I Am Not Alone
But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. Psalm 3:3-4 NIV
He answers – You know there’s just a possibility that all this time we just weren’t listening. David cries out. God answers. Do you suppose God decided not to answer when we cried out? I doubt it. I think it much more likely that He answered but we didn’t listen. Maybe that’s because we expected a different kind of answer.
Consider how David describes God’s answer. David observes that he has been protected. Therefore, God answered. David does not limit the answer to a verbal reply, a spiritual feeling, the appearance of a prophet, the recollection of a favorite verse or a warm and fuzzy feeling of calm. David simply sees that his circumstances are altered. The invisible hand of God has interacted in the world of men. David has eyes to see what others never notice. God has answered.
For twenty-three days we have been searching in order to find peace. Perhaps it has been there all along but we have been so preoccupied with our own inner turmoil that we didn’t notice. Perhaps we cried out but instead of seeing the answer from God according to His terms, we missed it entirely because we were looking for an answer in our terms. Now we need to notice that God has already been at work. The fact that we woke up today to reconsider once more our desires and our struggles is absolute proof that God has answered. Perhaps it’s time to read this again.
Today, Day 23, is the day that I remember that I am the continuous presence before YHVH, the continuous Father. Maybe “The Lord shepherds me” is another way to say “Day 23.”
Topical Index: answers, modeh ani, Psalm 3:3-4, Psalm 23
What is existence? Psalm 103 tells me that the angels exist to obey His commandments, the hosts exist for His pleasure, and all exist to “bless the Lord”. All obey that definition; all participate in their definition, may be a better statement, except the wicked hearts of men and fallen angels. The heavens declare the glory of G-d, and the earth shows His handiwork. We can look to all of His creation for a faithful transcript of His character; for knowledge of His identity; literally to see Who He Is, and we can trust that what we see is true, but “the heart of man is (desperately- continually- deceitfully) wicked”. Why is it wicked? Because it does not, in fact, reflect accurately Who He Is. To be turned to His face is to be mirroring Himself back to Himself, which means that His glory is reflected back. This is how we bless Him: we show Him His handiwork, which is us! Conversely, I have learned that it is also to be able to see in Him who I am at the same time. We know this in a small way when we face each other, and do the same thing. I know who I am when I see myself (literally) reflected in your eyes, and when I know you are listening, I can hear who I am through your ears. There is an aspect of my reality, in fact, that cannot exist without you. I do not even know who I am unless you are there to show (mirror it to) me.
Many cultures, I believe, have language that reflects this idea that a person in the singular does not exist, including the Hebrew culture in the Bible, where the smallest recognized unit is the family. You are recognized as who you are only in terms of who everyone is around you: you are known by your tribe, and your relationships: you are known by WHO YOU KNOW: who you admit into your circle. We do this even in our culture. We like to drop names and hang out with the winners, and brag about the accomplishments of our children(!) but I don’t think we recognize it as being a valid definition of who we are in our identity, which is formally recognized only in the singular. This makes the behavior of Yeshua all that more radical, in that He seemed to make a point of hanging out with all the losers: He identified Himself with the poor in spirit, the mourners, the lowly, downtrodden and the forsaken. By associating Himself with them, He literally was making the statement that this was Who He Is. No one missed the point, and many “turned back from following Him”. They didn’t want to be associated with sinners and losers: that is not how they saw themselves! But G-d! He became us. I am overcome. He came to where I was, and faced me in my miserable lostness, and showed me who I was by showing me Who He Is. Now I don’t know who I am unless I can know Who He Is. I have to start over in my identity, because Someone came to join my tribe. I have become a new person because He became who I am. He took on my identity for the purposes of giving me His. I am overcome. Overcome. What a word.
The answer to all my distress is already there, but He cannot give it to me unless and until I can face Him, for the answer is Himself. The day I am ready to face who I am, is the day I am going to have to face Who He Is, for, whether I liked it or not, He, by coming to me, and by facing me first, has changed my true identity. By dying in my place, He switched identities with me. To get who I am back, I now have to crawl up on that cross with Him so as to be transformed, through my death to Self, into His image, His identity. When I am covered by His blood, His Father sees Him when He looks at me. I can face Him when my sins are forgiven, and when I face Him, He can see Who He Is again. Halleluah! Bless the Lord, O my soul!
The Shalom of Our Savior
For a Child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders;
And His Name will be called Wonderful Counselor-Mighty God-Eternal Father-Prince of Peace.
There will be no end to the increase of His government or of [His] peace.. On the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from then on and forevermore.
The zeal of the LORD of hosts will accomplish this.
Peace I leave with you..
My peace I give unto you..
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You!
~ For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My lovingkindnesses will not be removed from you, and My covenant of peace will not be shaken,” says the LORD who has compassion on you.
“O afflicted one, storm-tossed, and not comforted, — Behold, I will set your stones in antimony, and your foundations I will lay in sapphires.…
~ The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever ~ (Isaiah 32:17)
~ But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; — against such things there is no law..~
You know, I think this is so true with me. I’ve been listening and looking without seeing and hearing clearly and effectively. However, of late, I think I’ve been hearing and seeing more succinctly. And, frankly, it has been effectively calming. How cool. I love it.
Worship is opening ones eyes in the morning and recognizing there is still some things to be done for him. It is being grateful for the renewed breath to live and for the renewed opportunity to walk in his presence amidst life that is filled with both joy and adversity, both designed and offered for my growth and benefit.
Again . . . pretty cool.
We can write a thousand words (and some do) and still not hear. He never left us, He always answers. Emunah.
She’s a challenging lady to catch.
Michael C….Catch? My verbiage tends to trample her under foot soon after leaving the starting blocks on almost every occasion! Shabbat shalom y’all.
“Maybe “The Lord shepherds me” is another way to say “Day 23.” ….and what a Shepherd He is! He goes out of His way to rescue and is happiest over the lost one returned! Matt. 18:10-14 Yet..you are correct, Skip – the “inner turmoil” makes it SO HARD! Ever watch WWII movies where the enemy interferes the radio lines with static to confuse the troops? Yep…it’s a battlefield tactic. I bet the enemy used it on the prodigal son…I can hear it…”You are such a screwed up wreck….look at you! Lying right in people’s faces…making them think you’re so good…but that’s not the real you…this is…filthy, lying, screwed up scum…and nobody cares….NOBODY.” It’s all enemy static – come to steal your true identity, kill your hope in how much you are loved, and destroy every advance to freedom. At some point we have to make that free will choice of believing in the Father’s Love..the Love He says will always be there. “..don’t you realize that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to turn from your sins..”
Romans 2:4 Kindness is not weak…trust me..He ain’t weak – He is strong to find you and love you in spite of yourself. Take a chance! Just let it go – release all the static…all the words, arguments, intellectual understanding….static…release it and let yourself relax-deep breath here…fall into…with ALL your weight – His Presence – His Loving Spirit. Lean back into the best Buddy you’ll ever find, the sweetest, most loving Dad whose love trumps any lie you’ve ever experienced. Then you’ll see the miracle of who you really are in His Eyes….all healed up and ready to go…where? “He has even made us competent to be workers serving a New Covenant, the essence of which is not a written text but the Spirit. For the written text brings death, but the Spirit gives life.” II Cor. 3 It’s a sin and a shame how the enemy takes great words and turns them to static…blasting us with condemnation and hope deferred. Let it go! Pull up a comfy chair and sit back for a bit…there’s a great dinner waiting just for you!
Thank you, Skip. “Today, Day 23, is the day that I remember that I am in the continuous presence before YHVH, the continuous Father”. A fitting entrée leading into the Sabbath, not too many hours from now. Eyes and thoughts on YHVH, not on me. Ahhhhh……..Sweet Shabbat Shalom