Assistance for Guardian Angel
I need a favor. You may be aware that there are several negative reviews of my book Guardian Angel circulating on the web. Art Cox, a minister in Illinois, offers a critical video sermon. I have written to him to suggest he invite me to his assembly for a live debate, but I have never had a response. Daniel Botkin wrote another review. I responded to that one but no further dialogue has ensued. Then there is a critical piece by Andrew McColl. I will be sending him a reply shortly. While the theological sophistication of these critiques varies considerably, in general they all attempt to support the current male-dominant ecclesiastical paradigm from the usual biblical texts. They claim that I have either misread or added to the biblical statements and therefore have distorted what the Bible clearly teaches. I have responded to that sort of critique (as have many other authors), but the responses are usually ignored. So, here’s where you come in.
If you have read Guardian Angel, I would like to ask you to do two things. First, write about what you thought of the book here, in the comments section. It doesn’t have to be long or theological. Just write about the impact the book had on you. Then copy your comments and add them to the Amazon review. Below is a picture of the page. All you need to do is search for “Skip Moen Guardian Angel Customer Reviews Amazon.” If you already wrote a review, thank you so much. Twenty people have added their comments. It would be nice to have 100, no matter how you felt about the book.
Once this exercise has collected some replies, I will forward it to the above mentioned authors just to let them know that I am not the only person in the world who thinks that the traditional Christian paradigm is destructive heresy.
The concepts explained in Guardian Angel helped to restore my respect for my husband and have given me confidence that God is also working through him. That’s not a task that pastors or marriage counselors were able to accomplish after years of counseling efforts.
Traditional church leadership has always (disparagingly) addressed me as “a strong woman,” which was really a euphemism for “a woman who doesn’t know how to stay in her place”. Unfortunately, after a failed marriage, I found myself believing that characterization was true and I did my best to submit to those who, by virtue of their gender, were supposed to be the “head” over me. After I remarried, I dutifully tried to live out my role as prescribed by the church, but over time my husband and I became more and more frustrated with each other as we both seemed unable to carry out our “church-prescribed” roles.
Then we read Dr. Moen’s book, “Guardian Angel” and the pieces began to fall into place. NO WONDER it hadn’t been working, we were doing everything backwards — I was remembering and my husband was trying to be the ezer kenegdo. Neither of us could have confidence in the other, because we were trying to be something OTHER than what we were designed to be!
Life is by no means perfect, but today we are much more of a team. Now my husband accepts my advice as guidance designed specifically for him, and I see in him the strength and good decision-making that I had longed to see. We don’t argue about who is in charge – we are a team, with God as our mutual head. Our marriage isn’t perfect, but we are growing, which simply wouldn’t have been possible without changing the perceptions we held about our roles. Thanks, Dr. Moen. We’re on a new path today, and it was largely initiated by this book.
Guardian Angel was recommended to me by a leader in the Native American community who was having struggles in his marriage, as I was in mine. While it certainly didn’t “solve” all my marriage issues it did give me a fresh, new paradigm with which to continue working on my relationship with my wife. It is so hard to change age-old patterns of thought that are deeply embedded in both our culture and the Church’s teachings. When I first learned about misogyny years ago I remember thinking that it was overstating things a bit. But since then I have become more and more aware of how real it is. Like racism, it can be subtle but nonetheless very painful and destructive to those on the receiving end of that attitude. Many times my wife will tell me, “I’ve told you that before, but you never paid attention until a male (or someone in authority) told you it.” How messed up is that!
I love it when Skip calls the creation of woman the crowning act of creation – the Creator saved the best for last! It doesn’t sit well with the male ego but it makes complete sense. For too many years I’ve been irritated with my wife’s insistence that we needed to have a single, shared vision for our life together. I was so trained to think in terms of developing MY vision and MY goal for MY life, and that my wife’s role was to be supportive of MY “ministry”. After reading Guardian Angel I was forced to take more seriously what my wife had been trying to tell me all along. The book helped to open my eyes to the unique wisdom that the Creator had placed within her that I needed if I was going to be a fulfilled person. In some ways (probably more than I realize) my wife knows me better than I know myself and I ignore her advice to my own peril.
Keep up the good work, Skip. We need more books like this that help us get back to the root meaning of things, the root meaning of life!
Skip’s book on Guardian Angel is the most liberating, insightful, refreshing as a spring in my soul, washing away the filth and disgust that men are the heads of the house ruling over the wife when he/they are NOT good examples of what YHWH requires of them, bringing her precious role and responsibility in the household/marriage/assembly to naught, subjecting her to degradation even as a mother/parent in the eyes of the children through their disrespectful behavioral attitudes towards her.
This book is so abundantly rich in content towards the role/function of men/husbands and women/wives, especially for fulfilling marriages, and in light of understanding what Scriptures in the original Hebrew language say.
Throughout Scriptures, women can be clearly read as strong supporters to their husbands, serving their roles as equals rather than lowly subordinates.
Thank You YHWH; and Skip, for such a timely book so needy in these chaotic times when proper authority is in much demand. Shalom!
Link to beautiful testimony to Guardian Angel-
Intro from the site-
“Words of wisdom, words that have been forged in fire, words of truth drawn from torah, and applied to marriage. Listen as Lee shares principles gleaned from the book, “Garden of Peace” by Rabbi Shalom Arush and how he applied those principles in his own life. His humble heart, and his transparent sharing of his life experiences will deeply touch you. Listen also, as his wife, Sara Ingram, shares from the principles gleaned from the book, “Guardian Angel” by Skip Moen. You could hear a pin drop in the room as this precious couple shared these principles from torah and their life experiences for transforming a rocky marriage into a truly GREAT marriage.”
Guardian Angel is an extremely important book from several standpoints. Firstly from a purely relational point of view it helped me realise and appreciate my role as a husband and a believer in God, I have been able to discuss with my wife my new found understanding of her position within our relationship. I will admit that from the moment I became a believer I have struggled with the the Church’s misogynistic paradigm.
Secondly the theology of Skip’s arguments are scripturally founded and well researched. I believe that I have been blessed with discernment, so the conclusions sit well with me. It is obvious that the previous relationship iterations were faulty and Womankind has, rightly, kicked against the goads. But seriously Feminism, is not the answer, it is the adversary’s ongoing foray against marriage and the sanctity of the Family Unit. This book recognises the true, God ordained, value of Woman. The book not only liberates Woman, it lifts them to their correct status. The scary part is that it is for Men as well, the book clearly outlines Man’s role in the marriage relationship and his responsibility for the knowledge of God’s word. Any attempt on the part of the institutional church to dismiss and subjugate Woman by misquoting scripture and holding onto male dominance is unbiblical. Woman who allow this to happen have only themselves to blame when they feel unfulfilled or frustrated. Men who perpetrate this injustice are,as I iterated above, woefully incompetent, and missing out on God’s Blessing of a fulfilling marriage.
Finally, if you get nothing else from the book, it is a goldmine of theological investigation, the pearls of wisdom revealed from scripture are invaluable.
My wife and I have been blessed by Guardian Angel (GA) and Garden Of Peace (GOP). Through prayer and reading GA Yahweh has restored our marriage in an incredible way. Many people have observed our closeness and love of each other and Yahweh. Many have asked what is our secret. The Torah, GA, and GOP. Our fellowship ask us to do a presentation about relationships. The link below is our slides show presentation.
We believe every young girl and woman should read Guardian Angel. And every marriage man should read this book with his wife. The Garden Of Peace and Guardian Angel work hand in hand as tools for a Biblical marriage.
Thank you Skip for this outstanding book giving me understanding about my ezer kenegdo.
A beautifully written insight into how Abba intended the male/female oneness to look. This book I believe is liberating to both men and woman. It answered so many questions for me in regards to why I feel the way I do – it is because my Abba intended me to be this way. Thank you for a beautiful teaching.
For years I have struggled with the evidence before me regarding the Christian church. Marriages are crumbling in ever-increasing numbers, including mine, and most teens are walking away from “the faith” the moment they leave home. I decided to home school my children, determined to make a difference. Fortunately, through our home education process my kids and I learned to be critical thinkers, ask questions, and be willing to look “outside the box”. This led me to ask lots of questions about the scripture I was reading; questions for which I could find no acceptable answers.
After several years of pleading with God to help me find truth, I heard Skip Moen on a radio broadcast discussing the Hebrew vs. Greek worldview. I knew I was on to something. I signed up for his Today’s Word emails and began listening to Skip and a variety of people teaching the Bible from a Hebraic perspective. I learned the difference between reading the Bible from a Hebraic point of view vs. a Greek point of view. I learned to search for what the text actually says vs. looking thru the lens of what I already believed. I realized I had to be willing to set aside a lot of “church doctrine” and ask myself what does the scripture really say, especially about my role as a woman and a wife.
Imagine my very pleasant surprise when I discovered Skip had written a book about my role as the ezer kenegdo in my marriage. I had a stack of marriage books 5 feet high (literally) from authors A to Z, but none supplied the “magic formula” I was searching for. We had been to Christian marriage counselors with little success. After exhausting every avenue I could invent, I believe God led me to Skip’s book, Guardian Angel. I think we women have always known that God created us with gifts that were not being utilized in our marriages. The teaching we received as new believers (and newly weds) only served to crush me in my role as a wife. While my husband has not yet read this book, I have experienced freedom in learning the truth.
Do not read this book unless you are willing to honestly evaluate what the scripture REALLY says about the roles of men and women in marriage. I believe the book is well-researched and scripturally sound.
Breathe in…exhale…ahhhhh!!! Thank you Skip Moen for writing the book “Guardian Angel”. It was the answer to the questions I have had most of my life regarding my “role” as a women in this world. I am free to be me, the woman God created! The principles in “Guardian Angel” have helped me be a better wife, mother, and friend. I am forever grateful!
Guardian Angel is a thought provoking book on a topic that almost EVERY one has a few scared cows over. It produces intense conversation, which Skip has never shied away from, nor has he ever shut down or shamed anyone over, even when, or perhaps more to the point, ESPECIALLY when the person on deck’s point of view differs from Skip’s.
He walks the reader through various concepts and explains, in detail, the what’s and why’s of his stance. Some people can’t handle a differing opinion nor can they allow for the thought that THEY might be in error. They look around, count hands, take comfort that the majority agrees with them, and proceed in their self righteous attack mode carefully couched in christianize words of concern.
A major difference between Moen’s books and the books of other contemporary writers is that he actually has done the research to tie in the culture, context and content into what he is saying. SOMETIMES he echoes the greek, white, paternalistic viewpoint, although i have to admit i don’t remember when, but if it was applicable and appropriate i’m certain he would do it.
Other times he tends to call a misogynistic spade and mysogniqcistic spade. If it sounds like a duck, walks like a duck….
I found it amusing to see Botkin quoting Eddie Hyatt, who is also 100% against the misogynistic heresy of female suppression. I wonder if he realizes that.
Reading Guardian Angel changed my perspective on my role as a believer in a marriage and resonated with what instinct told me to be true. I do not let go of traditional understanding of Scripture easily but this book forced me to take another look at what the passages mean from the Hebrew understanding, not what we in the West have assumed that they meant. It showed me how much meaning we lost simply by translating from Hebrew to English and how our own paradigm shapes what we believe the text says. It takes courage to read Skip’s book with a heart open to what God is saying to us. For those of us who have not studied the Hebrew language and culture, with all of its nuances and deeper meanings, this book is a treasure. I see now that God desired more for us than what most Christian marriages are experiencing. Maybe it’s because we haven’t understood what God intended. Thank you Skip.
Skip Moen’s theological analysis provides a thorough and compelling alternative to our modern society’s views on women and relationships.
I found this to be a work of deep scholastic and scholarly sophistication, so be aware that it is not a light read.
Personally, this work has provided me important insights as a young man preparing for marriage next month — understanding God’s design for women will help me undertake this relationship in the way God intended.
The book Guardian Angel has freed me in ways I never thought would happen. I grew up in a male-dominated household, and when my mother finally got the spine to leave our abusive husband and father, I was freed from the idea that marriage was supposed to look like that. However, my still-Christian societal environment, while beneficial in many ways, hampered the progress of my marriage-view being totally transformed. We knew we were free from abuse, but we didn’t know how to stay free from it. That was almost 25 years ago, and only 3-4 years ago did I run into Guardian Angel. I cannot say that I fully agree with Skip Moen on every single point, but I will say this: The research and evidence FROM THE BIBLE that Skip Moen shows in this book confirms the underlying belief I have held in every fiber of my being for most of my life that men are just as human as women. My soul and spirit fought and struggled for years, thinking that I would never have a happy marriage because my need for mutual respect would prevent me from ever submitting to a man in the way traditional Christianity requires. The false views that only women can be deceived, and that only men should make decisions independent of their spouses’ input, among other false views are smashed to smithereens, which opens the mind and heart to see Biblical family situations for what they truly are: mankind flubbing up God’s original design and paying for it. (Opposite of some thoughts that we’re supposed to imitate EVERY decision made by the men in the Bible.) I happen to be a strong woman, with strong values and adherence to the Word, working out my own salvation with fear and trembling, and my husband consults me BECAUSE of that strength, and I consult him as well for similar reasons. We work as a team because God brought Guardian Angel into my life just in time for me to get married with the view that I’m just as important to our marriage as my husband is. My husband appreciates not being required to carry such a huge load on his shoulders, but being able to share it with another. He loves not being the sole decision-maker, and he reaps the benefits only because of the work God has wrought in my life. I have the advantage of being loved and admired by someone who thinks I’m a genius female, able to work wonders without him having to tell me how. His positive view of my strengths promotes even more ability in me to love him better and be a better mother because his view causes me to see myself as able to make those good decisions autonomously. Guardian Angel has been a huge part of this good work, and my daughter will continue to reap the benefits as she has a good example of what marriage looks like. Thank you, Skip Moen, for being a willing tool in the hand of The Father to touch His people with this knowledge that has been hidden for generations! You have the blessing of being part of the restoration of all things mentioned in Acts, and you have the blessing of being a part in reversing the affect of the Scripture that says His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Just received this wonderful article, and thought it would further confirm Skip’s stand on Ezer Kenegdo. HalleluYAH!
Jonathan Went for November 22
” ‘êzer – עֵזֶר (Strong’s #5828) Help
“And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” (Genesis 2:18, KJV)
The masculine noun עֵזֶר ‘êzer means “help” (Strong’s #5828, x21) as in the names ‘eben-ezer “stone of help” or Ezra “help”, often spelled with an א or a ה at the end (Strong’s #5830/ #5833).
The use of the root verb עֵזֶר ‘âzar (Strong’s #5826, x82) in the Hebrew Bible extends to some 80+ occasions, generally of military aid, help and support from a position of supply or strength. The noun is also used of military aid (e.g., Isaiah 30:5; Ezekiel 12:14; Hosea 13:91).
David Freedman notes that the possible root behind עֵזֶר ‘êzer may have been either ‘-z-r “to rescue, save” (as the Ugaritic) and/or ‘g-z-r meaning “to be strong”. The Hebrew letter (gh)ain probably, like Arabic, having previously had two forms implying two roots that may have later got confused when just one Phoenician sign served for both letters.
A survey of עֵזֶר ‘êzer’s 20 or so uses reveals strong contexts and parallel terms for might or power, not ones of domestic servitude. Help is paired with shield on several occasions (Psalm 115:9-11). In over 80% of the occasions it is used, it refers to God as help. Another 3 refer to the help of man or armies. In the remaining 2 verses it refers to Adam’s need of “help” in Eden, not as workforce, but as partner, as Genesis 2:20 reveals when he names all the animals but finds no “help” suitable, in this sense clearly a companion is being sought.
Based on this some commentators have suggested a new translation of v18: “I will make a power/strength corresponding to/equal to man”, a relationship of equals. The term “help-mate” is a mishearing of the AV phrase, “an help meet for him” and was used in Darby’s 1884 translation, “a helpmate, his like”. It is clear from the word’s use as a superior force, whether aid, armies or the Almighty, that no sense of inferiority can be implied from the word, if anything the opposite.
The LXX, Greek Septuagint translation of the Old Testament, uses the word βοηθοσ boêthos (Strong’s #998) to translate עֵזֶר ‘êzer. Of its 45 uses, boêthos is used 42 times to refer to help from a stronger one, from a more secure or strengthened position, without need of reciprocal help. This strengthens the idea of “help” as equal or superior rather than inferior.”
Thank you, Ester, I am going to have to copy that.
I also wondered if Skip wanted to take on the part of the story that deals with the actual operation of taking one of the man’s bones (I think I may start having trouble referring to just him as “Adam” if they BOTH got that name) to create the woman from. I understood from somewhere that it was taken from over his heart. What do the rabbis say in the tradition? If it did come from there, then the man no longer had his own protection for his heart, and all that signifies, but instead had to rely on the woman to protect it for him. This would seem to create a very compelling reason for him to go find a woman!
Skip…., this work you have complied and presented in the ” Guardian Angel ” is the must profound work i have yet to study and discuss to date.
When i took the time to get HONEST with myself reflecting on the material within the ” Guardian Angel ” and taking in all the ” little things ” [ which are HUGE in the bigger Picture ] that my wife does for me and my family and our well being according to the Living Word of YHVH. I humbly hit my knee’s and thank Abba for such a wonderfully blessing in my life.
What i reflect on the most is the encounter that Havvah [ and Adam ] had with the serpent and how Havvah was the first line of defense when asked by the serpent when see she responded ” The woman said to the snake, ‘We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, “You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.”’ NIV
Before Havvah had time to further self rely on her own understanding in response to this I can not help but ask myself…, where was Adam – Zakar –> remembering the very Word of YHVH and applying it like a Sword driving it down the septic throat of the serpent thus standing in AGREEMENT with Havvah and the Word of YHVH as One אֶחָד flesh thwarting the wiles of the serpent ???
There is a very important lesson in this to me in supporting my wive in troubling times and situations in which we all face. While Havvah first provided a shield of protection for Adam [ and herself ] , Adam then should have stepped up after the serpent replied … ‘You will not certainly die,’ the snake said to the woman. 5 ‘For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.’
~ At that very moment Adam should have stepped up and planted firm his foot and drove the Sword of YHVH in the face of the encroaching lifeless deception of the serpent thus following Havvah’s lead in support. There is no shame in that…. Adam would have had the last word and together both Havvah and Adam standing strong in agreement together would obtained Victory. – ” Be subject therefore unto God; but resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” This same victory Mashiach had over the serpent when tempted – But he answered and said, “It is written [ spoken ] : ‘A man does not live by bread only, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of YHVH.’ “
This authority the Mashiach exercised was a willing submission of trust and voluntary endorsement birthed out of love that the Father [ ezer ] had for his son [ and us ]. These attributes are most apparent in my wife and i don’t hesitate to hear her counsel and accept her guidance as she does likewise with me. But since the Torah is our foundation we rarely find ourselves outside of a peaceful [ garden ] state of harmony with ONE another.., but when we do… forgiveness and reconciliation is quick to follow.
Thank you so much Skip for ” Guardian Angel ” simply because it has brought so much awareness to me which has aided in our relationship to bring harmony under YHVH within our marriage.
Peace and blessings
At the end of his talk on the evening of August 28th 2014, in Birmingham, England UK, I asked Skip which book among the various he had on sale, he thought would provide the most value. Without hesitation Skip said, “Guardian Angel”. So I bought it .
I started reading it a few weeks ago and finished it on 27th November.
I can see why Skip didn’t hesitate to encourage me to get a copy.
It makes sense. More than that, it explains what the Hebrew text means about the intended design for women, and the self-denial required of the man in loving his wife.
Having said that, I have struggled in coming to terms with the fact that I – as spiritual head of the home – am expected to lead out in loving my wife as Christ love and gave himself for the church.
I just know that that cross which I am called to pick up and carry every day involves a lot of pain. Pain which I am unable to bear whilst I hold on to even 1% of my will.
Skip’s book so consistent with Torah. There is no easy way into the kingdom; married or single.
The most rewarding thing for me is understanding the scriptures more clearly through the perceptual lens of ‘Guardian Angel’.
When I first started reading this book, “The Guardian Angel” by Skip Moen, it really resonated with me and I wondered how I could ever describe what I was reading to my husband in a way that we could both benefit. The solution: we read it out loud together every evening before going to sleep, as a supplement to our scriptural readings. There were times I struggled over the text and would need to reread or discuss at length certain passages with hubby. I can tell you we looked forward to reading this study and the review below is a compilation of our viewpoint regarding it.
The book “Guardian Angel” by Skip Moen D. Phil. is a revealing study of the purpose of YHWH’s final and perfect creation, woman. Most importantly, it provides the scriptural basis for the divine design of her role as `Ezer Kenegdo’ a Hebrew term roughing equating to: help /opposite. That is to say woman, the Ezer Kenegdo was created to be the protector, spiritual guide, director, perfect enemy, boundary keeper and completion of YHWH’s first human creation, man–her husband. Further, she is not to be viewed as subservient or less than man but rather his equal in every way. This is a radically different view than that adopted by many churches and societies but Moen provides a solid scriptural basis for not only the true intended role of the woman but also an explanation as to how that role was subverted by theologians, scribes and translators throughout time. Reaffirming the woman’s role as Ezer Kenegdo is the only way to walk in YHWH’s truth and fall under his Covenant of Promise.
It starts with Adam and Eve. Adam was supposed to guard the Garden of Eden and Eve was supposed to guard Adam. Then there was the fall from grace as a result of the serpent persuading Eve to eat fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil of which Adam also partook. As a result of this sin, both Adam and Eve had to face the immediate and direct consequences; (not curses) but their purpose on earth did not change. It just became more difficult. Once one realizes the roles remain the same regardless of the new challenges/adversity, you begin to realize how much more fulfilling and meaningful life as husband and wife is meant to be rather than the poor substitute most contemporary marriages experience today. Further, including this new paradigm within the marriage covenant is critical to fully enjoying YHWH’s plan for creation and ultimately our salvation.
Woman as the Ezer Kenegdo is to play the same role with her husband as YHWH does for Israel: deliverance from oppressors, rescue from danger, assistance, support and reinforcement, shielding from death, blessing in a covenant relationship, trustworthiness, hope and forgiveness. There are three `strands’ of her existence, which include: a perfectly matched blessing from YHWH; transporter of all human life; and the chosen protector/provider and strength for her husband. Scripture reveals all three `strands’ intertwine and such a three-strand cord is not easily broken.
Thanks to Skip for bringing a great perspective and a balance back into the marriage covenant. Society has been adrift far too long on this issue and one only needs to look at divorce statistics to see the result of the leaving YHWH out of the equation or if Yah’s Word has not been rightly divided. This was no small undertaking as one sees all the references and language dissections Skip has brought forth. It took a lot of hard work and research to pull this book together and we are forever grateful, as it has blessed our union in a myriad of ways since we now understand and relate to our roles as husband and wife. Once one gets in the groove it becomes much easier to see what’s amiss when something goes astray. It doesn’t mean we won’t continue to have internal challenges but knowing YHWH’s intention and purpose for our roles helps minimize conflict and brings greater joy to the marriage covenant.
(Posted as a review on
When first perusing the reviews, I was discouraged that most of them are written by women, because I know that there are many men who will discount their testimony simply because they are women. However, my hope is that women themselves will be the ones intrigued enough by these reviews to dig deeper and take the plunge with Guardian Angel, for my experience has been that even if only the women understand the message of Guardian Angel, great things can happen.
Our experience with Guardian Angel was one of trepidation in the beginning. Having previously only been taught to listen obediently to whatever our pastor said, blindly accept it as refined truth and regurgitate it verbatim, we thought, “Wow, this all sounds good, but is this a valid way to make a biblical case?” So our first step was to study how to study. We learned much about how Hebrew thought is so different from the Greek mindset we’ve been taught in modern Christianity. We learned especially how important cognates are in understanding word meanings. Then we went back to Guardian Angel.
Skip has done an exemplary job of making Hebrew cognates and the intricacies of the language accessible to us of the unwashed in Biblical education masses. Christianity has such a tarnished history of repackaging pagan Greek biases against women that the translators of the Hebrew (and Greek) text cannot be assumed to be unscathed. Digging deep into the Hebrew nuances is imperative.
Unfortunately, despite the opinions of many teachers who know better, we cannot receive from the scriptures the message the Almighty wants us to understand simply from “the plain reading of the English text”. It sounds simple enough and this approach can be easily passed off to the unwashed masses, but it isn’t sound scholarship and it doesn’t help us find the truth.
Be forewarned: if the truth as communicated by our Creator is not our first priority, this is not the book for us. However, if we are brave and willing to put everything we ever knew ‘on the table’ for Abba to do with as He pleases, slaughtering our sacred cows, tearing down the high places in our minds and rebuilding what we held sacred on a firm foundation of His. word. alone. – then Guardian Angel is a tool He can use in this purpose and to Yahweh be the glory!
What we found was life-changing. What we found not only turned on its ear every piece of what we were taught about marriage previously, but the truths of the ezer kenegdo and her purpose answered so many questions for us. We had back-to-back-to-back palm to the forehead moments as it all started to ‘click’.
“So this means…”
“Oh, so that’s why…”
“Now it’s all starting to make sense!”
“So God doesn’t hate women after all?”
Then we got mad. Rip-roaring, red-faced, If-This-Is-True-Then-Why-Did-They-Teach-Us-The-Opposite kind of mad. It made us take every other piece of teaching we had ever heard about marriage and toss it all ‘on the table’ for Abba’s review. After 21 years of the negative effects of pagan Greek biased, misogynist Church Fathers’ patriarchy our family was hanging by a thread. Guardian Angel and the scriptural truths to which it led us was a life preserver and resuscitation tool at the eleventh hour. We cannot tell you how grateful we are for such a gift from our Father.
We have gone from misery to joy, from “Why does God love men more than women?” to standing amazed at the value, purpose and design of woman as the pinnacle of Creation. Our family of twelve has gone from standing at the brink of destruction, about to lose our children to the world because of the injustice at home with Mom suffering from the abuses of 21 years of patriarchy to a well-functioning, happy, stable team who desires to bring this message to others. Skip’s book has been a means for Abba to restore for us the years the locust has eaten.
We are coming up on our 25th anniversary in a few months, and the future has never looked so bright. We are actually giddy about 25 more years together. We never thought we’d be able to say that.
It has now become our family’s ministry to teach about marriage from a proper biblical standpoint. Our five eldest are teens for whom the bar has been raised regarding qualifications for a spouse. Getting this teaching out is a high priority so that we can educate a pool of people for future spouses. We desire to help promote Skip’s paradigm shattering book for exactly the same reason – we don’t want our children to settle for someone who doesn’t understand this message. It’s that important.
This book is brilliant. Dr. Moen’s insights into God’s design for woman are remarkable. I find it equally invigorating and disruptive. As it pertains to the Bible and history, we inherently lack the proper context needed to grasp how the original audience understood the creation account in Genesis, specifically the role of Havvah (Eve). Dr. Moen shines a light onto the language, culture, history, and tradition that will challenge your presuppositions about the role women play in the family and in the community.
Guardian Angel has been an invaluable tool for my wife and I as we’re working towards recalibrating our lives and our relationship around the biblical model. If, like us, you’re tired of butting up against the universe, this is a great place to begin a journey towards the discovery of God’s design for living.
The man who wants to marry me (who actually put me onto Skip’s teachings in the first place) told me the other day that he thinks that men are supposed to be head of the household and the fact that men are shown on TV as fools compared with their wives and that feminism is rampant is proof that Biblical paternalism, where men are in charge, is correct because society is now against men being in charge and society is against YHWH. Bottom line is that because women are trying to rule the roost in these evil days, it means that Guardian Angel (GA) is wrong and as believers we should have men in charge.
Sigh, this is not at all what I got out of GA!
When it comes to the current trend of feminism, I believe that the problem is that women have been oppressed for so long, that when they got the opportunity to challenge the system, women took that opportunity and ran with it! However, like anything once you’ve been given an inch, you take a mile….which is why punishment in Torah is LIMITED, otherwise people would go over and above what was done to them. Just like how Lamech killed a man for wounding him (Genesis 4:23-24). He went beyond what was done to him. In the same way the rise of feminism has the pendulum swinging too far in the opposite direction. Once women got their “freedom” so to speak, it has caused a backlash at men and some women are trying to dominate which has left men not knowing what their role is and feeling unsure of themselves and they don’t like it.
I think, especially in Bible believing circles with their paternal roots, men are afraid that women want to take over and dominate them. That women want to “rule the roost”, so to speak. When men read GA I think most men would feel threatened.“ Of course a woman who is not following YHWH may misuse and abuse this information to try and swing the odds in her favour to try to lead at home as well as get what she wants….however, that is ABSOLUTELY WRONG!!! Why is it wrong? Because a woman was created EQUAL to the man…..and as Skip pointed out that she was not taken from the head so that was above him, nor the feet so she is not below him, but from his side because she is equal to him.
Reading the comments below this article/request were encouraging! Especially the comments by men! I think that men would disregard the comments by women because they would think that since the book is in the favour of women, then of course women are going to love the book and support it. However, seeing that MEN have been blessed by this book is very encouraging.
I wonder if there are other men out there CURRENTLY who have been blessed by this book? Has it helped your relationship with your wife? Has it improved your marriage?
Modern feminism is an attempt by women TO BE men. In other words, to take over the roles that paternalism designated to men. But paternalism is wrong, according to the Genesis 2 account, so a reaction to it that is just a replacement of gender is just as wrong. The fact that most of the marriages in the Bible are based in paternal cultures doesn’t make it God’s design. It simply means that the Bible reflects the way that people lived in an age where male protection, male economic control and male rights of passage were ordinary. Guardian Angel attempts to show that this pattern, even though it is present in men like Abraham, is still NOT WHAT GOD designed or intended. A man who doesn’t see this is being swayed by the culture, not the Bible.
Ah! The penny dropped! Thanks for that Skip. That makes sense. It has been a real eye opener to see just how our culture has influenced us (including me). Learning about the differences between the Greek and Hebrew way of thinking has opened my eyes as to how my way of thinking has been influenced by the Greek paradigm even though I have striven to follow Scripture as YHVH told us. Unbeknownst to me that it was heavily influenced by the Greek way of thinking.
Anyway, it makes sense that feminism is women attempting to be men (or at least fill the male role) even though the “male role” they are attempting to fill is a GREEK male role and not the male role as YHVH designed! So, it is getting even further away from the truth of Scripture and YHVH’s original design/plan!
He could not get past three things.
1. The scripture talking about how the man is the head of woman…even though I tried to explain what you wrote about. How head in that context mean “source” like the head of the river being the source of the river. Not head like head of the company.
2. As I pointed out the fact that men are being made out to be fools on sitcoms on TV. How the woman is made out to be the sensible one and the man is made out to be a bumbling fool. As you have pointed out, this is a CULTURAL thing and should not influence how we read Scripture.
3. Feminism eroding paternal culture as seen in Scripture with the forefathers such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He feels that the fact that throughout the Bible it was a paternal culture means that is what YHVH intended and the fact that the paternal culture is being eroded goes against Scripture. As you have pointed out, just because there was a paternal culture throughout Scripture does not mean that it was YHVH’s original design!
I have read GA and listened to the video and audio teachings and I cannot fault them. In addition, as you pointed out in GA, as a female it is something that I know instinctively to nurture, protect, provide etc. for your husband. When it comes to paternal culture, just because it exists in Scripture does not mean it was YHVH’s original design. Just as how during those times often men had more than one wife. If that was YHVH’s original design then why did He not create multiple women for Adam?
I think you are correct about being swayed by culture. I think it is very hard to not be influenced by the culture that we live in. Hard but not impossible.
Thank you for the feedback. I will attempt to explain again.
Thank you again for the feedback Skip! I finally had a chance to speak with him about this issue. I told him that you had responded to my seeking help on this issue and I told him what you wrote……and he agreed!
However, in one respect I was wrong. You see, I have been saying that the pendulum has swung back the other way with women in response to men with feminism. However, after reading what you wrote and thinking about it, I’ve realised that I was wrong! The reason I am wrong is that the only way that the pendulum would be swinging back the other way would be if paternalism was correct in the first place. Therefore, it is actually just going FURTHER AWAY from the original design.
The original design is that men and women have two separate and distinct roles but are to come together to function as one. Paternalism has destroyed that original design and made women lower than men. Feminism has gone one step further away by women trying to be men but in the paternal manner. Oh, how mixed up we are!
However, it did make me have an “Aha” moment today. Whilst we were speaking I said, “It is like we do everything we can to get away from YHVH’s original design!” By “we” I just meant people in general.
You see, I had been talking about a video I saw by Nehemia Gordon called “Hebrew Yeshua v’s Greek Jesus”. Now, I know that Mr Gordon does not follow Yeshua, but the video was very interesting. One of the interesting things he talked about was about how the NT was originally in Hebrew. I’m pretty sure I heard you say the same thing. I cannot remember the details but there was a reason that he said that the Hebrew was translated into the Aramaic which was then translated into the Greek, which was then translated into the English. A translation of a translation of a translation of the original! Our English Bibles, if what he said is correct, are so far removed from the original Hebrew language. Yet, most Christian teaching is based on this far away removed translation instead of getting back to the original language and original intention.
In the same way, I have watched adults feed their children blue jelly! I have noticed that what passes as “food” is so far away from the original that YHVH gave us in the garden of Eden (delight)! The biggest drug we take is the food we eat. Everything we put in our mouths has a chemical reaction in our bodies. People just want to pop a pill, and that tiny little pill “fixes” things, but people forget about the food that they eat….it is medicine (Ezekiel 47:12)!
You see, you gave me another “Aha” moment a while back. You said that they were told in the garden that they could “eat, eat”, they could literally stuff themselves. I nearly fell off my chair! You see, on MOST any diet (not all diets) you can eat as much of vegetables and fruit as you want. What were Adam and Havvah told to eat? Genesis 1:29, “And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.” YHVH told them to eat vegetables and fruit! I saw an experiment once where they had a group of people locked in a monkey enclosure (guessing so they could not cheat) and they had to eat 5kg (11lb) of vegetables and fruit every day. After 2 weeks they had lost weight, their blood pressure and cholesterol had lowered significantly etc. You can literally STUFF yourself on vegetables and fruit and it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to get fat!!! In addition, the health benefits are huge! Now, I’m talking about vegetables and fruit that has not been adulterated into something else.
In addition, there was no DEATH before sin entered the world. I could go on about this as well.
My point to all this is….It seems to me that the further society gets away from the commands of YHVH, the further society degenerates in moral behaviour and then we as humans seem to be getting further and further AWAY from the original design of YHVH! All these things hit me about the original design and how far from the original we have come.
1. Husband and wife
2. The Scriptures
3. Food
4. Life (not death)
Don’t get me wrong, I know that we’re living in Babylon/Egypt. However, at one point in Western culture there was some semblance of knowing the commands of YHVH, following the Scriptures to a point etc. but most of that seems to be further and further out the window!
If we are followers of YHVH and His son Yeshua, then we need to be getting back to the original design!
Sonia, there is a lot of clarity and wisdom here, and you summed it up so well for me! I really like your point. I think error is chosen BECAUSE we are looking for ways to avoid that design, because we don’t like the responsibility inherent in that design. All error promises some sort of avoidance of responsibility.
Thanks Laurita! Absolutely, I agree! I believe that is correct, it is avoidance of responsibility. However, I believe it is twofold. I believe it is also the selfishness of people and the inner desire to be god. I want to do what I want to do. I don’t want to be held accountable to someone else, I want to do what I want to do! It is kind of like making ourselves “god” because then we are only accountable to ourselves and not to the Almighty!
BTW….it is weird. I am literally watching this video right now and just heard this bit about the “eat, eat” that I quoted from Skip! How bizarre is that!
The entire teaching is amazing because it also talks about us being in Babylon!
Here is the quote… 28:22 to 29:08
After twenty years of marriage, mine ended in divorce. That was in 1996. Since that time, I have been on a quest to discover exactly what I was created to be as a woman, a bride, and a wife. I was always at odds with “church” leaders as I just could not bring myself to believe that the only reason I was put on this earth was as a baby maker, cook, and secretary. My scripture study has always included original language and context. The term ezer kenegdo was a long, drawn out research project. Around 2014, I was sharing what I believed I was being shown by YHVH with another woman who started jumping up and down excitedly telling me I needed to read this book. It was Guardian Angel by none other than Dr. Skip Moen. I had accumulated a couple of other resources that he referenced, but this put it all together in a way that was both engaging and informative. Dr. Moen’s documentation is impressive and his attention to detail impeccable. I highly recommend this book to anyone, male or female that desires to look at the doctrine of male dominance from an objective and fresh point of view.
Skip, I’ve read Guardian Angel at least three times, and I’m not even married.
It is a wonderful story about Hebrew love. For couples struggling in their marriage with authority and control issues, it gives the basis for a biblical marriage. Mutual submission. Your book clears up so many misunderstandings about women and their roles, not just in marriage but in their roles as given to them by YHVH. Amazingly! we find out in your book that the woman is God’s final masterpiece! We are the ezers’ as God is the ezer to Israel! Thanks for defining women in their roles as ezer kenegdo so beautifully. It is vitally important for women and young girls to know what YeHoVaH’s original design was.
Thanks for the endorsement. Now just please encourage someone else to get the book.
And equally important for men and young boys to understand as well. We steward and walk this life as equal partners.