A Religion of Piece(s)

On October 9, 2015, the Muslim cleric Muhammad Salah “Abu Rajab” preached to the congregation of the Al-Abrar Mosque in Rafah in Gaza. In his “sermon,” he expressly avowed that he and his brothers of the West Bank are terrorists intent on killing every Jew on the planet and continuing their killing campaign to America. He then brandished a knife and instructed his people to form “stabbing squads” of three and four to go into Israel to kill Jews. He praised Allah for bringing the Jews back to Israel so that they would all be in one place and be easier to kill. He ended his message by exhorting the audience to cut the Jews into pieces. You can watch this madman yourself here .

As George Bush noted, “Islam is a religion of peace.” I guess he just got the homophone confused.

Obama often suggests that terrorism is under control. I suppose his “intelligence” staff forgot to look at YouTube.

Cleric Salah’s incitement to murder is not atypical. As he states, the military high court has ruled that murdering Jews is an acceptable and expected practice. Salah is saying what the West refuses to acknowledge. Islam is a religion of violence, chaos and evil.

And it will prevail. Why? Because morality makes civilizations weak.

There is a solution to the Islamic threat. Greater violence. Greater ruthlessness. They kill one Jew. We kill 10,000 Arabs. They murder one innocent child. We send a tactical nuclear weapon to Mecca. But this will never happen. Morality prevents ruthless actions.

The Romans (and all preceding dominant civilizations) realized that ruthlessness prevails. Rome was the most brutal empire on the face of the earth when it ruled the known world. Why? Because ruthlessness subjugates the enemy, physically and psychologically. The cross was not simply an instrument of punishment. It was a visible symbol of hideous torture. It was designed to scare people to death and make them compliant. Had Rome agreed to Christian morality, it would never have successfully conquered 60 million people. In war the combatant who employs “rules of engagement” loses. The only rule in real war is to kill the enemy no matter what it takes. On this topic you will find Lee Harris’ Civilization and Its Enemies exceptionally enlightening.

The problem with the West is its morality. Western Man has adopted a worldview that asserts that all men are rational and moral. The Western worldview is saturated with biblical ideals. Those ideals support the dignity of human beings, the hope that transformation will occur in every heart and the belief that men are essentially rational in their ethics. It is precisely for these reasons that ruthlessness is unthinkable as a deterrent. Rational men do not chop children into pieces on global television in order to make a point. Rational men do not strap bombs to their children to send them to their deaths as suicide terrorists. Rational women do not detonate car bombs while sitting in the car in order to kill policemen. But ruthless people do all these things because Western rationality is not a consideration in their killing equation.

The West calls these men and women insane. They are not insane. They are ruthless. They are willing to do anything in order to kill the enemy. That means putting a nuclear weapon in the hands of ruthless men is the real insanity. There is not one shred of evidence that ruthless men will not use nuclear weapons to exterminate their enemies no matter what the consequences. Couple this with a religious belief that carnage brings one closer to the purposes of Allah and you have a formula for genocide on a scale the world has never known.

My dear readers, this war is at your front door.

The only real question in our time is this: How does a person who embraces the morality of the Bible combat a worldview that is committed to ruthless evil?

What will you do to turn this tide? The wave is coming. It is devouring the Middle East and already lapping at the gates of Europe. You and I will not stop it by pretending this is a foreign problem. Ruthlessness does not distinguish combatant from civilian. Ruthlessness doesn’t care. There is only one rule in Salah’s knife-intifada. “Kill them all!”


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Richard Gambino

Now go and reread God’s instructions to His Nation.
Within and Without.
Cleansing is not always done with soap.

Derek S

Berakoth 58b – if a man is planning on killing you – rise early and kill him first.

At the core the problem is we have a major issue of two cultures. Christian/Jews: a value system that was designed that can lived among the nations with minor tweaks… Islam, can not live in the nations but must conquer the nations to erect Sharia law

Further more, when their objective is to create as much chaos as possible to bring their Messiah and they believe we are in the ends times – their perception becomes our reality meaning I doubt things are going to get better anytime soon.

To answer your question what do we do to turn the tide. I’m not sure the question has an answer. We have two cultures that cannot coexist with each other (I’m talking about Sharia vs America Bill of Rights…not just being Muslim or Christian). It’s Jacobs v Esau – Shepard vs Hunter

In closing, you cannot also defeat that cherishes death as much as we cherish life.

Paul Michalski

We recently had a speaker at the New Canaan Society in CT who was born a Sunni Muslim in Jordan, converted to Christianity (and was thrown out by his family) and now evangelizes to mainly Shiite Muslims and many Syrian refugees through a Christian church in Lebanon (home of Hezbollah). He has also planted churches in Jordan and Syria. We had the honor of him staying with us for a few days. Here is the gist of his perspective (or at least my memory of it):
–Islam is not a religion, it is a political ideology about power.
–Islam is Machiavellian–it teaches that the ends justify the means (and the end is power).
–Islam has no morality. For example: Lying is specifically permitted in three cases: you can lie to your spouse(s) to maintain relations, you can lie to your enemy to overcome them and you can lie to others to keep peace. Polygamy is permissible.
–Islam’s end of power and lack of morality is attractive because it appeals to man’s brokenness.
–People are kept in Islam through fear (theocracies that threaten punishment if they leave) or largesse (rich Arab nations that pay you to do nothing).
–As people see the freedoms and prosperity of the West, it gets harder and harder to convince them that Islam is working for them.
–He believes Islam is not sustainable.
–He believes that what is happening in Syria is God allowing Muslims to kill each other in order to drive people out to hear the Gospel. People leaving these countries is an opportunity to tell them about Jesus. Before the Syrian crisis, it was hard to get 3-4 Muslims to come into the church to hear the Gospel. Now hundreds are coming.
–He does not believe that Christians are being targeted by groups like Isis–they are just people in the wrong place getting caught up in a violent conflict.
–Going after Isis and Hezbollah is missing the core issue–it is the Sunni/Shiite conflict. Isis and Hezbollah are just tools being used in this conflict. It is a sideshow.
–The way to reach Muslims with the Gospel is to meet their needs in love–then share the Gospel. People in desperate need don’t care whether the help they get is coming from a Muslim, Jew or Christian. But they will listen to the person who loves them and meets the need. God is opening doors of opportunity.

I am reminded that the early church was different because, while all people groups helped their own, Christians helped and cared for everyone. If you want to hear his short talk, you can listen here. http://www.newcanaansociety.org/new-canaan/sermon/open-doors-mohammad-yamout-10915-ncs-new-canaan/

NB I know I am not following the terminology used in this forum regarding terms like “Christian”. I hope you can see past that. Blessings.

laurita hayes

Thank you, Paul! I now have a new addition to my prayer list!

Scott Cole

Very well said Skip. We in America actually believe that we can “reason” with this insanity. Impossible. 2 totally different world views. America the tolerant. Being in Israel, this difference is much easier to see, because it’s life and death. Making a wrong turn on a road can mean life or death.

I also found this post on Moshe Kempinski’s Shorashim site that echoes your post:

Amanda Youngblood

I think we often mistake morality for pacifism. In Torah, YHVH often instructed the Israelites to wipe out entire civilizations for their idolatry and wickedness (I’m sure this would shock people if He asked a nation to obey him in this way today). Today, we mollify them and accede to their demands, because we are told we must be accepting of all things. Yes, YHVH is patient, but eventually he also requires an accounting. He is just and “moral”, but he is also righteous and holy. I wonder how or if things would be different if we viewed things in light of the G-d of Torah’s actions.

Alicia Williams

My husband was asking about this a few weeks back, and asking what makes the Bible any different from the Koran, since the Israelites were commanded to annihilate other nations. My explanation was similar to what you said here, Amanda. I explained that with a culture that loves death, you can’t “live and let live”. But I am not sure it really made a lot of sense to him. If anyone has a better way for me to explain this, I’d love to hear some other thoughts. My husband also wondered, “This is in the Torah, so is it STILL a commandment? Is this what God wants his people to be doing NOW?” I wasn’t sure how to prove through the text that this is not an all-the-time commandment.

Thomas Elsinger

Had we lived during the Middle Ages, might we have made the general observation that Christianity was a religion of war and violence?


The “Christianity” of the Middle Ages was. But that religion, as well as its daughters of Protestantism, bears little resemblance to what YHVH through the Scripture tells us about how his people are to conduct themselves. Just how do we think the angels will separate the wheat from the look-alike tares? It will be with fire–not bedtime stories.

laurita hayes

I think it is easy and oh so human to react in kind; to legitimize (fear) others and to assume that we have to finish what they started, but to grant others power over us, which is what we do when we respond in kind, is not what the Kingdom of Heaven operates under, is it? To worship the god of forces, which is what we do when we turn to force in response to force, has never solved the problem, has it? To argue that Israel was commanded to exterminate the wicked nations surrounding it does not help us, either, for these were nations that had been judged, not by man, but by God, and Israel was under direct command of YHVH. I don’t think anyone can state that any power that exists on earth today enjoys that relationship.

I was looking at the kingdom of Jehu today, who eradicated Baal worship from Israel, but who apparently feared the Assyrians enough to subscribe to what they thought was the source of their power; namely, bull worship. When Jehu turned to this worship in an attempt to appease the god of the Assyrians, he put himself under the power of that god, and he became a vassal of Assyria. There may be a lesson here…

bp wade

How sad is it that Jehu, who did mighty things in YHVH’s name…died an apostate.

bp wade

I see this ruthlessness regularly in the church(es) that are trying to dominate their attendees.

They dress it up and call it by ‘christian’ terms, but it has a common core. pun intended.


At last someone has the courage to say the unspeakable. Thank you! If you are made in the image of God and someone is threatening to kill you, are they not threatening God’s image? Are you not bound to protect that image? I am grateful for the few Muslims I know that are not like the terrorists we read about, but I know it only takes a few rotten, depraved people with the wrong ideology to kill peace. Men haven’t beaten swords into plowshares, and lambs are not able to lie down with lions yet. Until the Lord returns we are responsible to protect those in our charge. This may be viewed as a simplistic mindset… but the alternative isn’t looking that great!

Admiral Tom Hayward

As a former senior navy member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff I am frequently asked what I think are the major threats to America, anticipating that I would list the big nuclear powers, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and the like. Most are surprised that far and away my number one threat to our country is Sharia Law, radical Islam, Salifism!

Nothing about these Muslim concepts is compatible with the Christian-Judeo values that are the hallmark of our way of life. But, America has become so tolerant of almost anything that we are already permitting gradual implanting of Sharia in our great country.

Wake Up, America.

LaVaye Billings

YES, A TRILLION TIMES YES TO YOUR COUNSEL. I am an elderly lady, lived in a country that had 95 % Muslim people; for fifty years or more, have read all that I could get my hands on these people. We are so quickly forgetting how we became a great and blessed nation; it is frightening!
To the people that think that the Muslim people they know would not follow along with the
hardline /Sharia leaders, you are wrong. They would fall right in line with them, as they know understand, and truly realize their behavior! Study about what happens to those who leave their teachings.
Yes, I even know one former Muslim man that is a thriving minister, here in the U.S.; he also lives with guards, and constant protection, and his children with ID’s that are not their own native names, etc. There are a few exceptions. Also the hardliners have their lives planned to live devoted to their Allah; and they are willing to groom many in other countries where they live and allow them good educations, and eventually get into all western world countries, including U.S. Nearly all large U.S. universities have them in high level places, with all their influence over some of the best and brightest minds of ours. Their goal is to control the world. Go back into history and look at Moors in Spain, Portugal. And now currently moving into Europe in great numbers.
Our prayers must continue and use the scriptures to learn how to touch the “hem of His garment”. I would think this is the most dangerous of all the trials, wars that we have to fight.

Steve Lyzenga

“Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society.” Aristotle
Hopefully our next Pres won’t value tolerance above all. Not to mention, follow the ‘muslim dreams’ of his father.

robert lafoy

Hey Steve, (or anybody else that is in the know) I wanted to use this quote elsewhere, so I did some tracking and can’t get it placed by Aristotle. The closest I can get is a pastor (or someone attached to him) that accredited it to him. If anybody can help with this I would sure appreciate it. I certainly don’t have the time to peruse all his writings and I hope someone knows where it can be found in his writings. Thanks.

robert lafoy

Well I didn’t find that but here’s some interesting things. http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/10/plato-explains-tyrants-arise/


Related video, very interesting. True?


Imagine if 6 million armed Jews had brutally resisted the Nazi death machine. Can’t recall a single military conflict in all of history where prayer and preaching alone neutralized the enemy. We’re creating our legacy right now and exposing Islam’s brutality is a good starting point for overcoming its menace. Thank you for writing this post.

Beth Mehaffey

Finally, somebody has it right. The common people can’t do anything yet unless they are willing to go where the action is and wipe out this kind of evil right and left. Most don’t have the necessary training. I think these are the kind of people that YHVH commanded His people to completely destroy when Joshua led them into Canaan. What’s happening in Europe will eventually get here. Are we going to be kicked out of our homes by our own government so they can be given to the hordes coming in droves? Are they going to complain that our accommodations aren’t good enough for them? Are we going to pay for all of the freebies they demand? Our political leaders must be completely blind and ignorant. They aren’t wise enough to learn from what’s happening in Europe. Their followers are equally so. Unfortunately, we’ll be stripped of the ability to protect ourselves and our laws will be changed to favor the wicked. In the last days people are supposed to rise up like the Maccabees and perform great exploits. Who will these people be? I’ve long said another Holocaust is coming but I wonder who will really be in charge, the terrorists or the deceived politicians and their followers.

laurita hayes

We are being driven to war; the question I have is, who exactly is driving us, and what is the intended aftermath? The Muslim world is being driven, too. Someone wants us to fight. Someone stands to benefit, too. Who?

robert lafoy

Now, THAT’S the right questions. 🙂


Long post but reveals we need to have the chutzpah to stand up to wipe off evil-

Anti-Islam party takes first steps

Grant Taylor
October 25, 2015, 3:20 pm

They want to ban burqas, freeze Muslim immigration and end Australia’s “failed experiment” with multiculturalism.
The proudly anti-Islam Australian Liberty Alliance — the nation’s newest political party — also claims that a growing number of Australians want exactly those same things.
“I do believe that people are waking up to the dangers and the problems that will come from increased (Muslim) immigration,” ALA co-founder and political candidate Debbie Robinson said.
“Islam is a problem and if we don’t take steps to put laws in place to protect our culture and our society, then we are going to lose our freedom.”
It is a message that many Australians who have watched the rise of radicalism at home and abroad with a growing sense of unease are likely to identify with.
But many more will also find those same views confronting and offensive — none more so than members of Australia’s Muslim community who have described the emergence of the ALA as “alarming”.
Not since the rise of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation 20 years ago has a political party sought to win the hearts and minds of voters by demonising a minority.
For Ms Hanson, it was “Asianisation” that was threatening to destroy Australia’s national identity.
It is the so-called threat of “Islamisation” that the ALA is hoping will help propel its candidates into Federal Parliament at next year’s election.
Party members stood shoulder-to-shoulder in Perth this week alongside controversial Dutch anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders as it unveiled its first crop of Senate hopefuls.
Mrs Robinson will stand in WA, while anti-halal campaigner Kirralie Smith will represent NSW and former Katter’s Australia Party candidate Bernard Gaynor will run in Queensland.
The party hopes to field candidates in every State and claims to already enjoy a strong following.
Mrs Robinson believes most Australians are ready to have a sensible conversation about the nation’s future cultural direction.
“It (Islam) is a taboo subject but we cannot continue to be paralysed by political correctness,” she said.
“People are afraid to talk about it because they are afraid to offend or afraid to call a spade a spade.
“They have a level of concern about what is happening around the world and in Australia but the politicians are not paying attention. They are not facing up to what is really going on.”
Mrs Robinson is a former nurse from well-heeled City Beach who claims to be neither racist nor religious.
She believes in the Judaeo-Christian values that Australia was founded on.
She is also a mother and the wife of well-known orthopaedic surgeon Anthony Robinson who helped co-found the party with her.
But Mrs Robinson was unwilling to discuss her family during a long interview withThe Weekend West this week.
Like her party, she is clearly mistrustful of the media, believing that “left-leaning” journalists are hostile to her far-right policies.
She also had another reason for wanting to protect her privacy, claiming she risked becoming a target for violence just like Mr Wilders.
His party enjoys strong support in the Netherlands, but he lives under 24-hour armed guard after many death threats.
Candidate Kirralie Smith claims to have also felt that same fear, having recently been forced to move house in Sydney after receiving threats.
“Why is it that we have to spend a fortune on security,” Mrs Robinson said.
“Why is Mr Wilders surrounded by 24-hour security? It is because the Islamic community have placed fatwas on his head because you cannot speak out against Islam.
“We have a problem with the Islamic community that we do not have with any other group.”