Changing of the Vowels

“At the blast of Your nostrils the waters were piled up, the flowing waters stood up like a heap; the deeps were congealed in the heart of the sea.” Exodus 15:8 NASB

Piled up – So what does Genesis 2:25 and 3:1 have to do with the destruction of the army of Egypt? Ah, it’s all in the vowels. In Genesis 2:25, the word translated “naked” is ‘arom. One verse later, the serpent is described as crafty or shrewd. That’s the word ‘arum. Same consonants, different vowels. You might ask how “naked” and “crafty” are connected (for the answer, search the other 4500 word studies on the web site), but for the moment, let’s notice that the same change in vowels affects the reading of this verse in Moses’ song of YHVH’s victory. “Piled up” is ne’ermu, from the root ‘aram. This word occurs only one time in the Tanakh. But its root has the same consonants as the words found in the Genesis story, ‘arom and ‘arum. This led the rabbis to treat the Exodus account in a midrash, explaining that the waters were not piled up but rather acting shrewdly. What they meant is this: Just as Pharaoh attempted to drown the children of Israel in the Nile, so God used the water of the sea to drown the army of Pharaoh. The waters under the hand of God acted with cunning, luring the army into the opening and then closing in on it. While most scholars attempt to distinguish between ‘aram and ‘arum, deriving two separate roots, the rabbis took advantage of the similarity to point to a deeper principle, that principle of retributive justice, otherwise known as “measure for measure.”

Ingenious, isn’t it? By deliberately misreading the text we find something of deeper value. Perhaps this is why we must incorporate both rabbinic and textual-linguistic analysis if we want to understand Scripture the way the authors would have understood it. Once we recognize the trick, we have to confront the implication. God pays back in like measure.

What does this mean for you and me? Make a list of your sins. Are there patterns of disobedience, similarities of actions? Perhaps you find sloth or lying, dishonor or coveting. Whatever it is, imagine that God will repay in like proportion. If money is your weakness, poverty will be your reward. If disrespect is your pattern, shame will come to you. If abuse is the way of your former life, expect abuse too. Did you misuse assets? God will remove them from your hand. Did you violate trust? The blues tell the story: “Someone’s gonna’ mistreat you.” Measure for measure. Not more. Not less. God’s justice is measured out exactly according to the sin committed.

Did you make your list? Do you feel the consequences? Can you see what’s coming? Or perhaps what has already arrived? The waters were piled up in anticipation of judgment over Egypt. Have the waters been shrewdly anticipating your entry into the fray? Aren’t you glad that God forgives and is merciful?

Topical Index: measure for measure, ‘aram, piled up, shrewd, Exodus 15:8

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Well that is about as terrifying a message as I have read in a long time! I have to say it explains a lot, though.

Do you not think that this principle applies in reverse too? That when you have a pattern of blessing others in a certain way that you don’t see that come back in your own life? As in the promise of reward for tithing where He says, “test me in this matter”.


I think our main problem in understanding foundations like this…and it is foundational in that…what we sow we will also reap. The reason it strikes fear is because we are afraid of what we do not know. We have been raised in a culture (have I ever mentioned that we live on a battlefield?) where real, honest, true love is very seldom seen. Instead, we see selfish goals, divorce, domestic violence and child abuse. The “church” has been stuck in a set of rules and regulations where discipline and “right fighting” are worshipped…and no one seems to have a relational understanding of God anymore. We know what men have written about Him as they have tried to express what they saw or heard from other men-and that cuts Him very, very short. God IS LOVE….it’s not that He only PREFERS Love, or that He HAS Love….He IS LOVE. Unfortunately, we don’t know what that is. It’s hard, these days, to even use parenting as an example because we’ve lost that too. However, if you love your child you will discipline him/her – because NOT to discipline will leave him a recipient of a much harsher reality. Sometimes love is a simple, sweet “moment” of reexamination of why we don’t do that and what could happen to us if we did. But sometimes it’s very difficult. Watching Dr. Phil try to explain to a parent why they need to stop feeding their child’s addiction is a good example.
It’s not even the parent who is going to physically kill their child-the drugs, the gang, the car will do it. When we open a door to darkness….darkness has the right to enter….God weeps when His children open dark doors because He knows what will happen. Does He weep when a human who hates Him opens more doors to evil…..I don’t know…but I do think it makes Him sad. We live on a battlefield…we need to be on the alert of what around us wants to take us out and even more…..that I love Him more than anything earth has to offer. When we love Him completely…all that He is can flow through us so much easier. I pray daily that we come to know His Love, what a different place this world would be.


I start bloviating and forget the first thing that came to mind. What was God’s Heart’s Desire when He created the earth and man? “Let us make man in our Image…….” then He walked with him in the cool of the day…..a friend/partner, companion….His first inclination was not to have someone around to be angry with.

Kees Brakshoofden

Auch! This is exactly what I am experiencing right now. Measure for measure, for what I had almost forgotten – it’s a long time ago – but He didn’t forget! I’m ashamed for what I’ve done and asked forgiveness. I’m sure God forgave me, but still have to face the consequences. The earthly judge will decide. Please pray for me!

Kees Brakshoofden

Skip, this week this message came to me from 3 different sides. That makes it absolutely certain for me it’s His message for me personally. Thanks for being the messenger.