Begs the Question

Do you just have to know what’s on the other side of a door like this?


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bp Wade


Kees Brakshoofden

No, closed doors make me feel not welcome.

Mark F

Same pattern of Red Diamonds and Turquoise? 🙂

John Adam

A lavish display of religious paraphernalia?

P Reid

Depends. Do you have more photos of what’s on the other side of the doors?

Michael C

Door #3 on The Price is Right? :-O


A” Door of Destin” or a confusion of heart ,bitterness or pride of a iron door in the way of our prayers as our hardened hearts are sealed shut, open or closed to life or death,The gates of old or new. We confess this ON Yom Kippur while the gates are open for the gates of tears and repentance are always open with a sincere heart. Today is day three of the “Ten Days of Awe , High Holy Days, before we go to prayers on Yom Kippur , we or some read vidies Yom Kippure prayers , start fasting to prepare, send letters with forgivness and sincere confessions, some don’t ever resond to them, but we send them hopeful, we prepare privately for the words and vows we want to change ,we pray corpoeratly deeply seeking from A_Z or Aleph to Tov as it is repeated backwards ad forwads in the confession , vows , words, attuitudes , lack of charity, forgivness with G-d and Man in the Viduy.
we say and

Confess :For the sins we committed before you with a confused heart”
Is it an act or a conditon can we perpetuate it by not seeking clarity from those that hurt us by only assumptions, or pain and anguish doubting, or by not opeing the door of a harden prideful heart to change staying in a state of confusion that our destiny does not always knock on our door we have to ready our self for the otherside of the door ….. When Desinty Knocks are we prepared.. Blessings on your seeking out those you have hurt and makeing it right…

bp Wade

Wow. Thanks for this.