Drops of Jupiter
He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 NASB
He has told you – Worried about the destiny of your life? Wondering how all of it can fit into His purposes? Concerned that somehow you have missed something along the way? Maybe you’ve spent too much time looking for yourself, as the lyrics of “Drops of Jupiter” remind us.
But tell me, did you sail across the sun?
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated?
Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star–
One without a permanent scar?
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?[1]
Have you spent time sailing across the sun, longing for heaven, looking for yourself? Did you yearn to dance along the light of day? Has there been a hungry place in the center of your heart, longing for the passionate embrace of the true lover of your soul?
Ah, the byways we travel to find ourselves! When all along, “he has told you.” The Hebrew is simple. Higgid, from the verb nagad, in the perfect (completed) tense. There is no more to be said. It has all been revealed. YHVH has disclosed the right way, the highway, the steps toward being what you were intended to be. “He has told you” how that empty place will be filled, how your dance will be joyous, how heaven will regain its splendor. “He has told you” what it is that you are missing, that you have been seeking all your life along all those lonely paths. The verb nagad is more than just telling something. It is to place something in conspicuous view, to make what was previously unknown knowable, to heighten attention on something. “He has told you” should be followed by several exclamation points. This is something you are not to miss!
Do you want to listen like spring and talk like June? Do you want to walk like rain? Then hear, O Man, what YHVH says. Do justice, love hesed and walk humbly with Him. He has danced along the light of day. He has traced His way through the constellations. He has sailed across the sun. He knows life, the life you and I so desperately want to experience, the life filled with awe and joy and beauty. And He has told us.
Did you think you could find your own way among the stars? Did you think your human map of the heavens was sufficient? Did you imagine that you knew your own destination? Of course not! Beyond is beyond us. That is why “He has told you.” Three simple steps to launch you into the greatest journey of your life. And drops of Jupiter are only the beginning.
Topical Index: drops of Jupiter, higgid, nagad, to tell, to announce, destiny, Micah 6:8
[1] CLICK HERE to see the music video (BUT SKIP THE AD)
This is an awesome post! I can almost feel Skips excitement over what is possible if we simply do justice, love hesed and walk WITH Him.
He has already done all of these things that we can only imagine. If we walk with Him, cannot we not somewhat vicariously experience the same?
All that goofiness of the 70’s that continues in some ways of “finding oneself.” Why not find the Father, the one who created you instead? In finding Him you have found yourself, your reason for existence really.
There are so many things that I see and experience in the world that I do not fully understand. That is okay with me. My Father knows these things and that is enough for me in most cases. Sometimes I think He shows me things just to make me stop in the sheer wonder of it all.
I am not sure exactly what drops of Jupiter are but they must be wonderful!
I haven’t heard that song in ages! Always thought the lyrics were nonsense and now suddenly I see them in a new light

Your right, Dawn. I suspect the only way to find ourselves is to chase down our Maker.
Ok, Dawn and Warren, both! Warren, that’s such a good one I am going to have to ask to keep it: “I suspect that the only way to find ourselves is to chase down our Maker.” That one should go on a wall!
It’s all yours Laurita
Yes, YHWH has told/shown us, so will He have expectations that it will be followed and obeyed, guarded and not to be lightly taken.
Perhaps with resurrected bodies, we may be able to transcend through space, with nothing to hold us back, not gravity, IF that is not against YHWH’s will. HE gave us the earth not the universe.
Love the lyrics of the song, and the ad is so funny!