A Foolish Idolatry

These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh. Colossians 2:23 NKJV

Wisdom – “Knowledge is power.” That’s what they say. But the biblical view is different. The accumulation of knowledge is a dangerous thing.   Why? Because knowledge may lead to pride. Knowledge can easily justify superiority. Accumulating information is never the same as the spiritually judicious application of what we have learned. In fact, the collection of facts and figures is no substitute for engagement in relationships, and from a biblical perspective, relationships always trump expertise.

The Bible is far more interested in wisdom. The Greek sophos translates the Hebrew hokmah, usually rendered “wise” or “wisdom.” But the English translations don’t capture the width of the Hebrew or the Greek. “The translation ‘wise’ or ‘wisdom’ is inexact; it catches neither the range nor the precise meaning of the originals, which suggest experienced and competent mastery of life and its various problems. The most common parallels have to do with perception, understanding, or skill, although parallels with uprightness and honesty are also common. The parallels show that action rather than thought is the point.”[1] In other words, in Hebrew wisdom is a verb.

This means that we display wisdom in what we do, not we what we know. That should have been obvious. Count the number of spiritual books you have on your shelf. Look at how many translations of the Bible you own. Stack up all the studies, lectures and DVDs that you collected to increase your knowledge of God and His words. Then ask yourself, “Am I behaving with greater regard for His glory now?” Or do you discover that some of the old issues are still there, despite all your accumulated information? If wisdom is what we do, then those who are wise are the ones who act with greater compassion, greater hesed, greater forgiveness. They are also the ones who recognize their own faults and struggles. They are the ones who can empathize because they know how long and how hard the journey has been for them. “Wisdom without humility is idolatry.”[2]

Our world is full of knowledgeable people. The culture of the West promotes accumulation of knowledge as a means for success. Apparently no one has bothered to ask if the world is a better place as a result of all this information. Perhaps the answer is so clear no one really wants to ask. What the world lacks is wisdom; a way of doing that proceeds from deep humility and watchfulness. There are very few wise among us, but when you encounter one, you know it instantly. Latch on! Rather a world with one wise person than a million who “know” things.

Topical Index: wisdom, hokmah, sophos, knowledge, Colossians 2:23


[1] sophos, G. Fohrer in Kittel, G., Friedrich, G., & Bromiley, G. W. (1985). Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (1057). Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans, Vol. VIII.

[2] Ira Stone in Moses Luzzatto, Mesillat Yesharim, p. 251.

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carl roberts

Where is Wisdom?

Yes, wisdom is a verb, an action word. Wisdom may start in what we know, but it blossoms, or bears fruit in what we do. “Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man.” This encapsulates or is the summary statement of wisdom. Trust and obey God.

To obey God is wisdom, to disobey God is foolish. Friend, the fool has said in his heart, “NO (to) God.” “Talk to the hand, for I am refusing to hear what You have to say.” I reject Your rule and substitute my own.” I am the captain of my fate – I am the master of my soul and of my destiny. “I” or “self” has been exalted above all, and EGO reigns supreme. To believe this and to behave accordingly is supreme foolishness.

It is wise for us to “pay attention” — (the Bible word for this is “heed”) — instruction. Our teachers are all around us. If (and yes it is conditional -it does depend upon our “hearing,”) we listen and do (shema! – what a wonderful Hebrew word!) — this is wisdom and we will (dipso-fatso) “prosper.”

Friend, Solomon was listed in God’s Book as the “wisest man ever to have lived.” He asked God for wisdom and God gave it to him. (in spades!), and Solomon prospered. Wisdom first -prosperity second. BTW, “the wisdom of the poor man is despised!” (Ecclesiastes 9:16) and also “with the lowly is wisdom.” (Proverbs 11.2).

But that was then, and this is now. ~ “Now someone greater than Solomon is here–but you refuse to listen,” to One who is meek and lowly in heart! Oh? (Remember “pay attention?”)

The question I leave is this: ~ Who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption? ~ We need not look any further, for wisdom-righteousness-sanctification and redemption have all been incarnated (made flesh) in one Man, the Man Christ Jesus.

As for me and my house? We will serve the LORD. Adam, (here is wisdom) abad and adore ADONAI always. Shema our Savior, for blessed is the Name of the LORD — amen.

Lynnet McMillan

Deep humility (teachableness) = remedy for intellectual constipation!

Amber P

“But the English translations do not capture the width of the Hebrew or Greek.” Is this why the English definitions classify wisdom as a noun and a verb? I kinda liked the idea that wisdom was a noun, nouns I can possess, I can keep them. Though, the process by which I possess that word means I must do something. Along these same lines, are understanding and wisdom synonymous terms when defined in Hebrew? Is intimacy a relative term when defining them as well? (The English definitions use wisdom to define intimacy.)

Sorry for all the questions :o)

Robin Jeep

Excellent message, Skip.


I think wisdom without intimacy is idolatry too…..


Please write words of insight that don’t single me out. Shalom. Just one day….?


[smiling] I second that motion.


Just as a lack of proper knowledge, not misinformation, leads to foolishness, the right/sound knowledge through Scriptures ought to activate a right / true spiritual awareness of the need to be fruitful visible in the renewal /transformation of one’s nature in humility, sociability, friendliness, respectfulness, uprightness, places high values on relationships.
Truth/ knowledge without humility IS idolatry!! The sort of knowledge that puffs up leads to pride, to foolishness, reveals the downfall from YHWH’s image to beastly.
Wise TW, leads to regeneration of our spirits! Thanks, Skip.