I just returned from 3 days teaching in Virginia Beach. More than 120 people attended some or all of the 3 days. We had a great time discussing the application of the 613 Torah Commandments to those who live in our contemporary culture.
Awesome! I wish we had 10 people in the Michiana area that would show some interest. We keep studying and praying that one day we’ll have a Messianic community to add to the 3 of us. Bless you, Skip. You have been a real port in the storm!
If you are close to Altoona, Manitoba (just over the border), I will be there in a few weeks time.
David F.
Do you know if these teaching will be available via download or CD/DVD from yourself or Mr. Jenkins?
David I have the same question to Skip as well. Will this teaching be made available for others to listen to?
Rhonda Prevette
Was this recorded and available? I love your teaching seminars, but wish we heard the students discussion/questions….they aren’t near the microphone so we can’t hear what they are asking…..grrrrrrr! Thanks – I’m learning so much from your teachings…..
Rhonda Prevette
My recording equipment failed on the second day, but someone else did a recording. I hope to get it and after edits make it available. Yes, I know questions are a problem. Don’t know how to solve that yet.
My husband and I attended VA Beach conference last weekend. The entire time was a wonderful encouragement to us that God is working in small groups everywhere. I think sometimes we get caught up in the big church (Greek) growth idea, i.e., that a small group which doesn’t add people isn’t growing. Clearly God measures growth in other ways.
If you live within a day’s drive of where Skip is teaching, I strongly urge you to make the trip, at least once. The teaching, the fellowship with others and the making of new friends will be blessings for which you will praise Him all the way home — and for us, home was a 9 hour flight. We are already trying to coordinate my husband’s teaching schedule to attend again sometime this year.
Oh, Skip, the blog here would so love to have your teachings from wherever you go!
The video recordings from Perth, DownUnder are so full of echo, we could hardly hear
what you were saying.
Just a feed back,
Yes, the video quality is bad. I didn’t make that one. Was done by the people there. It is so hard for me to carry all the equipment needed to do high quality recordings that I usually don’t bother.
Praise YAH!!!
Awesome! I wish we had 10 people in the Michiana area that would show some interest. We keep studying and praying that one day we’ll have a Messianic community to add to the 3 of us. Bless you, Skip. You have been a real port in the storm!
If you are close to Altoona, Manitoba (just over the border), I will be there in a few weeks time.
Do you know if these teaching will be available via download or CD/DVD from yourself or Mr. Jenkins?
David I have the same question to Skip as well. Will this teaching be made available for others to listen to?
Was this recorded and available? I love your teaching seminars, but wish we heard the students discussion/questions….they aren’t near the microphone so we can’t hear what they are asking…..grrrrrrr! Thanks – I’m learning so much from your teachings…..
Rhonda Prevette
My recording equipment failed on the second day, but someone else did a recording. I hope to get it and after edits make it available. Yes, I know questions are a problem. Don’t know how to solve that yet.
My husband and I attended VA Beach conference last weekend. The entire time was a wonderful encouragement to us that God is working in small groups everywhere. I think sometimes we get caught up in the big church (Greek) growth idea, i.e., that a small group which doesn’t add people isn’t growing. Clearly God measures growth in other ways.
If you live within a day’s drive of where Skip is teaching, I strongly urge you to make the trip, at least once. The teaching, the fellowship with others and the making of new friends will be blessings for which you will praise Him all the way home — and for us, home was a 9 hour flight.
We are already trying to coordinate my husband’s teaching schedule to attend again sometime this year.
Amen to that Suzanne
Oh, Skip, the blog here would so love to have your teachings from wherever you go!

The video recordings from Perth, DownUnder are so full of echo, we could hardly hear
what you were saying.
Just a feed back,
Yes, the video quality is bad. I didn’t make that one. Was done by the people there. It is so hard for me to carry all the equipment needed to do high quality recordings that I usually don’t bother.