Blood Moons, Blood Baths and Bloody Nonsense
I am no stranger to controversy, so I might as well jump in again. Today I received a note from a reader concerned that several “big names” in the religious world are endorsing, even encouraging, the “Blood Moon” prophecies. I know that my previous edition on this caused some people to attempt to defend Mark Biltz, claiming he was only doing research, not proposing another “end of the world” scenario. But then I got an advertisement from an on-line bookseller about Mark’s book, claiming that it was the “most significant prophetic sign” of our age. That sort of diminished the “I just did some research” claim.
Of course, John Hagee was quick to capitalize on the craze. I am sure he will sell lots of books.
Now another influential personality has come forward with more “endorsement.” Alex Sanders claims “Such prophetic signs are being confirmed from many angels in from various sources of academia, science, and the Word of God.” Really? Angels are into Blood Moons? Who knew? Apparently Alex does. In his words, we are to “Think of it as a Good Friday service.” Hum! I didn’t know YHVH was into Easter. But never dear, Alex can also train you how to heal the sick in his video, so in case you get ill over all this, there is still time to buy his latest.
Here’s what I propose. I would like every one of these men to make a public declaration that if each and every SPECIFIC prophecy that they claim will happen doesn’t actually and exactly happen as they say, they will allow the rest of us to publicly stone them to death as Scripture commands. Oh, and as the world is coming to an end, they might as well sign over all their assets to me first since they won’t need them either way.
Seriously, here’s how to handle all this. WAIT AND SEE. In 18 months you’ll have the answer. And if nothing happens, you will know that these men (and their angel compatriots) are false prophets.
“Here’s what I propose. I would like every one of these men to make a public declaration that if each and every SPECIFIC prophecy that they claim will happen doesn’t actually and exactly happen as they say, they will allow the rest of us to publicly stone them to death as Scripture commands.” ABSOLUTELY! And, if we are allowed to do that, we should also be allowed to institute the justice system that GOD ordered of OT times… I bet our prisons would soon be completely emptied!
However, Skip, I am still not convinced that Biltz is prophesying… I think he might just be curious about the times of the blood moons and is challenging us to keep a watchful eye… as you also suggest.
Were the people of Israel able to see the eclipse? I don’t think they could…seems reasonable to me that if the blood moons are about Israel then they would at least get to view it.
I went out about 2:30 a.m. here in Missouri and look at it, it was beautiful.
Cancer taught me that I can’t know my future! I felt like shouting hallelujah when I realized all I have to do is trust the One who holds my future…a ton of bricks came off my shoulders.
Wait and see?!!! Really? That’s it? Just wait. Can humanity do that or must we just keep following men who *think* they know what the heavens say?
I like “wait and see” and that is just what I am gonna do.
Your thoughts here are simple and I think that is what trips people up. How does that go about knowledge puffs up? We just get so worked up over how much knowledge a person might have that we forget “simple.”
Hi everyone,
Here is a good video that shows how misguided Blitz and Hagee’s theory actually is. It just amazes me how little critical thinking most believers do, and that many tend to read books without any discernment at all. If it is “God-stamped” by some well-known person, people just seem to lap it up. I actually find it scary. Anyway, here is the video:
I’ve listened to what Biltz had to say, and he doesn’t sound sensationalist. I doubt if he has any control over what sort of hype online sellers employ to sell their wares. One problem was producing the dvd’s through WND, known for sensationalism and hype, as well as the pre-trib folks.
One biblical method of prophecy is to watch how a nation/society treats Israel, and know that measure for measure, they will receive their reward.
Mark Biltz is my pastor. I have heard him talk about the blood moon phenomena for years. He is very careful to say that he does not know what they mean. He makes no prophecies at all. So he is in no danger of stoning! The Lord woke him up at 4:00 am in 2008 and told him to compare the dates of the upcoming tetrad to the future dates of the feasts. You and Mark are both wonderful, humble teachers. There is a beautiful harmony in what you both teach, all based on Hebrew and the Hebraic mindset and culture. I would think you would admire each other’s work and cheers each other on. Love you both!
I am so glad to hear this. And since this is the case, I am so sorry to see what others have done with this. So many people want to know the future. It is a part of that Greek mentality that seeks control through secret knowledge. I am very relieved to know that Mark does not fall into that category.
The teachings on the Blood Moon as it relates to the Holy Days seems possible.
How do you see the teaching as it relates to the feast days. I have a great interest in the Jewish Feast Days and would like to be able to study this more. I had never even heard of this until one day in the 70’s I was reading the Word and read where God commanded the people to come to Jerusalem to
celebrate the feast days. This is how I became interested in the teaching.I desire Truth.