who was fighting with brain cancer. He died last night around 8 Eastern Standard Time. Prayers for the family would be welcomed and desired. Thank you in advance for your prayers.

YHWH is King!

Cheri O

praying –


“The cultural idea that a woman needs a man to be all that she can be is decidedly non-Hebraic. The Hebrew world sees the relationship in exactly the opposite form. Man is the one in need. Woman is the one who fills that need.”
This throws so much light upon cultural aspects that have been utterly distorted, yet widely accepted by women, just goes to show the mindsets being taught are far from YHWH’s.
This is another example of digging into the Word from Hebraic perspectives of the Scriptures, and being delivered from deception and ignorance.
“We become who He intended us to be when we recover what was taken from us.” This would mean the misconceptions we are /were led to believe
need to be removed, and truth to be recovered! Thank you, Skip, for doing just that!