A few days ago Rabbi David Fohrman sent me a copy of his new book, just released in March.  You will see the image of the cover below.  Of course, I devoured it.  What I discovered is that this is an amazing journey through hints and clues in the text that connect Jacob and Joseph to Moses and Pharaoh.  Not only is it wonderfully readable, it helps you see just how intertwined the lives of these men really are.  And what is even more exciting for me is that David’s book confirms what I wrote about in my book, Crossing (If you don’t already have it, buy it now).  In fact, David and I will be talking together about this connection after Passover.

So, I am highly recommending this book to you.

Now, you could purchase it on Amazon and wait weeks for delivery, and pay Amazon instead of Rabbi Fohrman.  OR YOU COULD ORDER it directly from his web site, get it sooner and give the money to him instead of Amazon.  JUST CLICK HERE.

I am sure I will be talking about this book for quite awhile.  David is a gifted writer and a real scholar.  Have loads of fun with this Passover story.  You have no idea what you’re going to find.


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Richard Gambino

Rabbi Forhman’s book arrived 3 days ago. If your a member of his site he offers a 2 for 1 special and I have one to loan now. Problem is…the one for me to read is 3 books down on the pile and now I’m restraining myself from making ‘Crossing’ the 4th.
But I know it’s going to be..


You are a beautiful generous soul, Skip. Thank you so much for freely sharing wonderful materials like this.
The Book cover speaks heaps already. And what a bargain too, two for the price of one.
Todah meod! Brachot v’shalom!

David F

My wife and I watched Rabbi Forham’s video series on this just a few days ago, and its amazing how it fits in with the teaching and book (1/2 way through it now) “Crossings”.

Just let me say that if you have not read the book- “Crossings”, you are missing out on a tremendous paradigm shift on the way you view the story of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’s struggle at “Jabok”. More importantly this book and teaching is changing my life. So many unanswered questions about my own identity and past are being answered or at-least I have a greater understanding. For those who are eager to grow in their relationship with YHWH this book is a MUST READ- AND if you can get to a teaching conference of Skip’s, the teaching on the book just causes it to unfold even more.

If you want to move past the plastic statements (without any real understanding) like: “You are a new creation, old things have passed away and behold all things have become (that are true but quoted so many times in a plastic puppeted manor)” and “Jesus died to wipe away your past” and you are willing to admit that the past does still come back to haunt you and there are things about your character, your identity and your relationship with the Creator that you desire to see mature and change, then please do yourself a favor and buy “Crossings”

David F

Oh, and Rabbi Fohrman’s book is next on the list! Thanks Skip

Mark F

Some friends had recommended his site a bit over a year ago. I have been watching his video teachings for the last year with my wife and kids. My kids love the videos and stay interested. I had already ordered the book a few days back and now a some confirmation from another wonderful scholar. Thanks Skip!

michael stanley

Rabbi Fohrman and his talented team put out an excellent video for the weekly Parsha, In addition, they have produced hundreds of animated “cartoon” videos on almost every Jewish topical study. And while the medium is “cute” they are full of wisdom and steeped in Jewish traditions that we who are not raised in Judaism and have no connection to the language, people and background story can learn in a fun format. You can watch 30 minutes of video free each month, but for as little as $9 per month you have full access to the library of videos, but be prepared to want to spend hours watching all the videos and learning from a rare medium that is well done.


AMEN! I love Rabbi Fohrman and his team.


My copy arrived about a week ago and I plan on digging into it during this Shabbat! Our family loves Aleph Beta. I will definitely be buying your book Crossings next, Skip. Looking forward to it.

Sandy Knudsvig

Just finished reading Rabbi Fohrman’s book The Beast Crouching at the Door. New and exciting insights to consider. Next book is Crossings, and then this new book by Rabbi Fohrman. My thanks to you Skip, nice to get confirmation/witness on readings/ teachings.