Living Curses

“Woe to the one who quarrels with his Maker– An earthenware vessel among the vessels of earth! Will the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you doing?’ Or the thing you are making say, ‘He has no hands’”? Isaiah 45:9 NASB

Quarrels – Have you argued with God lately? Watch out! According to some translations of this verse, you might be cursed. Better shut up and never raise a question or complaint, right? If that is what you were taught, or if that is what is expected of you in your religious assembly, then you need to know something more about rib. And, no, it’s not about a bone to pick with Adam.

Rib is the Hebrew verb that means “to strive, to contend, to oppose, to fight.” We might classify the various applications of this unusual verb as follows: 1) physical combat, 2) verbal combat, 3) arguing a case in court, 4) lying in wait, i.e., to plot against, and 5) complaints. Which one do you suppose applies here? Most of the times when God is the subject of the sentence, the sense of number 3, the judicial proceedings of argument in a court of law. In fact, God sometimes employs this verb in His analysis of Israel’s illegal affiliations with other nations. God brings a lawsuit against Israel because Israel has broken the contract. It is this sense of rib that we find in this verse. Isaiah’s statement is not about you and me individually. It is about Israel as a nation, a nation that has broken the covenant with God and has determined to make of itself whatever it chooses. God points out that He made Israel. He is its creator and as creator He determines what Israel will be. Therefore, Israel has no right (legal grounds) to argue for independent determination.

And, by the way, neither do we.

God warns Israel. “Don’t you know what will happen if you continue in this illegal action? Aren’t you aware of my claim over you? Do you suppose I will simply let this slide? Not a chance. Just as the pot has no right to tell the potter how it should be formed and for what purpose it should be made, so you, Israel, have no grounds for telling me, your creator, how I should make you and what I should use you for. Woe unto you if you proceed with this deluded idea.”

God’s warning applies to us too.

While Isaiah is not speaking to you and me, or even to the unique individuals of the nation of Israel, the thought still applies. God does have a purpose for each of us. We all fit into His plans. But they are His plans, not ours. We have no legal right to claim otherwise. In fact, arguing for independent determination is not only foolish, it is dangerous. The potter can always start over. This kind of rib is borderline idolatry.

So, can I strive with God? Of course you can. You can fight over your submission. You can complain about your circumstances. You can contend concerning your understanding of His words. God likes a good argument. But never, never imagine that you have the right to tell Him how He must treat you and what He must do for you or with you. After all, you and I are simply clay pots with mouths.

Topical Index: quarrel, strive, rib, pot, curse, Isaiah 45:9


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Love your analogy Skip! Clay pots with mouths, but often times without brains. After all it is the potter who has the plan for the pot, right? If we could see the end from the beginning as the Potter does we would allow Him to shape us just the way His plans intend. Thanks to Yahshua, we can begin now at this moment for in perfect acquiescence there is perfect rest. Today, we can let the Potter have His way in us.


Michael C

At 60 (in April) I think I am finally BEGINNING to grow out of childhood. I had always been afraid to engage YHWH always feeling I had no right to do so. I’ve begun to see how helpful, healthy and normal to engage him with the real issues in my life. He is ever so engaged with me. I’m finally awakening to do so in return.

The sense of freedom and life has really taken hold with me. It is grand, frightening, energizing and marvelous all at once and at various times.

Yeah, I’m a little slow. But he has been ever so patient. I’m certainly grateful for that.


I recently had quite the discussion with YHWH. My husband was in surgery and much to my surprise the situation revealed to me that I trusted my husband more than I trusted YHWH. I cried out to YHWH and told him I did not know how to do this different. I went to the verse where the Messiah says and I am not exact here, “I of myself can do nothing, it is the Father within that doeth the works” so I asked Father to gentle help me to trust HIM even more than I trust the husband he gave to me, because I of myself can do nothing. I am so blessed to have a man in my life such as I do. I am learning this trust and I grow stronger by the day. I do agree that we must be careful about arguing for our agenda as it really is not about us. So easy to fall into that trap when we are stressed with life’s circumstances. Thank you Skip! Wasn’t it Jacob who limped the rest of his life?

Meta Williams

I currently have no income, or I would be pleased to contribute in this way.