The Rest of Confusion
Thus says the Lord, “The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness—Israel, when it went to find its rest.” Jeremiah 31:2
To find its rest – Good luck with this one!
The root rāgaʿ is a very difficult one to separate into its philological and semantic relationships. Although there is a development of the root in Judeo-Arabic and the later Semitic dialects, there are no ancient cognates. The root appears fifteen times in the ot. It appears to have two opposite meanings which are still not adequately explained. They are nearly equally divided. The first is “rest,” “be at repose” (Deut 28:65;KJV, RSV, “ease”; jps, “repose”). This meaning extends to several stems of the root. The second is “stir,” “act in a moment” (Jer 49:19; KJV, RSV, “suddenly”). The versions both ancient and modern are confused and most follow the context in translating this difficult root.[1]
So the context usually determines the meaning. The assumption here in Jeremiah is that of rest. But what if Israel went to find its stirring up? Not so comforting; more work, more effort. Yes, we like “rest” much better; except, of course, that the verse is confusing. What did YHVH mean when He spoke through the prophet? Did He mean that those who survived the catastrophe and ran to the wilderness would be soothed? Or did He mean they would be stirred up to take on new life? Frankly, it seems that both are possible.
And that’s the problem. I’m tired. You’re tired. It has been a long trek; too much work, too many miles. Rest is what we need. Or is it? Don’t we also need an infusion of new life, a stirring up, a renewed passion? What good is rest if it leads to sloth? Do I really need to stop everything or do I need to have that original excitement back? It’s confusing. Perhaps it is intentionally confusing.
What do you do when you discover you are confused? Do you rest? Do you stop trying to figure it out and just let go? Or do you press harder, hoping that the penny will drop and insight will unravel the mystery? Could you do both? Could you rest and be stirred up? I wonder if Shabbat isn’t the place of unraveling confusion. It is rest and it is a time to be moved, to be invigorated, to be ready again.
Why did the people have to go to the wilderness to find marge’a (rest)? The wilderness isn’t a place of repose. It is a place where I must be constantly on guard, constantly working, just to stay alive. Or so it seems. But isn’t the wilderness also the place where my life is in the hands of the Lord, where I must stop trying to make the world my way and let Him provide? The wilderness isn’t my home, but it is His—and I will have to go to His house to find rest and revitalization.
Topical Index: to find rest, raga, repose, Jeremiah 31:2
[1] White, W. (1999). 2117 רָגַע. In R. L. Harris, G. L. Archer, Jr. & B. K. Waltke (Eds.), Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (R. L. Harris, G. L. Archer, Jr. & B. K. Waltke, Ed.) (electronic ed.) (832–833). Chicago: Moody Press.
“But isn’t the wilderness also the place where my life is in the hands of the Lord, where I must stop trying to make the world my way and let Him provide?”
Maybe this is why we spend so much time in the wilderness (or why I spend so much time there). I keep trying to make the world my way, while all the while, He just wants me to let Him provide.
I love the image “The wilderness isn’t my home, but it is His.” I keep thinking of the wilderness as a place I want to leave… but maybe I should actually be thankful that I’m there, because I’m that much closer to Him. Maybe I can learn to look at those times as a blessing, learn to rest, and stop trying so hard to get out so quickly.
Well said Amanda , the wilderness is where we should do our soul searching, our teuseavh,where we aught to open our chest and let him do his will, he is the potter we are the clay in the wilderness let His will be done!
I love it! Yes!
I got chronic fatigue when I thought it was all up to me. Tooth and nail for 38 years.
I got rested when I realized it was all up to Him. I quit striving. Started listening. Started realizing that adrenaline is not morning coffee, and neither are what I was designed to run on.
These days, in the same 24 hrs, I find myself working hard(!) to sleep enough, because I am just not tired; wondering when it is ok to get up, and when I do get up, I can work all day, and not be tired at the end of it. If you want to know how strange this is, I woke up every morning of those 38 years just as exhausted as when I went to bed. Plus, I am now, by the way the world counts ‘over my hill’. The finances look just as bad as they always did; the children look just as lost, but something changed. In the last 5 years that I have repented for drivenness and performance and working for love, I improved, and the batteries have gotten charged. I now have more energy than I know where to put it (I am sorry, y’all, when I put it on you!). Marching orders from above? Ready. Creative energy? Got it.
This is not a Laurita commercial. This is praise! This is Halleluah from my rooftop! This is a miracle! I don’t need to run on caffeine and stress and panic any more! Am I rested? Yes. Am I running circles around others? Probably. But the rest is still there. I quit thinking those stinking thoughts that were driving me to an early grave. My mind has peace now, and my heart found a place it can trust from.
Peace is still a river, though. Peace can still get things done; no, I think peace is the only platform from which you CAN get things done that truly matter. I look at the previous life I led, and it all looks like spinning wheels. Any lasting loving that got done then was surely in spite of my best efforts, and I was trying hard.
I think I have realized something. What I THOUGHT was His will (not to mention mine), I had to supply the effort and the energy for. When I wait until I see the green lights; wait until the timing is right; wait until I can hear that still small Voice in my heart saying “love is right here” before I move, then I get to move on His strength.
Joy can look different than fun, and I know you can have joy in tough times, for that is when I have had some of the very finest vintage of that joy, but joy is definitely something that adds to, not takes from, your own energy. But these days, if I don’t have joy, I am learning to stop. I may have left Somebody behind.
A Royal Invitation
~ Come unto Me, all [you[ who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Take My yoke upon you and learn of [from] Me, for I AM meek and lowly in heart and you will find rest unto your souls.” ~
No more wilderness wanderings, – the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. But yes, how do we get from Here to There?
In His Words: “I AM the Way-the Truth – and the Life” — “no man,” [who is included in “no man?”] No man, [no, not one] comes unto the Father BUT BY ME.”
Who is the Mediator between God and man? Yes Israel, there is only one God and [there is only] one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity–the man Christ Jesus. “Mediator/mesités” – a mediator, intermediary, a go-between, arbiter, an agent of something good. [1 Timothy 2.5)
Something good? Something wonderful! Something good. All my confusion, He understood. All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife, but He made something beautiful of my life.
For unto us a Child is born. Unto us, a Son is given. And His Name..? Mary was the first to hear it, Name that came from Heaven above; Name that raises souls from darkness, tHis the only Name worth singing of. The Everlasting Father – the Prince of Peace.
and friend, “whosoever will” may come!.. Hallelujah! — What a Savior!
“Man of Sorrows!” what a Name
For the Son of God, who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Bearing shame and scoffing rude,
In my place condemned He stood;
Sealed my pardon with His blood.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Guilty, vile, and helpless we;
Spotless Lamb of God was He;
“Full atonement!” can it be?
Hallelujah! —What a Savior!
Lifted up was He to die;
“It is finished!” was His cry;
Now in Heav’n exalted high.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
When He comes, our glorious King,
All His ransomed home to bring,
Then anew tHis song we’ll sing:
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain. All glory and praise shall rest upon Him..
I like the idea of both. Sometimes when we are tired it is not because we are physically tired, although we are, but it is because lose our inner drive. Sometimes taking a few days out, away from everything to refocus and stir things up, to seek Him and just talk to Him, gives one new energy. So you don’t get away to “rest” you rest from one to work on another, which brings new life. Skip, I’m sure you’re well versed on the account from Genesis and the rest. Then Jesus give us further insight into His Father working, never having stopped working, never will stop working, yet He rested. Marvelous post.
I think of Isaiah 26:3: “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you; because he trusts in you.”
Perfect peace = a double shalom: שלם שלם. Apparently, a double shalom is a common syntax in Hebrew use when extra emphasis is needed to communicate the importance of the message.
Peace: Shalom: שלם
ש Shin: Teeth, destroy, consume
ל Lamed: The staff, authority
ם Mem: Water, chaos
Peace or Shalom is to destroy the authority of chaos.
Is this a peace free from all burdens, all difficulties, all efforts or is it the place to be found when in alignment with YHVH where chaos is in subjugation? Is it moments surrounded by the proper and righteous actions that YHVH seeks of us, clothed with clarity of torah that rightly result in peace, rest and joy of being where we ought to be, that is, where we walk in his steps, his truths, his light? Is this שלם שלם (shalom shalom) that gives strength, will and action to the martyrs that refuse denial of the Most High in the sure face of death?
I see a glimmer of understanding in the successful discovery of a search. Exhausted, used up, struggling to to catch your breath yet in possession of a long and difficult find. The content and value of the particular revelation provides the renewing energy to press on and keep going. All remembrance of weariness evaporates delaying the required physical rest. A refueling of zeal ensues. Onward.
שלם שלם
We find it in walking in the way, the truth, the light.
Well said, Michael: “Is this a peace free from all burdens, all difficulties, all efforts or is it the place to be found when in alignment with YHVH where chaos is in subjugation?”
Sometimes we get the idea that if we could just trust God, He would remove us from the pain, the burden, the trouble and give us shalom. But peace, (shalom) is not an “escape” hatch. Peace (shalom) is knowing that we can still walk in the way no matter what chaos surrounds us; that He is present in the midst of our turmoil; that He is reliable. Trusting in His reliability (faith) enables me to take the next step, further into darkness sometimes, but now knowing that I am not walking alone.
Apparently some people seem to think a person is in need of a revelation when the person has already had the most important Revelation they could ever have. Be careful of a wolf dressed up in sheep’s clothing.
Umm, was this in response to my comment. If so, what do you mean? If not, please excuse.
Second time around, Michael C. No, not at all. Sorry. Quite intriguing but meaningful what all ya’ll wrote.
My husband has cancer and is facing a third surgery due to complications which are barring the start of chemo. Your word today is right where we are – in the wilderness – him at peace, me wandering in emotion and frustration – Sometimes at rest, other times stirred up, worried, angry and then worn out so submitting to Yahweh’s “plan”( ?) then wandering/ wavering again. I want to use this time to be revived. I want to trust that His way is best. I can’t lose him. It’s killing me.
Dear Karen
I am truly sorry for this tough time you are experiencing. I pray that YHVH will give you the strength to endure, for your sake and your husband’s. I just lost my dad and a young friend to cancer, so if you need to talk some more, write me anytime: