The Creation of Theology
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8 NIV
Think about such things – I have often pointed out that Judaism does not have a systematic theology. Christianity certainly does, but Judaism opted to produce a record of commentaries and halakah rather than treatises on the nature of God, Man and the world. Christianity’s interest was in the development of doctrine and dogma; Judaism’s interest was in understanding ritual and practice. But that doesn’t mean Judaism wasn’t affected by Greek philosophy. Consider Heschel’s comment:
“The religious value of Talmudic study had long since become part of the national awareness. But subordinating the value of ethics to that of theory, making contemplation the purpose of all commandments and actions, the very goal of life—these were Maimonides’s achievements. Maimonides canonized philosophy.”[1] For Maimonides, “thinking is holy.”
Maimonides’ commentary on the 613 Commandments is still considered a seminal work of modern Judaism. Would it be surprising to discover influences of Aristotle in Maimonides commentary? I don’t think so. In fact, we should expect it and be aware of the influence of Aristotle and Plato in contemporary Jewish thought. One example is Maimonides’ adoption of Aristotle’s view of the material world. “The sense of touch is our disgrace. . . . It is a disgrace for us to speak about anything regarding sexual intercourse, even about something permitted in this respect; it is proper to hold our tongues about it and keep it secret.”[2] And you thought Victorian puritanical attitudes were uniquely Christian. Once any religious orientation adopts the dualism of matter and spirit, it isn’t long before “immortality . . . is the eternal life of the spirit in the process of knowing.”[3] “The measure of immortality thus depends on the amount of acquired knowledge.”[4]
You’re asking yourself, “Why should I care about this little history lesson?” Here’s why you care: Greek Hellenism affects both Christianity and Judaism. Neither religion today is comparable to the thought world of the first century. Furthermore, insofar as we are the product of the Greek mind, we also come to understand life as the rational accumulation of knowledge. We are what we think! In this regard, Judaism and Christianity are Greek bedfellows. For Judaism, agreement comes from study of the Sages. For Christianity agreement comes from study of the doctrines. But the result is the same. The result is a religion of the mind.
The biblical text takes a decidedly different approach. Doing trumps thinking! The righteous man lives according to God’s instructions even if he has no idea why God asks for these particular actions. His is a religion of hand and foot, of eye and tongue. He is incarnated in the world and does not seek to escape to a higher spiritual dimension.
Now, whether you lean toward Judaism or toward Christianity, you must ask yourself, “Am I a believer in thought or in deed?” Greek and Hebrew hang in the balance.
Topical Index: thinking, Maimonides, Hellenism, Philippians 4:8
It used to drive me crazy to sit in church and it almost seemed like every so called super charged service we were told we had just moved to a higher level. I always thought, a higher level of what? Then it was said New level, New devils. I spent too much time trying to bind devils from my life, my children’s and husbands life’s.
After too much time I learned not from church, my greatest enemy was me trying to control and manipulate everything and everyone around me into living right.
Sometimes it’s just easier to do what Torah says than try and think so called right and then get there.
It feels good to live a certain way rather than try to talk a certain way and climb a ladder to certain heights in the “spirit” realm when you don’t even know where the ladder is.
Good word to chew on Skip.
And a hardy AMEN!!!
“climb a ladder to certain heights in the “spirit” realm when you don’t even know where the ladder is.”
This is absolutely right on. When I think about it, our behavior “in church” mindset is a lot like the Emperor in his new clothes!!! It was A CHILD, not an “educated, sophisticated, knowledgeable” adult who pointed out that the emperor AND HIS CROWD were all either hallucinating or crazy! Let’s continue to SEEK ONLY TRUTH… no matter if we are the only “kid” standing there to do it!
This topic is of seminal importance to anyone who wonders why Judaism and Christianity are so far apart when they share common origins. Centuries of Christological controversies birthed both the “Catholic/Orthodox” church (“Empire” as Skip would say
and doctrinal “creeds.”
I find it a bit irritating when scholars feel a compulsive need to comb the Epistles for creedal formulas. IMO, the oft-repeated “Household Codes” of the Epistles are plenty sufficient to define a “born again” community because they describe what Believers are *doing.* These are your “where the rubber hits the road” real creedal statements if somehow one feels that a community cannot live without defined creeds. Dayenu
Haustafel (“house table”) or The Household Codes Eph 5:22-6:9 • Col 3:18-4:1 • 1Pet 2:13-3:9 • Titus 2:1-10 • 1Tim 2:1-15; 5:1-25
From the HRV (HEBRAIC-ROOTS VERSION) translation , a somewhat different theological perspective (confirming Skips thoughts):
8 Now therefore, my brothers, those things which are true, and those things which are sober, and those things which are just, and those things which are pure, and those things which are lovely, and those things which are praiseworthy, and those works of glory and of good report: think these things. 9 Those things, which you have learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me: these do, and the Eloah of shalom will be with you.
“think these things” … not “think about such things”. Progressed in verse 9… “these do”
The idea, as I understand it, is to integrate / imprint the image of YHWH in our minds / will and then act / do as He is (HAYAH)
I am a believer. A believer in thinking and in doing. Over and over (and over) again, in the word of God, we hear the clear command of Christ, (please) do what I say. (Please) obey Me. In Hebrew thought? Selah. Yes, STOP. – and think it over. And then? DO IT. (The) Just will “do it” now. They will say “YES, LORD.” Adam, ‘shema’ the Savior. ~ And whatever He says unto you, – “do it..” ~
It is absolutely, positively impossible to say “NO LORD.” If He is LORD.. – Let’s pull over, and park on top of this one thought. This one idea. This one message. This one gospel. Is He? Is He LORD? Is He LORD of all? Please, (do notice) when I write the word “LORD”- I use all caps. I do not spell it “Lord” but rather “LORD”- It is because (dear friends), the LORD- He is God. And ~ It is He who has made us and not we ourselves.~
There is a Name, a given Name, given by God Himself, a Name which is above every other name (that is given) both (Yes, both) in Heaven and on Earth. That (given) Name is the only name by which we (we) “might?” be saved? No. The Name by which we MUST be saved. It is the only Name of Salvation, and without that Name, there is no hope, no help, – no hallelujah. Apart from Christ, there is no hope for any man, whether Jew, Gentile, male or female. You (too) MUST be born from above. The “second birth” is not a nicety, -it is a necessity. Unless “any man” is born from Above, he (or she) will not see the kingdom of God.
How does man, (any man) enter into this glorious (new) relationship? There is (only) one way, and it is NOT the way of rules, regulations, rituals or religion. How many times must this be repeated before “any man” hears? Listen. Listen to Him. Listen to His words: “I AM the Way..” (John 14.6)
He did not say “I AM a way..” One way of many to “enter in” but “the” way. The only Way. He, is “the” Way. Christianity is Christ! ⃪
~ the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, BUT IS NOW DISCLOSED (revealed) to the LORD’s people The mystery hidden for ages and generations BUT NOW REVEALED TO HIS SAINTS. That is, the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations, BUT NOW HAS BEEN MANIFESTED (made clear) to His saints.
~ To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles (???) the glorious riches of this mystery, which is *Christ in you, the hope of glory.* ~
~ He is the One we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature *in Christ.*
To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.
LORD of every thought and action,
LORD to send and Lord to stay;
LORD in speaking, writing, giving,
LORD in all things to obey;
Now and evermore to be.
May this be so, (in the life of every blood-bought child of God) – Amen.
Parking on this one phrase is important for me. Whomever i think The LORD to be has no effect on who He is, but it does affect who my heart loves.
“If you love me you will obey my commands.”
Thank you for sharing this.
Somehow I allow talking about loving Father; walking in the power of The Spirit, and experiencing the mind of Yeshua to replacing actually living it in His presence. I am sitting in my living room reading His written Word, yet my heart is pulled by the “demands” of the day ahead. Theology doesn’t come to my rescue, no, but rather submitting to His Presence inside me and all that exist. The distractions do not affect Father at all, only my perception. I am so thankful for Your Spirit indwelling me and Your eternal love!
May we all who are called and belong to You see with the eyes of trusting hearts that You are building in each of us.
I am not called by a philosophy, a compelling set of doctrine, a societal or ecclesiastical mindset or traditions of men.
I am called by a Voice.
Isaiah 30:21 “And thine ears shall hear a word BEHIND THEE, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.”
John 10:3-8 “To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out; and when he putteth forth his own sheep, he GOETH BEFORE THEM, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers. This parable spake Jesus unto them: but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them. Then Jesus said unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thIeves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. ”
I am not a mind to be convinced, but a sheep who needs a Shepherd.
Thank you so much, Skip, for showing me the correct way to ‘see’ the future! Now these verses make sense! If my Shepherd is my Way in my future, He will be behind me as I am looking at what He did in the past, and His Voice will be behind me in my ear. Got it!
I am dancing in step with my Partner, and that Way will be determined by the step we took last. He sees where I am to go next because He is looking behind me. All I have to do is look into His wonderful Face.
Is not the way of obedience, step by step, the only way of faith there can possibly be?
The problem is not the pastor, who with a heart for their people continue to speak of a God who loves, cares and has compassion. The problem is the philosopher/theologians who know that the logic of their theology leads to these conclusions but compromise the logic because they results are not palatable to the congregants. But is you PRESS and ASK you will discover that this is really the basis of Christian theology when it comes to these doctrines. And that hurts. It leaves us with a God who is not at all like the God we worship. So do we give up the theology, which defines what it means to be an historical Christian, or do we give up our experience of the loving and changing God? As Gaston and Ruether say, if we are going to be biblical, there is no basis for the Christian faith expressed by the Fathers.
Just read this today……how interesting that it goes along with the article I emailed you on the 12th @ 10:30am….had no idea how closely the two articles were related….but I think that not all those who teach on Maimonides are oblivious to the Greek influence and understand, like you and others that you don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater….”A probably apocryphal and of course impossible-to-verify story I once heard about Aristotle is that he was once caught behaving in a way utterly inconsistent with his philosophical beliefs. When questioned about his behavior, he responded, “I’m not Aristotle now.” Of course, I take no responsibility for the story (it sounds too “convenient” to be true), but it can certainly be said that all the profound, well-developed philosophical beliefs in the world together with a subway token will get a fellow one ride on the subway and little more.
Equally significant, we don’t really need to “teach” our souls how they should behave. They know. Intellectualism is not really the path to self-improvement — simply because our souls deep down know what is right. Most of the time, if not all of the time, the enemy is our bodies. They have to be forced, to be trained and housebroken, and then it will all begin to jell.
And even further, if let our bodies run wild — claiming we are being “honest” with ourselves (in acting like animals — which we’ve just “honestly” become), our souls and intellects will quickly fall into step. We’ll concoct all sorts of wild theories rationalizing our behavior. Our minds will adopt any and all absurd and intellectually-shoddy notions available in order to justify how we want to behave”
Maimonides on Life
Jewish Psychology
Chapter 1, Law 7 by Rabbi Dovid Rosenfeld
“think about such things”, “We are what we think!”, “The result is a religion of the mind.”
What we THINK comes forth out of our hearts, thus, that becomes a religion of the mind indeed as we are likely controlled by our desires and emotions.
Yet, Philippians here is instructing us to “think” as in meditate, consider before doing.
Oftentimes we do not consider , or weigh our thoughts/feelings before putting them into action.
Aren’t we to consider the good attributes first -that of virtue and praiseworthiness, than to shoot first and question afterwards?
We are exhorted to aim for the resurrection, 3:11, ‘and the fruit that is multiplying to your account’, verse 17.
A challenging word, to ‘THINK’ (consider) wisely before we act!