Incense and Offering

“For from the rising of the sun, even to its going down, My Name is great among the nations. And in every place incense is presented to My Name, and a clean offering. For My Name is great among the nations,” said YHVH of hosts. Malachi 1:11 SRI

Among the nations – Perhaps it’s time to read the prophet Malachi again. He reminds us that we, the ones who claim to follow YHVH, aren’t the only ones who recognize the great YHVH, melek ha’olam. There are others, many others, the nations, who present incense and offerings. Maybe our myopic concern with “being right” is really a sign that we don’t truly understand the scope of His sovereignty. Maybe we are the ones who are limiting what YHVH is capable of doing among those that we consider outside the camp. Maybe being right isn’t always right.

Malachi makes it clear that YHVH’s criticism is directed toward religious authorities. The priests are directing the people in ways that disregard YHVH’s Torah. They are accepting blemished offerings, oppressing the workers, practicing falsehood and mistreating the widows and the fatherless. In other words, they no longer live Torah observant lives in spite of their roles as priests. Now a curse will fall upon them.

We are tempted to conclude that this tragic event is the punishment for pagans, for those who are outside our camp. We surmise that since the outsiders are not following Torah, they are the ones who will be punished. But be careful. YHVH says nothing about His actions toward the nations. This criticism is leveled toward us, the ones on the inside. We are called to lives of Torah righteousness. There is no claim here that the nations are also expected to live according to commandments given through the prophets. In fact, all of this is directed toward those who have Moses and still ignore Sinai. What God is doing with the nations, the outsiders who still honor His name in some way, is not Malachi’s concern. YHVH will take care of that. We are to take care of what has already been revealed to us. Those of the Book must live by the Book. Those without the Book have other approaches to the Father of all men.

In the end, fear of God is expressed according to the knowledge given. The more we know, the more we are held accountable. Malachi brings a severe message to those who have the revelation of the prophets. Don’t mess with what has been given! There is no excuse. We are expected to guard His commandments. “Remember the Torah of Mosheh, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Yisrael” (Malachi 4:4). That is enough for us. What God is doing with others is beyond what we have been shown. First is our own incense and offerings.

Topical Index: nations, commandments, Torah, Malachi 1:11, Malachi 4:4

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Can’t agree more! “We are to take care of what has already been revealed to us. Those of the Book must live by the Book. ”
“In the end, fear of God is expressed according to the knowledge given. The more we know, the more we are held accountable.” Amein!
“First is our own incense and offerings.” And having our own lamps trimmed!
“… directed toward religious authorities” who “..accepting blemished offerings”, and offering such themselves in the roles of leadership, oppressing the elderly, the fatherless and widows, bearing false witness, is condemned in Scriptures.
Great TW. Very uplifting!


What is the SRI translation? I am not familiar with it.