Photos from the Tacoma conference.

What a great time!   Jeff Morton and all those who helped, all the men and women who volunteered, who made this such a successful event.  THANK YOU! And El Shaddai assembly was so gracious to promote the event.  More than 150 people attended.

We all had a great time of learning, encouraging and discovering.  Can’t wait to do it again.

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Joe Hoffmann

Skip, thank you for such a wonderful and thought provoking weekend. I enjoyed every teaching you presented and had many confirmations to what the Father has been showing me. The biggest thing I’ll take away from the weekend is that my Heavenly Father really does love me.

I’ve been wrestling with this for quite some time – how my earthly father’s words and attitude have effected me, but when you described the dysfunctional attitudes of the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and how the Father still loved them and used them for His purposes, I saw that my Heavenly Father really does love me. Not only does He truly love me, but He has a plan and a purpose for my life that’s greater than anything I could do.

Thank you for the words of wisdom and the incredible research into the Hebrew language to pull all of this out.

Thank you.

Judi Baldwin

Wow is right!! Praise God that He is stirring the hearts of more and more people to come hear, learn, and obey His Word…taught directly from one of His messengers, Skip Moen. Loved seeing those photos. Happy for all who participated.

Tanya Predoehl

Great conference! Thank you for coming to our cold, dark Pacific Northwest to share your insights. I was encouraged by the warm welcome and receptivity of the audience. Very cool you were able to share with so many people! I did miss having a little circle of chairs though : )


Wow….is a great word to describe this last weekend. You look forward to doing it again, so do Nathan and I. Thanks for everything Professor Moen!

Flo Stine

Shalom Professor Moen,
Todah Rabah for the wisdom you gifted us with. I tell everyone that your book, Guardian Angel, is life changing and transformational, the conference confirmed that for so many. I was blessed to meet you and am learning from another one
of your books now, (so much to learn, so many books, so little time) . I praise G-D that you have sacrificed your time and energy and more so that we can benefit from your knowledge. May your reward be great. I do hope you will return soon, we really enjoyed your teachings.
Blessings and Shalom


Joyful pictures! Thank you, Skip, for taking us there with you! Such encouraging precious pictures and news.
Just hoping there will be postings/videos of these teachings. Shalom!