Red, Yellow, Green
He said to His disciples, “It is inevitable that stumbling blocks come, but woe to him through whom they come! Luke 17:1 NASB
Woe – Forget blue. The Bible doesn’t come in blue. Blue is not an obedient color. The Bible comes in red, yellow and green. Green is for obedient living. Green is good. Good things happen to greenies. That doesn’t mean things are always good from their perspective, but they know that everything that happens to them is green from God’s point of view so it’s good. Green is for “Go!” Go green.
Red is just the opposite. Red is not good. Yes, we know about Red Letter Bibles, but in the text itself, red usually means being off the track and running head-long toward a brick wall. Red means crash, either now or later. Sometimes red means “Game over.” Red results in “too late.” Red is the color of disobedience and judgment. When we even see a hint of red, it’s time to make a U-Turn. Most of us know what red looks like. Some of us don’t seem to care. Fortunately, God is patient with red riders. He doesn’t end the game immediately because He hopes that the consequences of red riding will scare us to green.
Then there is yellow. Hebrew prophecy is yellow. It is warning track, signal change, “caution—danger ahead” revelation. The entire purpose of yellow is to make us green. That’s why there is no blue. Yellow must be transmuted into green, not simply mixed with a color God doesn’t have. Yellow must become green. The word of the Lord comes in yellow so that the people will turn green. Red manifests itself as yellow in order to propel us toward green. Red—yellow—green. That’s the biblical way. Recognize the danger, look at your feet on the warning track and turn back to the green grass.
If you decided to color your Bible, you only need these three. There will be a lot of green promises, some red finish lines and a big bunch of yellow warnings. Frankly, it’s not much use reading only the green stuff. It would be nice to spend your whole life on nice green fields, but most of us tend to think that red adds spice to life. Red looks volcanically appealing. Red is flashy, fast and furious. And lethal. Green is nice and safe but given human proclivities toward risk and danger, red is a rather constant seductive threat. Maybe that’s why so many of the prophets come in yellow.
Sometimes I wonder about those tests involving color preferences. If someone asked you what is your favorite color, do you suppose your answer would be biblical? Probably not. Kinda makes you wonder why we avoid delightful green gardens, doesn’t it? Do you suppose we’ve been so programmed for danger that we’re all colorblind? Maybe the best way to straighten out our color code deficiencies is to identify the colors God put into His plans. Start with yellow. “Woe” is a yellow word. Where you find yellow, turn around. Quickly.
Topical Index: woe, colors, ‘oy, Luke 17:1
I think this is an interesting point today. Red, it has seemed to be my mind and tempers favorite color as of lately. I don’t get it. I have been in the word, I have spent time in prayer, well some, and done all the right things but there is this red stuff that keeps popping up in my mouth and it keeps pouring out if someone strikes me the wrong way. Didn’t know this would be confession forum today. Anyway, is it that the impurities just keep bubbling up so maybe I will recognize the need to eat more green? I really don’t enjoy the flavor of red, to much junk to deal with to try and clean up and and by the way I have noticed the more I let the red fly the sicker my physical body has been. Gotta get back to the green! Proverbs 4:20 my son listen to my words ; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not depart from your eyes; guard the in the midst of your heart for they are life to those who find them and healing to all their flesh. Watch over your heart with all diligence for out of it are the sources of life. Turn away from you a crooked mouth, and put perverse lips far from you. Let your eyes look forward, and let your eyelids look straight before you. Consider the path of your feet , and all your ways are established. Do not turn to the right or the left turn your foot from evil. Well that just about sums it up for me.
The combination of all the colors of the rainbow is white (according to those who study such things.) The absence of all color (and life) is the “blackness of darkness” (an interesting word combination) found in the small, but potent book of Jude. The human eye must have light in order to perceive, (to know, to understand, to view) color. The coat given unto Joseph by his father was a coat of many colors. It was certainly “different” than the (ordinary?) “off the shelf?” coats worn by his brothers. It was different enough to cause contention, but as the Bible states: “only by pride comes contention..” – “Dad always loved you best.” Sibling rivalry is as old as Cain and Abel, – Adam’s kids.
And then there are the various “colors” of the human race. White men (I hope I never live to see a white man) and black and yellow and red.. well now.. it seems we can all be classified according to color! But the Crayola© crayon company sure nuff messed up when they produced a “flesh” colored crayon. All flesh (thankfully) has color. There is only one race- human. But oh! don’t we still attempt to classify according to (surface-skin) color! Did you know, were you aware?- Good men come in all colors? So does love.
I am so glad, our God, the original Artist and Creator, allows us to see color. Not just “red” or not just “blue” or “green,” but God’s “pallete” consists of millions upon millions of colors, some of which are not (yet) perceived, known or understood by the human eye. If an animal, such as a dog, can hear sounds we can’t hear, what “colors” can some see, which we (at this time) cannot?
This I know. There is a great and wonderful diversity in the kingdom of God. Far beyond my pay grade. Far beyond my limited understanding. Far beyond by range of abilities. And when this frail and fragile creature gets to Heaven and I receive my “new and improved?” celestial (forever) body, the colors, the sounds, – well… it goes like this: ~ Eye has never seen, nor has ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man the things God has in store for them who love Him ~ (1 Corinthians 2.9) It’s gonna be good. Now, define “good” (if you can!) Lol! (Helpful household hint) Gold is the material God uses to pave the streets with!
And did you know, there can be no color (none) without light? Let us then consider once again, the foreboding words, “the blackness of darkness.” ~ for whom “blackest darkness” has been reserved forever. (Jude 1.13) No color? No light? And if God is Light What, or where is this God-forsaken place of utter darkness? Men who loved darkness rather than light will have their dreams (or worst nightmares!) come true.
Here is an interesting “color combination” to consider: “Come now, let’s settle this,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.” (Isaiah 1.18)
Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow.. Now, wash me, and I will be -whiter than snow.
“Once I was blind, but now I can see.. – the Light of the world is Jesus.”
I see Your true colors, -shining through.. for
~ The unfolding of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple ~ (Psalm 119.130)
But green isn’t a primary color, it has to be mixed.
yellow (tzhob) – to glitter or gleam, shine. voweled differently, to shout at or yell (hostile?)
blue (tekeleth) – with a “yod” between the “L” and “T” is to be completed. a body without arms and legs is not “tekeleth”
yellow + blue = green
the beginning of wisdom is fear of the LORD
(green) (yellow) (blue)
YHWH bless you and keep you…….
It keyed wrongly when I submitted it.
Green is wisdom
yellow is fear
blue is YHWH
If I had to pick a word to describe the way I often feel after reading TW, some words that come to mind would be…
Today, the word I would pick would be…
LOL, Where were you when I was marking the subjects in my Bible? It is all perspective. If I am lying in green, I see blue. If I am in blue, I see green.
Does it imply deception that “the grass is always greener?”
What fun!
My three favorite colors to wear are red, pink, purple, and melon. My favorite physical activity as gardening. The rest of my time is spent in relationship and then study. Hummmmmmmm. Yep Fun today.
My four favorite colors Hahahah
Speaking of colors…have any of you read the children’s book “Yellow and Pink” by William Stein?? If not, I highly recommend it.
It makes a phenomenal and humorous argument (on a young reader’s level) for a Creator. Then it demonstrates how stiff necked some can be in the face of such overwhelming evidence. It’s great!!!
It’s a wonderful gift for children, grandchildren or, hey…even those stubborn adult atheists we all know. I’ve given it to a number of friends over the years.
Correction…it’s William Steig (not Stein)