Lunar Lunacy
The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day. Acts 2:20 ESV
More than nine hundred years ago, Maimonides, regarded as perhaps the greatest of Jewish expositor of sacred literature, wrote, “when the power of Edom [the Christians] and of Ishmael [the Mohammedans] shall be at their peak and their dominion shall extend throughout the world as it is today . . . There is no doubt that these are the birth pangs of announcing the Messiah.”[1] Heschel says, “Maimonides also regarded the present as the end of time.”[2] According to Heschel’s biography, 12th Century Judaism was at fever pitch in its attempts to determine the end of days based on the book of Daniel. Under enormous pressure from both Christianity and Islam, Jews were persecuted across the Mediterranean. This lead to a panic about the coming of the Messiah—a way to relieve the terror of life. Therefore, everything was interpreted as signs of the end.
Nine hundred years later, Christians seem to be obsessed with the same fever. The world is chaotic. Economic uncertainty is coupled with political ineptitude and personal alarm. What better solution than the return of the King who will reward the righteous, punish the wicked and straighten out our bank accounts?
Thus, the emergence of lunar lunacy—the “blood moons” baloney.
What have we learned from history? Apparently nothing. Each generation considers its time to be filled with signs of the end. Each new threat to human prosperity precipitates another round of “blood moon” thinking, stretching biblical credibility beyond its limit in order to excite even the dead (and sell a lot of books). Prosperity does come—to the authors of these far-flung fantasies, but for most of the readers, it is just another tale of astrological speculation.
Three years ago I sat in a living room with a man who claimed that all the prophecies of the Tanakh confirmed Yeshua would return in 2012. He had quite a following around the world. I challenged him, of course, pointing out that such predictions were inconsistent with Hebrew thought and insulting to God who clearly says that no one can know such things. I suggested that I would call him on January 1, 2013 to see if he were still here. You know the rest of the story. I never saw him publicly apologize for this nonsense.
There are two things we must remember about Hebrew prophecy. First, most Hebrew prophecy is intended never to come true. That is to say, most Hebrew prophecy is conditional. It is warning, not prediction. When men change their ways, God changes His mind. Nothing in this type of prophecy is cast in stone. Secondly, Hebrew prophecy is “rear view mirror” commentary. After the event is over, then you know what happened. It is looking at the past with perfect hindsight. Before the lightning strikes, we can’t predict where and when it will come, but after it strikes there is no doubt that it did come. That’s what the return of the Son of Man will be like. After it happens, you will know. But before then, don’t waste time howling at the moon.
Topical Index: blood moon, prophecy, Acts 2:20, Maimonides, prediction
I should have added this link.
I know who Mark Biltz is and I know what he teaches, I, however, do not know who Chris White is who is the creator of the “debunking” video. As with almost anything that is put out in the pubic realm it is often best to digest all sides of the argument on ones own and come to a reasoned conclusion…Have you seen the Blood Moons videos? Have you listened to Mark Biltz’s explain it? I can poke holes in Mr. Whites video debunking the blood moons as heresy, but what point would it serve in the end? Is it not better to warn others to turn back to the Lord, not in the Laodicean churchy way that so many around the world chose, but to truly seek the Lord and doing what He commands? That is Mark Biltz’s position…trying hard to figure out what position Chris White holds.
A little further investigation about Chris White would lead me to believe that your interpretation of the world and Word lines up more closely with Mark Biltz than with Chris White – have you read any of his numerous books on prophecy?
After it happens, I will know if its true or not. Until then, why waste my time?
I agree. I think that people are taking the blood moon thing out of context. Mark Biltz has never said, “Now we can logically say Yeshua is coming back on Passover 2015”. And in the debunking video it doesn’t make any sense how that video debunks that the blood moons are signs.
The guy debunking is essentially saying because something didn’t happen on this exact date now we can come to the conclusion that it means nothing. Even though that has never been Pastor Marks argument, nor has Pastor Mark said anything about rapture or any of that sort . Then this guy goes to say some things happened before or after the tetrad, the fact is that a tetrad will take 2 years to “complete” of course if an event doesn’t take two years (if it takes longer or shorter) it will never, “line up” exactly. Also somethings happen in closed doors and manifest later for people to see in conflicts. I don’t see how that debunks anything, it’s just stating the obvious.
I default to my previous comment made below. You can look at this one event and say, “It’s not enough for me”, fine. But looking at the world, and seeing how it is a powder keg right now and on top of that quite a few other prophecies that are all dealing with a very similar set of time – it is very difficult for me to believe that in the next 2 years either nothing will have happened (war, economic issues, massive sea life death in the pacific ocean, nuclear waste related health issues caused by fukmishima, I mean the list goes on there is a lot happening in the world) or we will be better then today as I write this post – I just don’t see that.
And if something big happens like a world war (which things are looking ripe for that with US vs Russia, or China vs Japan, or Syria, or Ukraine, or Israel vs Iran, or with Turkey and Israel – and there are many more as well that pull the whole world in because of alliances and treaties ) how it is so difficult to believe that there would be a UN type situation to stop the war after it gets really bad, someone would make world peace (ie false Messiah) causing a one world government, and bring in a one world currency. I have trouble seeing how that is difficult to see with just the current state of affairs.
Whats funny is this video has been made also with the timing of Israel preparing for war by closing all embassies and has called all consultants back to Israel. I don’t think that’s a move that you make when you see a rainbow just around the corner.
But Derek, EVERY generation has interpreted the “signs” of the world as signs of the end. And if you think things are bad now, go read some history of the past empires and the lives of people living in those times. My point: WHY are we so infatuated with this stuff? Od we really think the world can’t get any worse and therefore God MUST come back to fix it? What about the year 1000 where people sold everything and went into the fields to wait for Jesus to come down from the sky? Didn’t they think all the signs pointed to the end? Were they any less subject to blind stupidity than we are?
I will agree with you that every generation thinks that its the last generation. I don’t think it personally that it would be as easy for the whole world to be wiped out as it is today but that’s just me maybe. I agree to be infatuated with it is probably not healthy, life is about balance especially when it comes to fear. In my mind true or not (regarding anything happening major), nothing really changes. We still study, we still search for more truth and we still love Him the best we can and we take what we learn and apply it.
I can tell you though, this has put passover on the map. I can personally say that I know 3 people that have come to their Hebrew roots because of this, knowing that God still uses His calendar, and are learning the best they can. I think if anything else it makes people evaluate their relationship with Him.
I don’t know much about the 1000 years ago stuff, but I can say that some people can come to more logical explanations then others. Plus I don’t think anyone is getting, “Pre Tribed” out. Israel was there for the first 3 plagues I figure we don’t get any exception when ever that time comes. So again, nothing really changes.
Of course it is better to push people to return, but is that the intention of the “blood moons” frenzy? I think not. If all that was intended was to get people to wake up and return to the Lord, then all the hoopla about astronomical signs and such would be unnecessary. The blood moons fever is about THE END, and the fear that it raises. Without that impetus there is no point in the whole panic.
I think that some people might have taken stuff out of context or hijacked what it’s about. I mean just like signs on the highway they come before something, “exit in 1 mile”. Or if you turn on a street that’s one way not until you’ve turned on the street it says, “one way no outlet”. I think that is the healthiest way to look at it. To say that this isn’t divine though is like saying that the past 2 major market crashes both happening on the 29th of Elul is just coincidence as well and the fact that one lost 7% market value in one day and the other was 777 points in one day, well that was just luck too. To me, it looks like a clear sign, of what? Well I guess that’s for people to decide for themselves.
This bloodmoon thing is going viral even here in Europe. Good to point this out! But probably the group intended won’t read it….
“But before then, don’t waste time howling at the moon.” – Love your sense of humor
I mean I’m not one to get caught up in date setting so I’m not going to BUT I think that if someone were to sit back and look at the times, things aren’t great and there are signs to prove that. Starting with the blood moons this being the 8th tetrad and 8 being a number of new beginning. Israel obviously thinks that something is coming, they just closed all embassies and are calling everyone home (first time in their history this is happening). Then you look at the shmita year coming in 2015 and the past 2 have had market drops that are HUGE for American markets. Actually every single one since the 70’s has ended with giant market crashes. Then we have the St. Malachi Pope Prophecy where lighting struck the Vatican 2 times and the prophecy has had a ‘batting average’ of something like 97% up to this point, claiming that this Pope will be the last Pope. Then you look at the Ariel Sharon prophecy with the Messiah coming back after Ariel Sharon death. And on top of that the star alignment of Rev 12 is happening on Rosh Hashanah 2017, where Hasatan gets kicked down to Earth which would be mid trib. Now maybe I know enough to be dangerous, and I have no idea of what day He is returning, BUT I would have to say if it were just one sign, it would just be one sign but when you have clusters I think He’s working on calling people back or there is a chance that we are the last generation. By no means do I think anyone is getting Pre-Tribed out of here either. So hopefully its all wrong, and if it’s not nothing changes anyways. To get caught up in fear makes it harder if not impossible for Him to use you effectivly.
I forgot to add (not meaning to over comment) that we have lost 2 nuclear war heads too recently that hasn’t really been reported by the American news, we have purged more generals then ever before for our U.S military and Isiah 9:10 has been getting filled in a scary resemblance too. Also the signing of NDAA for 2013 and 2014. That’s all I got. So anyone that thinks that He’s coming back on the first or second blood moon, nah I don’t agree but looking on a macro scale I would rather be interested in how people think things are going to get better anytime soon. To me I think this is what ‘birth pains’ look like, that or incompetence – maybe both. Then again, I could just know enough to be dangerous in my conclusions.
I totally disagree with your blanket statement “Hebrew prophecy is intended never to come true.” I believe God means what He says. More often than not, men interpret what He’s saying incorrectly.
This principle can be seen many times in the life of a recently passed dear brother often called the Love prophet, Bob Jones, (not to be confused by the school in SC). He had countless numbers of prophesies that were known publicly and came to pass…what he said came to pass but did not always mean what he originally thought when he gave the prophesy. Interestingly, the LOVE prophet as many called him, went home on Feb 14th, Valentine’s Day.
Carole, I often read what you write, and am okay with it; so please let this Octogenarian ask you to think on this after looking up something about your last statement. I had never heard of the “LOVE prophet” until one of my own daughters this past Feb. sent me an e-mail to look him up on the Web. Of course, at first I found Bob Jones Bible School. I wrote my daughter and said that does not make sense. She replied that I had the wrong Bob Jones. and gave the site to me. I tried again, and got this picture of a very very old man in his wheel chair with a 40’s wife , her arms wrapped around his neck. In the items to read; she and her son were replacing the “prophet” of many long years now that he had gone to heaven on Feb. 14, Valentines Day, and he was known as the Love prophet. IT ALSO WAS TELLING WHERE THEY WOULD BE SCHEDULED TO MINISTER IN THE COMING MONTHS, AND WHERE YOU COULD DONATE TO HELP THEM.
You must be confusing me with someone else when you wrote, ” I often read what you write.” I think this was my first post. If not, then definitely only my second.
Good Morning,
Likely many of us have no difficulty in recognizing the human weakness in this topic. As we pursue greater understanding of G-d and His ways, in the paradigm of Hebraic thought, I have a some of related questions.
Do you see any fulfillment of or relation to Yeshua in the feasts (i.e. Passover, Shavuot, etc)?
What of the current day perspective of Jewish people in recognizing the repetitive events in history on the same day, e.g. Destruction of the Temple, etc (as to relating significance/value to specific dates and “coincidence” in events/date)?
Do you see any possible predictive value or interpretation to the recorded spoken words of Yeshua in Mt.24, as in regards to the soon to follow sacking of Jerusalem?
I Appreciate your warning here, but I think I disagree – at least to a point.
I have seen a lot of groups, friends, congregations etc. get wrapped up in “prophecy”. Fortune telling more accurately. They have forgotten the the purpose of the prophet was not to tell the future, but to point the people back to the ancient paths! There is danger in doing this as we tend to place our own desires, and interpretations on the plans of YHVH.
However, there is a view of prophecy that speaks to the future. This is a vital part of His plans because He does not want His people to be unprepared. The warning went out as early as 1917 for the Jews to leave Germany. This is why Amos says, “Surely the Lord Yahweh will do nothing,
unless he reveals his secret to his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7 – WEB)
And that was the exact time that General Allenby and the British Army took Jerusalem from the Ottomans – giving the Land back to “Joseph”. Joseph was the rightful recipient of the land blessings of the prophecy in Genesis 49 NOT Judah. But rest assured, the British would have welcomed the Jews back if they (the Jews) had done things the right way. Instead they chose to resort to terrorist tactics to displace the British, and eventually set up the state of Israel in 1947-48. That’s our history,friends.
But no worries really, Yahshua is coming in His “Joseph role” next time around to bring the great Joseph blessings bestowed on Joseph for his faithfulness not alone to the “land of Israel” but to the whole world. Of course, Yahshua will take care of His Own Tribal people too and this endless scrapping and struggling between the Jews and the Edomites and the Ishmaelites will be no more – just peace and abundance and truth for ALL peoples.
The sure word of prophecy tells us that is coming!!
Meanwhile back at the ranch, both Jew and Ephraim, and the peoples of the rest of the tribes will do well to pay attention to what is revealed in the prophecies lest we be caught by surprise. Nobody can argue that the Father had not given them lots of warnings when the shan hits the fit.
The person who discovered this blood moon phenomenon – Mark Biltz, started sharing this information more to sound the alarm that the “church” needs to wake up and turn back to God than to insinuate that the end is coming on some particular date. Being a person who has looked at and studied prophecy for many years, I get what you are saying about predicting the end. As with most of the Bible, if you don’t get the beginning the conclusions one draws about the end of the age will be distorted.
To say that prophecy has no value – which is what you are saying in essence – is to say that a full 1/3 or more of the Bible is not relevant.
God has given us a road map. He expects us to keep working at the job we are each given. Some of us have the job of watchman. It is our job to sound the alarm from generation to generation. Usually the job is thankless, people call us crackpots. However there is a verse that I like to quote in situations like this: Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, 4and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.” 5For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water,…(2 Peter 3)
Well said Jill!
We know that God is consistent always in what He says and does. I notice Rev.10:7 and rev.22:6 care consistent with what God said to Amos (Amos 3:7)
I will quote Rev 22:6, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show His servants what must soon take place. And behold, I am coming soon.”
God always has and always will give warnings of impending trouble
The problem with prophecy is – it has been abused through the centuries by men and women to draw attention to themselves (and possibly fill their pews and their coffers). Yahshua told us NOT to be naming dates for His return. and many of us know dozens of people in the Messianic community and else where who cannot resist doing so and then making themselves look like idiots when their predictions do not come to pass…
Yes, it is true that God reveals His plan to the prophets before He acts. That isn’t in debate. The debate is that we don’t know WHO the prophets are, and so we can’t tell the difference between true and false ones. Did God announce to you that Mark Biltz is HIS TRUE PROPHET? If He did, please let me know. Otherwise, he is just a speculator like everyone else.
I can categorically say that Mark Biltz did not and does not hold himself out to be a prophet in any way shape or form. He doesn’t talk about end times events in his services. This whole Blood moons thing got started because he shared with his congregation something interesting that he had stumbled onto. Before 2008 Mr. Biltz was a pastor of a “back to their Hebrew roots” Torah studying congregation. (I’m pretty sure he was raised Catholic) He reads and writes Hebrew.
Like most things that gain traction online it mushroomed into a big deal in many prophecy corners. He got invited to talk about this phenomenon at some outlets that prior to this discovery not that many would have considered inviting him to.
Because of this notoriety people are starting to tune into his Shabbat Services that are livestreamed on Saturdays online. Many people are hearing about the Torah that would never have considered looking at what most churches consider “the Law”.
Does the blood moon thing mean anything? God knows. Rather than berate and poo poo this discovery, why not rejoice in the fact that people are getting some exposure to the Torah and might choose to live a life more pleasing to their creator?
Very true. I think that a lot of people have put words into Pastor Mark’s mouth saying that he is saying this is the return of the Messiah.
All the sermons that I listen to from him are just Torah portions and good one’s at that. He doesn’t get into prophecy in any of his sermons at all.
I guess I will have to answer this one. NO WHERE at all do I say that prophecy has no value. Are you kidding? If most Hebrew prophecy is warnings that spur men to act so that the projected consequences do NOT come true, then every one of those prophecies is vitally important! Without them, Nineveh is destroyed, Israel is lost and you and I are toast. That they did NOT come true is no reflection on their value.
As for prophecies that predict future events, my point is only that we do not know what the prophecy actually means until the event is already over. Even the authors of the Gospels did not see how the prophecies of Jeremiah, Isaiah and others fit into the life of Yeshua until AFTER Yeshua came, died and rose again.
I’m pretty sure Nineveh did get destroyed, as did Israel twice, and yes, you and I will be toast – the question is when? And what will we be found doing until that time comes?
Hello Skip, thank you for posting that video. It is obviously not the signs stated in scripture. Why do we get so hyped with this stuff? I think that’s a very important question.
Shalom brother.
There are two things we must remember about Hebrew prophecy. First, most Hebrew prophecy is intended never to come true. That is to say, most Hebrew prophecy is conditional. It is warning, not prediction. When men change their ways, God changes His mind etc……………………..
This is the reasoning of the SDA church’s tossing out the prophecies about the Temple found in Ezekiel and Zachariah and is the foundation for their end time theology.
I agree that some prophecy is warning and that is how the remnant is saved. But doesn’t that more appropriately under personal repentance toward covenant keeping in the end?
Da 11:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall be corrupt by blandishments; but the people that know their God shall show strength, and prevail. JPS
I see another sign of the times appearing.
Plain ordinary people, after having been individually drawn out by Yah’s Spirit from the churches ( messianic included) and the synagogues because of their hunger for Torah, are forming groups for the express purpose of living out Torah obedience together. They want to KNOW their God as He has revealed Himself rather than what they have been indoctrinated into.
We know groups of folks both “Jew” and “Christian” who are talking (carefully) with each other and sharing information for the edification of each other.
I find this amazing and exciting.
Amen Pam!
Skip, thanks for your post today and the link. I too see many of my believing friends getting caught up in predicting dates based on the blood moons and other “signs”. I am not saying that we shouldn’t be cognizant of the SEASONS which Yeshua said began with Him, but He was also very specific that no man knows the day or the hour — not even He Himself! Sometimes these fear frenzies do seem to cause some to return to the “church” (witness the Left Behind books 20 years ago and the brief increased church attendance after 9/11) but if fear of fire is what propels you to your knees, you won’t stay there once the fear passes — unless your heart’s desire turns to walking in His ways.
Many pastors today are fond of repeating how often “Fear not” occurs in the Word, and too often those same people will jump on the “fear this” prophetic band wagons if there’s a chance of creating a wave of converts. But how are we instructed to judge a prophet? If he’s right half the time? No — God says the “prophet” who is wrong ONE time is not from Him. So how many years of fear-based evangelism should we allow for all the world to be saved?
What motivated each of you to really choose to walk in His ways? If you honestly reflect on it, I bet you find it wasn’t fear of the apocalypse.
Thanks for your thoughts on this subject. Yeah I know that personally I don’t view Mark Biltz to be a ‘prophet,’–and I don’t think he claims to be one- but rather someone who is pointing some pretty fascinating things. And I definitely find them fascinating! I just wanted to note a scripture that jumped out to me as I was reading your post. 1 Thess 5:4: ‘But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief.’ We can’t know the exact day or hour, but from my understanding, we shouldn’t be surprised when He comes back. There are a lot of people-people from different groups and denominations- who think the end times are near or already upon us. It doesn’t seem like it’s just one or two select groups or cults who are going to be waiting in a field this time but rather a general consensus that His return is near. It’s not about date setting or getting caught up in fear. Whether He is returning soon or not, my walk shouldn’t look any different. I can’t deny, though, that the things I have learned which have lead me to believe He is coming soon have definitely served as inspiration to prepare to meet my King. I agree with the whole hindsight thing and not knowing for sure until it happens. But I don’t think that means we should ignore the signs or neglect the study of prophecy with regard to the future. It’s all about balance, in my opinion.
As a member of Mark Biltz’s congregation, all the negative aspects of the Blood Moon controversy are misrepresentations of what he says or self extensions of his concept. Quite simply, he made a “scientific” (for lack of a better word) observation that many bad things have happened when blood moons coincide with the Feasts of the Lord…nothing else. He makes no specific end-times predictions, but does speculate that these events may point to the “Signs and Wonders” mentioned in the Scriptures. He ardently supports Hebrew Roots and is a remarkable teacher. You might want to listen to him on and find out who he really is.
interesting post Mr. Moen ….
I myself did some research into the tetrads.
A question asked by some : ” Do you believe that there will be any significance to the tetrads coming in the coming few years? ” Especially since the lunar eclipses fall on or before or after YHWH’s Holy Days? ” In times past there have been tetrads that coincided with the Set -Apart Days and something significant happened such as Israel becoming a state in 1948….
Response: Yes…by now many – if not most – have heard or read something about the “tetrad” or the “four blood red moons.” The upcoming “tetrad” of four, consecutive total lunar eclipses is nothing to be concerned about. Yes, they are rare, but they do not mean “something is going to happen” – yet so many are jumping on the “OMIGOSH!” bandwagon, without doing any real research or seeking out professionals or sources who know something about astronomy.
It is pure ” sensationalism ” for people to announce, the “Coming 4 Blood Moons.” In a total eclipse the moon is in the earth’s shadow and always turns some shade of “orange” or “peach”. Only if the atmosphere is especially full of aerosols and particulates, is the total eclipse a very dark shade of red – which could be described as “blood red”. The problem is, you cannot predict ahead of time how bright or how dark a total eclipse will be, or what shade of orange/red it will be. So hyping this as “Coming 4 Blood Moons.” is just that – HYPE.
Second, some of these people ( whom i keep autonomous ) suggest: “Whenever there is a tetrad, something happens”. Not true. Many will say, for example, that the 6-Day war in Israel happened in during the 1967-68 tetrad. So? The Total eclipses were 24 April 1967, 18 Oct 1967, 13 April 1968, and 6 Oct 1968 – and NONE of them were visible from Israel. (More on visibility in a minute). The 6-Day war was 5-10 June 1967. No eclipse.
Many will also say “Israel became a state during a tetrad”. Not true. The first total eclipse in that particular tetrad was 13 April 1949 – was not even visible from Israel. Israel became a state on 15 May 1948, a year before the eclipse. And on that date the moon was only nearing 1st quarter. Right after Israel became a state was the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Its dates were 15 May 1948 to 10 Mar 1949 – still before the tetrad.
Concerning visibility from Israel during “tetrads”:
2014-2015 tetrad:
15 April 2014: Not visible from Israel
8 October 2014: Not visible from Israel
4 April 2015: Not visible from Israel
28 September 2015: Visible, but moon sets at sunrise during the eclipse – not likely to be “blood red” as the sky will brightening as the moon goes into totality as the moon sets.
1967-1968 tetrad:
24 April 1976: Not visible from Israel
18 October 1967: Not visible from Israel
13 April 1968: Not visible from Israel
6 October 1968: Not visible from Israel
1949-1950 tetrad:
13 April 1949: Visible at beginning of eclipse which began at sunrise, moon set before totality, sky too bright as sun was rising.
7 October 1949: Visible from beginning of eclipse to totality, but then moon sets while still in total eclipse with sky too bright to see much of the totality.
2 April 1950: Was visible – the whole eclipse beginning to end.
26 September 1950: Not visible from Israel. Eclipse began near sunrise, so the moon was only in partial eclipse as it set, and the sky became too bright.
So we would argue that only ONE total lunar eclipse in all these 12 total eclipses since 1949 could have had any significance because only one (2 April 1950) was seen from Israel. Please feel free to verify this via your own research. And if creditable documentation to the contrary can be provided … i will consider …i am still teachable , humble …and always subject to correction.
Why am i putting importance on the visibility of eclipses from Israel? Because if an astronomical event is to have significance, it must be sanctified from Israel. Think about it. There have been total lunar eclipses for thousands of years. All the astronomical events had to be visible from Yisra’el / Yashar’AL, or they knew nothing about the event. No one could place significance on a total eclipse they did not see, and did not even know happened. Why would YHWH say in Genesis 1:14 that the sun, moon, stars were for “signs” if His people in the Land did not (or could not) SEE the sign? So then any futuristic prophecy of the coming tetrads is merely speculation without first confirming that it WAS an actual tetrad from points concerning such above in my comment.
Wonder why “Michael” did not provide the source of “his” research? His post here is nearly VERBATIM from, an article written for The Refiner’s Fire – by me.
Shame on “Michael” for the plagiarism.
Thank you for this word. Sorry I was one of those sucked in by The Late Great Planet Earth and foolishly did not participate in life, after all what was the point, the end was near and nothing I could do looked worth doing. I too have looked at the Blood Moon prophets and wondered. This was a good cold shower, the slap on the face from a friend, excuse be I need to get back to work now.
What good discussion here. I will say right off the bat that I am not familiar with the whole blood moons thing. I find all of the comments respectful and very good for further thought. I will look up Mark Blitz in any case.
We not to be caught sleeping and are to be living each day loving Y-H with all we are-the Shema says so and I believe that. No matter what may be predicted or suggested we still have our lives to live one day at a time as Y-H gives them to us. There have always been those (and always will be those) who are so worried about the coming end that they forget to live while they are here. It is so easy to get caught up in things that men will say and I have to agree with Skip in that when it happens, we will know if we have been paying attention. Nothing should surprise us.
On a bit of a rabbit trail…I think it is super arrogant to think that just because America is headed down the tubes just like the Roman empire did (and many others) that Jesus is gonna return. Is America so much more special to Y-H than say Israel? They are still a mess and will be till Jesus returns.
Anyways, I am looking forward to reading Mark Blitz if he is as much about Hebrew roots as folks say he is. Always learning and growing and never know whom Y-H may use to do this in my life. I just know that for me personally I am too busy living the life Y-H has blessed me with to be worried about so many things that He has under control.
I agree with the America going down the tubes doesn’t mean the end of the world aka Messiah coming back. Countries have booms and bust, that’s just history in itself, and the way that life works. I think what people are looking for is something on the lines of the Gog and Magog war that would eventually usher in the anti-Christ. And with the blood moon thing, people can allude to a war on some level with the past ones. The Blood Moon thing is compared to the manifestation of the Jacob and Esau struggle (or just birth pains is another I’ve heard). Also with the blood moon thing, it’s not happening again for a very long time, with all this in mind that’s how people can go down this rabbit trail of drawing lines. At the root I believe people don’t want to be deceived so they just create theories. If you stop living because of your theory that’s bad news, but if you are a free thinking you’re bound to to come up with theories. And if you are a free thinker, it’s also probably how you found Hebrew Roots and Skips blog – because you can think for yourself! So with all that said, I agree we Shema the best we can and nothing really changes.
You should check out Pastor Marks stuff though, I’ve never heard a Shabbat service where he talked about Blood moons though. He seems like a genuinely honest, nice guy I personally hope to get to meet him in person some day. Him and Skip, 2 guys that have explained information that changed my life!
My concern is that astronomical theories and signs become the basis for life decisions and therefore become attempts to CONTROL my destiny. That, of course, smacks of idolatry and magic because it is based on the denial of the sovereignty of God. I am quite sure that when the Messiah returns NO ONE will be expecting it and it will be OBVIOUS to everyone. Blood moons might be interesting, but they don’t fit these two requirements. Therefore, the speculation about them is more like magic than Hebrew life orientation.
Wonderful insights. I try to only associate myself with intelligence,integrity and people with wisdom. It is far time to be on guard ,remain sober and keep watch. I thank God for people of your caliber.
Louise Wohltmann
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I felt the article and all the comments were interesting to read. I have heard Mark Blitz on his video regarding the blood moon’s along with other ministers that also had something to articulate regarding this subject. However, I like to look back on history. Haven’t there been specific happenings with Israel on other blood moon’s that have taken place? I don’t have the information at hand but I do remember hearing that when Israel became a nation there were blood moon’s, and when the 1967 war was won, there were also blood moons. But besides these two accounts, I believe there are numerious others. So if history repeats itself then something great should be happening towards Israel. I had the opportunity to sit at a shabbat meal with an orthodox Rabbi and I asked him about the blood moons; his comment was that he had never, ever heard of them which was very surprising to me. I guess time will tell! Meanwhile I will continue serving the messiah and His people.
What Is it that you want,?’-,-I am a reader . I am sincere and interested. How do I leave moderation?
But you already have bee added. All that was needed was for me to have time to set up your email address on the blog.
Mark Blitz probably did not mean the lunar tetrads portray the ‘coming of Messiah’, rather upon his ‘investigations’ of these occurrences presumably falling ‘on Feast Days’, got the better of some folks.
This is from NASA Science News : ” The total eclipse of April 15, 2014, will be followed by another on Oct. 8, 2014, and another on April 4, 2015, and another on Sept. 28 2015 “,” all of them are visible for all or parts of the USA,” says longtime NASA eclipse expert Fred Espenak.
Perhaps these tetrads are meant for US, as warnings? We seek ABBA’s rachamim.
Checking the above dates, I discovered those dates do NOT fall on Feast days.
But, with the above verse in Acts 2:20 ESV, it is no wonder folks would jump to the conclusion as to connect them “as signs of the end.”
..”most Hebrew prophecy is conditional. It is warning, not prediction” just as in the case of Jonah. “Salvation is of YHWH”!
“When men change their ways, God changes His mind.”
Jonah 2:9 “But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of YHWH.”
Jonah 3:9 and 4:2 –
Who can tell if God will turn and relent, and turn away from his fierce anger, so that we may not perish?
for I know that You art a gracious and merciful/ רַחוּם Elohim, slow to anger, and of abundant lovingkindness/ חֶסֶד/chesed, One who relents from רַע ra` /evil.
Should we then be caught up with such ‘phenomena’, or should we be drawn closer to His Word?
Thank you again, Skip for a sound TW.
I am glad to see a good balance in all the comments thus far between lovingly challenging Skip’s “hyper skepticism” (in my opinion…but I still love him), and setting straight the misunderstandings of the blood moon theory first proposed by Mark Biltz and then swept away and inserted into the never ending dogmas of modern day Christianity and taken completely out of context.
Skip, just a couple of questions. Regardless of the blood moons (and various types of solar eclipses in between also on significant days by the way) and what they might or might not mean and/or specifically what events might or might not take place just before, during, or shortly after they occur…do you or do you not agree that the Fall feasts will be fulfilled with the same mathematical precision and in the same awesome, miraculous ways as the Spring Feasts were? And that we can know, and are commanded to know, the season…not the specific events or the specific hour…but the season…and that we are to know when the time is at hand? I believe this generation is NOT the same as every other generation that thought they would see the Lord’s return…I have good, sound, logical reasons why I believe this…you can disagree if you want, but I challenge you to explore deeper before you dismiss it and not consider it a waste of your time.
I find the more interesting aspect of Mark Bilt’z discovery, and highlighted by Jonathan Cahn’s prophetic material as well, is the shemitah (spelling?) and Jubilee year cycles and what occurred in 2001, 2008, and what is certainly possible and ripe and ready to occur in 2015…on Rosh Hashanna. Also how the blood moon on Sukkot in 2015 will be a super moon and visible in Israel. There is just too much mathematical precision and uncanny statistical impossibility around the the events that took place in the recent past, which clearly have the fingerprints of the Creator all over them- true we have hindsight to be able to see it all and put it together…but isn’t that the point? You say when things actually happen, then you’ll know it and accept it- I say yeah…exactly! But when you add that until then, it is all just speculation and a waste of time…that’s where we part ways. These signs are for us to watch and be ready…and then rejoice in the Lord when it is confirmed…and marvel in the Lord and His awesome ways when the specific events actually unfold because they always far exceed even the wildest speculations of man when they actually occur. The past blood moon tetrad’s/ solar eclipses on or near Jewish feast days all revolved around significant events in Israel or concerning Israel, not America or anywhere else…let’s not forget that. So….
Have you actually either read or listened to mark Biltz’s teaching…AND ONLY MARK BILTZ’s TEACHING…and listened to ONLY what he himself has to say on the subject? I promise you, it would not be a waste of your time if you chose to do so. Also, have heard of Jonathan Cahn, read his book or watched his video documentary teaching on the Harbingers of 9/11? I challenge you to do so if you have not…Shalom everyone!
For someone who supposedly is concerned only with the research and not the fanaticism of prophetic vision, explain why I just received THIS advertisement about Mark Blitz’s “most compelling prophetic book of our generation.” I wonder what people will say of this in the NEXT generation. Another “Late Great Planet Earth” fiasco.