Agape Again

Let all that you do be done in love.  1 Corinthians 16:14  NASB

Love – An overworked word loses its meaning.  An overlooked word has no meaning at all.  Such is the case with the Greek noun, agape.  We may realize that agape is connected to the Hebrew ‘ahav, but did we know this?

Love in the OT is a spontaneous feeling which impels to self-giving, to grasping that which causes it, or to pleasurable activity. It involves the inner person. Since it has a sexual basis, it is directed supremely to persons; love for things or acts has a metaphorical aspect. God’s love is correlative to his personal nature, and love for God is love first for his person and only then for his word or law. Yet even in the extended sense love has an element of fervor or passion except in the case of lesser objects. In the secular sphere love is for husband or wife, parents or children, friends, masters, servants, and social groups. This use is more common than the religious use and may thus be taken as the basis of interpretation.[1]

Did we know that ‘ahav and its Greek correlate agape is primarily a sexual term?  I rather doubt it.  Religious thought has stripped “love” from sex.  In proper Platonic fashion, sex is part of the mortal, corruptible, sinful, depraved world of the flesh while love belongs to the higher, spiritual, pure world of God and His angels.  No one would imagine that love of God is grounded in sex!  Now we (perhaps) can appreciate why YHVH uses marriage and adultery as the paradigm examples of covenant relationship with Him.  It’s all about intimacy, ecstasy, bliss, jubilation and euphoria.  Maybe “rapture” isn’t just about being carried away in the sky.  Maybe we have victimized agape by turning it into a set of proxy principles, a way of feeling religious virtue without ever taking off our clothes.  Arm’s-length intimacy isn’t found in Scripture.

‘Ahav and agape are supremely personal.  When Sha’ul exhorts us to do all that we do en agape, he is pleading for personal, intimate involvement.  He would be appalled at the text message substitution for face-to-face expression.  He would cringe over the Untied Way idea of giving—anonymous donors supporting anonymous spenders.  He would feel agonizing heartache when vacations trump soup kitchens, homeless shelters and clinics for orphans.  And what would he think of our mega-churches?  Perhaps his words would be those of the African pastor who visited the largest “houses of worship” in Orlando and commented, “I never knew you could do so much without God.”

Perhaps we should translate Paul’s plea differently.  “Let all you do be done with the same passionate intensity and personal involvement that you feel in moments of sexual ecstasy.”  That might shock the congregation, but it is a lot closer to the truth than the “feel good about yourself” religious syrup poured on pancake piousness.

Topical Index:  love, agape, ‘ahav, sex, passion, 1 Corinthians 16:14


[1] Kittel, G., Friedrich, G., & Bromiley, G. W. (1985). Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (5). Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans.

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Michael C

Thanks for putting some life, zest and passionate realness back in this word.


That makes sense. Love is passionate intensity directed in personal relationship. I’ve heard this word does not always have a positive connotation, as one can passionately desire wrong things. Is this true? I noticed the word used is, “phileo,” to describe the scribes who loved the honorable greetings and chief seats.


I am sometimes critical about the food you prepare for us. Because of the Greek “presentation / presumption”. The newest facts is becoming more evident that the so called NT was written in Hebrew and not Greek.
But the bread that you fed us today is exquisite… such a profound dish can only come directly from our Mother (El Shadday / Ruach).
I feel both humble and fortunate to be able to eat from the vessel called Skip

Angela Dierkx

Hi Skip.
After reading this last post on agape, we are concernred about how you interpret what is spiritual. We have been listening to Rabbi David Fohrman on “Paradise Lost. From Eden to the Flood” Parts one and two. We would really appreciate it if you would listen to these 2 lectures, so we could discuss this important matter further, on a deeper level.

Kid Regards Mary and Ange. (Australia)


Sometimes intensity can feel like you’re on fire

Or sometimes intensity can feel like you’re under water

A man drowning

David Hereford

Knowing Father, living literally in and out of and through Father’s love is our heart’s desire. He made us this way. However, instead of living by His words, we choose to filter what He says through the lens of others definitions and explanations of His words. We find ourselves not living out of our hearts at all, but rather building an image of what our life is and trying to prop that image up by mental and spiritual gymnastics. Walking in Father’s Spirit requires us to lay down all our and other’s opinions and listen to, believe, and obey everything Father is saying to us.


religious syrup on pancakes of piousness! Good one Skip.

carl roberts

The End Game

Why do you do – what you do? Of the five “W’s” (Who, What,When, Where, Why), the “why” is under investigation today.

What is it that motivates a man? Of course, there is a long, long list (including this or that- or even the other thing!) but the hard question (and the heart question) we must ask ourselves is this: Why do I do – what I do? And am I motivated by love?

(And..- as always!) ~ What do the scriptures say? ~

~ But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith ~ (1 Timothy 1.5)

The Goal? – ‘In the end” God, our Teacher, (our personal Trainer) has a goal for each of us. It is “love from a pure heart..” 100%, real-genuine- “authentic” Christian love.

Sounds good on paper- doesn’t it? But “in the real world?” How’s this workin’ out for you? In everday, yes, “ordinary”- daily tasks, everything that we do, say or think..- Is our motivation, -is our passion? Is our goal?- “love from a pure heart and genuine (for realz) faith?”

Good News! God (Himself) is working on each of us to “get us there!”

We (now) have the mind of Christ! Isaiah 40.13 and 1 Corinthians 2.16 are “Biblical bookends! ” ~ Who can fathom the Spirit of the LORD, or instruct the LORD as his counselor? ~ (not me!) But concerning all believers: “We (now) have the mind of Christ!”

And?.. (wow!) Now, on to the “where”? Where do we go from here? (The gospel is spelled “go!”) Go out into the highways and the hedges (and the Walmarts? and Krogers?) – and compel them to come in!

(Today, Carl) ~ Let all that you do be done in love ~ (1 Corinthians 16.14)

Today’s assignment? ~ love one another deeply, from the heart ~ (1 Peter 1.22)

And now, the circle completes itself! ~ By this (!) shall all men know you are My disciples..- if you love one another! (John 13.35)

Let it be so. Amen.