The Debt
Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves. Romans 15:1 NASB
Ought – Are you a Twelve-Step thinker? It really doesn’t matter if you ever attended a Twelve-Step meeting. A Twelve-Step thinker is someone who realizes the “should’a, could’a, would’a” thinking sets us up for failure. What matters to Twelve-Step people is what is, not what ought to be. If we aren’t dealing with reality, then anything we attempt will be the result of fantasy thinking—and it will fail to help us with our real existence.
Except! Except when we are strong; except when we become accountable to help our weaker brothers and sisters. Then “ought” isn’t optional. Ought is obligation.
In Greek the word is opheilo, “to owe.” As a result of being the stronger, we owe. As a result of God’s grace toward us, we owe. As a result of being born through His breath, we owe. Owing is not optional. Anyone who has experienced what it means to become human owes. Luzzatto calls it the infinite debt to the other. He points out that our very consciousness of being who we are is the result of being in a world of others, and for this reason alone, we owe. We owe a debt for being ourselves—a debt that we can never fully repay.
Paul is not writing to the spiritual elite. He isn’t addressing those who have come into the full presence of the Father or who have completely dedicated their lives to the Messiah. He is speaking to the stronger—the dynatoi, plural of dyantos, those who are able. Not those who are majestic, regal, leaders, principals, important, recognized or lauded. Paul is addressing those who are able—that is, you! You are able. Oh, you might not be able to do much. You certainly aren’t able to do it all. But you are able. There are things you can do, and insofar as you can, you are obligated.
Once I helped build a road for a village in Haiti. When I proposed the idea to a large number of people, some said, “There are 9 million people Haiti. Most are diseased, starving and under the influence of voodoo. What’s the point of trying to make a difference in a place like that? No matter what you do, they will die anyway.” All of that is true—except! Except that I am able. I am able to do something—and that’s what I must do because I am obligated. I owe those people my help, even it is only a little. Their lives make me who I am—and I owe them.
Stop with the excuses. What are you able to do? Be ruthlessly honest. Don’t over-inflate your capacity. And don’t underestimate. What can you do? Be plain and simple about it. Ah, good. So then, why aren’t you doing it?
Who do you owe?
Topical Index: Romans 15:1, owe, obligation, ought, opheilo
“What’s the point of trying to make a difference in a place like that?” Amen! I, too, have experienced this, Skip! As I continue serving YaH in the school in my neighborhood I encounter great mountains. So many obstacles for the school, the students, and me, personally! Students that have issues that only HE can touch. I can only do what I can do through Him in the way that He leads. Thank you for this encouraging word! I needed it today:) Shalom Shalom!
Every situation needs a hero. A hero embodies love to a needy world. What is a hero? A hero is defined by what is needed. In the story of the feeding of the 5000, the story does not center around what the little boy brought; no, the story is about what was needed. The point being, the child did not bring everything that others needed, but he offered all that he had – all, in fact, that he needed for himself. The miracle happened not because he was able, but because he was willing. Love throws its shoulder into the wheel and gives it all its got, for that is the prerequisite. When I become willing, He becomes able. My strength is made perfect in my willingness, and not in my ableness. Just sayin’. Mysteries everywhere.
So what is that strength that Paul is referring to – that strength that is presupposed by that “ought”? I have come to the realization that true strength is about true purpose. “Tis the set of the sails, and not the gales, that determines the way to go.” The ability to use the wind that is (reality) to get us where we should be going (direction) is determined by where we are headed. If I am polluted by sin and weakened by allegiance to false forces, I am going to be following and reacting (wrong directions, or, purposes) instead of faithing (we really are lacking in English; we don’t have a verb for the single most important of all actions!) and causing. Shoved around instead of free to choose my direction – compromised by polluted purpose and focused on self and survival, I miss the opportunity that lies in every situation to seize the day and be the hero. Strength defined by the world is the accumulation of the power of the world. Strength as defined by heaven is defined by the face to face confrontation of what I actually DON’T have to bring to the task, but the only place I become aware of that is in the places that I turn around and become willing to take responsibility for the problem, for it is only there that I can even see what is lacking. In the physics of heaven, love is defined by the hunger, not by the lunch. But that is such a scary place!
Every step in the direction of love is a foot in that torrential Jordan River: every step in faith – in the right direction – is going to cost me self assurance. I know I am heading in the right direction when nothing comes in between me and the understanding that it better NOT be up to me, or we are all sunk. That is when I know I am seeing reality the way it really is, but that is also the time for love to show up and start transforming some loaves and fishes. Love in this world will always be a miracle of the first order, for it all comes from beyond us, and goes far beyond us, too. This is not an action that the physics of our mortal existence is prepared to define, measure, or describe, nor will true love ever be the measure of a balance in any worldly bank account. Love, in fact, is not about me at all. No, the real Hero for this fallen planet is from another place; He just requires someone who is facing in the right direction, with a lifted foot. THEN, and only then, does the real Power show up. My faith in Him is the power that I bring to the situation; His faith in me is the Power that really gets ‘er done. Halleluah!
I owe God, but some of us are little less sure of our footing in how to spread that hope to others. So using “secular things” to illustrate our beliefs is questionable even if that thing provides some illumination. Not sure how to work that out. But I’ll keep trying.
The distinction between “secular” and “sacred” is Christian, not Hebrew. In Hebrew there is “sacred” and “profane.” Investigate the difference. It might help.
Twelve Step “Tinkerers” as I like to put it healing my own (B.E.E.P.S ) Behaviors, Events, Experiences, People, and Substances , what we use to stop pain and discomfort , grief, loss, failure, isolation, sickness, loss and regain life, from what people have done or broke in us or them . Now trying to find the healing praying for creative miracles to re grow parts of my brain and immune system and bone structures ,brain functions ,it seem to be in his timing , but we keep trying, and praying trying to find a place in this world . We are usual wounded in relationships , and need them for healing . I am still there, P.C. Practicing Caring in G_D , life , love, relationships, “under construction”, .should be on my forehead or slow down shoulder work ahead expect delays…
SHOULD’s sound like a disease of words , like running nose or a running mouth, your from your perspective is your experience, not may be G_Ds always, I have experienced much of those adding P.C. , (Practicing or Consulting) to their ministry or last name giving unsolicited advice, without the schooling or medical history, as some we don’t really know each other or live life with them, and at times is like Practicing Medicine without a license, may we get clarifications in compassion and empathy patience as we all want with G_D in our circumstance and judgment for all others. understanding attempts in Love with gentle words is a golden rule ,as a reporter you hire fact checkers, before the final print, or in a court of law Israel at least two or three wittiness. Practicing , religion, yoga, 10k, twelve steps, children , teenagers, medical doctors, psychologists, teachers, takes a bit of education and time and training and psychical strength and resources, to obtain those letters P.C, or whatever they may be..
I ask for prayer as well..
Help me G-d to be more aware of how I , relate to others, my words as not arrows or daggers in criticism, anger in my own impatience wanting them to be different to make me more comfortable, use of my time, help me be like you leading in loving empathy, long suffering, be with you beside me your words in me. Help me, be responsible for me and regulating my own, B.E.E.P>S , emotional cogs, in love , patience, encouragement, loving words, always seeking understanding, clarifications, before our wrath judgment in my court room, practicing medicine and not impose your timing in my impatience, not yours for them give me understanding how to love your people even when there hurt and broken .. The same love and understanding , comfort , patience , forgiveness, I want when i am broken , fail and seek more understanding from you.. Amen..
I have a co worker w/twins, single mom, who spent some time in the hospital. No paycheck. There are entities that can help her get her bills paid, but food banks are low these days and her kids are hungry.
I stopped at an estate sale and this guy had shelves of canned goods and such. I give him 40 bux, he lets me carry out 4 bins. heavy. bins.
i go home and in the process of sorting i find some really expensive items that kind of ping my conscience, way beyond 40.00, i didn’t think they even realized it was in the bins. Plus, i didn’t need 40 pounds of sugar. No one does…i decide to take these items back.
On the way home i get a speeding ticket.
I was with in the flow of traffic when i realize we are going 60 in a 45 zone, i slow down, the guys behind pass me, irritated, honking their horns…the cop pulls ME over.
I don’t have my proof of insurance with me.
353.00, court date in February.
My friend was in tears, i wish i could say it was worth it, but seriously all i can think is something we used to say in the Marines #nogooddeedshallremainunpunished
I was greatly encouraged by your writing today Skip. I much rather like to deal with the “do” aspect of what Scripture says to us and specifically what “I’m to do” with it and about it, more than the “try to figure it out beyond the simple meaning”, although I also enjoy that.
I like what Moses said. “But the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it”. Which means, in my opinion, it’s in a common understandable language (which the Creator of heaven and earth made all) that we can understand, “in your mouth”. And it’s in your heart, or your mind, same Hebraic thought, so we can do it. We don’t have to look for it very far away or reach out much further than the text itself. Of course, Paul reiterates that in Romans 10:8-9.
Sometimes though as your pointing out, we have to go beyond what’s just comfortable or convenient for us to do, set aside what “we want to do” and plow forward because “we owe”. The price that Yeshua paid for us isn’t something we can settle up all that comfortably.
‘We ought to bear the weaknesses’ … and sometimes that is the weakness! Maybe it is our weakness that is actually showing when we ‘think’ we can ‘help’ someone who appears weak. Who is truly weak? Sometimes I ask myself that question to things that blow up in my face. Is it because I think ‘they’ are weak and I am strong? Or am I just deceiving myself? Sometimes I don’t know.
Sometimes … I think too much. Maybe that is why I feel like such a failure so much more than a success – at anything. When I look at a situation that ‘I’ think needs tweaking, then ‘I’ step in to help right the boat – but maybe that boat doesn’t need righting? Maybe that ‘weaker’ brother/sister needs to be on their own so that they can hear from the Holy One themselves?
Now, I’m not saying that I won’t be there if needed – I’m always there – always. But in my corner of the world, I’ve found out that rushing in where angels fear to tread .. is a reality that I need to face – and to learn to patiently wait. To be ready to spring into action when HE says to go.
So being ruthlessly honest – the plain and simple about it – is, for me, there is nothing I can do about this situation. Maybe He will send me another
Learning to Love
~ Owe nothing to anyone except [the debt I owe] to love one another; for he [the one] who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the Law. ..and if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this saying,
~ Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. ~
(Romans 13:10)
~ So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. ~ (Matthew 7:12)
~ In this the children of God are revealed, and the children of the devil. Whoever doesn’t do righteousness is not of God, neither is he who does not love his brother. ~ (1 John 3.10)
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13.34,35)
Alas! and did my Savior bleed, and did my Sovereign die! Would he devote that sacred head for sinners such as I?
Was it for crimes that I have done, He groaned upon the Tree? Amazing pity! Grace unknown! And Love beyond degree!
Well might the sun in darkness hide, and shut its glories in, when God, the mighty Maker, died for His own creature’s sin.
Thus might I hide my blushing face while His dear cross appears; dissolve my heart in thankfulness, and melt mine eyes to tears.
But drops of tears can ne’er repay the debt of love I owe.
Here, LORD, I give myself away; ’tis all that I can do.
“to whom much is given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48)
~But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when He saw him, He had compassion. So He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; and He set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. On the next day, when He departed, He took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, ‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I come again, I will repay you.’ So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?”
And he said, “He who showed mercy on him.”
Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”
~ because God SO LOVED.. He gave.. ~
After posting an article about Alabama not accepting Syrian refugees, I was chastized by a guy that by doing nothing we were murdering those people. How do you balance the thought in this lesson with the idea of bringing young ABLE muslim men who are running away from their children and families into your backyards?
But you didn’t do nothing. You stood up for the protection of society from these barbarians. It is certainly true that they are murdering many in Syria, but the solution is not to accept whomever wishes to come (but do not wish to assimilate). The solution is to fix the source, not the symptom. Really simple – and I do mean really simple – exterminate ISIS, every single one of them, by whatever means possible in the most effective manner with the swiftest result. Be RUTHLESS in this extermination. Accept no prisoners. Kill them all. Then those who wish to flee will be able to build a society where they can live without fear. And if they still insist on brutalizing others who do not agree, kill them too.
Yes, I know. This doesn’t sound very “Christian.” Where is the love and peace and good will to men? But history shows the ruthless win, and it also shows that those who welcomed the ruthless lost their lives. This is a war of religious ideals, not just culture, and if we lose this one due to our “higher” morality, we put every person who is not a radical Muslim at risk. How many are you willing to sacrifice so that the liberal view of the goodness of Man can be sustained? Is there any evidence at all that these Muslims WANT to be peaceful? They are employing tactics that worked for Rome when Rome conquered the known world – fear, torture to cause fear, and complete and utter destruction of its enemies. History is the teacher here. WAKE UP!