Ending with a Whimper

You have placed our iniquities before You, our secret sins in the light of Your presence. For all our days have declined in Your fury; we have finished our years like a sigh. Psalm 90:8-9 NASB

Secret sins – OK, so how do you want to end? It’s coming, you know. Every day a bit closer. How will it look when that day arrives? Most of us wish for victory. We want to make a difference, leave a mark, finish well. God has a lot to do with that, but I am confident that He too wishes us to finish in close proximity to the image of His Son. The universe is conspiring to push us over the finish line in glory.

But, as David notes so well, we ourselves can destroy that intention. God places our iniquities before us, not to remind us of our failures but to allow us time to repent and restore. And notice how David characterizes these disruptive and destructive iniquities. Are they up front acts of sheer idolatry, public displays of arrogance, fists raised to heaven in defiance? Not at all. They are the ‘alume. By the way, the word does not mean “secret sins.” First, it isn’t plural. Second, it isn’t even a noun. ‘alume is the Qal passive participle of ‘alam, “to be hidden, concealed, secret.” God isn’t bringing our hidden sins before us. He is bringing up our hiding, our acting in concealment, our decisions to pretend no one sees. It isn’t the sin that is destroying our intended victory day. It is the masking behavior that’s killing our hope.

Keep hiding! Keep everything looking so good on the outside while the closets are full on the inside. David tells you the end result. “We finished our years like a sigh.” What does that mean? Kemo-hegeh. What is compared to a moan? What is the sound of a rumbling? What is the growling of the beast? That’s what it means. You and I will come to our end in the cry of dereliction, the sob of despondency, the whimper of defeat. Yes, keep on hiding. Keep up the fence of fame, the practice of pretense, the show of subterfuge. In the end, it’s moaning.

Some rules of the universe are easily embraced, at least in theological theory. We all fall short of the glory of God. Yes, that’s true. But what can anyone do about it? The wages of sin is death. Again, true. But there is the grace that overlooks those “mistakes.” God loves even the sinner. True enough. But of course that is not an excuse to remain one. Some rules, however, are more difficult for a man of pride to really accept. The consequences of hiding is one of those. “Out of sight, out of mind” is more like it for us. Who really wants to talk about things done in the dark? Not me!

But if God speaks the truth about wages and glory and repentance, does He not speak the truth about concealing?

There are some sins I wish to write down in invisible ink.

Topical Index: hide, secret sins, ‘alume, conceal, moan, kemo-hegh, Psalm 90:8-9

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It seems to me like we, who are believers are much more apt to try and keep our junk though. I know people and have children who display their filth as if it is a prized jewel or possession. How sad. We’re the sad ones with our pretending. What we do is worse because not only do we try to hide what steals our hope ,we do the same to the ones who point their fingers and call us hypocritical. We steal theirs as well because we can’t be honest about what we pretend we don’t do.
Tsk, task. Oh Yaweh open our eyes to truth!

Zenyth T

I agree Babs. It is so sad to because if more were to be honest it would actually help their fellow brothers and sisters to hear what they have done or go through. It’s so powerful when used for God’s glory but when it is hidden it can only hurt.. Thanks Skip for hitting on this truth!

Roy W Ludlow

A perfect description of a “con.” Rotten to the core on the inside and putting a lot of effort to look good on the outside. Just ask me. I was very good at that as a young person into young adulthood. What a relief to give up having to be bad.

carl roberts

A Sigh of Relief

“(How) Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.”

david watkins

No secrets in the secret place of El Elyon:
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.” ps91


SO MANY names come to mind. But i am jaded.

Rob Callicotte

Best thing I’ve read all week. Thanks Skip!

Oh, God. Let the things in us that amount to the hidden things Jesus said would be brought to light be brought to light in your grace and kindness and correct us in your kindness!


Thank you for this and yesterday’s post. I have met a few people who could be transparent, those are the ones I hunger to interact with. Not only do they allow transparency in themselves, but they encourage those around them to do so. It is so refreshing to know that kind of person, one who is easy to develop and maintain relationships, an honest friend with no hidden agendas, just someone to travel with on life’s path.

I think that is why I have always admired David and his response after he was confronted by Nathan. He didn’t get bogged down in the details of sin (or the heartbreaking consequences either), he simply came to Father with openness and honesty. And, wasn’t Adam’s biggest problem the desire to hide (instead of the actual sin?)

Anyway, thanks, this has been in my thoughts a lot lately.


Confessing and sharing our struggles requires a ‘safe’ community. As someone bought up yesterday – the concept of Lashon Hara needs to be practiced in relation to these ideas.


“He too wishes us to finish in close proximity to the image of His Son.” Amein!
“The universe is conspiring to push us over the finish line in glory.” HalleluYAH! -both quotes from Skip.
But, we do struggle when pushed in situations or circumstances, often not given time to respond properly, nor wisely, being caught unawares particularly so when facing devious personalities. :- (
But, we press on, ensuring ABBA will be on our side, as we prod along through ABBA’s conviction and light in our lives.
“…our decisions to pretend no one sees..”-Skip.
Nor our thoughts that no one reads pretending/presuming they may not be exposed.
This is heart-searching material. David said-keep me from presumptuous transgressions/sins/faults. Psalms 19:13.
Numbers 14:39-45 warns us of the foolishness of presumption.
May we not end with a whimper.