When to Give Up

Therefore, when we could endure it no longer, we thought it best to be left behind at Athens alone; 1 Thessalonians 3:1 NASB

Endure it no longer – If you listen to the big-time evangelists, you might be seduced into believing that you have to press on no matter what. You might be convinced that your lack of “victory” is a function of your lack of faith and that the real solution to life’s problems is to press into the heart of God, declare your triumph and hold on until it arrives. Apparently Paul didn’t hear those sermons.

In his letter to the Thessalonians, he uses the Greek phrase meketi stegontes (“no longer could we bear”). Notice that Paul puts emphasis on meketi (“no longer”) by placing it before the verb. This adverb is important. It consists of two Greek words, me (“not”) and eti (“henceforth”). Me is the conditional “not.” It means that the circumstances create its application. It is not like ou, the unconditional “never the case” version of “not.” Paul says that under these circumstances he is unable to endure for this time forward. In other words, Paul is giving up. The conditions are just too overwhelming.

I imagine there are some preachers who would reprimand Paul. They would claim Paul didn’t have enough faith. They would say Paul was denying the power of God to bring about the victory. They would treat Paul as a loser, a backslider, an obvious example of a man who lost full confidence in the power of the Spirit. But I’m pretty sure Paul didn’t see himself like that at all. Sometimes things are just too difficult to keep going. That’s the reality of a broken world and it’s the reality for followers too. We are not exempt from intolerable conditions. We also know shattering experiences, unbearable pain, nauseating occurrences. There are times when we have no choice but to give up. And that does not mean we have abandoned the purposes of God. Only superhero myopia and a false sense of faithfulness allow theological pundits to declare every failure a lack of faith. We do not worship success. We worship the Creator and He is particularly adept at using our resumes of failures.

Not getting what you want? Feel like you can’t go on? Ready to quit? Good. You are in great company. Press as hard as you can and when no matter what you do you just can’t get through, then remember that Paul’s business card says, “Able to quit when necessary.” What does your card say?

Topical Index: no longer endure, meketi stegontes, failure, give up, 1 Thessalonians 3:1

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Rich Pease

Reading 1 Peter 4:12-19 and James 1 will add
insight and temerity to our resumes.

david watkins

I have noticed that as He guides me, the difficulties are either an invitation for an upgrade in my skills, or a sign to stop, do something different and always to ask.
Irritations, frustrations and exasperation are sometimes escorts for me to put on a greater skill of patience, or faith or to more seriously consider the person(s) that are inevitably enmeshed in these very circumstances. One man I know calls them ‘grace growers.’
Being ‘conformed to the image of His Son’ is a messy business. There is so much humanity involved-including our own.
Thank You Abba, Your leadership is perfect.

Marsha Allred

Reading today’s post took me back over the past few decades where I have faced the very same place-of “seeming” defeat. There have been more then I care to remember. However, I know that I know – in the deepest part of my living being- that I am His. In the overwhelming aftermath of one such “defeat”, driving down the highway and crying-as I did more hours of the day then not….for many, many days – I was suddenly aware that peace I could never give myself, was pouring over me and comforting me like tangible love. The question formed in my mind, “Did I do everything I knew to do?” Yes, in all I understood to do. Maybe there were things I didn’t know or understand to do…but in all my understanding…yes. “Then the rest belongs to Him to finish.” I have not cried another moment since that day…I can rest in Him-who is faithful to complete and faithful in His Love towards us – even when we do not understand.


could have wrote that myself….thanks Marsha for sharing.


What a grand message…no seriously. Over and over we are told to ‘press in/press on/never give up’!!! But some circumstances warrant at least a temporary back up – a hold position – and many times – simply just an all out retreat.

That’s where I am today….retreating and thanking you Skip for the confirmation of being able to do so with a clear conscious.. The circumstances around my life…my heart…are simply not able to bear up to the weight of the battle any longer. Not that I believe the ‘enemy’ has won (whether that be the flesh or another) no – I choose to believe that the timing…HIS timing…is simply not yet. When everything you say or do, the way you look or the way you react or even don’t react…is taken with suspicion and reinterpreted and twisted into something ugly – well, after a few years you realize that there is nothing left to do but walk away.

Walking away can be very painful, especially if that circumstance hits so close to home and heart…but walking away sometimes is a necessity for survival. Until the timing is ready … beating your head against the wall only results in a severe headache.


Thanks Skip! I just dropped the bucket loads of guilt I’ve been carrying for a very long time!

Tanya Predoehl

“Only superhero myopia and a false sense of faithfulness allow theological pundits to declare every failure a lack of faith. We do not worship success. We worship the Creator and He is particularly adept at using our resumes of failures.” AMEN ! So may of Abba’s faithful children are stuck, held captive by a misplaced load of guilt. Thank you, Skip for this TW.

Don b

A very encouraging word Skip and one I needed. I have been going through a very difficult time with my family over the past few months and it seems it will never end.
Your TW has encouraged me to hang in there and keep on looking to YHWH.


“That’s the reality of a broken world and it’s the reality for followers too. We are not exempt from intolerable conditions. We also know shattering experiences, unbearable pain, nauseating occurrences. There are times when we have no choice but to give up.”
Beautiful, reassuring words I definitely can relate to! We had no choice but to turn away from it all, as we were not given the least opportunity to be heard. It is all about control, manipulation, and men pleasing.
“Able to quit when necessary.” Hearty Amein!

The finale of it all-
…to the end He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before YHWH our God the Father, at the coming of our Meshiach Yahshua with all his kadosh ones.

I thank ABBA for these amazing TW insights!


My new hairstylist, since coming home to Jerusalem a few months ago, is a ‘tall, dark and handsome’ secular Israeli – and a great guy who loves his wife and kids – with no kippah or tzitzit in sight. Yesterday, chatting while he did my hair, it turns out that he has been attending a weekly shiur (Torah study) with a local Rabbi and he shared how he had just been learning the truth of the fact that …”all HaShem asks of us is that we do our best, with good intent in our hearts, in every situation we find ourselves in – then He will take care of the outcome according to His purposes.” Amen, achi! Sometimes, however, the hardest decision to make after we have done all we can do is simply to let it go and walk away.


Excellent word Skip, not many would have the courage to bring an action like giving up to the forefront. Many times our pride prevents us from doing this, and pride is the very thing being dealt a death blow by these type circumstances.

“I give up, I must walk away” can be the beginning of a whole new life in Christ in many cases.