Divine Restraint

Now these are the ones who came to David at Ziklag, while he was still restricted because of Saul the son of Kish; and they were among the mighty men who helped him in war. 1 Chronicles 12:1 NASB

Restricted – A great rabbi once said, “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling because it is God who works in you.” That raises an important personal question. “How do you know the difference between what we are doing to deliver ourselves and what God is doing to deliver us?” We make decisions to improve our lot. Is it God in us also making the same decision? We struggle to obey. Is the Spirit in us struggling as well? We rise. We fall. We deal with the routine boredom of life. Is that also the hand of God working in us? How much of it is me and how much of it is Him? Is it me only when I sin while the victories I have are all of Him?

The Hebrew verb ‘atsar (to restrain, close up, shut, withhold, detain) is essential to the idea of the sovereignty of God. YHVH allows and restrains. He is active in both good and bad. Nothing occurs except through His direction or permission.

That sounds like good theological theory, but in practice it is a bit more difficult to comprehend. Just what is required of me if God is behind it all? And now the tricky part. What is required of me is to live as if God is not involved at all. In other words, you and I have the guidebook. We know the standards. We are expected to live according to the declaration we make of affiliation with this community. We have joined the club and the club rules apply. Even if the benefactor provides no assistance. In terms of responsibility and accountability, it is as if we have to do it on our own. But Scripture assures us that YHVH is actively engaged in us, with us and for us to bring all this to pass even if we don’t have any idea how He does that. We live without Him in order that we might live with Him. And these things are a mystery.

Quite practically, this means you and I have to get up and get on with it. We are accountable. We are expected to perform the mitzvot. As Oswald said, “God will never do for you what you are supposed to do for yourself.” But there is a divine comfort in all this. Yes, the burden of proof rests on your shoulders, but also “Yes,” the King of glory is weaving His invisible hand in your efforts to demonstrate faithfulness. You are alone together.

Sometimes we feel as if life in the ‘olam ha’ze (this world) is nothing more than the confused burden of debt of being. We owe, we owe, so off to work we go. But we’re never quite sure why we owe or who holds the debt. We just know that things aren’t right and life is hard. We long for the meaning of it all to arrive with the olam ha’ba. In those times it is essential to rest on the invisible involvement of God. He is restraining His hand so that we might find our way. David was restricted because God’s purposes were being fulfilled. The same is true of us. We just don’t see it—yet.

Topical Index: restricted, ‘atsar, sovereignty, 1 Chronicles 12:1

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carl roberts

We, the redeemed, -once part of the problem, are now, (with “Christ inside”) are part of the program. It is His program. – The Divine Director.
Yes, the questions always remain, – and that is a good thing. Why? How else are we to learn other than by asking our Father- Why? His answer? (always) “Relax, (Trust Me) -I’ve got this.” We are in the hands of the (always) Good Shepherd.

My part (our part) to play in tHis program? Stewardship. What am I doing (now-today) with what my Father has trusted me with? My instructions, (our instructions) have been given. God has spoken. Our part (again- and again) ? Obedience. ~ What do the scriptures say? ~ Open God’s book and find out. And then? – ~ Whatever He says unto you,- DO IT! ~

One more mystery to consider and remember.. (Hear, O Israel) – The written word of God and the Living Word of God are ONE.

Rich Pease

Ah, the ever-present, ever mysterious, ever faithful
hand of God. Trust and obey and He’ll make the way.

Thanks, Skip, for your ever insightful thoughts.

Luis R. Santos

Amen!!! Well said, Skip!


“Quite practically, this means you and I have to get up and get on with it. We are accountable.” Skip, this post is a perfect example of God’s Hand in YOUR walk with Him. God spoke directly to me through you. We never know how He will use us as we put one foot in front of the other.
Last night, I was, once again, assaulted by a hateful, dishonoring adult child… this is nothing new from her but I was very hopeful that we were on our way toward reconciliation. Alas, not so much!
This post is EXACTLY what I needed this a.m. In fact, the second I awoke, I prayed that God would direct me to His perfect Word, His perfect guidance and Shalom in the midst of this brutality and attempted murder of my heart. HE USED YOU, my man!
THANK YOU FOR CONTINUING ON in the daily grind. What a blessing you are to me today. PRAISE YHVH (while I tear up!)
p.s. I’m printing this off and keeping it in front of me for encouragement as I come out of the shock of her behavior. Thanks so much.

Michael Thomas

The WALK is essentially important to God, the DESTINATION is unknown (to us). Most of the theologies that seem to riddle my Christian friends are focused on the DESTINATION, not the WALK.

To WALK to a job interview, or WALK down the isle and get married; to WALK through the loss of a loved one or a relationship, to WALK through a major temptation; to WALK through a spiritually dry time in my life; to WALK through being caught in my own sin… it seems that GOD remains deeply interested in the way I WALK. I find this WALK to be the central theme of the scriptures. FAITH is to WALK in recognition that God is God and He loves me.

“Getting On” with it, means to me that whatever I face, however I’m feeling, however good or bad the circumstances appear, God is saying “Go… I will be with you, but Go!”

Mel Sorensen

Another great TW with lot to chew on. Skip, I was wondering if it was possible for you to include the Hebrew for the words you transliterate from the Hebrew? I am “attempting” (baby steps) to learn Hebrew and I would like to see what I can get out of the Hebrew letters so that I might better understand what you are saying. If it’s to much work to do that, no problem. I know you’re very busy. I wish I could make your teachings in Sedalia this weekend. I just couldn’t make it happen this time. I hope you are going to record the sessions so I could listen to them later. If not, I have some good friends who are going to attend. They are very excited about going. If you happen to meet them please say hi to Bruce & Judy for me. I’ll be praying for the meetings.


“Is it God in us also making the same decision? How much of it is me and how much of it is Him? Is it me only when I sin while the victories I have are all of Him?
Just what is required of me if God is behind it all? We live without Him in order that we might live with Him. As Oswald said, “God will never do for you what you are supposed to do for yourself.” (Amein!) David was restricted because God’s purposes were being fulfilled.”

With the above quotes from TW, one verse came to mind, mainly- Micah 6:8- this verse speaks volumes to me in my journey of learning and growth from observations of
believers around me from various groups:-

NKJV – He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?
DBY- He hath shewn thee, O man, what is good: and what doth Jehovah require of thee, but to do justly, and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with thy God?

The other verse- Matt 6: 33 from some translations-
NLT- Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
YLT -but seek ye first the reign of God and His righteousness, and all these shall be added to you.

These would say we still have our part to be actively involved in YAH’s plans, according to Micah 6:8, and Matt 6:33……
we have to bear the consequences of our own deeds and for words not spoken in truth i.e distorted out of context.

“He is active in both good and bad. Nothing occurs except through His direction or permission.” This has been our perception, and understanding of this ‘theology’, that YHWH is in control of ALL situations, OR that it is the adversary’s doing, but having a change to Hebraic paradigm, this no longer makes sense, as we come to terms that YHWH watches for our response/s or reactions to the circumstances WE had created for ourselves, in most situations. E.g. negative situations could have been prevented had we put a stop to them right from the beginning preventing it to grow into a mountain of issues.
“We have joined the club and the club rules apply.” Thankfully, I have left such clubs that proclaim their own man-made rules according to their own guidebooks. I have been challenged again and again to leave such clubs, often times being pressed by false accusations and “witnessing/s”, to belong solely to HIS Club of Torah life, through life-changing teachings from Skip and not many others like him!

Skip, toda for all your efforts in so freely sharing all your thoughts with us. Being transparent to me is giving others a voice in sharing their perspectives and individuality, as living Stones rather than bricks, not placing YHWH is a box of our own perception/interpretation/s. You are so appreciated, Skip.

Mel Sorensen

Thanks Skip. I suspected it was something difficult like what you described or I figured you would be doing it. I do appreciate the links to TWOT since I have that resource. I also appreciate references to TDNT although I haven’t been able to afford that one yet. Yes it would be great if you could hire an assistant. I imagine that would be a great help to you. I’ll pray with you about that and hopefully I’ll be able to increase my meager contribution to your work soon. I hope others will consider supporting your work too. Blessings and shalom.


@ Daria, I can understand the brutal situation you are going through, believe me. My heart goes out to you, sis, as I have been going through a similar situation.
ABBA is with you, His comfort upon you. It is a very challenging situation but you will not be shaken as you are rooted upon the Solid Rock. You are so blessed.
Shalom, shalom to you!


Made our motel reservations today (we are bringing a friend… and our dogs!) and will get registered for the speaking engagement tomorrow!

BRING LOTS OF “The Lucky Life” and “Guardian Angel,” two of my favorite books by you!


I would volunteer to do it in a heartbeat since I’m homebound most of the time, but trust me, you would NOT want me doing anything too computer complicated!!!


referring to your comment: “…Hebrew letters I have to first make a PDF of the word and that add it to the TW text as an image, like a photo…”


Ester, thanks so very much. Please pray for me as I pray for you.