Today’s Word 2015

Today we begin another year of studies.  There are now 5,372 editions of Today’s Word published on the web site.  That’s a lot to learn.  If you have been around for the last 12 years, you have covered a lot of ground with me.  And you’ve seen some changes.  The more we study, the more we must unlearn what we thought we already knew.  The journey isn’t over until the end.

This year I want to take some of those theological puzzles and concentrate on the difference they make in the way we live.  This year is applied theology.  Of course, I am sure to be distracted along the way.  Some things just rile my academic blood.  But be patient.  In the end it’s about living what we learn.

So welcome to another year of study.  I am so glad you decided to walk with me.  If I make mistakes, please let me know.  If I inspire you, I’d appreciate knowing that too.  But most of all I am anxious to learn from you.  Help me discover what God has in mind.  And if you find that the past years have been valuable to you, please help this continue.


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donita waldron

I absolutely look forward to this year….you have not only inspired me but changed me for the better through your passion for learning the way to YHWH’S heart…..thank you so much.

Roger Tucker

Always enjoy being challenged by what you share day by day. Keep press in.


I’m so thankful we were introduced. Your books and teachings have certainly helped me learn and unlearn! My prayer for Roseanne and you is health, happiness, and a deeper love for YHVH.


Distracted? You? Nah……..

Lisa T

I’m so glad that we will be focusing on applying the way of God to our lives this year. That is exactly what I need! I’m very thankful that you give us Today’s Word, and the books for indepth study. I pledged more then 30 years ago to follow Yeshua wherever he would take me. This is an adventure and exciting one at that, which continues today. I appreciate your insight. Thank you Skip!


Rarin’ to go and excited for the (continued) journey, Skip. Thank you for your willingness to share with all of us, and to challenge, stimulate, and encourage us onward toward growth and obedience. We serve such an amazing and faithful God who delights in the journey, rather than just the destination. 2015 — to know and love Him better.

Jim Gilfillan

Hi Skip I have been with you since the days when Today’s Word was posted in Study Light. I’m not sue how many years that covers, but it seems to have been Forever. I am unable to imagine a day without delving into your research and inspired education. That combined with the many sources you have highlighted on the way through have made it a wonderful and enlightening journey. I honestly don’t know how you manage to maintain your output, which I have. One to rely heavily on. I am 73 and have had a great desire to study Hebrew, but enlisting into your daily ‘classes’ was a more appropriate route for me to follow.
I am sincerely grateful for all your efforts and more importantly your integrity combined with an honesty rarely seen in the ‘Web.’ I look forward to 2015 and what you will reveal on the way through the year. I trust the Lord to sustain you and enable you to continue to be fruitful.

Best wishes

Bruce A Wachter

Skip, I very seldom make much noise, but I am getting noisier all the time. This last 7 years have been almost exclusively concerned with unlearning just about everything the theologians of the west have guided us, the simple minded believers, in. I am unbelievably sore from the encounters, and angry. Angry that I wasted so much time learning tripe, and angry that when I asked questions of those in the position to know better I found dogma and a believe or be disassociated mindset. I am angry that I did not have the courage to stand against the tide of everybody else is doing the christian thing without asking questions why aren’t you content with the fare espoused from the pulpits. I have only followed your blogs for near two years now, if you are wrong I am out to dry too, but what you teach makes so much better since than the other side of the christian movement says. Thank you for helping me see in part that there are not two Bibles, not two sets of rules teaching humanity how to live. In my interrelations with others from the past I find myself almost always on the hot seat of debate, name calling and turmoil, the smallest ideas seem to get the greatest disturbances. Making a remark about a baptismal and a christmas tree side by side apparently is not proper social protocol. Well, off I go to another year of being an affront to even more people as I point out inconsistencies, a personal quirk, anyway thank you for the word studies and constant provocation to ask even tougher questions and not settling for the status quo.

Esther Whitaker

I did not know a thing about you or your teaching until sometime in 2013. I am so thankful that through John and Pam Riley I heard about Today’s Word. I am so glad I did! I have thoroughly appreciated all your efforts. Not only have I read every TW since I “joined”, but I have gone back and read many (if not most) in the archives. Your books I have been able to purchase have been a blessing although I haven’t read them all yet. May God (YHWH) continue to bless you and help you in every way that you need.


Skip, Thank you for allowing me to be a part of Today’s Word for the past couple of years. I have gleaned so much from the emails and even the comments of your readers are so insightful. The whole experience is Spirit building to my very soul. I pray 2015 brings blessings to you for your efforts to please YHVH and also provides the opportunity this year for our family to purchase a book(or several!) and support your efforts.

May length of days and long life and peace be added to you according to the promise of YHVH in watching over the Torah and His commandments (Prov 3:1-2). Amein

david watkins

I have been on board for a year and I have found this to be a divine introduction. I always have questions but stopped asking questions of my overseers and pastors because it bore no fruit, like ever. But after spending some years in Isaiah and Jeremiah, Abba’s instruction for Sabbath is unequivocal and His judgement and correction of Israel for not observing same is similarly without ambiguity. Abba really thinks this is important!
I have found that through your musings and questions, that I have made some forward progress in the application of the truth that I am able to see.
Between, Holy Spirit, your writing TW and your books (and props to Heschel), our house has began the regular practice of observing (honoring) shabbat. That has bothered me for decades, but this year we were finally able to make traction and actually do it. It has nearly destroyed the relationships that I held dear with my leadership and teachers in the “church.”
I was unprepared for the massive disruption, but we are glad and we are pressing in even more. I have come to understand that everything that is under my control, influence or authority is to rest on Sabbath. This wages war on commerce and is strangely offensive to ostensibly normal gentile believers. Strange.
I feel that I have passed the phase where I was angry at my former leaders and teachers. What finally humbled that line of emoting is the gratitude that I have for better and finer revelation of the Word AND the natural and normal course of being capable of actual obedience.
Thank you Holy Spirit for being the Teacher of the Year!
I want to see more clearly and then guide myself and those who look to me for leadership in all of the truth the HS chooses to illuminate in my heart. Your writing has proven a blunt instrument in the reformation that is occurring in my house.
Thank you Father! Thank you Skip! Thank you e-brothers and sisters.
This is hard, this is right, this is good.
Gory to Glory, strength to strength


robert lafoy

Don’t know if that was a typo, but it’s quite appropriate. 🙂