Mixed Bag
You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? Matthew 7:16 NASB
Fruits – Of course we all know that the real test of faithfulness to God is found in the fruit of one’s life. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering; all that good stuff we recognize as the hallmarks of a follower. But what about the mixed bag? What about the life that has some good, some bad; some victories, some defeats? What about the man or woman who demonstrates good fruit in most areas but rotten results in some area? What do you do with the fruit that needs just a tiny piece cut out? Do you throw the whole thing away?
I don’t know many perfect people. In fact, when I really think about it, I don’t know any. My guess is that most of us fall somewhere in the “trying to be perfect but failing” category. That raises a real problem. How much failure requires God to throw you out? If you show compassion and mercy most of the time, if you’re generous with God’s assets under your supervision, if you study the Word as much as you are able, if you love your children and your parents and your spouse, if you do look out for others, if you are struggling to be obedient, but . . . anger gets the best of you at times, or you act with selfish interests once in awhile, or you just can’t break that bad habit, or there are days when you just want the world to go away . . . what then? Are you bad fruit because you aren’t perfect all the way through?
Those who grew up in the theological paradigm of Augustine, Calvin and Luther might feel as if we can never really be good enough. Yes, we are consoled knowing that God doesn’t require perfection before salvation, but we also know that perfection is the goal. Right? Doesn’t Yeshua say that in Matthew 5:48?[1] Who can actually achieve that? But still we don’t feel comfortable just claiming that it really doesn’t matter, that we are saved anyway. We want to be good, to be holy, to be saints. But it’s the doing that hurts us. Every time we fail it’s like suddenly being told, “Oh, you’re just rotten fruit. You are going to be cast aside.” Is that what Yeshua had in mind with this comment about grapes and thorns? If we are accountable for all our actions, does that mean God will cast us aside when we don’t come up perfect at the end?
You know, maybe you never struggle with this. Maybe your God is so kind, so loving that He will always overlook your mistakes because you are saved. But that’s not the kind of God I read about in the Scriptures. I read about a God who does love us but who expects (can I say “demands”?) holiness. Yes, we fail. That is the point of sacrifices. But how many times? How many times before even God says, “It’s too much”? And how much of our good lives, our righteous acts, are swept away by moments of disobedience, some of which can be pretty terrible?
If sin is serious (and it is), then it is serious for those who have been called according to His purposes as well. And if it persists, then doesn’t that bother you? Doesn’t that scare you? Doesn’t that make you wonder how long God will actually put up with it? Is it possible that all those good things you do can be erased because of some bit of rot in the fruit?
It seems to me that anyone serious about being holy must ask this question. The problem, of course, is that God and I know the real state of my fruit far more intimately than anyone else, even if all those other fruit inspectors only see the good stuff. So when I go to answer the question, I often find that I am far more critical than anyone else and consider my own efforts much more filled with rot than anyone else can see. That is my reality. The question is what does God think about it.
Topical Index: holy, fruit, perfection, Matthew 7:16, Matthew 5:48
[1] Actually the text doesn’t really mean what we think according to our usual idea of perfection.
Marks of Maturity
~ Holiness is not the way to Christ. Christ is the Way to holiness ~
We MUST get this (thought) out of the way quickly. Deal with it,- and it will be done! Who among us is perfect? ~ Mark the perfect Man and behold the upright for the end of THAT man is peace!! – I know Who this Man is!!
And how blessed we all will be to know this.. (Ladies and gentlemen) -There is ONLY ONE perfect Man EVER to have lived!!
Yes, let’s remember and review this together. Starting with Adam number one and recalling every “adamah” (jar of clay) since. Every single human from Adam and through Adam (the second Adam) had (what we might call) “issues.” God calls it by its true name: sin. For you see, the word of God is always true: “ALL” (did we miss anyone?) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God!
Dare I say it? My mom was a sinner, and so was (is) my dad and my brother and my sister and (amen) – that fella I shave every day? – that man in the mirror? Oh yes.. – he too “has sinned..” (has transgressed the commandments of Elohim)
God says “do”.. – I don’t – or didn’t. God says “don’t do” and I do. Yes, “O wretched man that I am” is not peculiar to Paul! – For I too, may say with Isaiah, “Woe is me for I am undone!”
Houston, we (all) have a (huge) problem!! What then, (sum dum guy inquired) IS the solution for sin? – OR, – is there (he inquired) a solution for sin? ~ What must “I” do to be saved? ~
Does God leave us “wanting?” – or “wondering?” Does God ever abandon anyone, anywhere, at any time?
Is there any “good news?” for sinners, -(such as myself?) Oh friend! This, this is shoutin’ time!! I know it may be early and it may be quiet where you are.. but don’t I want to shout it from the mountaintop!! What, (pray tell) is this “Good News!!”
Tryin’ so hard, – (aren’t we..) lol! We are just tryin’ so hard to have a “Christless relationship!!” Listen (please) one more time, maybe this time for the first time: His words are..
~ “NO MAN” (no, not one) comes to the Father but by ME!! ~ Christ IS the Way! “the Door”- the “Sheepgate” by which (we) the sheep enter in!
As for me and my house? We will celebrate (everyday!) the crucified, buried and resurrected Christ. And as per His request.. we will “Remember Him!” – always.
Oh, may we never forget.. Love paid the price of Supreme Sacrifice! – and because God “SO” loved the world.. (Abraham) – God did provide Himself the Lamb!
Up Calvary’s mountain, one dreadful morn,
Walked Christ my Savior, weary and worn;
Facing for sinners death on the cross,
That He might save them from endless loss.
Blessed Redeemer! Precious Redeemer!
Seems now I see Him on Calvary’s Tree;
Wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading,
Blind and unheeding—dying for me!
“Father forgive them!” thus did He pray,
E’en while His lifeblood flowed fast away;
Praying for sinners while in such woe
No one but Jesus ever loved so.
Blessed Redeemer! Precious Redeemer!
Seems now I see Him on Calvary’s Tree;
Wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading,
Blind and unheeding—dying for me!
O how I love Him, Savior and Friend,
How can my praises ever find end!
Through years unnumbered on Heaven’s shore,
My tongue shall praise Him forevermore.
Blessed Redeemer! Precious Redeemer!
Seems now I see Him on Calvary’s Tree;
Wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading,
Blind and unheeding—dying for me!
~ Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool ~ (Isaiah 1.18)
In a generation that has popularized grace as a “movement”, it’s refreshing to be reminded that we are required to be Holy. Though the word is clear that holiness comes as a byproduct of grace and the sacrifice of Yeshua, to have the “I’m saved so I’m good” attitude ignores the call to die daily. I do believe there is a fine balance of grace and law. I also believe we are all REALLY a bad at finding that balance. So for me, rather than asking the question “am I holy enough for God’s standards” I simply maintain the attitude “I’m not Holy yet” and the Lord (who judges the heart) will continue to perfect me. I think the moment you stop asking Him to do so is the moment true rot begins. The fact that you are concerned is in itself quite a good start.
I was thinking about the dualism in choices – those places of should I or shouldn’t I ….and how I get fearful I am going to be”bad” if my choice was wrong – my child brain remembers my mom or dad saying ” what do you have to say for yourself” or ” you should of known better ” a simple innocent choice of exploration becomes punishing, how I create faulty self-keeping like criticism to keep myself to stay good ……and how I long for greater healing & freedom to accept my humanness walking with God & others to discover He is my portion my completion —
Longing to hear what He says ……
And how He created fruit with a short shelf life ………
cbcb, you know I struggled so much with that ‘higher criticism’ stuff, but, looking back, just ask yourself how much of that mindset came out of the pagan idea of perfection? How much of it is just a setup for the Accuser to have something to beat us up with, and teach us to accuse ourselves?
I wrote some time back about accusation, as I feel it is a real key to unpacking the mechanism of how sin enters and then continues to keep us locked down. We really do have to learn to guard the door of our hearts and NOT LISTEN to that accusation! It is not from above! When I believe accusation of any sort whatsoever, then I become vulnerable to sin, because condemnation is an intolerable condition for the human. I have repented for listening and responding to accusation, and I have repented for accusing myself. My Father is not accusing me, so why should I? There is a reason judgment is at the end of the age. That means it is not now! The beating has to stop. We are told the righteous fall down seven times (a perfect # of times to learn how to not fall down!) but gets right back up again. What is a righteous person? One who is not listening to the Accuser! If you do listen, you are not going to be able to get back up! Paul says there is no condemnation for those who walk after the Spirit, and not the flesh. The flesh is vulnerable to accusation. The Spirit of Yeshua, however, gives us assurance that He has our back, and we can fall down, just don’t lie there! Fighting!
Hi Laurita!
Your words speak to me today. Perhaps this is why I simply cannot allow myself to just stay down in the muck of life. In 50 years of life I have found myself in the muck more than a few times. Never liked it there and consequently never stayed there.
May be a lot more to the cliché that you can’t keep a good (wo)man down than what we ever realized!!
I find rotten spots in myself. Rather than dwell there and allow that stuff to gain power over my choices, I remember what Skip once said about harnessing the power of yetzer ha’ra (evil inclination) and using it for good. It is and has been a challenge but the thought of a God who does demand holiness from His people is always in my mind. I think I am learning to fear His displeasure and it helps shape my choices.
I find the paradigms of Augustine, Luther and Calvin impossible. It is such a downer and adds such burden to people-even those who truly seem to love Y-H. I just find them to be such cold hearted men in their theories and doctrines. It all seems to erase the very joy of life that God gives each of us. We must chose to acknowledge this joy and live like people with a Father who truly loves His children! Yes the discipline comes but what Father doesn’t do this with a beloved child?
Aren’t we all really mixed bags by our very human nature? Yetzer ha’tov and yetzer ha’ra are opposing forces within each of us. How can we not be a mixed bag? But Y-H allows each of us to make our own choices and by such, determine our direction and whom we shall serve.
” What is a righteous person? One who is not listening to the Accuser!” Absolutely so! Shalom!
Skip, I am reminded of a TW you wrote on this verse:
“YHWH, Elohey Yisrael, there is none like You, Elohim, in the heavens or in the earth, keeping covenant and mercy with Your servants WHO walk before You with all their hearts.” 2 Chronicles 6:14
You said: “God’s beneficiaries are not the perfected ones. They are the broken but repentant ones.”
This statement is like rain on a scorching hot and dry day! Ahhhhhh!
I have experienced times when the fruit I struggle with wasn’t the one Yaweh was wanting to deal with. When I step back and allow him to deal with it in his time and his way I have experienced freedom from things that have clung onto me as if they were in charge of every part of my life.
Desire releases the ability for Yahweh to bring his perfection in his time that lasts, unlike my striving that results in pride and nothing really changing towards holiness.
Skip, one could get discouraged reading your post today.
How many times does YAH say that He” is the Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Yitshaq, and the Elohim of Ya aqob.”? These men did not consistently bare good fruit. What about David? YAH said that “he was a man after His own heart”. Were his fruits always of righteousness? What about Moses? Noah? Yet, He says that He is their Elohim.
What makes it possible for YAH to say that He is their Elohim? None other than the righteousness of His only Begotten Son. He is the One who stands in the gap, Who makes up the failings of His Father’s children, those who have been adopted into the heavenly family. It is because of who He is not what they are.
He is our near Kinsman, our Redeemer, our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary, and He is our Passover. Without Him – His birth, His death, His resurrection and His ministry – there is no hope for man. Not for Adam, not for Abraham, not for David, not for you and not for me.
As we celebrate the feast of Passover, let us take the focus off of ourselves – our fruits – and put the focus on the “Lamb of YAH who takes away the sin of the world” and, for those who are willing, replaces it with His own righteousness – His Life. Halleluyah!! Thank you Yahshua.
Shalom, Skip. There is a story told by the sages in the Rabbinic commentaries that suggest even Moshe (Moses) struggled with this. Last week’s Torah portion begins with these words;
In a sefer Torah scroll (and, indeed, in my Stone Edition Tanakh) the last aleph of וַיִּקְרָא va’yiqra is written diminished (almost like a superscript) relative to the rest of the text. The story goes that Moshe felt that he was the most unworthy of all Israel to be called of God. Moshe, the one of whom God said I speak to him פָּנִים אֶל־פָּנִים paniym el-paniym – “face to face, as a man speaks to his friend” (Ex 33:11). When God was giving him the Torah and it came to this place, Moshe protested, “I cannot write וַיִּקְרָא – I am not worthy to be called of God. Let me write instead וַיִּקָּר (He “happened upon”)”, but God insisted, “No, you shall write וַיִּקְרָא”; so Moshe wrote וַיִּקְרָא, but he wrote the aleph diminished to signify his feelings of unworthiness to be called of God.
This falls firmly into the category of midrash, but elsewhere the scripture tells us that Moses was “very humble, more than all men who were on the face of the earth” (Num 12:3), so perhaps the Rabbis draw on this for inspiration for the midrash.
We also saw in his original calling (ref. the burning bush) that even there, Moshe protested his unworthiness and supposed unsuitability for the task for which he was called, yet Adonai did not relent. As it is written, “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” (Rom 11:29), and as Ya’akov the brother of Yeshua, and Keefa (Peter) the disciple of Yeshua both said, paraphrasing Prov 3:34, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (the Hebrew word in Proverbs means afflicted or lowly)”, so it could be said that it was precisely because of Moshe’s humility that God called him.
Remembering too that Moshe had been raised in the courts of Pharoah, that he had the wealth of Egypt at his disposal, that he had privileges unlike any of his enslaved fellow Israelites, yet was forced to flee for his life and spent 40 years in exile tending sheep in Midyan, one might be justified in suggesting that his humility was learned, perhaps even tinged with guilt (to borrow a phrase from David, “How the mighty have fallen…” [2 Sam 1:25a]).
I figure that if we feel unworthy, if we are all too aware of our humanity and our failures, then we are in good company. The Tanakh is not shy about showing the all-too-human failures and shortcomings of the “heroes” of the Biblical narrative. I think of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Eli, David, Solomon, Josiah…all servants of the most High, but none perfect – far from it.
Yet it is precisely when we feel unworthy, when we are aware of our failures, when we cry out with the prophet, ” “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips…”, it is then that God extends mercy, grace and chessed towards us and responds, “Your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.”
What then is our right response?
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” (Ezek 6:5-8)
Well said Rodney!
Wonderful comments and discussion. It was interesting that just last night my oldest son, who is part of a special forces team brought this perspective. His comment was at how amazingly efficient the military is at learning from mistakes yet has never been able to move beyond this. He asked for my opinion and as I ponder it I thought …we don’t yet know how to live from potential.
This resonates with the discussion and brings me to a deeper thought; is what I think of myself of others of circumstances valuable or is it what God thinks and what is important is my agreement. Is self talk the last bastion of dieing to self, is the place and culture of living to a standard of potential and pleasing our father been so covered by performance I have lost hope? Lots to ponder.
As I think of this in context of community and the organic evolution of local expressions of a body I can imagine how potential could change and become different, broader, etc with the addition of each new member. This would have me excitedly looking forward to an ever changing or at least evolving life while still being rooted and grounded in torah. Reminds me of what we called “monkey bars” in elementary school. You had to swing out to grab a bar and let go of the other in a continuing motion in order to make it from one end to the other.
Most importantly, thanks for the posts, for the discussions and for the struggles they all are precious.
Wow, this elderly lady quickly read the Post and all the comments through the last to me reading, and it was Rodney’s down in Australia. And from the first to the last, I am so thankful for each of you writing such outstanding, uplifting, thoughtful, special words, now I can face my day lifted by God’s Holy Spirit in each of your writings! And knowing a lot of you are walking so carefully with our God. I am indeed seeing the “Handwriting of our Lord!”
I am struggling so much as I am still working with all my slow meager efforts to downsizing the accumulation of 61 years of marriage and a personal ministry that we carried without any help financially or with physical help from others. After we retired, we bought a large old 1929 house that continues to wear out in all areas. The workers I try to hire say they will come, but seldom show up. I was so discouraged after a few days this week of glorious sunshine, thinking some painters would come. They did not!
So I spent many hours just raking leaves and getting them in the garbage, and trying to speak on outdated phones where people can not even leave a message. It seems I solve one small issue, and ten more pop up. Yet, always something : my iris blooming, the birds singing are so numerous, or someone will pop up and give me the will to keep on getting up and working at age 82; this morning it was ALL of your Writings. ( and give credit to where it is due, because Skip writes or has written these blogs from his hours of studying through the years, and refines them as his life goes on, I am able to read the glorious comments that each one writes. God will use each one of us, as we fit into His puzzles! Thanks to every single one of you for being in a honest seeking and searching, not self serving way; continue on with the Holy One of Israel ! L.B.
Be blessed today, LaVaye., as you have blessed me by your kind words. I have been very quiet on TW in recent times, my time being occupied elsewhere, and I am learning to “speak” (or comment) only when I have something relevant and worthwhile to contribute. Today was one of those days.
Blessed to be a blessing. Shalom.
Rodney, and ( all who will read this) I am addressing you, RODNEY first of all because of most of the others I have not had any personal contact with previously, of course Brian some just on comments, and recently read lots of post written by Laurita Hayes. So Rodney, back to you, I can only imagine how busy you are to continuing ministry in Australia. Yes, we all learn to keep our time used wisely, and our mouth and “pens” used far less than we did when we were 25 and “knew” everything. At least God’s humble wise people should do that. I came back today about 3:pm TX time, and reread, actually studying what you wrote above carefully. God’s word is truly so beautiful; I loved seeing it written in Hebrew and transcribed into English.
I grew up in the Southern Baptist Denomination and taught Bible in private schools in Houston, even took a few courses from their Seminary that did not then allow women much of a roll in teaching the Word. I say that only to give the background to the facts that when you read/learn/teach, at any point in your life if you are seeking, searching, with all your heart, soul and mind, you will find. Three quotes for more elegant than I have stated it two from the Old Testament, and one from The New Covenant. I will not quote them again, use your references if you are not familiar with them. Absolutely necessary to keep these verses in our lives. We will find Him, if we keep on seeking, searching with our entire lives!
And the reminder of Moses feelings of his unworthiness to be called of God, was something that in the past few years I had lost sight of. So with the respect I have for Rodney and his ministry : I was so moved by the entire teaching.
And for someone who wrote the past week or so, on the true facts of what do we really know about these people who write on a cyber community, it is a very valid question. I can say that about ten years ago, one of my daughter’s had a friend who had been greatly abused by a man in their church, as a 40 year old adult who was self sufficient with a business she wanted to leave the U.S. and go to Australia. So, I wrote Rodney and he took the time to write me on a personal e-mail or more and explain their ministry there. She ended up not going, but Rodney was careful and thorough in his explanation, that we all were so blessed. I knew then that this was a man/organization that could be trusted. Oh yes, Rodney I heard four days ago through by daughter with no regards to these e-mails, that her friend had been not only healed from damages during her mistreatment, but spiritually restored to a body of believers that were helping her walk out what He had worked in.
Rodney, I have long ago lost your personal e-mail, etc. but if ever you or your members need help from Central TX. I am serious write me here, and I will give you mine. It has changed since ten years ago, about three times! Yes, our old office Compact computer collapsed, then lightning, yes struck another one, and then my son in AZ decided I needed to be on his, so he could monitor me better! Lots of changes go on in ones long life span!
Again, your article on this “Mixed Bag’, was a great blessing to me to recall the things I learned years ago, but had not heard recently!
And Thanks again to Skip for letting us continue to be a part of his efforts. L.B.
“So when I go to answer the question, I often find that I am far more critical than anyone else and consider my own efforts much more filled with rot than anyone else can see. That is my reality. The question is what does God think about it.”
God your Father who “thought you up” to begin with thinks….”He really needs to get those poison vines untangled from around his feet. He has so much potential that he doesn’t see because the enemy keeps tripping him up. Untangling those vines will build his fortitude and give him the self respect that he now lacks. I will strengthen him yet again..I will whisper to his heart the puzzle’s answers and I will encourage him if he will only listen. I can’t force him to listen-that would not be freedom – but I will encourage him…encourage him and hope that he will listen and begin to move according to My directions…I don’t want him to lose another moment of the life I created him to live but I can’t force him to live in freedom from the enemies’ lies. Be set free from anger son..release it and let it go..it is not your friend and will never bring you the freedom you desire. I know you, I love you and I will not give up on you..if I don’t give up-you don’t give up. We’re in this together.”
I Corinthians 13:4-7
Skip, great writing. Thank you for it.
In response — here is what Moses told God’s people after laying out the Law:
“11 Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. 12 It is not up in heaven, so that you have to ask, “Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” 13 Nor is it beyond the sea, so that you have to ask, “Who will cross the sea to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” 14 No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it.
15 See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. 16 For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.
17 But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, 18 I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess.
19 This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”
(Deuteronomy 30:11-20)
The issue is entirely a matter of the heart’s loyalty — either God is our King, or we ourselves are our “kings”. We have the choice evermore before us. When we are loyal to God — i.e. He is our King, and we are His people — He continually purifies and refines our hearts. However, when our heart chooses disloyalty to God, in favor of making ourselves “like God” instead (as the Serpent always tries to persuade us to do), Proverbs assures us that we will surely find death:
“There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”
(Proverbs 14:12)
As Jesus clarified in His teaching, it is all a matter of your heart’s loyalty. And like you say, who can judge that other than God? But, who else is responsible for it than you? No one else.
Blessings to you and all those reading your column.
Kyle Malkin
“Love, joy, peace, long-suffering; all that good stuff we recognize as the hallmarks of a follower. But what about the mixed bag?” Does that give us cause to continue in transgressing His ways? In “victimizing” YHWH?
“Yes, we are consoled knowing that God doesn’t require perfection before salvation..” Deliverance comes before ‘salvation’-we are delivered first out of Egypt by YHWH, before we get to be ‘saved’ AS we diligently seek Him to obey and walk in ways pleasing TO Him, appreciating being delivered from bondage of slavery and idolatry.
“The problem, of course, is that God and I know the real state of my fruit far more intimately than anyone else…”, there’s no denying that. Then why would we choose to give in to yetzer ha’ra than to be quick to hear but slow to speak, a discipline to be taken heed of seriously, IF we so desire to be truly set apart from carnality to choose life and not death, to be careless in our ways and attitudes.
It reveals the ‘yada’ (true/intimate knowledge) relationship we have with YHWH.
That ‘knowledge’ refines our walk with Him. “Walk the talk”.
That is THE question- how serious are we in following Him, and being a true blessing to others? Obedience is better than sacrifice!