A Response to Loneliness

Good Morning All,

On Tuesday, I posted an article called “Loneliness,” written ten years ago.  The opening example did not cast my wife in very appealing light so I want to correct that impression and apologize.  My intention was to use an example of the common relationship distractions that occur when both people are not on the same page.  My words made it seem that she often ignores my needs.  This is not the case.  She watches out for me all the time.  Please do not think that my example spoke about her true character.

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Mark Randall

This post didn’t get labeled correctly in the title the first or second time I sent it out and that would be my mistake.

Sorry about the error but, Skip wanted this go out so, here it is.

Gayle Johnson

Point taken. As I was reading it, I thought of how often we are simply being diligent about our responsibilities, and our choices are not as carefree as they were in earlier times in our lives. I do miss those times.


Hey Mark,
Skip should really worry about what he puts on here of a personal nature.

Dawn McL

We are all humans with flaws. We all have times when we do not behave as we should and I like to think that we move on. Perhaps it was a bad time for both of you. It sounded that way to me. You both have been through much over the years as have many of us who read your posts. I personally never thought badly of your wife by reading this particular post.

I appreciate the way you choose to share who you are with your readers. I try not to put you on a pedestal but try to remember that you are just a man. I don’t mean that in a negative light either!

What right have I to assume I know what was really going on when you originally wrote Loneliness? Life is a journey filled with good/bad, ups/downs, joys/agonies. Get the picture? I sure do cause this has been my life but I move on. Staying static is not an option.

Give Rosanne my love and continue the journey!!

Shalom brother.

Michael C

Transparency helps me personally. It shows more clearly the community of shared challenges and shared victories. Walking with and alongside is very encouraging and beneficial in my estimation. Thanks for any and all transparency.


Didn’t occur to me at all that it was negative; there is every probability of that happening even in very close relationships.
Topic was on loneliness of the spirit, that of the absence of ABBA in our lives.