
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; . . . Genesis 1:26 NASB

Image – You know, sometimes I think that all we do is circulate around poor exegesis of the Genesis text and as a result all kinds of doctrinal and ecclesiastical stupidities result. So I hate to have to come back to this fundamental issue again and again, but just when I think we have finally settled the matter, someone else comes along with some novella about what this text means and away we go again with more nonsense. The latest is the claim that rests on Kabbalah plus voodoo science plus a misreading of the text without original audience context. Let me illustrate.[1]

  1. “The concept [in this verse] is that of God speaking into existence the whole of creation. So what was God doing? He was placing certain letters together and then speaking them so that they became the creative force to produce whatever it was that He was creating.”
  2. “God spoke ‘aleph, dalet, mem’ and the creative imagination and life-giving power of Elohim produced His creation, ‘aadaam’.”
  3. “[from the Paleo-Hebrew idea that adam in the combination of aleph plus the word dam, meaning “blood”] the Spirit of Life which God breathed into ‘aadaam’ would also take up residence in the blood.”
  4. when God created ‘aadaam’ and entered into his blood, He had perfect union with His creation and the blood of ‘aadaam’ was pure and uncorrupted. When mankind sinned through disobedience to the Word of God, something happened in the blood . . . and the blood of ‘aadaam’ was corrupted.”

Had enough? Oh, one more thing.

  1. “And God, out of the minute particles of the totality of all that He is, formed a creature, an exact image, a duplicate copy of Himself, in space and time . . .”

The final thought leads the author to suggest that God is “both sexes” which is why Adam had to be divided since he was at first created an exact copy of the androgynous God! I wonder. Is God five foot nine or six foot three? Is He Jewish or maybe Mesopotamian? And both sexes? That must be a real problem for an exact duplicate. The conclusions reached by this spurious method are almost too ridiculous to reiterate.

Through a combination of Kabbalah, Paleo-Hebrew, anachronistic exegesis, extension of contextual meanings and logical inconsistency, the author concludes that we are all blood-corrupt since Adam’s sin but the blood of the Messiah corrects this DNA error so that we can have perfect fellowship again, which, by the way, includes no disease, no sinful actions and no possible disruption in the relationship because the Holy Spirit enters into our blood. What?

Bloodbath, indeed! Of course, all along the way the author denies the idea of original sin (by sexual transmission), replacement theology and atonement by any other means except blood offering. Apparently the logical fallacies in his arguments escape him.

What is the lesson here? You can read anything from the biblical text if you are willing to bend all the rules of exegesis. You can find evidence for any non sequitur, any spiritual theory, any claim at all if you just want to spin the words. But exegesis depends on the same old rules: 1) what did the words mean to the original audience, 2) what is the cultural meaning of the terms involved and 3) what was the purpose of the original communication.

There are a lot of “bloodbath” books out there. If you happen to pick up one, apply these three rules to the author’s method. If he comes up short, put him aside. You have better things to do. Exegesis is not speculation or “proof-text” corroboration.

One lesson we must learn. Be Berean. Examine carefully. Compare to the Torah standard. Not everything spiritual is led by the Spirit. Be discerning. Test it all!

Topical Index: blood, dam, adam, Genesis 1:26, Kabbalah

[1] All citations from Steward W. Diesel-Reynolds, Created in His Image . . . Kept by Covenant, Xulon Press, 2013.

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carl roberts

Full atonement.. – can it be?

laurita hayes

Thanks for the caution!

Sounds like more magical wishing. Who among us hasn’t wished for righteousness in our sleep?

I know something about DNA. Yes, we inherit a code at birth, but not all of it is ‘expressed’, or manifested. It is PRE-DISPOSED. Some of it, like Marie-Charcot-Tooth Disease, will only appear after an emotionally-charged life crisis, when stress takes down the immune. Also, DNA (and RNA, too) change all the time. I have read that our genes wink in and out of expression to the tune of about 50,000 changes a day. Thoughts have been documented to be able to change them, too, no less. What changes our code? Life choices. Emotional states. Stress (fear). Environmental influence (health habits, anyone?) We are not sitting ducks! When the Word tells me that as I think in my heart, SO AM I, what was it talking about? My life goes in the direction I CHOOSE it to. Yes, the power to do so comes from Him, but I set it in motion by obedience or disobedience. And that would include obedience to the laws of nature that He wrote. All is love, even those laws. When I agree, the very fabric of my existence changes. I am testifying here. I am walking around in a very different body than I had before I was practicing the tools of obedience. Yes, I know my life is in my blood. Medical science can tell me that. But the direction of that life is set by me. Moses and Joshua gave us the key. We are the ones to choose life or death. Our tongues can choose it, too. Our bodies are merely responders, or expressors, of these realities of will and soul. And, no, sadly. It does not happen in my sleep. It happens on my knees and in my obedience. I have to choose life before my blood can line up with it!


You’re a good woman Laurita!


This was very encouraging to me. Thank you Laurita. 🙂


I have shared your words with my family–you worded it so well. Thank you.

laurita hayes

Hey, Pam, Lisa and Natalia. Thank you, but I do have to tell you that any goodness you see around me is not going to be mine. I am traveling on Someone Else’s. Takes the pressure off, though! What I gave to you was given to me when I needed it most. This knowledge is what got me out of the Victim Mentality and the Drivenness and Performance that was killing me. I was grateful to be empowered by the understanding that I had really been given the keys – they were coded in. Righteousness is what unlocks life. It really is. Halleluah!

Michael Woudenberg

You can apply those three rules constantly. Recently I questioned a Torah teacher’s torturing of the story of Joseph to extract the name of Pilate as a hidden messianic prophesy only now revealed to Him. I asked if it could still be considered a prophesy, aka foretelling, if no one figured it out for 3500 years, 2000 years after the event. I was told only the spirit could reveal these things and to pray that I would understand. Poor exegesis.

Tony Linn

Wow, that would make a great Hollywood production, but That’s all. The sad fact is, people wouldn’t be producing this kind of bad exegetical teaching if people didn’t go chasing after the latest “revelation knowledge”. Xulon Publishing seems to have many kooky books in it’s catalog.


Did any of you ever attend a tent meeting? A camp meeting? Long ago when I was a child when visiting another family I would be taken with them to tent meetings. Usually the preachers were “called” to preach. These people had no training or education. They just spouted what they thought the scriptures said. Hell, fire and damnation. Scaring people into “repentance”. How many churches today are pastored by men that feel “called” but have no education? It’s no wonder American Christianity went kattywampus (good southern word)! Maybe it’s fortunate I wasn’t in a church going family. And on another note – I couldn’t understand the fighting among denominations. It’s a circuitous path.


Various translations of Gen 6:5-
YHWH (LORD) saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.
YHWH (LORD) saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Is this the yetzer ha’ra/evil inclination we possess in our un-transformed/unrenewed natures?
The Hebrew version-
וַיַּ֣רְא יְהוָ֔ה כִּ֥י רַבָּ֛ה רָעַ֥ת הָאָדָ֖ם בָּאָ֑רֶץ וְכָל־יֵ֨צֶר֙ מַחְשְׁבֹ֣ת לִבֹּ֔ו רַ֥ק רַ֖ע כָּל־הַיֹּֽום׃
yetzer יֵצֶר inclination

When our thoughts or inclinations of our heart are not open to YHWH’s Word and ways, our imaginations can become vain/haughty/devious to act contrary to YHWH’s Word and ways, will lead us to evil/wickedness. That is very terrifying,
when folks will jump to presumptuousness, to false prophesying/witnessing, idolatry/spiritualism and interpretations. That is what’s Kabbalah plus voodoo science is all about-mysticism, witchcraft.
‘Final’ word from Skip-“Not everything spiritual is led by the Spirit. Be discerning. Test it all!” Amein v’amein!