Skip on TorahResource Radio

An interview concerning “What You Must Believe,” an article I wrote in response to a South African publication.

It was a great conversation.  Please tune in.

Thursday (Aug. 7) at 5:00pm (EST) and again at 9:00pm (EST)

If you go to just press the listen button, then a play button comes up, hit that and you can listen

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Tanya Predoehl

Great to hear they had you on the show and that it went so well. I look forward to the broadcast.

Daniel Jordaan

Will it be possible to download your talk from some address?

Caleb Hegg

Shalom Daniel. You will be able to listen to this show for free until Aug. 14th. Here is a link to listen to the interview.

Downloading is available but, only for those that have the “full access” membership which allows them to download and listen to every broadcast we’ve ever aired.


That was an interesting discussion — it seems that one of the biggest issues we have to learn to address is the denial that there IS a Greek paradigm and that we all default to it naturally (at least in modern conservative Christianity). Thanks for your patience (with Rob & Caleb and with us).

Judi Baldwin

Great discussion Skip. You held your own. Hopefully Rob & Caleb will read some of your books or sign up for Today’s Word. I heard their curiosity and desire to ask you MANY more questions, had time permitted. I listened to the early broadcast. My son is listening to the late one as I write.

Hope you and Rosanne have a wonderful trip/cruise. May G-d be with you and all the passengers. Hopefully He will have some big surprises in store for them. i’ll be praying.



Just got done listening to your interview – missed the first half of it. It looks like you have to be a member to download.


You did a great job with the part that I heard!


Skip, I’m sorry but you got baited into a false paradigm twice. First, EVERY LANGUAGE except the Hebrew language is CONFUSED! . 1101 is Strong’s ‘confused’ (ba’al). In Gn. 11:1-9 Yah couldn’t kill with a flood any more because of His promise. Up until Gn. 11 there was only ONE PEOPLE and ONE LANGUAGE. By definition of everything that He creates, the Hebrew language is perfect! Now, does this mean that one cannot come to the knowledge and belief of Yah and His Saving Son in the English, German, Chinese, or a myriad of languages? NO! Billions are saved in the language of their own tongue. It just means that one cannot access the Mysteries of the Kingdom unless one knows the Hebrew language. It is that simple.

Secondly, you were talking to two people, like all Christians, they don’t know what covenant means. Not a single Christian on planet earth is covenanted. Why? Because they reject the Torah Law! Not a single Jew who rejects Messiah Yeshuah is in the same UNCOVENANTED boat. We will argue with the Christian until their bones are fossilized trying to convince them that the Law is still, and forever important. We will never win that argument because of delusion.

In the first paragraph I mentioned Mysteries of the Kingdom. This term comes from the Sower Parable. Within this parable is the paradigm 30-60-100 fold. Every Christian and every Jew who rejects either the Torah or Messiah is the 30 fold MULTITUDE of the next 1000 years. Why? Because they reject one aspect or another of the Creator and/or His son. Academically, and for another time, the 100 fold are the priests and the 60 fold are the elect of this kingdom age and the prophets of the next 1000 years. The BLOOD and the CROSS are false paradigms; they are important but they rob the room of oxygen. The blood and the cross are a natural horizontal paradigm. Yes, He died miserably but that is not the vertical spiritual paradigm. A Christian should never be allowed to incessantly opine unless they can explain if they are covenanted. They are not covenanted, they are marked for redemption. The question of the 30 fold being covenanted is answered thousands upon thousands of times in the mysteries of the kingdom beneath the 30-60-100 fold paradigms. This is where I have to depart for lack of space and time.

If these two, or any Christian understood the mysteries that are secreted in the paradigms and metaphors of the Sower Parable and several other parables, they would be utterly disarmed and incapable to argue. I have just completed a book called PARABLE OF THE SOWER and MYSTERIES OF THE KINGDOM. This book will explain the hidden secrets underneath the literal text that have been there for 1000’s of years. Why have they never been revealed? The short answer is we are in the end times when these things are to be revealed. The longer answer is that the template for revealing these mysteries resides in Yeshuah’s threefold paradigms. I will send this 370 page book to anyone who requests it. Send me a mail at: and I will promptly return a PDF.
Paul Mueller


Thanks Skip, I have to respectfully cede to your historical intellect on language but I still need to take the side of YHWH in Isaiah 55:11. The Bible is not an intellectual exercise; it is a spiritual endowment from Father. In Isaiah we are told that the Word is not returned void so “one language and one people” is not a void statement either. So what is it? It is a metaphor that means a couple things. First, Zephaniah 3:8-9 makes certain that the Hebrew language is the perfected creation of Yah and will be our language once again in the MK. The second reason takes considerably longer to explain but I will try to keep it brief.

‘Metaphor’ is the key to getting at the nut of this. Metaphors are the keys to getting to the core of understanding the parables and particularly the Sower Parable. The Parable of the Talents is one gigantic metaphor that extends from the Sower Parable. It is distinguished by three major components: three different servants and three different rewards. The rewards is the metaphor: 10 talents, 4 talents, and NO talent. Each of the three rewards is met with another spiritual paradigm. The ten equals 100 fold, the four equals 60 fold and the wicked and lazy servant is the 30 fold. This threefold spiritual paradigm is written secretly into virtually every chapter and verse in the Tanach. This is what I explain in my book but for now I want to demonstrate this ‘metaphor’ paradigm by recalling a few short odd accountings similar to our “one language and one people” metaphor.

Everyone is familiar with the Wisdom of Solomon and the two harlot women. First we have to understand that harlot, zonah, is not saloon speak for a whore; it is spiritual harlotry or a departure from Yahweh. We can equate the harlotry to the wicked 30 fold servant who buried his talent. Note that there are TWO harlots standing before the ‘metaphorical’ Messianic Solomon. Remember, 30 fold equates to a departure from the spiritual commandments. What two major spiritual entities are there that have departed from the commandments? The Jews and the Gentiles! What were these to women doing? BICKERING! What have the Jews and Gentiles done forever? They bicker, and to the point of death sometimes. This duplicate paradigm and metaphor is repeated in 1 Samuel One in the first verses. Hannah and Peninnah were BICKERING. Peninnah is a metaphor for Judah and Hannah is Ephraim metaphorically. The womb of collective Judah produced Torah fruit (at least for a time historically). Penninah equals Ephraim, equals double portion, so forth…

In my book, Parable of the Sower and Mysteries of the Kingdom I demonstrate how these patterns, paradigms, and metaphors repeat thousands of times in Scripture. The laws of physics defy that a person is capable to evaporate as Eliyah did. We never understood why he disappeared; with our patterns, paradigms, metaphors, types and shadows that are anchored inextricably to the Sower and Talents Parables we can (in the book).

One language and one people is a paradigm of the significance of His language. We are capable only to capture a wink of Father’s secret hidden messages in any other language but Hebrew. These hidden messages are the spiritual nuggets that determine our rewards for the next 1000 years. Once one understands how to read the road signs to finding these secrets then we begin to fill our chest of treasures in heaven.

To receive the above book simply mail and request it. It is in PDF format and 370 pages of revealed secrets that have never been discovered. My mail:
Thank you Skip and
Paul Mueller


Skip, you are right with regard to not reading the book; it may sound allegorical or from a kabalistic view point but it is not. I don’t know much about kabalism but allegory is manufactured subjectively. The Sower dynamics are not subjectively of the mind but objectively given from above.

I am not trying to press you into hurrying, I am just commenting on what is written. I will be patient but as long as there is dialogue I will engage unless you deem otherwise. BTW, I never visit or participate in blogs or chats. I prefer to study every available minute. Thanks.

Mark Randall

Hello Paul

Just wanted to clarify a couple things for you.

First, they are NOT what we’re labeling “Christians” today at all. Not even close. TorahResource Radio is part of TorahResource Institute (a biblical higher learning school) and the fellowship is Beit Hallel. Which has been a Messianic community for over 25 years, 3 generations of families, a mixture of Jewish and non-Jewish. Most are well versed in Hebrew as well as Greek and the Aramaic languages, an approach the study of Scripture, YHVH and our Messiah from a Hebraic understanding, as close as possible to a 1st century and before view point as possible, with a grammatical historical perspective.

Second, nobody was trying to attack Skip, or “bait him in”. They were merely giving him an opportunity to speak, in his own words, regarding his understanding of a couple views as well as to address something that a listener had sent in to the radio station, which had been discussed on a prior broadcast. And that was, a fellowship which is using a post that was made and commented on here, as part of their statement of doctrinal beliefs. So, no Skip wasn’t baited into anything. Nor was he under assault. Having differing “opinions”, as Paul tell us Romans 14, is not something that we should be dividing over or judging over. However, when those opinions are made in a public format, then they are open to debate and discussion. As they should be.

I personally thought it was a excellent discussion and would love to see more interaction like this with other teachers and biblical scholars.


Shalom Mark

I will humbly confess that I knew nothing of the Torah Resource Institute. I was directed to this interview by a friend only minutes before it aired. I have since been to their site to see what they are about at least as much as possible. It is certainly commendable that TR is given over to getting at the core and nascent beginnings of Yeshuah’s ministry. The tone and tenor of the interview was rooted on both sides in respect. Skip did not want to step on their toes and vice versa; this is admirable but it really doesn’t get us down the road any further. There is a very specific reason why there is no or little progression in the Messianic or Hebrew Roots (HR) community with regard to 100 fold wisdom and it all has to do with THINKING. As long as we continue to open the doors of another ministry that is based on intellectual THINKING we will forever be floundering for concrete, tangible and objective Truth. Wickipedia recently showed Christianity divided into over 40,000 denominations!!! When you distill the meaning of a denomination it boils down to an opinion.
Baptists THINK one must be immersed
Adventists THINK the Baptists should honor the seventh day
The Lutherans THINK
The Nazarenes THINK
40,000 individual thought processes

I can explain this concrete, tangible and objective (CTO) dynamic from the Eternal Spiritual Principles (ESP) that extend from Parable of the Sower (POTS). First, there is one crucial verse that precedes the very precise REASON and CAUSE for YHWH to bring about the flood in Genesis 6:5. There are two words that are critical to understand in that text: 3336 yetzer and 4284 m’chashavat. Basically, it is the subjective thought processes that get us into trouble. What was happening before the flood is the same thing that is happening now; thinking our way through Scripture. It cannot be done. Prior to the flood men didn’t KNOW God so they made god up from their imagination. Each imagination is another denomination.

In my book I show through CTO evidence of the Sower paradigms, mysteries and ESP, how the entire ark narrative depicts our spiritual journey for the next 1000 years. It is done completely without any logic, reasoning, or intellectual THINKING. I have no intellect according to the US Navy; they tested me at a 99 IQ. Thinking takes place when we don’t have access to CTO evidence. Man defaults to subjectively manufacturing from his thought process center if he doesn’t know or can’t CTO ‘see’ or ‘hear’ it. Yeshuah also gives us the imperative to refrain from thinking.

Mat 5:17 DO NOT THINK that I have come to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to destroy but to fulfill.

How do we define concrete, tangible and objective (CTO) evidence as it pertains to Scripture? Simple, just allow the Word to define the Word. Easier said than done for sure, but is there a CTO process by which to accomplish this? Yes, this is what the Eternal Spiritual Principles, paradigms, etc of the Sower Parable accomplishes. I am at a loss here to explain further in this forum because of space or time but I would like to part by saying that the TRI of Rob and Caleb could not hold my attention because there was little or no CTO evidence. I am not interested in opinions anymore.

I use the word ‘think’ many times in the book Parable of the Sower and Mysteries of the Kingdom but it is in the context of ‘others,’ not personal conjecture.

It is my calling, purpose and even anointing to reveal POTS mysteries. I am a recluse, a shut in who has completely rejected the world. I am not a writer although I have crafted by inspiration a book. Up until a few years ago I never wrote so much as a ‘how are you.’ It is my appointed objective to bring about awareness to POTS. I want to personally thank Skip for making this forum available. Public forums are not exactly my comfort zone but through this forum I may possibly accomplish my appointment.

The book is available in PDF format by request at:
Shabbat shalom,
Paul Mueller


I get to believe they don’t want to hear you my beloved brother…..

Michael Stanley

Can be heard at this link. I don’t think that there were 2 different interviews, but that the one was streamed at 2 different times for their subscribed listeners. Not sure about downloading it, but it can be heard on their Facebook page (my experience is that these programs are available for a limited time only for non-subscribers, so listen soon! ) Nothing new covered, but his example on how to engage others in love is worth the time. Skip was his usual humble and patient self when introducing “heady” topics to open and honest seekers. Thanks Skip.


Thanks for providing the link, I really enjoyed the discussion.

Caleb Hegg

Shalom All.
We have had some very good feedback from our interview with Skip, and wanted to let everyone have a second chance to listen to the interview, and tell others about it if you’d like. So we decided to put the audio of this show on a “Special Edition” page, so you can listen to it longer than just one week and you can download it. Here is a new link to listen to this show even after Aug. 14th.

Once again a very big thank you to Dr. Skip Moen for coming on the show. Rob and I were both blessed to be able to chat with him, and hope that we will be able to do so again soon.


Tanya Predoehl

Thank you TR Radio for the “Special edition” link. It was a very generous contribution towards more open hearted interchange.

Mark Randall

I just listened to this broadcast again for the 3rd time. I really hope that people don’t put a lot of intention in to hearing it as a TorahResource Radio -vs- Skip Moen program. For one thing, that’s not what it is. I really hope that everyone listens to it, as Skip generally intends for the majority of his posts on this web site, and that is to hear or read and consider. And to be encouraged to dig deeper into our scriptures, languages, history, culture and His instructions for us (Torah) as has been given to us by our Great God and Messiah Yeshua.