What Comes Naturally
unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, 2 Timothy 3:3 NASB
Unloving – If you read this in an English translation, you might think Paul is speaking about those who lack sacrificial love. You might think he uses the Greek agape. Then you would conclude that these people have missed the mark because they don’t have a relationship with the Father or the Son. And you would be wrong.
Paul uses the Greek word astorgos. It is the combination of the negative particle a and a derivative from the word stergo. This is not self-sacrificial love. This is a lack of basic affection toward family and friends. Paul is describing the person who doesn’t care about even those closest to him.
Don’t attempt to spiritualize this word. It’s not about the “unsaved.” It’s about the sinful condition of men and women who show no affection for family. It’s about not caring for what should be the most natural loving relationships. What Paul says is quite apparent today (of course, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t also apparent in Timothy’s day). Families are fragmented. Children and parents disown each other. A large percentage of the population has no connection with biological fathers at all. As the interior affection of the family fails, so does the society. And the culture does little or nothing to change the situation. In fact, the culture exacerbates the problem by parading the set of anti-heroes across the mighty pixel pacifiers on a nightly basis. Reality is rebellion Hollywood style. Marriage is a mistake. Children cramp lifestyle. Success is serial female conquests. Anger and apathy walk down the aisle together.
The basic building block of society as designed by God, and therefore as the fundamental social constituent of the human universe, is family. What diminishes family destroys the world. It makes no difference how noble the cause, how necessary the sacrifice or how wonderful the opportunity. Introduce astorgos into the family and life will come apart.
Today might be an excellent day to reassert your natural affection for those closest to you. If you find that you are hesitant, perhaps some serious reconnection needs to take place. After all, says Paul, the last days are upon us.
Topical Index: astorgos, unloving, family, 2 Timothy 3:3
What!?! Are there no comments on this???
Thank you bro. Skip for today’s post, that’s why it’s so important for YAH, to be the head of our families, we must instill his love,for when we fail to do so, the enemy slithers in and messes the family unit, so let’s all try our best through his grace and mercy, to keep the family unit together. Blessings!
I have a question, not directly related to this TW, but not unrelated either.
Can anyone recommend a discussion forum or group for talking to others about “The Way”? I am craving community and I love the comments here but it’s just not enough for me right now. I sometimes have a thought about something I have read and learned and I would love to open a discussion about it but I have no one to talk to about it.
Or, Skip, is that something you would consider adding here? A discussion forum?
Are you on FB Alicia? If so send me a friend request. It’s easy to start a forum there or group there.
Thanks Pam! I friend-requested you.
We are actually working on this at this very moment.
Wonderful! Thanks, Skip.
WOW ya think this might be a theme for today?
You have touched the deepest, most crippling wound in the human life today, Skip. Having been a foster mom for many years I’ve seen a lot of the destruction this disconnect brings. Psychological studies have shown, if an infant does not bond with a caregiver-mother, father or foster, by the time that infant is 2 months old…they will never be able to properly bond with another human being. The reality of the innermost sense of connection will never form because they will already be relying on self. There are interesting studies available on children who do not bond. Sadly, the past couple of generations have been so self absorbed there are probably more disconnected adults then ever before-even more sadly…they have absolutely no idea there is anything other than what they know to be, they have NO experience that allows them to see there is more. I do have hope though…God is Love and He is ready, willing, and able to bring to fullness, all He created each of us to be. My father was one such infant who grew to be a hard man…incapable of loving emotion..until. After praying for him for years-through the pain he inflicted on all of us…he called me one night at the age of 83….ME (!) the bulls eye in his target – to tell me how disappointed he was over his life. I told him I have disappointments in my life too – all of us do….and all I know to do is say, “Jesus-I don’t know what to do about all of this but I’m sure You do…please help me…take what I’ve screwed up and give me You.” He did…..he left this earth 3 years later a totally different man than we had ever known…filled with peace and content. I didn’t learn to pray that through Luther or any other theology (left them years back)….I learned to pray only through my own pain and confusion…and always, more than I ever thought I knew God to be came and gave me more than I ever thought I deserved. I have hope for one other such victim in my life and no matter how thread bare that hope gets from time to time….in the end, I know that I know that I know….Hope in Him doesn’t fail.
Focus on the Family
Charity does begin in the home! For this is where we “learn to love!” Strong loving “relationships” between dad and mom, mother and son, father and daughter, siblings dwelling together in shalom. A Christian home is as close as we are going to get (in this life) to “Heaven on Earth!”
A place, a learning place for everyone! Even in the everyday frictions of various confilicts, drama and trauma we still may observe: life is for learning! – and all we must learn to forgive one another, to serve one another- and to love one another with a pure (purified) heart, – fervently!
And if we are living in such a home, we may then say, “we are blessed!” One big happy family! Hallelujah for the home!
As a husband and as a father, it is my responsibility (?) my duty (?) No, – it is my privilege and delight to set the tone in my home, to lead by example. For my wife’s sake, – for my children’s sake, – for my neighbor’s sake, – and to please my (own) Heavenly Father.
Fractured homes are seen on a grander scale in fractured, failing communities! Yes, “as the home goes- so goes the nation!” Godly homes produce “good people!” Mom and dad, we must “lead by example!” lol!
For children are “God’s little spies.”
~ Train up a child in the way he should go,and when he is old he will not depart from it ~ (Proverbs 22.6)
Thanks, mom and dad!