The Big Question

He said, “Hagar, Sarai’s maid, where have you come from and where are you going?” And she said, “I am fleeing from the presence of my mistress Sarai.” Genesis 16:8 NASB

Where – So, where are you going? Perhaps this is the most important question anyone will ever ask of you, if you understand the full consequences. But it’s not a question about your final destiny. This is not a “Where will you go when you die?” question. This is a question about where you are going here, on the earth, among the world of men and women. That’s why the angel instructs Hagar to return to Sarai. Hagar’s answer is not leaving the world. It is returning to it with new purpose.

There are really only a few answers to the really big question. The answers actually demarcate significant differences between the world’s great religions. Let’s examine these answers to see what they suggest.

First, Buddhism. Where is the true Buddhist going? Nirvana. And what is nirvana? It is the ultimate absorption of the self into non-self, into nothingness, into the one great spirit. In other words, the Buddhist is going to non-existence. Nirvana is the place where nothing matters anymore. Unlike the teaching of Qohelet, the Buddhist believes that the end of Man is to extinguish all of the desires that make a man who he is here on this earth. The end of Man is to become non-Man. By the way, Hinduism has the same goal. So the first big answer to the question, “Where are you going?” is “Away from here. Away from myself. Away from anything that resembles what it is to be human.”

Second, Islam. What would a true Muslim answer? “Paradise.” And what is Paradise? Well, for males at least*, it is the world of unending pleasure, the complete indulgence in all that has been stored up for me by Allah. It is the world where all of my dreams come true. But it is not here! Here I am simply tested to see if I am worthy of such reward. Here the world is filled with those who oppose Allah and His will and I, as a true believer, must either convert or remove such offense. How does this happen? The most expeditious way of getting to Paradise is to destroy this world because it stands in the way of the will of Allah. Allah desires to bring about Paradise for all true believers so whatever I can do to hasten this end is necessary and commanded. By destroying the “evil” of this world, I not only provide a way for the will of Allah to take dominion, I also ensure that I will be ushered into Paradise now. Where am I going? “Away from here in a cloud of destruction and death on my way to Paradise and all its pleasures.”

Third, Christianity. What would a Christian say? Most evangelical Christians seem convinced that the proper answer is “Heaven.” They, too, are leaving, but not in a cloud of nuclear waste. They are leaving with a cloud of angels who will meet them in the air in a great escape, a rapture, bringing them to all those mansions in the heaven. While they have some responsibility while they are on earth to be “good people,” loving the Lord and doing His will, they are still focused on the end game, the heavenly reward, the way out. It is important to exhibit the character of God on earth, but that does not mean that the earth is our real home. The “new heaven” and the “new earth” are coming, and what a joy it will be when they arrive. In fact, the promises of the Lord are not only a new location but a new “you,” a hard-disc reboot that will correct everything that was ever wrong with the first iteration.

Finally, Judaism. The significant difference between Judaism and the other major answers is simple. Jews are staying. The answer to the question recognizes that the Hebrew word is not about location. The word is from ‘ay, not ‘epoh. It is a word that usually does not expect an answer because it is not about destination. It is about inner awareness and relationship. The angel is not questioning Hagar about her physical origin or destination. He is asking about her emotional and spiritual state in relation to her present human relationships. Hagar isn’t going anywhere except back into the fray. Hagar is staying right here where the cauldron of human interactions have to be met. For Judaism, this world is home. There isn’t any other. In fact, heaven was never meant for human beings. That’s why the renewed earth is coming here. God made it perfect to begin with and it’s hard to improve on perfection. So, if you are going to adopt a Hebraic attitude toward your role in the world, be prepared for the long haul. This is where you will have to work out your righteousness. This is where you will have to discover your faith in action. This is where you belong.

In the end, it is either a form of escape or a commitment to stay.  Ah, now you decide.

Topical Index: where, ‘ay, ‘epoh, Genesis 16:8, heaven, paradise, nirvana

*Women and families also reside in Paradise, but males seem to find the place much more to their liking with no lack of food, drink and sexual pleasures, although the seventy virgins idea may be an urban legend.


TWO QUICK UPDATES:  First, one of the supporting families of At God’s Table is in dire need of prayer.  The whole family was on board a small aircraft that crashed in South Africa.  How they survived is a miracle itself, but the parents both have serious injuries.  The three children are OK.  Please pray for Willem, Sanja, and the children.  Thanks.

Second, I continue to teach at the First United Methodist Church of Winter Garden, FL, this Sunday evening at 6PM.  For the next two weeks we will explore the depths of Psalm 103.

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laurita hayes

“In the end, it is either a form of escape or a commitment to stay.”

Right here, right now, today, it is the same. Either I am looking to get out of my skin, or I am committing to the pursuit of who I really am – my true identity. Further, what I am at the end of my “today” is going to be who I am then, too.

I am convinced that all sin is a form of insanity, or, escape from my true identity. All sin moves me further away from life. My life. Who I am in my life. In that sense, all sin is occultism, but what is being occluded is me. I am agreeing to my own destruction right here, right now, today. In the guise of the pursuit of self (a lie, which all sin is based upon) I am participating in my own slow – or not so slow – destruction of that self. The further along that path I go, the further I get from the person I was intended to be from the foundation of the world – the further I get from the potential I was created to fulfill. Sin erases me in my identity and negates my worth and erodes my reality until there is nothing left, either here or in the next world. The unpardonable sin is where I have chosen choice itself away, and there is nothing left of me to work with. When I was very small, I found the poem of the Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat, who fought and ate each other up until there was nothing left of either. That one messed me up for years! I have the ability to erase myself completely out of existence. Whose existence? My own.

Salvation is where that process gets interrupted and I get to start over. Starting over is good, but only for the moment that I begin to do that. After that moment there is the next one, where I get to choose to stay in salvation, and the next one, where I get to choose again to stay in salvation, and the next one… What is important is my DIRECTION. Where am I headed? Where I was headed yesterday is no longer relevant. Where I am headed right now is. Yesterday I was saved from agreeing with my own death, but today, what am I agreeing with? Am I looking forward in trust or backwards, like Lot’s wife, toward what I left behind? Am I bound for the Promised Land, or have I gone back to lusting for the flesh pots of Egypt? That is the question for me in this moment. The next moment, I am going to get asked the same question again. How I answered the last moment counts in that it determines what I have to do in this moment. Did I turn back, outside of the Fence? Then I must repent for that in this moment. Did I reach forward in the faith that works by love? Then I am already alive, for it is only faith; trust; that can keep me in my own present – can keep me alive in my own skin. Sin is where I succumb to the temptation to step out of that skin and into the insanity of a false identity: the false identity of a self without a Creator; a soul without a King. Each moment I get asked the question “Who are you?”, which is really the question Hagar was asked. “Which direction are you headed in? Which direction are you facing?” Each moment, how I answer sets the stage for the next moment. I never know if my next moment is going to be at the edge of eternity. If it is, then how I answered the question in that last moment is going to be who I am for that eternity.

I think we keep trying to make the Judgment be about what the Judge chooses, when it is really going to be about what I have chosen. This is not a conquering Kingdom: this is truly a Kingdom of fugitives who have set forth to seek a better country. And, we are promised that what we seek, we will find. Have I set my face to seek the Lord, and to follow my Shepherd, even unto death? How I answer that question right now is the only answer that matters, but that is up to me. Heaven is just going to agree with me. Perfection, in this Kingdom, is spelled Direction, and that is an action word, where only the present counts.

George and Penny Kraemer

Every day we wake up here in our cottage after having watched the sun set over the lake and the sun rise over the strawberry and potato fields across the road. We left two days ago to replenish our supplies of food and wine and deal with the usual round of mail, business issues, doctors and dentists appointments etc. Everywhere we go there is evidence of the ‘normal’ train wreck of our former lives. The doctor tells us of the fast cancer death of the husband of the lady who introduced us to the doctor. Two other family members are dealing with somewhat similar circumstances and a third is still grieving the recent loss of her husband. The dentist leaves a nice fat bill for his services. What can you say about the traffic and noise and usual chaos of the city? Then we return and wake up to begin today with a new TWOT from Skip and (usually) first responder Laurita bring us back to our new “life” and we are inspired once again. Thank you Skip and Laurita

Michael C

I second your sentiments. Just had a good friend’s good friend die of a brain tumor. My sister-in-law reeling from pancreatic cancer surgery and facing upcoming chemo therapy. TW is such a soothing salve for the daily challenges to face. My gratitude to Skip and all participants of this blog.

Michael Stanley


Michael C

Also, our prayers to the family in the plane accident.

Michael Stanley

Per George & Penny’s observation of Laurita – ‘the first responder’. LOL. I like that dual description. As a former Army medic I appreciate that she has tended to my wounds (mostly self inflicted) with compassion, skill and alacrity. On several occasions she has performed spiritual CPR on me in which her words breathed life back into me. Many, I suspect, have been blessed by this sisters wisdom which is, no doubt, a result of many hard fought battles and, as I suspect she would say, the occasional victory. I am glad for this community – for each and every soul and I am blessed to be counted as a member.

laurita hayes

Aw, shucks, y’all. I am squarely with the Michaels: I am blessed to be with everybody. Really. Thank YOU. I get it when you get it. Thank you so much for wanting it! Its a pleasure, and its an honor. I have learned so much! I treasure every voice, spoken and non-spoken, for everybody speaks for me. Community is such a blessing. Michael Stanley, I get my own wounds treated at the same rate you get yours treated. Isn’t that funny? The Great Healer comes because we need Him. Here’s to needing Him! And my gratitude to Skip is really over the top. Where were you all my life? And this special place? You guys just might have it better than you could know. Keep this place, and guard it, with your full hearts. And, I need what EVERYBODY has to say, whether you are saying it or not! SO, thank you in advance. (I really do wonder where everybody keeps finding those cute little smiley things…)