A Very Sobering News Story

One of the readers on this site provided this link.

In my opinion, it is almost to late to wake up the West to what is happening.  Political correctness and guilt are about to destroy our way of life.

CLICK HERE for the video report

or use this link.


Try counting the “woman and children” that the mainstream media promotes.  Where are they?


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laurita hayes

Thank you, Robert. The analogy of the puppet behind the curtain of the Wizard of Oz was very apropo, I thought. I think ISIS is a Trojan Horse, designed to funnel the West away from our liberties and toward a police state and war, with all the money in another pocket. It is NOT about “American values”! Just the opposite!


More on the topic-

Why Islam is a Religion of War
By Daniel Greenfield
The fulfillment of Islam depends on the subjugation of non-Muslims so that violence against non-Muslims become the essence of religion.

This is very informative. Hope the link works!


Here’s the link again 🙂 from a different viewing-




Isn’t it interesting to compare Muslim end-times scenarios with some of our own? I see great similarities in the rhetoric on many fronts now. And the rhetoric that stems from certain religious views, even those within the same foundational framework, is oftentimes enough to create a deafening silence from an attempt to snap back to every day normalcy. I see it in the news, in facebook groups, especially those dealing with religion and politics.

Truly it appears that we are (and have been) escalating more rapidly to this:
“Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and the earth was filled with violence.” Gen 6:11
Apparently, we seem to be continually stuck in Genesis…and then attempting to leap into Revelation. May we attempt to make it back to the Garden before conjuring up the Armageddon.

Not much changes until we allow HaShem to change it. May He open our eyes and ears!
Shalom, everyone.

Gayle Johnson

I also see these similarities, Mary. If only we had The Sons of Issachar to understand the times. And know what to do. But, would we do it?

Shabbat Shalom.

Lesli Moser

This is such a hard topic. This will divide us all. I can’t understand why helping a people, regardless of their religion, find food and shelter, help them get back to their own country, makes us second-guess ourselves. THEY are still PEOPLE. The terrorists, I agree, need to be annihilated- that is an easy one…. But it’s EVERYWHERE, so we don’t help ANYONE? Neighbors against neighbors? Skip wrote, “And what did God instruct Israel to do about the people who occupied the Land? Why did God tell Israel to exterminate them – all of them? What did they do to deserve this kind of judgment?” What DID they do?

And Suzanne wrote, ” My guess is when the choice involves their life, they will be staunchly Muslim. And THAT, I think, is the unspoken question on most of our minds. I would love to trust the moderates, but history tells me not to do so. This should be our concern with refugees, as well. Some are probably very grateful, but gratitude doesn’t last long when the lives of your children are threatened.” THAT IS A GREAT QUESTION!… So, do we ask everyone this before we help them?

Inetta wrote, “How many immigrants from all parts of the world have been welcomed here and then formed gangs and mobs that still wreck havoc on our nation? I’m not saying we should take lightly the radical islamist terrorist, nor should we dismiss or take lightly, the murders on college campuses, government and financial institutions…The heart of the matter is the heart! When we become a nation that wants a religious litmus tests for allowing refugees in, we are doomed, if we aren’t already!”

I don’t understand. I am so conflicted…..